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Last Activity:
Sep 18, 2022
Aug 22, 2015
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Trophy Hunter, Male

Ascendancy was last seen:
Sep 18, 2022
    1. Safko
      Not a big fan of Post or X, but AstroWorld is litty.
    2. Safko
      Toronto is cool, I've only been to Quebec and Montreal in Canada.
      I have a friend there though, so I should visit her sometime. You'll have to tell me how it is.
    3. Safko
      Biking is pretty dangerous, and especially within that environment. Like in that area there are literally no street rules or regulations, it's super dangerous!
      Oh that's right, did you manage to become nurse?
    4. Safko
      Well at least you're traveling haha, here it's like a few hundred dollars just to travel from state to state. :/
    5. Safko
      Also, I'm surprised you visit this place. I thought you frequent AF pretty often.
    6. Safko
      There's been a lot of drama surrounding Drake this year, I haven't been able to keep up; that's funny though.
    7. Safko
      Well he literally said, "You can't play her anymore. Play someone different."
      I thought he wouldn't play me otherwise, so I chose some random other character.
      I think the funniest part of the whole thing was that you said he used the character Bob to "test" whether people were good enough for him to go serious.
      I thought he was proper bad when he was playing Bob haha
      That's awesome, can he speak German?
    8. Safko
      Wow, you've been all over South-East Asia, I guess Europe is too boring for you? ;p
      Thai party islands are beautiful (and fun), I'm not sure I would last more than a few weeks though haha
      Expected nothing less of you to get blacklisted from biking rental shops lol
    9. Safko
      I haven't heard too much of her, we're generally a little slow when it comes to some trends here.
    10. Safko
      Lmao suuure, you had to get your little sidekick Nero to come, and even then he got smacked.
      Nero: "Merimex, you can't play Alisa anymore, ok?"
      Me: Um ok I guess *plays some random character*
      Nero to you: "dude I just beat her, it's EZ and im out now"
    11. Safko
      Well being abroad is a pretty rare opportunity, and the traveling is dirt cheap compared to the States, so I thought I should take advantage of it. What's wrong with the countries east of Germany/Austria, are they that boring? Mhm, Vietnam and Cambodia (since the two are close to each other).
    12. Safko
      also get tekken 7 u noob, merimex wants a warm up
    13. Safko
      I went to Frankfurt in Germany, but not really any others.
      I loved Krakow though, really beautiful.
      Not my fault, I told you we weren't talking at the time :/
    14. Safko
      What's wrong with your wifi?
      The gfx forum was yours, which is why I dodged any battle with you. You shouldn't have been afraid of Walshy haha, even if he was good, your cult backing had you 100%.
    15. Safko
      I stayed in Rome mostly, went on vacations to Florence, Naples, and Venice though. Great culture and super fun time, had a little trouble adjusting to the cultural barrier in the first week, however :/
      I went to London (alongside other European countries) too actually, but we weren't talking at the time, or I would have suggested a meet up!
    16. Safko
      I remember the tag, yes. It was one of your better ones. I asked you what technique you used, and you said it was "bump mapping," whatever that means. You seemed pretty hesitant to disclose the details, but I'm sure you just used a splatter mask or something related. You reminded me a lot of Hachi tbh, he would never say how he made his tags either.
    17. Safko
      Also, what is this 420 words or below thing on comments...
      Summer was fine, just a lot of work with interning and stuff. It was a nice transition from Italy back to America, I guess (better than school at least).
    18. Safko
      I remember this one time, you made that Death Note tag and blurred the book a little. It was so bad, and even your cult was like, "Uh, we're not sure what to say.." And then you made up that, "It's not everyday you see Light throwing away his notebook, can't you guys tell by my adept use of the motion blur?"
      Cult: Ohhhh yesyes you're completely right, I never saw it like that. +1 Ascend
    19. Safko
      Lol, you really had a cult following in those days though. You could produce anything, and everyone would go, "Wow Ascend, you've really improved, this is a work of art!"
      Rolled my eyes each time.

      Do the dance and I'll respond ; )
    20. Safko
      young zeze was the og doe
      I mean, if you REALLY want to do a tag battle sure, but I'm kind of super rusty.
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