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Anime & Manga Chat
NewEnjoy chatting with like-minded individuals about anime? Make a new post and let your opinion be heard.
- Discussions:
- 10,089
- Messages:
- 23,980
NewHave a discussion or topic that just doesn't fit in anywhere else? Post it here!
- Discussions:
- 1,271
- Messages:
- 15,292
Movies and Television
NewTalk about the latest or greatest entertainment on your boob tube or the silver screen.
- Discussions:
- 1,008
- Messages:
- 1,899
Video Games
NewLove some 8-bit classics or some of the next gen titles? Discuss the best or worst in gaming.
- Discussions:
- 1,155
- Messages:
- 5,002
SOS Brigade (Clubs)
Join a club or group and participate in unique activities. Don't see a club that suits your needs? Create one now.
- Discussions:
- 649
- Messages:
- 17,010
The Asylum
NewPost cascading topics, games, bizarre writing, and more. The asylum is a spammers delight.
- Discussions:
- 636
- Messages:
- 70,814
Creative Design
NewExpress yourself in various aspects of creative design. From graphic design and drawings to creative writing and much more.
- Discussions:
- 379
- Messages:
- 3,813
Elimination Games
NewParticipate in our monthly elimination games and vote for your favorite character to win in various bracket style competitions.
- Discussions:
- 242
- Messages:
- 26,449
Information & Updates
NewImportant announcements regarding our sites.
- Discussions:
- 191
- Messages:
- 2,512
Customer Support
NewPost bugs and issues with JAN sites or services.
- Discussions:
- 147
- Messages:
- 1,380
Contests, Events & Activities
NewThe official section for JAN's contests, events and activities. Check back regularly for our monthly events.
- Discussions:
- 142
- Messages:
- 2,357