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What Anime Are You Currently Watching / Recently Finished?

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Sporadic, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +48 / 0 / -0
    Today (6)
    Kiss x Sis ep. 10
    Monogatari Series: Second Season ep. 19
    Strike the Blood ep. 6
    Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. ep. 6
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 22
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 21

    Yesterday (9)
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 20
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 19
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 18
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 17
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 16
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 15
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 14
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 13
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 12

    Wednesday (3)
    Kill la Kill ep. 6
    Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru ep. 5
    Kyoukai no Kanata ep. 6

    Tuesday (4)
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 11
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 10
    BlazBlue: Alter Memory ep. 5
    Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta ep. 5
  2. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +179 / 1 / -0
    Keep hearing about Blaz Blue. Considering I have the game (and suck at it!) I should consider it.

    I know that feel. The only char I'm decent at is Taokaka, and yet my friend is incredibly lucky at mass button mashing, and goes for all the cheap shots...

    Bleach. Ep 249.
    Eureka Seven. Eps 18, 19.
    Naruto. Ep 49.
    One Piece. Ep 169.
    Shakugan no Shana. Ep 19.
  3. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    +21 / 0 / -0
    Watched Kiss X Sis OVA Episode 10... tbh here, it sure felt like it was the end of the anime though MAL still has the amount of eps undecided yet. (Might not mean anything since this ep came out yesterday) Though at the end after the credits like always there was the scene where the twins are talking, and
    Riko said what I felt that it sure felt like the end. Then Ako quickly said what was she talking about. There are still plenty of chances to get lovey dovey with Keita. Then that was all that was said. The ep ends. They also said at the beginning thanks to all the fans for supporting them, which in a way could be taken as that's all. So in short, I honestly don't know if this is it or not but I SERIOUSLY hope not! For me, ep 10 got weird at times due to something they (Producers) did to Keita (No offense to anyone) which made him act differently then I'd seen him act before. so I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I always do and was disappointed with this ep but was still able to get my laughs, to enjoy it and so on but if this is the last ep then nope, we need a much better ending. Btw, I LOVE this anime.
  4. M-theoria Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    +0 / 0 / -0
    Been going on a sports anime binge: Been watching Eyeshield 21, Ace of the Diamond and re-watching Kuroko's Basketball season 1.
  5. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +48 / 0 / -0
    Today (8)
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 26
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 25
    Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Second ep. 13
    Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure ep. 16
    Little Busters!: Refrain ep. 6
    Log Horizon ep. 6
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 24
    Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ep. 23

    Time to start the first of the anime that I'll watch with Reborn, and that one is Special A
  6. GreatOak Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +1 / 0 / -0
    Just finished Trinity Blood, it was.... Ok, to many ideas stolen from Trigun and Hellsing to be considered anything more then average.
  7. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Mafiacow wrote:
    Natsuru-san Yeah, from what I read, they did NOT approve of the 4kids changes…

    Yea well that is rather disappointing. See if it wasn’t changed so much so that it’s basically a different anime than I could just watch the 26 that are dubbed, then watch the other 26 that are sub only but, not this time. In short, I would basically have to drop the dub (Only saw 4 eps before putting it on hold last year) and then watch the 4 eps again this time subbed as well as the rest of the 48 eps subbed and I don’t like that. So, at this point all I wanna know is 2 things. 1. Did the 26th ep of the dub end or did they leave you on a cliff hanger or an ending that was similar to an ending where it could have more. (Like how I feel about CPC for its ending) 2. Which is better and which is more grown up (Not as kiddie), the dub or sub?

    Nostalgia's the main thing getting me through it, but the thing about nostalgia is, that I have to be in just the right mood for it to be as good as it can be. On top of that, I think I can actually tell in some parts where it's been changed... Nyan-the-less, I think I'll still want to watch TMM, cause it'll have new stuff and a nyaning kitteh. ^_^
    As to your questions, I honestly don't know. I've only seen as far as ep 11. @Metazoxan didn't you say you'd seen it? Could you please fill Natsuru and I in, obviously without spoilers?

    BlazBlue: Alter Memory. Ep 4. Tao needs to have some fight scenes nyow!!
    Bleach. Ep 250.
    Eureka Seven. Ep 20.
    Naruto. Ep 50.
    One Piece. Ep 170.
    Shakugan no Shana II. Eps 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
  8. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    +74 / 0 / -0
    Natsuru-san wrote:
    Mafiacow wrote:
    Natsuru-san Yeah, from what I read, they did NOT approve of the 4kids changes…

    Yea well that is rather disappointing. See if it wasn’t changed so much so that it’s basically a different anime than I could just watch the 26 that are dubbed, then watch the other 26 that are sub only but, not this time. In short, I would basically have to drop the dub (Only saw 4 eps before putting it on hold last year) and then watch the 4 eps again this time subbed as well as the rest of the 48 eps subbed and I don’t like that. So, at this point all I wanna know is 2 things. 1. Did the 26th ep of the dub end or did they leave you on a cliff hanger or an ending that was similar to an ending where it could have more. (Like how I feel about CPC for its ending) 2. Which is better and which is more grown up (Not as kiddie), the dub or sub?

    Nostalgia’s the main thing getting me through it, but the thing about nostalgia is, that I have to be in just the right mood for it to be as good as it can be. On top of that, I think I can actually tell in some parts where it’s been changed… Nyan-the-less, I think I’ll still want to watch TMM, cause it’ll have new stuff and a nyaning kitteh. ^_^
    As to your questions, I honestly don’t know. I’ve only seen as far as ep 11. @Metazoxan didn’t you say you’d seen it? Could you please fill Natsuru and I in, obviously without spoilers?

    Next time mention the anime you are talking about. No where is the quotes did you mention mew mew power so I had to go looking through for the original post to find the name. But I'm surprised you remember I said I watched this. That was YEARS ago back when I first started watching anime. I think this was in my first 25 anime series I saw online.

    Anyway about Mew mew power yes it was changed a lot! First of all the first episode of the dub is not the real first episode it was actually episode 12. The episode is pretty much forgotten about after that point making it a really weird change. But besides that the plot itself is completely changed. The transformation scenes were edited or nearly completely cut because the originals had body lines so you could "almost kinda but not really at all" see them naked. One girls weapon apparently resembled a cross and was edited in the dub as well.Dialogue is changed, sometimes for unknown reason, leading to complete plot changes and the creation of many plot holes. The original plot had a lot to do with the enviroment but this was stripped out in the dub, I guess 4Kids doesn't approve of trying to protect the environment.

    A really shallow change was the aliens motivation. In the original Earth was their home but they had to move, due to changes in the environment, to another planet until Earth stabilized but the planet they ended up on was worse. But since it took most of what they had to get there, they couldn't go back to Earth until millions of years later. By the time they were able to get back, they find humans living on Earth and polluting it. So the Aliens want Earth back before humans destroy it. In the dub, this was all changed to the aliens always living on a different planet but they polluted it so bad that the planet disablized, so they had to leave but ended up on a worse planet. They soon find out about the humans and want Earth out of jealousy of the humans for being able to keep a planet, despite the pollution they create on it. So I guess 4kids thinks kids can't handle the idea of Anti-villains and felt the bad guys had to be black and white.

    Some Cuts in Mew Mew Power I just copied from a wikia because I'm getting tired of typing
    There were also many cuts made to the episodes(some cuts even lasting 30 seconds to a full minute), even some that were important to the plot. Ichigo's merging with the Iriomote cat was cut completely, causing confusion on how she got her powers. The scene showing Pudding's father training in China is cut as well, so it's unknown if she even had a father in the English dub. Almost 4 minutes were cut out of episode 13 all together due to it referencing episode 12 (which was put into discontinuity) and made it take place right after episode 11.

    Also they changed all the names which was stupid because the original names all referenced food but the english ones had no such reference so it ruins the little thing they had going there. The changes Above weren't all of them but I can't list everything so yeah. Last thing I'll mention is that only 23 episodes were complete and literally stops in the middle of no where. The half way point was episode 26 which I guess could be called the first arc but it's still not a good place to stop since they don't tie up any plot points and actually create even more questions and hint at later stuff.

    So in summary the dub for this series is just awful. They take a somewhat interesting show about girls becoming part animal to fight off aliens who just want to take their home planet back and a somewhat subtle environmental message and they turn it into a bland as possible magical girl anime about a girl who fights pure evil aliens and main girl falling in love (Seriously that english opening makes me want to gag). So if you want my advice don't watch that crap. Just watch the subbed version and when you finish just try watching the dub and see how far you get before you are over come with an urge to burn down 4Kids HQ. 4Kids has made some bad dubs in the past but this ranks up in some of the worst they've ever done. The fact that it's unfinished makes it completely worthless.
  9. Nimander God of Calamity

    Apr 28, 2013
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    +74 / 0 / -0
    One piece-su.

    Ep 506

    So much whitebeard badassery behind me.

    Funi's dub is at 299 atm, and it needs to catch up asap.
    Thriller bark for halloween would've been a smart move.
    But funi is stuck with the whole 12 eps per 2-3 month deal.

    I'd say that I still enjoy the dub more than the sub. But since i'm 200 eps past the dub, i have more emotional connection to the jap voice actors right now.

    Even though the Dub actress for Nico Robin in the Enies lobby arc did a better job.
  10. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +48 / 0 / -0
    Today (13)
    Special A ep. 12
    Special A ep. 11
    Special A ep. 10
    Special A ep. 9
    Special A ep. 8
    Magi: The Kingdom of Magic ep. 6
    Special A ep. 7
    Special A ep. 6
    Special A ep. 5
    Special A ep. 4
    Special A ep. 3
    Special A ep. 2
    Special A ep. 1
  11. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    +21 / 0 / -0
    Watched: Bleach Movie 4 Hell verse. This one wasn't as good as the 3rd movie and prob not as good as the 1st, maybe on par with the 2nd though. Was still good though.

    Now watching: Lupin 3rd: The woman called Fujiko Mine.

    I plan on watching soonish some subbed shows I've been meaning to get to. >.>

    @Mafia: That's one impressive memory you got there. o_o

    @Metazoxan: Thank you so much for taking the time to type that all up. Might I suggest you save that post so you can repost it later on if someone ever wants to know? Anyway that's a HELL of a ton of editing there. >.> I'm scared to ask but besides One Piece and DBZ Kai, what other anime did they ruin with the dub?

    @MMP/TMM: Ok after that post made by Meta, all I wanna know now is whether the sub's words disappear quickly or not? If you need a reference then if it disappears as quickly as the Lupin 3rd vs detective Conan special did then it's fast. If it is only as fast or less fast than XxxHolic Kei's subs then that's perfect for me.
  12. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +179 / 1 / -0
    @Natsuru-san I'm pretty sure Meta's talking about only when he watched it. I'm fairly certain I learned he watched it during some discussion regarding Zoey/Ichigo in Maygic. Also, my memory is not to be trusted by others, as proved by that Spooktober nomination incident regarding Rias and Maygic. XD
    @Metazoxan Much thanks for all that info, and much sorries for all the trouble. Kinda makes me want to ditch it once it hasn't got any more nostalgia eps, which I'm pretty sure was an ep to do with some TV broadcast. Idk, not there yet. And sorta makes me feel the same with Cardcaptors...

    Anyaways, today's watching. Was planning on watching more, but was invited to a wicked-awesome gaming sesh at a friend's, where it was decided that I "am a tit!", and it turned out that the Asian wasn't dead! (Inside joke XD)
    Bleach. Ep 251.
    Love Live! School Idol Project. Eps 6, 7.
    Naruto. Ep 51.
    One Piece. Ep 171.
    Haganai. Ep 1.
  13. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +260 / 0 / -1
    Feels good to watch Anime again, I'm now catching up on Anime due to exams.
    Of course, I'm saving the best till last, and that'll be Kill la Kill

    Today (10)
    BlazBlue: Alter Memory ep. 5
    BlazBlue: Alter Memory ep. 4
    BlazBlue: Alter Memory ep. 3
    BlazBlue: Alter Memory ep. 2
    BlazBlue: Alter Memory ep. 1
    Teekyuu 3 ep. 6
    Teekyuu 3 ep. 5
    Teekyuu 3 ep. 4
    Miss Monochrome ep. 6
    Miss Monochrome ep. 5
  14. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    +74 / 0 / -0
    Metazoxan: Thank you so much for taking the time to type that all up. Might I suggest you save that post so you can repost it later on if someone ever wants to know? Anyway that’s a HELL of a ton of editing there. >.> I’m scared to ask but besides One Piece and DBZ Kai, what other anime did they ruin with the dub?

    MMP/TMM: Ok after that post made by Meta, all I wanna know now is whether the sub’s words disappear quickly or not? If you need a reference then if it disappears as quickly as the Lupin 3rd vs detective Conan special did then it’s fast. If it is only as fast or less fast than XxxHolic Kei’s subs then that’s perfect for me.

    They don't ruin EVERYthing they touch. A few things pass through them mostly unscathed. Pokemon is a good example because death is fairly uncommon as it is. So most of the edits I know of are the removal of occasional religious symbols, any occasional sign of blood, any japanese food. All their edits in pokemon are harmless and pointless but as far as I know none are damaging to the actual plot.

    Some of their worst work that I know of is this and Yu-gi-oh. Strangely enough Sailor moon was not their handiwork and some of it's edits rival those of 4kids at their worst!

    Anyway as for the sub thing I don't remember that being a problem and since this was years ago it was before I really got used to subs so you should be fine.
  15. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +328 / 0 / -0
    Alright time to give "Terra e..." a shot (strange title?)

    I want a space drama and here it is. A bit premature but I got high hopes for this.
  16. plantkingman Trophy Hunter

    Apr 29, 2013
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    +1 / 0 / -0
    Been watching Shiki and I'm almost done with the series. Been very creepy but good anime to watch.
  17. Nimander God of Calamity

    Apr 28, 2013
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    +74 / 0 / -0
    Terra e

    Downloading dat shizz then.
    Space stuff is my favorite....(More than ecchi harems surprisingly.)
    But My all time favorite Vandread does both.


    One Piece 528
    Maken Ki(dub) ep 2
  18. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +260 / 0 / -1
    Ew, Nim you're watching Maken Ki.

    Today (5)
    Kill la Kill ep. 2
    Kyousou Giga (TV) ep. 1
    Non Non Biyori ep. 6
    Non Non Biyori ep. 5
    Non Non Biyori ep. 4
  19. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +179 / 1 / -0
    Weird, I thought I had something to reply to in this thread... anyaway.

    BlazBlue: Alter Memory. Ep 5. Was so not expecting a partial swimming episode. And didn't even realise until now that Taokaka had dark (let alone any) skin.
    Bleach. Ep 252.
    Haganai. Ep 2.
    Eureka Seven. Eps 21, 22.
    Love Live! School Idol Project. Eps 8, 9. What year level are these girls in? Eleven? Cause I was paying attention to the teacher's lesson in their class, and holy crap they're doing some advanced maths! It wasn't until year twelve I did that stuff, and even then, it was only cause I was in the absolute highest maths class on offer.
    Naruto. Ep 52. And that's definitely the last ep I remember being on TV. All new stuff from here on. ^_^
    One Piece. Ep 172.
  20. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +328 / 0 / -0
    Been watching Shiki and I’m almost done with the series. Been very creepy but good anime to watch.
    Should have watched during Halloween, would have been very fitting :). I'm one of those people that loved how the ending went down but that's just me.Doomguy wrote:
    Terra eDownloading dat shizz then.
    Space stuff is my favorite….(More than ecchi harems surprisingly.)
    But My all time favorite Vandread does both.
    @nim MAL says Terra e but I think Towards the Terra might have also been the title. Yes I love the space stuff too and Vandread was quite funny (there is a parasite growing inside this woman's belly) best pregnancy diagnosis ever :)

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