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Transgender Bathroom issue

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Timekeeper, May 28, 2016.

  1. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    So correct me if I'm wrong and giving out the wrong information on this topic.

    Recently, President Obama passed a law declaring that public schools have to give students that identify as transgender the right to use the bathroom of their choosing. Retailers such as Target have also implemented this policy to allow these individuals to do as they wish and use the bathroom of their choice.

    However, there are a lot of opponents who have voiced negative views about this issue, saying that it'll open the door for more opportunities for sexual predators and pedophiles to go into the opposite bathroom saying they're transgendered while being able to conduct unethical and unlawful acts.

    Some states, including my own West Virginia, have even threatened to sue the Obama administration over the policy because of their unfavorable views on the issue.

    So what's your opinion on the matter?

    In my opinion, I think it would have been 5x more simpler to just build a unisex bathroom in public areas to reduce the chance of this happening. But then again, I suppose no matter what's done it'll cause some controversy and problems.
  2. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    If a restroom is transgender, then it might as well be unisex. It would make things simpler in terms, sort of like how Timekeeper said. But that will be the only difference. That, and more freedom to choose a restroom.
    This is my sort of reason. Sure, many people may not be freaky perverted scumbags, but it would be those select few that ruin this sort of thing.
    I didn't think that there would be a massive amount of transgenders that would require the usual restrooms to be transgender. Thought some private (single occupancy) restrooms would be able to handle the job. Huh. Maybe we should eliminate multi-occupancy restrooms altogether and replace them with 10-20 single occupancy unisex restrooms. Less trouble there. Maybe.
    And as for schools doing it, teenagers can be... horny. Have a boy who considers himself female with lesbian interests walk into a transgender female restroom... ack, I'm getting confused here. Who knows how that stuff works.

    Safety is a priority, and doing a transgender restroom policy seems to go against safety. Now a scared girl cannot slip into a public restroom that would be considered off-limits to male molesters. Perhaps if you were licensed to step into a restroom of the opposite sex, that might be better. But you will need to show proof that you are the right sex or allowed to enter a restroom of the opposite sex. But you would need someone guarding the restroom and a scanner to personally check this license to be sure a person would be allowed.
  3. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Honestly, having a person guard a restroom sounds like a huge waste of money and a colossal waste of taxpayer money. Build a unisex bathroom for every male and female bathroom. And if someone of the opposite sex walks into the wrong bathroom, give them a finger wag.

    If they're trans, tell them to use the unisex
    If they're not, they're either made an oops or they're up to no good

    People are making a mountain out of a mole hill

    Meaning transgenders are a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of the American people. Just build a unisex bathroom and say they can use that. If they have a problem with it, they can either do one of three things

    1. Hold it until they get home.
    2. Use the nearest tree and hope no one sees.
    3. Go somewhere else, use the gender bathroom you identify with, and hope you don't get caught.
  4. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Do you refer to the side against the transgender, with the transgender, or both?
    I think I have an idea what you mean, but I just want to be certain.

    There. Plain and simple. My thoughts, in short.
    Well, there are crazier wasted jobs than that. Can't find a source right now, but there was a job until the 1950s[?] of a watchman to keep an eye out for the return of Napolean and his army. Stand there at the shore and look through a spyglass.
  5. jmriz Trophy Hunter

    Feb 11, 2016
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    To be honest and with all charity, I am totally against the transgender movement not just because of my religious views on the matter but also personal opinion, so I am totally against the bathroom bill!!!
    And I do agree with the idea that transgender bathrooms could be a impetus for perverts and molesters.
    I love transgender people with the love of Jesus and I respect their dignity and cannot judge them, but I cannot and will not condone transgender behavior because I believe that if God created you as a man or woman, He had a reason for creating you as a man or woman, and we as human beings have no right to throw God's gift of our individual sex for another.
  6. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Come to think of it, both are making a big deal out of nothing

    You've got the opposition who are vehemently attacking these people where they could be investing their time, energy, and money on more important issues.

    And you've got the people fighting for these rights where it could all be solved just be going to the family/unisex restroom

    I mean come on people. We could be helping to improve the much broken healthcare system or the much broken education system instead of trying to figure out where it's appropriate for a transgendered person to take a dump.
  7. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    You guys saying that allowing people in the other sex's bathroom is going to allow molesting and shit?... Since when has there been something physically stopping anyone from entering any bathroom? Like, if a person wants to molest someone, they're not going to be stopped by a sign on a door.
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  8. Vashnik Guest

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    The problem is it will allow predators to use the transgenders as scapegoats and a legal loophole for predators to enter the opposite gender's bathroom. Criminals will use any excuse to lessen the charges or get them dropped altogether, and this just adds to their excuses. It doesn't help the LGBT community at all. With unisex bathrooms, they typically come with locks and are single person, while some are designed big enough to be called family restrooms. Moms helping their sons, dads helping their daughters, etc. It keeps it simple and doesn't give predators the legal defense excuse of "well, I'm transgender" making it harder to prove that the predator was actually a predator. What's next? Cameras in bathrooms to prove predators are being predators and not actually transgender?

    Unisex/family bathrooms is the best solution to transgender rights and privacy
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  9. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    But they may be stopped by that one camera that is monitoring the entrances. But that would probably only work in the event a person walks into a restroom of the opposite sex, and obviously does not belong there.
    A camera can only do so much, though.

    Anyway, I don't want my daughter to be in the same restroom as a man. A transgender in the same restroom as her, well, presumably a real transgender will have no interest in her. So she may be safer than. There are more liars than transgenders, though.

    Maybe restrooms should be set up so that you have to go into the restroom that is for the sex you do not like... no, that won't work, already saw that coming after thinking about it. Never mind.
  10. RenNya Trophy Hunter

    Sep 24, 2013
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  11. Vashnik Guest

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    This transgender issue wasn't an issue until THEY made it an issue. I'm done here, before I start posting more crude messages and hurt someone's feelings.
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  12. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Just to clarify, who are you referring to when you say "they"? The opposition or the defendants? Using pronouns doesn't really help to specify who is causing the most trouble
  13. Vashnik Guest

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    Honestly, the transgender who decided to cry about it and made it an issue. When they couldn't decide for themselves which bathroom to use, they decided to demand the government make the choice for them and now we have this bathroom debacle when all they had to do was use a unisex bathroom if they couldn't figure it out or use the bathroom they've been using before. Now we have states like North Carolina pushing the biological sex as the basis for their state, and others pushing a law that ignores the signs and says gender identity. And they thought it wasn't confusing enough. It's a damn fiasco because some crybaby couldn't figure it out for themselves. It's ridiculous. The more the government gets involved, the more chances for legal loopholes that criminals can use to cheat the judicial system, as if it wasn't a broken enough system.
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  14. Heizengard AKA Cernel Joson

    Apr 11, 2013
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    I didn't think this bathroom thing was an issue. I don't care where people want to piss, I just want civility. This wasn't an "issue" until extremists on both sides over reacted to everything IMO. I support trans people using whatever bathroom they want, and I see what problems it could possibly create. I do agree that if the government gets involved too much, then things could get screwed (reminds me of the Steven Crowder video where he mentioned people wanting the government to pay for birth control and the negatives of that) but in all honesty, I don't think it matters where someone uses the damn restroom, just as long as they aren't doing it on the floor.

    This whole thing turned into a mess quickly because of how the extreme left and extreme right acted about it. Now I worry about going to my local walmart and there being a damn protest in the bathroom there, because when the wrong person comes in, something will get started and it'll be another problem, and nothing will happen or get resolved. No one should be FORCED to do anything they dislike, as long as it's not harming themself or anyone else.

    If anyone wants to blame anyone for this becoming an "issue" (when it really shouldn't have been one) blame extremists (on both sides) and the media for blowing the whole thing up.

    Anyway I think trans people should use whatever bathroom they want, and I see both the pros and cons of it.
    #14 Heizengard, May 30, 2016
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  15. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    The thing is, with these sides, A is defending (a standard idea) and B is attacking/invading (the standard idea). For those who defend, they have to fight back as hard as the opposition to keep what is standard the standard. It's not just simply two different sides trying to push their own idea.
    Hypothetical situation for example: Black and white people are getting along fine, but two groups have popped up. One for white supremacy and the other for black dominance.

    Even if I was for transgender citizens using the restroom of their choice, I would still have to decline in wanting it done for the classic reason of molesters, sexual harassment, and pedophiles.
    But if things do not work out in the favor of the standard way, then I hope that a transgender citizen will have to be licensed to enter a different restroom, and look the part too. Make their slipping in to the restroom of their choice as seamless as possible.
    Of course, a license will not be worth much without anyway to check it (honestly, now?) and if it is someone too young to really understand the purpose of the license.

    Whoops, forgot to mention this earlier.
    You Australians probably don't have as many crazy people where you are from. Maybe. But here in America, it is bad enough hearing about all the pedophiles and molestations. Of course, you never hear about the times someone does not get molested, since bad news is what ends up on the news.
    And besides, there are creeps out there who will have good enough sense to avoid walking into a restroom if there is the before mentioned
    Gun cam, if a hint is needed.
    Or people that are standing nearby. Of course, we get that the current standing on restrooms does not increase security, we just think that allowing the restrooms to be transgender will lessen this security.At least, that's what I think they think.
    I only hope that by being against the transgender restrooms, there are less opportunities for these deviants.
    Even if it means that this whole issue (if it wins in favor of the standard way) prevents only prevents a single molestation, because I'll be damned if I let something happen that could lead to someone being harmed.

    For the honest transgenders, I feel bad for them not helping them or being favorable in them getting there way, but I cannot back down on this subject. I understand people are people with different needs, and I do not hate them because they have not done anything personal to me.

    I think I said everything I needed/wanted to say for now.
    #15 Core, May 30, 2016
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  16. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Something someone showed me:

    It's sad how the 12 year-old girl is considered intolerant.

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