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The New Release Club's General discussion

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Supernatural-Knight, May 6, 2013.

  1. VeritasOdiumParit Cult of Personality

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @Supernatural-Knight I haven't been watching much anime recently. Sort of lost interest, to be honest =/
  2. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Yeah it's been a while. I honestly am not actively watching much this season.

    Nothing really seems to grab my attention this season and I just had other crap to do. I am watching drifters and Nambaka and gundam but not much else. if I'm overlooking a Gem let me know
  3. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    If you're not watching Flip Flappers then you're over looking a gem. ;) I'm watching a lot this season after the last 2 or 3 seasons of not much but this is by far the one that I will mention over the others as the others while good, aren't as great as this one.
  4. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @VeritasOdiumParit blasphemy. How do you waste all that time now? I'm asking because I'm somewhat jealous since anime is all I do apart from work and nothing else really interests me.

    @Metazoxan not sure if there are gems to say you're missing since everyone is different. But to me this feels like one of the best seasons in a while, I'm enjoying almost everything I'm watching [apart from the shorts] except for Nanbaka [this show feels boring past ep 1 for me]. Then again half of what I'm watching are sequels or spinoffs.
    3 Gatsu no Lion proves Shaft still can do anime that aren't in Monogatari's style, I was originally worried.
    Fune wo Amu is surprisingly enjoyable considering it is about making a dictionary. How the hell that is possible? No idea.
    Udon no Kuni is a sweet slice of life, I blame Barakamon for making me like these kinds of shows.
    And who could forget Yuri on Ice. Probably the show with the most boy x boy vibes I've every watched, so why am I enjoying it so damn much?
    Haikyuu 3 because amazing as always. Just needed to say it again.

    @Natsuru-san Oh that is one I was initially curious about but decided against after watching the PV. Those eyes, whose are they? They're bloody huge from the initial designs. Do you think I'd like it considering our generally differing opinions? I'm still curious about it, that and raising a magical girl whatever that one is called.
  5. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Well that explains it. All that stuff is either stuff I would never watch like Yuri on Ice or stuff that just didn't catch my eye enough for me to check out. But I'll make a note of those as ones to consider going back to. Slice of life tends to not be my cup of tea though even if a lot of people like them the plot normally just moves too slowly for me.
    #2085 Metazoxan, Nov 27, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
  6. OtakuSenseiHig Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    didnt expect many comments on it tbh

    Haikyuu - so far so good
    Izetta - its fine i guess, excitement dies down a bit after ep 3
    Poco - adorable and reminds me of shows like Barakamon, but they are dragging on the plot of the show and just slowly trying to get in the grove of things so its rather annoying in that aspect
    ALL OUT - I wanted to watch this since this is the first rugby anime, but im not enjoying it much. the first thing to tick me off is the opening, im not saying the song is bad, but the opening itself is bad. The character designs are the weirdest things i have seen since Wizard Barristers. Other than that, the story gets me to sleep here and there (then again there are 2 other shows im watching that do the same). I will watch till the end of the show but i prob wont give it a very high score.
    Brave Witches - only watching because i watched Strike Witches....i actually enjoyed Strike Witches more
    Drifters - i like the concept and story, it just puts me to sleep at times.
    Watashi ga Motete Dosunda - read the manga so stalled
    3 Gatsu no Raion - most atmospheric show this season i would say and is rather enjoyable
    Occultic;Nine -
    it never really put me to sleep but i never really figured out what was going on 100%. the problem with this show lies in the huge info dump in ep 1, followed by a scene in ep 2 the brings a plot, then another info dump in 3 ending with the beginning of the show, then ep 4 having a backstory. Im rather confused on the directing of the show. also that girl and chest, i hate her so much.
    Hibike Euphonium - i enjoyed season 1 and i like how they change the op and ed ever so slightly when they enter a new arc.
    Trickster - stalled
    Okusama ga Seitokaichou - fun like season 1 so im watching it
    Tiger Mask W - i like old shows, and i dont feel like sitting through over 100 eps of the original (yet)
    WWW.Working - I prefer the original (Inugumi) though the show gets enjoyable from ep 3 or 4

    i wanted to make this short and straight to the point...
  7. VeritasOdiumParit Cult of Personality

    Apr 21, 2013
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  8. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    You know the funny thing, sometimes the anime you don't think you'll watch are the ones you like the most. It has happened to me far too many times now with new releases. Yuri on Ice is a shounen but with a hell of a lot of man service, I was hesitant at first too so I began Keijo!!!!!!!! to counter it. Turns out Yuri on Ice is much better than I thought while keijo is okay enough.
    I find that there are two types of slice of life anime. The happy comedy ones like Nichijou where nothing much happens and the more realistic ones such as Uchuu Kyoudai which has some dark moments. 3 Gatsu no Lion is the second type and that is why I'm loving it [when it focusses on characters instead of shogi].
    Although I'm surprised that you haven't watch Haikyuu.

    @VeritasOdiumParit Oh I see, you do the normal things that people that aren't obsessed with anime do. I use to be like that.......

    @OtakuSenseiHig I mostly agree with you. All Out is a bit disappointing and original Working was better. Okusama is average though but that is because fan service is not an important part of a story for me. And your opinion of Occultic 9 doesn't make me want to watch it any more than I already do. Sad to hear the next thing from them was a flop.
  9. OtakuSenseiHig Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    yea me too i thought it would at least be more entertaining than Chaos;Head....i was wrong
    i might try to watch ep 5 one of these days to see if they ever fix their problem, if not, it dropped
  10. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Nice Chaos;Head ref. lol Anyway, Flip Flappers, it's hard to say if u'd like it or not, it honestly doesn't feel at all like a magical girl genre *checks* and no wonder Sci-Fi, Comedy , anyway, I think u'd like it as it actually has many refs to various anime. Heck the OP alone makes some refs to anime like Puella Madoka. (Some very hard to notice like one scene that reminds me ogf Negi from Negima) Heck, the ED refs various fairy tales and the anime itself refs many anime, each ep for better or worse is very different from the last. I think it was ep 3 but, 1 ep ref'd both Gurren Lagann and BRS in the same scene. (Twas possibly the best ep) Yet despite the vastly different eps, the anime does have an actual story and thankfully the fan service is not much. (Something u don't see too often in anime these days) There aren't too many ecchi moments if any either. The comedy aspect I question though as I can't recall laughing but I can see some lines where it's trying to be funny. (And comedy is subjective, what 1 person does laugh too, another won't) I'd say comedy is not something it's trying to do though as it's more about exploring Pure illusion (Which is where each ep is vastly dif from the next as each part of PI is dif from the last) and trying to build up a story and char dev than trying to be funny. Sci-fi is tots in this though. Ultimately u may like it, or u may not, it's hard to say who would and who wouldn't like it simply because, each ep is dif from the last. Best I can say, everyone should give it at least 3-4 eps a chance.
  11. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    You know a how has a problem when it isn't even as entertaining as Chaos Head. Such a shame, I had hopes for this anime. Guess I'll leave it for a very rainy day.

    @Natsuru-san for unknown reasons I like to reference Chaos Head with that phrase whenever possible, despite disliking it. But you just had to mention that about Flip Flappers. I love me an anime reference, even if it is of an anime I don't like I love seeing references. Now you've made me even more curious damn it. As if I wasn't watching enough....... But Gurren Lagann reference, hmm..... And it isn't a magical girl anime? You have certainly caught my attention now.
  12. Negi-Springfield Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I thought you'd be notified from the deleted post.

    I skip Fall, because, due to school, I can't keep up with Summer anime ending in September (I start too many series in summer).

    I ended up dropping this year's best series (Ace Attorney), to lighten the amount of stuff I'd have to catch up to.

    I did begin Izetta this weekend. So far it's ok.

    I heard Keijo had a nice plot?
  13. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Flip Flappers has ended and I am saddened and slightly depressed that it's over/gone. :( Twas an awesome anime and while I may not have liked the ending/last few eps too much, it certainly went in a direction I did not see coming yet still made sense and tied everything together just about nicely. It is a unique gem and one that I loved, more so in the beginning. I feel there's a few mistakes made or rather that could've been conveyed more clearly but outside of that, this was an awesome anime and if not for the last few eps, I could've rated this an 8.0 or higher. I rated it a 7.5 in the end though but don't let my rating fool u becus most peeps prolly would've liked the last few eps and ending and the direction it went in more than I did and thus they rated it higher. (As evidenced by the 7.95 rating by almost 10,000 users on MAL) I can say one more thing, if anyone plans to watch this anime, do NOT try and watch it unless you're awake, alert and paying attention or u will find yourself missing certain key plot points here and there as a result.

    Now, I need to find the time to sit down and look into what winter anime I'll be watching now that all the ones I was watching have ended. (Minus 2 dubs)

    @Supernatural-Knight Incase u'r wonderin how I feel about Flip Flappers now that it's over and my rating for it, see the above.
  14. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I know this is long overdue @Natsuru-san but thanks for the input. I still haven't started it so I'm not sure if I'll ever watch Flip Flappers. Maybe if a few more people mention it in the future.

    As for now though. We are half way through the current season. How is everyone going? What are the best and worse anime of this season so far.
    I intended to post in here calling everyone slackers at the beginning of the season and force an impromptu activity but I got busy and just lost interest. So here we are again, simply asking questions about how things have been rather than discussing something as it goes.

    For me a guilty pleasure is Kuzu no Honkai, such despair is fun to watch. I love watching characters break down like this.
    For the first time in a while, I'm not watching too much. I've got more free time than I can remember in recent history when it comes to everything I'm watching weekly. It is unusual but good to have a bit more time. But then I go and just watch something else so times gone.
  15. ShadowLinks Hero of Time

    Apr 20, 2013
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    ACCA - Sleeper hit for this season, takes a certain kind of person to enjoy it though. Some call it slow and boring, but if you look, it is constantly dropping a bread crumb trail of information. Piece by piece i've enjoyed putting it together
    Little Witch Academia - one of those core type shounen i enjoy oh so much.
    Kono Suba - do i need to say anything here
    Demi-chan - rather insightful seinen
    elDLIVE - same creator as reborn but for the most part its mostly been the parts of reborn i didn't like. It did start picking up recently.
    HandShakers - This was just bad.....really bad.
    Gabriel Dropout - interesting concept but like most slice of life for me it puttered out after a few eps.
    Masamune no revenge - amusing for a while till they intruduced the newest girl.
    kuzu no honkai - heavy stuff....but good
  16. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Little witch- It's by trigger and has their touch ALL over it. Meaning it's awesome even if it is episodic.
    Konosuba- Season 2 was fine. I felt like the end was more boring than season 1 but it was fine.

    ElDLIVE-I have not even watched past episode 2. Just the first episode made me so angry for every reason possible. Like how their "Qualification" exam is to basically capture an alien THEY weren't able to find and defeat it without any prior training. Seriously this is not how you test recuits! That would be like if someone joined the army and I said "here is a gun. Take out that enemy encampment or we're sending you home". Then his ability which involves a head just sticking out of his chest looks stupid as hell. In fact a lot of the designs in this show look REALLY half assed. Like distractingly so. Like the floating banana with a face and arms. They talk like "there are many kinds of races in the universe" BUT WTG KINF OF RACE IS THAT!?! And why is it featured so prominitely in the show? Was the writer THAT proud of that design? "Hey guys I put a face and arms on this banana ..... I think I've just come up with the most incredible looking alien ever!". Sorry for the rant but even if I liked Reborn this has NONE of the charm that show had. It's just a bunch of weird and unoriginal ideas that just don't work. The setting isn't even new I've seen more than half a dozen shows with the exact same setting

    Gabriel Dropout-yeah the plot gets dull but I'm enjoying the comedy ... so I like it at least
    Masamune-I thought I would like this more but just the fact the MC's plan is SO stupid and doomed to fail bothers me.
  17. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @Metazoxan so I made the right decision by not watching eLDIVE? Good. I haven't yet seen Reborn, but since it was well enough received by a few of our residents here I thought maybe something else from the creator could be fun.

    And something I have to ask, how good is Gabriel Drop out and Masamune Run? Any chance you think I'd like them? Both interested me a little in the beginning but I can't be bothered just starting everything like I use to.

    These on the other hand are both fun. I'm going to miss Konosuba now that it has ended. But at least we still have TRIGGER to keep us all company. The only thing I think Little Witch Academia is missing is all the themes that are so over the top catchy.

    Also I am planning on starting Kemono Friends for reasons. Who else wants to delve into this series with me? Apparently it is the most popular airing anime [even more so than Gintama]. I have to find out why even if I regret it.
    @Vladnyx up for adding one more to your watching list?
  18. Vladnyx Everyone is the main character of their own life.

    Sep 26, 2015
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    @Supernatural-Knight as much as I'd like to I can't see myself adding anything more to my planning or on-hold. I couldn't hardly keep up with this season's shows, and with this coming season being even heavier at least for me there's just no way. My job has picked up in hours to the point of torture it feels like. Next week I may have to work solid 12 hour days for a minimum of 6 days if not the full 7. All due in part of orders being delayed due to missing parts. Just hate not having anytime to get things done. ​
  19. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Yeah it's really dissapointing for me as a fan of REBORN. The idea of an "average" boy suddenly getting recruited by a space patrol secretly hunting aliens on earth has been done countless times. So if you want to try that plot you need to be damn sure you have an original catch to spice things up ..... it doesn't. It's MC is your typical timid protagonist but has "courage" to stand up and rescue people in trouble and has a special ability. Oh and the classmate he has a crush on is also a member and doesn't think he's qualified! See what I mean now?

    Gabriel Drop will be a hit or a miss. Either the comedy is funny to you and you have a blast or it isn't and you're bored out of your mind. The series is a pure comedy series with a relatively episodic slice of life type story. So if the comedy doesn't grab you then it has nothing else to offer. So I'd say check out the first few episodes. If you have fun keep watching. If not then don't bother because it won't get any better. For me I like it but everyone has different senses of humor so I can't universally recommend it.

    Masamune I'm a bit behind on and .... meh. My biggest gripe with this series is while the plot sounds interesting at a glance the stupidity of it can be irritating. You see the whole idea is this fat little brat confessed to some girl when he was like 10 or something. She responded not only by rejecting him but giving him the nickname "piggy". It's not made clear if his classmates learn of this and call him it as well but this apparently traumatizes him so badly that, after moving away, he devotes his life to losing weight, getting good grades, and becoming a complete narcissist.... I mean a popular guy. He then test into the same high school as her where she is known as "ice Queen" because she cruely makes a public spectacle of any guy that confesses to her while giving them a humiliating nickname publically. Now his plan is to get close to her and make her fall for him only to reveal who he really is and then reject her.

    But as I'm sure you can guess by like the third of 4th episode he realizes ... oh shit I fell for her years ago and I'm falling for her again.

    What makes this even more painful is in the second episode he actually rejects a perfectly nice girl who says she likes him. he gives a half hearted response and doesn't reject her hard. But he still abandons a chance at a relationship just to pursue what is, at this point in time at least, a fake relationship purely for the sake of revenge over something that happened as children!

    Even if he doesn't fall for her and his plan succeeds she still wins because he basically devoted his entire youth just for a moment of revenge over a minor slight. Even after this she'll get over the rejection and he'll be left all alone since he rejected any other relationship while carrying out this plan. I mean we know that's not going to happen since he's obviously going to fall for her and blah blah blah. But the point is there is basically no good ending for this because either it's predicable and has themm end up together or it doesn't and the MC ends up being the loneliest loser ever.

    Overall it's an OKAY series that I might marathon through the rest of when I'm bored. But overall it's not that great especially if you've seen plenty of better romance anime.
  20. Negi-Springfield Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I already gave my opinion on everything here and there, but:

    Ao no Exorcist 2: Disappointing

    Sangatsu no Lion: AMAZING!
    I disagree with super, the sports side of this anime holds its ground to its drama side!

    Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: really good, exceeded all my expectations.

    I'm mostly posting to know what's good this season.

    Probably gonna watch Tsuki Ga Kirei and Sakura Quest.

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