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The Midnight Channel How2

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Sporadic, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    +981 / 0 / -0
    1: Introduction
    2: What is The Midnight Channel?
    3: Anime We Watch
    4: Activity Times
    5: Timezones
    6: Group Chat Room
    7: Livestream Introduction
    8: Livestream How To

    1: Introduction
    This is an introductory thread into The Midnight Channel group. There's so much going on now that I figured I mainly needed this thread so I wouldn't have to remember so much stuff. The purpose of this thread is a basic introduction on everything in The Midnight Channel to help new members become accustomed with everything.

    2: What is The Midnight Channel?
    The Midnight Channel is the name of this group and our livestream which operates like a TV channel. The Midnight Channel organizes various blocks of anime which are later viewed on livestream during different days of the week. We schedule times to watch together as a group while discussing actively in a group Skype chat. It’s also about having a good time reacting and discussing together while we watch. A lot of the fun is in the chat and in the commentary other DTR members give while discussing on Skype. We've all shared thrills, explored strange worlds, dove into new adventures, witnessed action packed moments, solved intriguing mysteries, joined together in rage and even shed a tear or two together. We've all made some good friends and extended ourselves into the DTR community.

    3: Stuff We Watch
    Different days have different programming segments which show different types of anime. Anime Saturday's being our most popular day. The anime chosen is all nominated and voted on by club members. So you always get a choice in what we watch.

    Friday: Film Club Monthly Movie
    We partner with The Film Club to show their monthly movie every month. The date varries so be sure to follow their club so you don't miss any of the updates.
    Main thread: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/non-anime-film-club/forum/topic/film-club/
    Nominations: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/non-anime-film-club/forum/topic/film-club-nominations/
    Club: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/non-anime-film-club/

    Saturday Afternoon: Anime Saturday's
    Main thread: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/anime-saturdays-2/
    Nominations: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/nominations-2/

    Saturday Night: The Midnight Channel After Dark
    Main thread: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/the-midnight-channel-after-dark/
    Nominations: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/after-dark-nominations/

    Sunday Afternoon: Sunday's The Setting Sun
    Main Thread: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/the-setting-sun/
    Nominations: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/the-setting-sun-nominations/

    Sunday Afternoon: New Release Club
    Main Thread: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/the-new-release-club/forum/topic/general-discussion-3/
    Club: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/the-new-release-club/

    Last Sunday: Staff's Choice Bonus Feature
    Main Thread: http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/anime-saturdays/forum/topic/sunday-special-staffs-choice/
    There aren't any nominations for this activity. I just approach a DT or DTR staff member and ask them to nominate a movie, OVA or special.

    4: Activity Times
    Times are all pacific standard (-7:00 GMT) please be aware of the times for each segment, they are listed in the respective threads.

    5: Timezones
    The following is the information on determining when the movie plays in your timezone. If you need help just PM me.
    The basic way to do it is like this:

    1. Go here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
    2. Type in your time zone and press enter
    3. Type in PST then press enter
    4. Hover your cursor to the time on PST in which the activity takes place and see when its lined up with your timezone.

    Or the more lengthy method if the first doesn't work.

    First you need to figure out what timezone you live in. If you do not know, please visit this link and select the country you live in.

    Next is the site that will tell you when the movie will play for you.

    Enter the following:
    When it is: 15:00 (3:00PM)
    In: -7:00 GMT
    What time will it be in: This is where you enter your timezone.

    6: Group Chat Room
    We communicate exclusive on Skype. Add me on Skype and I will put you into the groups chatroom.
    My Skype: anon.spor

    If you do not have Skype and would like to communicate with the rest of the group during and outside of our activities feel free to download it. http://www.skype.com/

    7: Livestream Introduction
    The livestream channel can be found here:

    This is where we watch our anime. While there is no activities showing, the livestream plays music from various Persona soundtracks. You also have the option to view previous movies with the livestreams on demand service which you can find detailed below later on. The livestream requires a decent internet connection. if you have a bad internet connection you'll probably have minor to major skipping or screen freezing. To try and help make sure you close any open programs, exit out of extra tabs on your internet browser and especially be sure your computer isn't performing tasks which demand a higher priority.

    8: Livestream How To
    The following will be an in depth explanation of the livestream functions and its features.

    8.1 Pop out chat
    Opens chat in new window. Allows you to resize.

    8.2 Expand chat
    Doubles chat size on the same page.

    8.3 Popout video
    Opens video in new window. Allows you to resize.

    8.4 Expand video
    Doubles player size while not full screen.

    8.5 Volume/Viewers
    Adjust volume and note livestream views.

    8.6 Share
    drop down menu with options for sharing.

    8.7 Latest videos
    latest videos added into the livestream on demand.

    8.8 Chat
    Livestream chat. Has basic text options. We only use this chat to inform random viewers of our

    skype chat.

    8.9 Share channel
    Via embed, link, facebook, twitter and email.

    8.10 Like on facebook

    8.11 About
    Channel description

    8.12 About this channel
    Channel description.

    8.13 Viewer minutes
    Total amount of minutes the channel has been viewed.

    8.14 Tags
    Genre and theme tags to help people locate the channel in searches.

    8.15 Links
    Links to DTR and The Midnight Channel group.

    8.16 Video library
    A collection of the last 20-25 things we've watched on the lviestream. You can view at any time.

    8.17 Upcoming events
    Posted events for livestream advertisement.

    8.18 View all videos
    Expands video library to view all videos.
  2. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    +981 / 0 / -0
    Affiliate groups:

    AMV Editors Club - http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/amv-editors/
    Film Club - http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/non-anime-film-club/
    The New Release Club - http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/the-new-release-club/
    The Anime Cafe - http://dubtopian-review.eu/groups/the-anime-cafe/

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