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The Anime Cafe: General Discussion

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Natsu, May 6, 2013.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Guys I would like to add two more rules since they are far too generic to include in this next voting. I would also like to remove recap movies since they are just boring to discuss when it is a complete summary of a series that everyones already seen [no madoka, gurren lagann]. I’d also like to remove Studio Ghibli titles because only the mainstream ones are nominated and basically everyones now seen them. What do you think, would it be acceptable to not include these as well?

    By removing these and what Natsu mentioned we should end up with a bit of variety that not as many people have seen, we want discussion and movies we’ve all seen is the wrong way to go about it.

    I'd have to agree that recap movies are a deterrent at times. Especially a recap movie for a show you're planning to watch. It typically summarizes events in lazy ways.

    I dunno if I will be able to partake in the movie viewing this time but I WILL say having it done by stream on SPor’s chat may sound like a good idea but if you’re wanting the discussion to be in the forum then it’s a bad idea, otherwise great idea.

    The chat while everyone watches as a group is more like reactions to the current moment. It's still possible to have a good discussion thread as well, since maybe not everyone will be able to arrive at the livestream. Well, either way, if its something I haven't had on the livestream I'll go ahead and upload it as a special movie day for anyone who wants to come.
  2. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Now this last part may get me yelled at, but I like to speak my mind; This is not your groups Knight, so unless Natsu decides to implement your proposed rules, they should be ignored. I only say this based off your first sentence “Guys I would like to add two more rules” , which make you sound like you still have that authority here, when in actuality, you have the same amount as I do.

    I hate to get technical but Supernatural is the clubs Vice-president. So, in actuality, you do not have the same amount of authority as he does here. Of course Natsu would have to give the final approval for the suggested rules. But to be fair he only made a simple suggestion, "I would 'like' to add two more rules." He even followed with "What do you think, would it be acceptable to not include these as well?" I don't see any hint towards forcing these on as new rules nor do I see a reason to overreact on the matter so abruptly.
  3. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Now this last part may get me yelled at, but I like to speak my mind; This is not your groups Knight, so unless Natsu decides to implement your proposed rules, they should be ignored. I only say this based off your first sentence “Guys I would like to add two more rules” , which make you sound like you still have that authority here, when in actuality, you have the same amount as I do.

    HUH, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SAY THAT?!!! what something like that you were expecting? I'm opinionated about things sure and enjoy a good debate but I don't go around yelling at people needlessly, hell I don't even yell in life when I do get annoyed so something like this online is definitely nothing to get worked up over.
    It is as Spor says I am the vice, but instead of focussing on that look at the second half of his post, it was only a 'what do you think about this idea' not a "You bastards this is how its going to be alright, what you don't like it then GTFO". It was merely another couple of options I wanted opinions about. Ultimately Natsu has the final word [authoritarian style] since he is the leader and he gave his opinion that Ghibli films are allowed [which I don't have a problem with its just that I have seen them all anyway]. Although no announcement about the other option I'd like to of been omitted.

    Only the rules that I mentioned will be appliable, I haven’t seen any Ghibli films either and this could be a chance to watch one. The nomination thread is wide open, you can nominate movies as of right now

    Well time to go nominate something, I hope you guys like it.
  4. Kiri Retired staff

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I'd like to start off my saying that I'm not over-reaction nor am I angry. My word choice may have made it seem that way, but to be fair, I'm a bit blunt. I say things the way I see them, and at times, can be seen as an overreaction.

    I would like to bring up the structure of Knights post. The topic of his post and request are reversed than how a typical suggestion is made. Most suggestions start out by proposing the change/addition/revision/ect.. then the support for why the suggestion should be implemented. This is also true for most paragraphs. You state your topic, then your support for said topic. If he were asking for our input, his paragraph would have been Suggestion, proposal, support. An example would be “I'd like to see DTR in purple. Do you all think that's a good idea? I think it's a good idea . . .”. Rather, Knights proposal is at the end, making it seem like an after thought.

    My second point I'd like t bring up is the overall aura that this group gives off. I've been looking at this group since joined JD, always wanting to join. I couldn't, as some of you know, due to my ISP restricting the amount I could download in a day. As a result, I watched the Anime Cafe from afar. In that time, I've seen a few members leave and the general attitude of the remaining members fall. I'm not the only one who has witnessed this fall, as I've talked to several other members who have told me the same thing I've observed. Now that I have a better internet connection, I can partake, so long as I have about 2 days to commit to download the series. Now I only bring this up to show my reason for being here and it saddens me to see a great group have such a hostile feel.

    As mentioned earlier, I've said this group has the aura. The aftermath of this can be seen in the last voting thread. This thread has caused a lot of controversy, both inside the group, as well as outside. This has lead to the need of an extra set of eyes needed to be placed within the group. The purpose of this is to prevent a recurrence of the events that took place in voting thread. This position is to ensure the well-being of any, and all, Dubtopians that wish to partake in this group and without the fear of the events of the voting thread from happening again. The powers of this position come straight from the Dubtopians and is back by the Admins. In other words, the Dubtopians have placed their trust in the holder of this position, and the Admins are supporting this member in their actions. This Ambassador of DTR is none other than I.

    As I said in my last post, Knight and I are the same. We're both DTR Mods and have groups we admin over, yet Knight is the VP here. While some will say he's above me in that regard, I'm the DTR Ambassador for this group, which in turn makes me the only member here that can “stand toe-to-toe” with Knight. My purpose here is to remove this hostile aura from this group and bring it back to the group I remember admiring. As I said earlier, this position is given to me not from the staff, but from the Duptopians that came to me for help. I also have the support of the admins in my quest to bring the group back yo what it should be, a nice and fun group, with intellectual discussion of the anime's that have been watched

    My first request for the members of this group is to answer one or two questions, however they are not mandatory. The more I see answer these though, the more I see are willing to at least try to change this group for the better These question are to have you reflect on your actions here. The only rule for these questions is it can only be a Yes or No, with not explanations. If you feel the need to justify your answer, you need to reflect on your actions in this group a bit more.

    Q1: Have you caused others here harm in some way or fashion?
    Q2: If yes, do you plan to improve your attitude here within the group?

    Again, these are not mandatory, but in fairness, I will answer these as well.

    Q1: Have you caused others here harm in some way or fashion? Yes.
    Q2: If yes, do you plan to improve your attitude here within the group? Yes.

    I would like to thank everyone who decides to partake in my endeavors in advance.
  5. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Only one thing I can think of to prevent this from escalating so forgive my sense of humor and...

  6. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I'm still thinking of a punishment for those who participated in the war in the last voting thread and I hope that if Kämpfer or any other anime that I think most members didn't like is nominated again, a war doesn't break-out
  7. Keiichi-Morisato DJ Double Cheezy ~ Sakura Animé Radio

    Mar 27, 2013
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  8. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Okay lets respond in order

    I’d like to start off my saying that I’m not over-reaction nor am I angry. My word choice may have made it seem that way, but to be fair, I’m a bit blunt. I say things the way I see them.

    I would like to bring up the structure of Knights post. The topic of his post and request are reversed than how a typical suggestion is made. Most suggestions start out by proposing the change/addition/revision/ect.. then the support for why the suggestion should be implemented. This is also true for most paragraphs.

    Q1: Have you caused others here harm in some way or fashion?
    Q2: If yes, do you plan to improve your attitude here within the group?  

    It amazes me that we don't get along better and have actual chats every so often, you with being blunt and me being opinionated, it sounds like it'd lead to some interesting conversations from time to time.
    That was just the way I typed it up, sorry if my writing style isn't what you are use to seeing but thats just how I happened to write it that night. I thought It still gave off the feel of a question and others saw it that way so I didn't think it'd be a problem for anyone.
    About the questions, they are too simplistic, I haven't answered a question with but a single word for who knows how long now. Expanding upon an answer is by no means a wrong action and it gives depth to what you say. Typing a "yes" to I'll improve my attitude is hollow at best, it has little meaning because everything is done via text if we could see/hear each others voices and faces it'd b a bit more meaningful but through this standardised text it doesn't mean a whole lot.
    But hey thats just my opinion on this matter. If you really see it meaning something then, Q1 yes, Q2 yes, although I don't see it as meaning much at all even if it is my own post since it is just text. EDIT: you know what after thinking about it my Q2 answer has to be no, being opinionated means I speak my mind so I'll continue to do so without reserve, if someone doesn't like my opinion and are that sensitive that they find it insulting thats too bad as I wont hold back with what I think about series both good and bad.

    Doomguy, that vid and your humour, you have such a character portrayed and I have to say I am a fan. Now to go find an anime character which represent this and post it for who I think you look like.

    Gentlemen We want war, stop the vid at the 3:30 mark
    Okay so seriously now, it wasn't a war as a war actually has 2 sides fighting, not 1 side and a lone supporter. The reason it seemed like it was so one sided is because the rest of the supporters for that series became inactive and obviously inactive people don't post.
  9. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Keiichi-Morisato: What anime is that pic from? :)

    @Natsu: Rest assured I WILL be nominating Kämpfer again at some point in the future. Way too many people here (and in Skype) who have yet to see it which is a shame. Been planning this for a good while now.

    @Hikikomori: I agree with all that you said also

    I’d like to start off my saying that I’m not over-reaction nor am I angry. My word choice may have made it seem that way, but to be fair, I’m a bit blunt. I say things the way I see them, and at times, can be seen as an overreaction.

    The only rule for these questions is it can only be a Yes or No, with not explanations. If you feel the need to justify your answer, you need to reflect on your actions in this group a bit more.

    Q1: Have you caused others here harm in some way or fashion? Q2: If yes, do you plan to improve your attitude here within the group? Again, these are not mandatory, but in fairness, I will answer these as well.
    The bolded is very true for me. There have been time's when 2 people here who I'll not name have told me to calm down when I was perfectly calm, not mad and fine. What you said in the bolded is VERY true for me too.

    Q1: Yes
    Q2: Yes
  10. Keiichi-Morisato DJ Double Cheezy ~ Sakura Animé Radio

    Mar 27, 2013
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  11. Natsu Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Natsuru-san wrote:
    @Keiichi-Morisato: What anime is that pic from? [​IMG]

    Girls und PANZER

    It's true, if you haven't watched the anime then you better watch it before December though, the English dub of the anime is going to be released on December
  12. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Supernatural-Knight: Like to say here, not mad, am calm and so on. With that said I can now say it was a war. War whether you want to believe it or not can be one sided. Ever hear of the other side losing the war big time? That means a one sided war fyi. Me and 1 other person were the only ones losing that war because unlike the rest of those on the other side, we didn't attack someone, bash an anime, bring up crap that shouldn't have been brought up which was a means to derail the thread which lead to the war getting worse and so on. No unlike that side we tried to STOP the war. It was an all out war which sadly, by the end of it all had me seriously considering leaving DTR. I made my decision and I'm not leaving but none of you involved in that bashing/war who "participated" on that bashing side of the war realize what you put me through and just how BAD it got to me/affected me. Knight if you don't think it was a war then fine, it was flaming/derailing/trolling/cyber bullying/etc. You don't like those either, well sorry but that's exactly what it was or war for short. Plus it should never have GOTTEN to that point to begin with. You know if an admin themselves has to step in then it had gotten out of hand big time and that's exactly what happened including the admin stepping in part and lastly on what you said about war. In defense for those who chose not to step into that war. I cannot blame them. (Though if this was happening in the real world then that's another story) The thread was for voting and such but it turned into a derailed war thread and while I don't like it, the truth is most people won't step in to help someone if someone is being attacked/hurt. So yeah, course they stopped posting. They didn't want to get involved in the crap that was happening.

    @Natsu-Dragneel: Feel free to step in any time you believe things might get out of hand again. (Not trying to start something here obviously)

    @Keiichi-Morisato: Arigato. Perhaps I should reconsider watching it. Is it worth it?
  13. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Keiichi Morisato wrote:

    Natsuru-san wrote:
    Keiichi-Morisato: What anime is that pic from? [​IMG]
    Girls und PANZER
    It’s true, if you haven’t watched the anime then you better watch it before December though, the English dub of the anime is going to be released on December
    Ninja'd. If the dub is on it's way then I'll wait for the dub. Curious but why say watch it before dub comes out?
  14. Keiichi-Morisato DJ Double Cheezy ~ Sakura Animé Radio

    Mar 27, 2013
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    @Keiichi-Morisato: Arigato. Perhaps I should reconsider watching it. Is it worth it?

    Girls, Tanks, war games... what ISNT there to love??? [No fan svc btw, unless you count the tanks, @macmeaties knows those are some sexy ass tanks XD]
  15. Keiichi-Morisato DJ Double Cheezy ~ Sakura Animé Radio

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Natsu Dragneel wrote:

    Keiichi Morisato wrote:

    Natsuru-san wrote:
    Keiichi-Morisato: What anime is that pic from? [​IMG]

    Girls und PANZER

    It’s true, if you haven’t watched the anime then you better watch it before December though, the English dub of the anime is going to be released on December

    Ninja’d. If the dub is on it’s way then I’ll wait for the dub. Curious but why say watch it before dub comes out?

    Watch it anyway, like nao.
  16. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Keiichi: I'm not all that into military anime and tanks indicates military. Girls=yes tanks and war games=, might be good/great etc. or might not. Can you compare it to a few anime to better help me determine if I'll like it or not?
  17. Keiichi-Morisato DJ Double Cheezy ~ Sakura Animé Radio

    Mar 27, 2013
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    @Keiichi: I’m not all that into military anime and tanks indicates military. Girls=yes tanks and war games=, might be good/great etc. or might not. Can you compare it to a few anime to better help me determine if I’ll like it or not?

    Says the one who watched Strike Witches...
  18. Natsuru-san Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    @Keiichi: Yeah but there are "some" anime that are military that pull it off for me but I'll have you know that for SW itself I didn't start getting into it till the end of ep 3. Before that it wasn't that good and I didn't care for it that much. Code Geass was good from start to finish. Can't think of any others that are military that I've seen atm but references would help. (Already seen the 2nd vid)
  19. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    I’m the DTR Ambassador for this group, which in turn makes me the only member here that can “stand toe-to-toe” with Knight.

    When in doubt, make up a position to garner authority. :p

    I’m still thinking of a punishment for those who participated in the war in the last voting thread

    Tread lightly, as upsetting the few remaining members of your group would not be wise.
  20. Batosai Manslayer

    Apr 20, 2013
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    (Though if this was happening in the real world then that’s another story)

    If it was the real world there would have been atleast 5 gunshots.

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