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    shedninja the sites biggest bug

~tenebrarum Saeculorum~

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    I wake up in a cave my leg is in a crudely made splint an I here the rustling of stones "whos there " a person who is in the shadow emerges i have no clue who this lady is but some thing in the back of my mind tells me that this lady can be trusted. unlike heather oh the ways i plan on disposing of heather :: lucy pulls out a glowing white hot dagger:: with this balde i plan on stabbing here with this but un tell then ill just wait. lucy goes to sleep

    when lucy wakes up she finds that she has a deer hide on her some one was trying to take care of her. next to here on the fire place is some deer stew so lucy starts to eat it " i would of prefer a nice pint of the deer blood but this works
    Lucy eats and says out loud " i wonder who is helping me out''
    lucy slowly walks out of the cave but as soon as she walks out the sun burns her skin and she runs back into the cave "well crap I need to wait until sun set'' lucy goes back to sleep

    before you ask i got permission on a Collab but this is gona get good don't worrie
  2. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    The old man looked up Gabriel as he placed his hand in his
    "You are so kind"
    As they walked the man spoke
    "Our town is in dire need, we are low on supplies and several people have fallen ill and need medicine. Medicine that only the queen can obtain or request from other nearby towns. "
    The man looked ahead as they reached the door
    "Its such a shame, I thought our queen would be a great ruler, after her father. She was such a sweet girl, always kind and caring of the people. But ever since the day she ran away and was found in the woods, she hasn't been the same. "
    He sighed and turned to face Gabriel, he lowered his voice to a whisper
    "Please sir, look into our queen, find out what happened that day, what changed her"
    he glanced over at the woman sitting on the throne with a disappointed look
    "whoever that woman is, she is not the queen our people learned to know and love"
    He gave a slight nod
    "thank you for your kindness"
    then shakily walked out of the room

    The queen met with other towns people, and was just as dismissive with them. After seeing a total of 5 people, the queen called it a day. She stood up from the throne and stretched while speaking to Gabriel
    "Please see to the rest of our visitors, I'm tired and hungry. I think I shall retire for the day"
    She got up and left the room heading towards the kitchen for some food.
  3. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    @shedninja Gonna work off your post.

    The werewolf charged after the fleeing figures. Fast. Fast. The hunt was on and the wolf's mind was filled with excitement. This prey was fast. Almost too fast, but not fast enough. The larger one was running straight, the wolf right behind. The wolf pounced, the prey vanished and the wolf sailed into a dying tree. The smaller prey was on the ground as the wolf turned around a branch from the dead tree fell, broken loose by the impact. It fell on the prey's head and it went still.
    Not one to turn down a meal, the wolf approached the wounded prey and sniffed it. The scent invaded it's nostrils and it gagged. White bone stuck out of the legs, but there was no blood. The wolf bit into one of the legs out of curiosity, the rage and hunger in it's mind cleared as the taste of... whatever this prey was flooded it's brain.
    Bones began to crack as the human intelligence reasserted itself over the beast inside. The lantern's light faded to an almost imperceptible glow, and Isolda Oak stood woozily over Lucy's unconscious body. "Uggh," she grumbled and sat down while trying to get here bearings in the bright light. The girl laid before her, legs broken by tripping over something. In the distance goats or sheep bleated in terror and dogs were barking. "No, no no no!" She stood and prepared to run but looked back at the girl. "Dammit!"
    Picking the girl up, careful not to injure her further, she trudged off, eyes out for a shelter to hide in. Finding the cave she slipped inside and gently laid the girl down. SHe had meager medicine skills, but had learned some things in her long years of life. Going out and finding some sturdy sticks, she made splints and bandaged the girl's fractured legs.
    Some time passed and teh girl woke up. With a sigh of relief, Isolda approached her and was about to respond to what the girl was saying when she pulled out a magic dagger. Stepping back with some surprise she thought of what to do next when the girl passed out again.
    From there she went out hunting and was able to find a deer. It was harder without being a wolf, but she had no desire to return to that form, who knew when she'd come out of it. Bringing the carcass back to the cave, she skinned and gutted it. It was a bit macabre, but she did her best to dry the skin before putting it over the girl as a blanket. As teh stew was cooking Isolda went out to relieve herself.
  4. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    this is going to be so much fun `yummy thanks 11 by the by


    I wake up to see that the sun has finely set ''yes now I can leave this cave but first'' Lucy pulls out a coin purse and puts 30 gold coins on a rock
    so that's 3000
    1 gold = 100 usd
    1 silver = 75 usd
    1 brass =50 usd
    1 brons = 25 usd
    1 marble = 10 usd
    1 copper = 1usd
    ''ugh I hate being in in favor of some one I gave them enough to buy a small house''
    ''this too might be nice since she did save my life '';;pulls out a red vile';
    pulls out parchment and a quill and she starts to wright
    llucy has a around a 5 grade gramer and spelling skiills so when I was that age my spelling was bad so yep

    dear mistrusr lady thank you fur your help
    i left you with some cone for your truble
    i also left you with a poiton that will fix the litte wolf problom youve ben having
    but if you dink it you will be like me if you dont want to then if you ever are neer a vampier den
    put that stuff one ya dont drink tho and they waill leave you alone


    i ran away as fast a i could the last time i dealt with a wolf shifter it killed my husband well he was a wolf shifter him self but what ever
    i go to the stables and i walk up the farm hand "how may i help you miss we have the finest steeds in the land " my hunger takes over '' can you take me to you stable i want to check it out "" ok he says" when he gets to the stables i snap his neck and drain his blood then i steel a horse

    i would not kill any one but im blood starved and well i need to get as far away from my daughter i haev a feeling that she will kill me but other then that i plain to get as far away as possabe :: rides on the horse ::....
    #24 shedninja, Feb 10, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT: gonna try to keep this going :) I was informed there may be a delay from the user who was a part of my plot so I will just leave their character to deal with the queens pheasants

    The queen sat and had her meal for the evening, enjoying the peace and quiet after a long day. She hated dealing with the towns people.
    "They are nothing but pheasants wanting a free hand out"
    she scoffed, speaking to no one in particular as she slammed her glass down on the table in frustration
    "More wine!!"
    she demanded. A man standing along the wall, along with several other staff, approached her with a pitcher of wine. He cautiously approached her and shakily poured the wine in her glass, spilling a few drops on the table. She looked up at the man and how he was shaking, this made her chuckle, but seeing the wine land on the table angered her, she snatched the pitcher from his hand.
    "Just give me the damned thing... you can leave."
    she looked up at all the staff in the room
    "you can all leave, I don't need you all suffocating me while I am trying to enjoy my meal"
    the staff looked at one another confused as to whether the should leave or not. The queen irritated, stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs with anger
    "GET..... OUT!!"
    the staff scrambled to leave the room as fast as they could, closing the door behind them. As soon as the room was cleared, the queen picked up her glass and looked at the crimson liquid inside.
    The color reminded the being inside her of blood making it crave it even more, it had been a while that it left its host to feed. The being had to be extra cautious when leaving its host, one slip up and its plan could be ruined. Removing the staff from the queens presence in an attempt to isolate her, will help prevent prying eyes. The being will allow the queen to replenish herself first as its needs to be sure its host stays healthy so it made sure its host got nourishment routinely . The queen sat down and finished her meal along with the wine. The wine made the host a bit drunk, but had no affect on being, this was the beings way to make its host tired and sleep without waking. Now would be the perfect time for it to feed, but first...

    The queen got up and walked out of the room, she stumbled through the hallway, bumping into a few things along the way, causing loud crashing and knocked into a few paintings. She giggled a few times when she would make a loud crash, finding the noise rather funny. One of her staff heard the loud crashing and decided to investigate. When he got near, he saw his queen stumble to the ground. The man quickly rushed to her side offering to help her up and to help get her to her room, but the queen smacked him away telling him that she was fine. She looked up at the man and in a slurred voice
    "I will be asleep in my room, tell everyone NOT to bother me"
    She made it clear to the man that she didn't want to be bothered while she slept.
    "I will have their heads if they disturb my sleep"

    The man stood up and bowed
    "Yes my queen, I will relay the message"

    The queen got up and brushed her dress off
    The man left, and the queen pulled herself to her feet and stumbled the rest of the way to her room. She pushed the door to close it, but it didn't close all the way, leaving a slight crack. She walked over and flopped on her bed falling into a deep sleep
    . After knowing for certain that she was in fact asleep, the being slowly left its hosts body. It hovered around the room a bit paying close attention to the window, it wanted to make sure the coast was clear before making its move. Once it knew it wouldn't be seen, it exited through the window and headed back to the woods in which Scarlet was found by Gabriel. From there it would take the evening to feed, and return back to its host in the morning....
  6. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    I just got out of the cave and now I am walking south east trying to find a town that I can blend in well :: lucys stumi growls :: "ugh" just then in the corner of lucys eye she sees a rabbit run buy "well blood is blood " lucy says :: she runs up to the rabbit :: "sorry buddy " :: snaps the neck of the rabbit :: " screeeeeeeaaaccccchhhhh " the sound the rabbit lets out a cry that can be heard along with an loud crack " thank you for this meal :: lucy bites down on the neck and drinks the little blood that is in the small critter :: lucy pulls out a shovel from her satchel and digs a grave now that's done now off to a town

    lucy is walking in the forest looking for the way to town she finds a path that looks like it has been well travel so lucy walks until she gets to the end of the path and runs into a town. the town at the entrance of the town is an inn the building next to it is a black smith and next to the blacksmith is a general store after that is a potion shop and there are street venders as well.

    when lucy walks in the streets she is greeted by the voices of the venders "fresh fish " one elderly male vender states
    " strong weapons to win all you battles " a mid age female states. lucy just ignores them she has bigger fish to fry so she heads off to the inn
    " hello little girl how may I help you are you looking for your mom or dad" the elderly female innkeeper askes :: lucy puts 1 gold coin down on the counter :: " no miss im here for a room waiting for my mom " lucy thinks to her self well waiting to kill here. " ok right this way little girl " the innkeeper takes here to the left rear room

    lucy is getting ready for bed as the moon crawls through the sky she feels a strange feeling again. this feeling always happens on a new and full she just falls asleep and the wakes up stark naked some were else she looks at here arm and starts seeing blond hair no not hair its fur '' I could not be a shifter could I no impossible im already a vampire the ……" :: lucy falls asleep :: the sounds of bones braking and the cry's of an old lady is heard a shadow is seen leaping through the window and a blur of blond and its gone...
  7. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Drumik motioned his hand for the guards in the room to close the court as more people approached, he only nodded his head and pointed to the door for them to leave, He kept a promise not to speak around the townsfolks, and so once everyone left he walked to find the queen and return to their side. He figured she would be in her room, so he walked over there first and cracked the door, upon looking in he saw what appeared to be a shadow, potentially a demonic figure, instead of rushing onward he closed the door and moved over to his quarters.

    it started to make sense to drumik as to why the queen was acting the way she was.
  8. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    i am running through the forest i feel the wind on my fur feel the blood dripping from my lips i run and just keep on running till im in a mount en :: crack snap pop :: the sound of braking bones can be herd across the land lucy passes out in the cave


    i get off of my horse and walk in to town i give my horse a big slap to get him to run. i see the town guards looking over the body of an elder inn keeper all bloody and torn up you can see both claw marks like that of a shifter but also fang marks and very little blood like that of a vampire i think to my self was it a shifter and vampire team or was it something else then i look at the ground and i see my daughters satchel

    i wake up inside of a cave again ugh why dose this keep on occurring with me "why why cant it be a hot spring NO IT HAS TO BE A STUPID COLD DAMP CAVE!! " lucy shouts out loud " ugh what to do no " lucy looks down and see that she is stark naked "what the hell happened here " lucy looks in the cave and finds some leather dresses " a bit big but it will work lucy walks away in the forest to get to town...
  9. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    She tossed and turned as she slept and at one point her eyes shot open. She sat straight up in her bed and sat for a moment, not blinking an eye. A moment later she got up and walked out of her room and through the hallway making her way to what used to be her fathers room. Since her fathers death and her becoming queen, a lot had changed around in the castle. Suddenly a loud crash could be heard echoing through the hallway followed by cry and then a thud. She had ran into a table that had a statue of one of her past relatives. The statue had shattered to piece once it hit the cold tiled floor. Scarlet sat next to the mess rubbing her eyes.
    "I don't recall that being there"
    Anyone who was normally around Scarlet would know that she always had a blank expression or an angry expression on her face, but her face this time... looked different, innocent almost.
    #29 Miss Elegent Serenity, Apr 24, 2020
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  10. shedninja the sites bug/bug maker Moderator JustDubs Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2019
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    i walk into the town and i see a hand full of people the black smith " hello little girl how are things " lucy responds " hissssss!!!!"
    the voice in my head is saying kill him im fighting the need to but i just want to taste the blood and the soft soft meat in him "whats wrong little lady " i look at him my eyes red with blood lust " leave NOW or die you here me " the black smith walks away

    i need to find a place to stay i look for an inn i find one the inn keeper has a strange sent the same kind as that stranger in the cave from a wile back but a bit with a different kick to it all most like me well any ways " how much for a room " i ask " for you one silver he responds "

    i give him a silver " i will show ya to your room and sleep well " he walks me to the room and i curl up in the bed and drift off to sleep

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