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Square Enix Reveals More Details On Kingdom Hearts Iii Game

Discussion in 'Video Game News' started by Teknoman X, Feb 12, 2018.

  1. Teknoman X Trophy Hunter

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    Outlines game's development progress, gameplay details
    [​IMG]Video game news website Gamespot reported more details on Kingdom Hearts III that Square Enix revealed during the D23 Expo Japan event on Saturday.

    Square Enix stated that the end section of the game will contain something that game director Tetsuya Nomura said he "wanted to do and put into Kingdom Hearts, ever since the days of working on Final Fantasy." All members of Square Enix's Osaka studio are working on the game, as well as 100 members from the developer's Tokyo Studio. The development is split into three teams working on the game's early, middle, and end phases, with about three worlds per section. Square Enix clarified that this does not mean the game will necessarily only contain nine worlds. Square Enix added that the early worlds are 90% complete, with the middle worlds 60% complete. It did not reveal the development state for the end phase.

    Square Enix revealed that Rapunzel from the Tangled film will be able to use her hair in different ways, including navigating the environment and attacking enemies.

    The game will include a new mini-game based on a Game & Watch title, but Square Enix did not reveal details on the mini-game.

    The game will also feature the return of the Gummi Ship, but it will have two phases. The exploration phase will feature a more open-world exploratory environment, while the combat phase will have an increased scale compared to previous games.

    Square Enix revealed a new trailer for the game on Saturday, which confirms a Monsters, Inc. world.

    Square Enix also revealed that Hikaru Utada's theme song for the game is titled "Don't Think Twice." The company is streaming a video featuring the song.

    Square Enix Japan is streaming a similar video featuring the Japanese version of the same theme song, titled "Chikai" (Oath).

    Kingdom Hearts III is slated for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles this year. Epic Games is assisting with the game's development, using Unreal Engine4.

    The game's Toy Story world will feature an original story. The game's other confirmed new worlds so far include Tangled and Big Hero 6, and the returning Olympus Coliseum world.

    Square Enix first announced Kingdom Hearts III in 2013. The company stated on May 11 that the game was slated for release "in the next three years."

    Game director Tetsuya Nomura has noted that the game will have another playable character besides Sora. Nomura has also said that developers are focusing on the PS4 and Xbox One releases before a possible release for the Nintendo Switch, adding that after the PS4 and Xbox One versions have shipped, "maybe we can start thinking about other possibilities.”

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