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So 'merica, How's Trump Doing?

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Sir-Maddy, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Simple question to all the Amerilards, how's Trump doing? I'll be prepared to defend the God Emperor in regards to Fake News.
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  2. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is freaking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

    Just kidding


    Fun year ahead, bold prediction for the year...U.S pulls out of NAFTA. The media fallout will be amazing, I'm looking forward to see masks fall off globalist shills.

    Second but no less fun prediction, Trump tweets picture of frog. World loses it's mind.
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  3. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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  4. Vashnik Guest

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    So far in 2017, Trump has done remarkably well for a president that is being painted as a Nazi by Leftists. His Rhetoric could use some work, but the whole "fuck you" (not in those words, but my short and sweet summery of it) to the UN was the best thing he could do. The UN has been condemning Israel more than any country that is a real threat to the world and our policy for recognizing Jerusalem has been passed legislatively since 1995, during Bill Clinton's presidency. So screw the UN. My hopes for this year, is for Trump to push for removing the UN from the United States and making them set up in some other country and make that country protect the UN using their own military. We need to stop funding the UN and effectively make everyone else start ponying up more on funding the UN.

    We finally got a new tax bill and the Leftist of the US can't comprehend just how many Americans actually benefit from the tax cuts more (80% of all Americans will benefit from this, which is far more than the previous tax system). Even the corporations that are benefiting from it have already announced (and even started) increasing wages (some up to $15 USD per hour, instead of $12 - $13), started hiring more people, and some have even given bigger Christmas bonuses to the hourly employees. Someone needs to explain to me why corporations getting tax breaks and then them announcing increasing wages for employees, hiring more employees, and giving bigger Christmas bonuses to employees is a bad thing, because so far, it's benefiting the lower and middle class (who are working). If the corporations were going to pocket the money, they wouldn't (and shouldn't) have gone public about their plans for the extra money they'll receive because of the new tax bill.

    Despite the "Resist Trump" anti-Trump agenda, I'd say he did fairly well this year. Looking forward to seeing how 2018 ends and how many more rejects from the Left keep crying after they get their raises/bonuses, if they actually work for a living instead of being a mooch.
  5. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Fuck the UN indeed but given the amount of power the US possesses in the UN there's pretty much no point. Anything the UN says (minus of course sanctions) is non-binding anyway so the US can just continue on their way. Plus, pretty sure the US is gonna withdraw funding from most of the countries who said 'no' anyway, as well as possibly withdraw funding from Pakistan. Which is good, the US needs to be a relentless, no tolerance country for anything, as should all countries. If a terrorist attack happens, halt migration, don't increase it (Germany, Sweden).

    Nothing will happen from this whole Jerusalem thing anyway. If the Palestinians do anything stupid it's suicide for them.

    But yeah, based Trump. 2018 is already looking good with the potential overthrowing of the Iran regime (where's the feminists on that one) and a possible North Koream fuck-up.
  6. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Praise Trump when he is right, and boo him when he screws up.
    Problem is, we have people who boo him no matter what, and others that praise him no matter what for his 4D MAGA-MAGA underwater-hungry-hippos-chess moves.
    With the majority of the national media outlets painting everything Trump does in the worst shades possible, I need to listen to someone that is actually reasonable. I'm glad Trump got elected, since that got me to get more interested in politics and start listening to Ben Shapiro, a "jewish-nazi".
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  7. Vashnik Guest

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    I like that you bring up Ben Shapiro. I also listen to him, as well as Steven Crowder. Another one you might be interested in would also be Dennis Michael Lynch (DML), especially when it comes to immigration. All three will be critics of Trump when he screws up, like DML was when Trump came out with a plan for amnesty, that wouldn't actually end at "1.8 million" "dreamers" because there isn't a hard cap on the amount that are allowed to apply. Those three people are conservatives that don't praise a politician because of their alignment, they praise a politician based on policies they present. Likewise, they criticize a politician for policies that would be horrible for the US and/or Americans. These people are also the ones that encourage their listeners to fact check them, do the research to draw your own conclusion, etc. Something that's rare to see from either side of the political spectrum since journalism's main purpose has become a shit-flinging contest instead of reporting the truth.

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