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~RP~ cælum vs inferno (a war brought upon earth)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. killerCr0w Trophy Hunter

    Nov 24, 2014
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    well since my name is impossible to say in the human language u may just call me hawk and the reason i wish to ally myself with u is kind of a long story but if it is what it takes to ease ur nerves then i will

    i was 1 of the highest ranking angels when the war started for a while i thought what i was doing was right and justified by god but then i sa the cruelty done to the humans by both the angels and the demons and i honestly thought the angels were worse then the demons making humans there slaves then killing them when there no longer useful it made me sick those from heaven were supposed to be good and look after and protect the humans...but i still obeyed until i sa this sickly child walk up to my soldiers un afraid and he seemed he didnt know what we really were when i heard the soldiers saying he was worthless trash who couldn't do any work and they killed

    him on the spot and my heart dropped tears started flowing and i turned to the soldiers with an angry scowl still with tears running down my face my wrath was embodied by twin blades set a blaze with black and red flames and i slashed the soldier that killed the boy and he was set a blaze by my holy fire and i realised war has changed the angels for the worse and has tainted them all with evil so i cut down my entire squad in a fit of rage and sorrow my wings instantly turned black after it was all over i vowed that day i would try to ally myself with the humans and protect them... like i was meant to
  2. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    He sat across from the weaselly little man in the glasses and the poorly made suit, scratching his back with the femur of one of the men that currently lay extremely dead on the ground. If he remembered correctly, it was from the one in the now cracked shades. The one that had shot him in the face earlier without even so much as a 'howdy'. That's how he knew that the weasel across from him was a third rate information broker. That, and a first rate one would have scattered dozens of decoys and traps while secluding themselves in a isolated defensible location upon hearing a ne'er do well such as himself was coming. And a second rate would have at least done the later.
    "So...buddy..." He started slowly. "...I hear you have some info on Maraud. You know? Scary Vampire guy? Stupid face? Silly clothes? Annoying voice?"
    "I-I can they you where he was!" the man almost screamed. "He was last scene at the Colosseum. If you go now, you might be able to catch hi..."
    "I know where he is, moron." He interrupted. "I've spent the last three hundred years knowing exactly where he is at all times. I want to know where he's going to be. Thought you'd know where that wouldd be. Clearly not."
    He moved fast, clearing the distance between him and weasel man in an instant.
    The man screamed. "I don't know where he'll be! But I know something he's after!"
    He stopped.
    "Oh? And what would that be? Seeing as you're in a talkative mood, why don't you keep going?"
    "A-a vampire girl named Victoria. She was with him for a brief time, but they got separated. Apparently she's a mistake he's trying to make up for."
    The man smiled, his teeth all sharp, designed for tearing. "This...this is good. Thanks for sharing, buddy!"
    The weasel looked anxious. "Are...are we finished? Can I g..."
    Before he finished his question, his head had already been shattered on the wall behind, leaving a lovely red splatter on the stonework.
    "Nope." the man answered, leaving the room with a spring in his step.
  3. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    There were times when being a vampire was a fascinating experience. Being as old as he was - and looking as young as he did - Maraud was at that stage in a vampire's unlife where he knew he was by no means indestructible and yet at the same time was anxious to push his limits. There was a saying many vampires shared which went along the lines of "The sharpest fangs are blunted by time," which Maraud had to agree with. Old vampires were stingy codgers who barely left their chambers, and whilst they had incredible amounts of power, they also lacked the fierce killing drive that had once made them terrors of their time. Maraud was, for a vampire his age, in his prime.

    The scent had taken him to the edges of a large, dark forest. A younger vampire would have bounded in without pause for thought, and an older one would have leisurely strolled inside without any hesitation. But this time of all times, Maraud hesitated. The trees bent and whispered dark secrets in the breeze that swept through, ruffling his hair and fluttering his duffel-coat. He cocked his head, trying to pin down what was bothering him. Something about that forest... unnerved him.
    He closed his eyes and opened them again a short while later as a wolf pack approached from the forest, their alpha sniffing him and cocking its head, curious. Maraud patted it like a loyal dog, and walked with them into the forest, feeling somewhat safer in their company. As they walked, he thought.
    When he had taken down RaVage, it hadn't even really been a challenge. RaVage had been a two-dimensional thug, never looking into his true capabilities and simply enjoying what vampirism had to offer at face value. There were no other real problems or enemies he had yet to deal with, so why was he feeling this apprehension? His mind drifted back to her. Victoria. The corner of his mouth wrinkled in a wince as he thought of what she'd suffered, the pain and torment she'd undergone because of his frenzy phase. He owed her a life. Mortality ripped from her, powers she had no idea how to control thrust into her. He owed her training and protection. But in that, there was a problem.
    Maraud HATED being tied down. He could play the game of power, bend the knee, say honeyed words in the right ear, hold any allegiance that suited him and his tastes. But in Victoria, there was a weakness, a chink in his armor. A way to manipulate and control him. A method that was not fair to her or him.
    He quickened his pace, the pack following suit, the scent getting stronger with each step. He had to ensure that she did not fall into the wrong hands...
  4. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    “Following my scent, hmm? I can tell you are not human, yet you are not of divine origin either. Then again, not just angels and demons roam the earth. The broad spectrum of creatures that has spread over the place has indeed increased. I myself am looking for a divine relic, if you want to call it that. I can feel it, which means it is not too far away. As with every divine relic or item, I can guarantee that there will be some obstacles in the way. If you are looking for a way out of here, I may be able to help with that. First, let me ask, have you ever heard of the Temple of Solomon? If my information is correct, then we are not too far from it. I don’t know if you can sense it, but the power it radiates is immense. It supposedly contains a power that rivals that of angels, and it may also provide an answer to where your path is.”

    “However, if you decide to try anything while we are in the vicinity of the temple, I will not hesitate to destroy you. If you do want to find a path, follow me. By the way, I’m known as Ark.” Ark said, sensing more power radiating deeper in the forest
  5. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    He stood in the ruins of the Colosseum, sniffing at the air. Usually, he wouldn't have gotten here as fast as he had. The benefits of knowing the exact location of your quarry at any given time meant that you really didn't have to rush anywhere. But today, time was against him, he needed to find this Victoria girl as soon as possible, and hopefully before Maraud did.
    He stopped sniffing, and moved into the stands, where the scent was strongest. It smelt like the vampire, but wasn't. He smiled.
    'I'm coming for you, precious. Hope you're ready to receive guests.'
  6. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Sauriel raised an eyebrow as he heard Hawk tell his story.
    "As unfortunate as your story is, I feel that it brings up more questions than answers."
    He couldn't tell whether the angel in front of him was incredibly noble or painfully misguided to offer his aid to a group of complete strangers, especially strangers like himself, Semira and everyone else involved. He wanted to ask more questions, but he dismissed those thoughts out of sheer urgency and turned to the rest of the group.
    "We really don't have time for this, and we could use all the help we can get. I say we let him come with us since he seems so eager to do so. Objections?"

    OOT: That's it for now, I'll try to figure out something for Tybalt later.
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT been having a bit of writers block with this thread considering how many charaters I play. So if replies are short I apologize

    "I have not heard of that temple. I just want to find my way out of here and back to where I was before I was dragged to this place"
    The wind blew which rustled the trees allowing the light to shimmer down. She quickly moved closer to the side of the tree to avoid the sunlight.
    "It is dark there? where you are heading?"
    She looked over at him
    "If it is I will go with you. I promise I will try not to do anything"
    She couldn't promise that she wouldn't since she still couldn't control the vampire side of her when she caught the scent of blood.
    was all she said while she awaited his replies
  8. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The tore through the forest, charging with a demented look on his face. He didn't dodge around branches or the trees themselves, instead choosing to just slam through them with force than would shatter mortal men.
    He knew Maraud was here, probably after the girl, same as him. Only, he wanted her a lot more than the vampire did. Nothing beats a nice bit of leverage, he thought to himself.
  9. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    He stopped, ears pricked.
    Something was rushing through the forest, something that had about as much regard for subtlety as an enraged bull. He listened harder and he could hear trees falling, and no mortal creature had the power to knock over trees by moving through them.
    And from the sounds of it, it was moving towards the source of the scent - towards Victoria.
    He and the pack moved as one, breaking into a run. He thought about sending the wolves away, but thought better of it - if whoever this was meant ill for him or Victoria, intimidation, overwhelming or at worst just a general distraction would be helpful. His feet barely touched the ground as he entered this bizarre race, against an opponent he could not see, to a place he didn't as of yet know.
  10. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    As Ark traveled along further into the forest, he could feel the power getting stronger. This is a good sign, the temple should not be too far away from here. Although whether or not it will spare Victoria, it remains to be seen.

    Suddenly he could sense multiple beings coming from behind them. Not exactly sure what they were, it could only mean more danger. Great, just when I thought this couldn’t get more complicated.

    “Victoria, it seems that we have more company. Not sure if they are with you at all or not, but I would prefer to have as few distractions as possible when at the temple. I really prefer to not use my power, but I will not hesitate to do so if need be. “

    Turning around, he could sense them coming faster. Ark then brought his right hand up to his face, and a seal formed on the back of it. It started glowing, and characters of divine origin started forming around Ark.

    “If these guests prove to be hostile, you will witness what is known as edenreach. Let’s just say that creatures of demonic origin are easily destroyed by this power.”
  11. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    The trees behind Victoria and Ark seemed to grow darker, shadow forming out of nowhere to creep towards them. A moment later the shadows grew eyes, and fur, and teeth, and the wolf pack became distinguishable from the forest around them. One pair of eyes glowed an icy blue, and Maraud straightened up, his eyes on the seal on Ark's hand and taking a step forward towards them.
    The look he gave Ark was the exact same as the one the wolves had on their faces - a kind of predatory wariness, caution born of experience with the unknown. The wolves remained silent, but by no means relaxed, as Maraud's gaze moved to Victoria.
    "Who's your new friend?" he inquired politely, suddenly looking quite harmless despite the wolf pack that was even now slowly moving to encircle the three of them. "If you could be quick, I'd appreciate it. Something large and unfriendly is coming this way very quickly and I'd prefer we not be around to meet it."
  12. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    He was so close to the girl, he could practically taste her. She was with people he realised. One of them was new to him, and new generally meant they weren't important. But the other...
    He forced himself to stop, which in this case translated to him digging forward leg into the ground, the unmistakable snap of bone accompanying it. He left a great welt in the dirt behind him as he stopped just before the group, his leg reforming almost instantly after.
    His thoughts were simple. They weren't intricate combat strategies. They weren't clever little jibs for him to throw. Hell, they weren't even focused on why he originally came here. No, there was only one thought going through his mind, and that thought practically governed everything he's do from now on.

    He's here

    He smiled cruelly, his sharp teeth bared. He took a step towards the trio.
  13. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    When Ark mentioned there being more company she started looking around.
    "No one was with me when I was brought out here, but one..."
    She sniffed at the air and her eyes went wide when she realized who it was
    "the scent ...its...."
    before she could say anything she noticed the trees behind them getting darker and she spun around to face in the direction of the shadows. When Maraud straightened himself and took a step forward, Victoria took a step back and hissed, her eyes started to change but remembering what he was capable of doing to her she stopped herself.
    "M-Maraud...how did you find me?"
    she looked over at Ark when she was asked who her new friend was
    "I ran into him after I was brought out here, I couldn't find my way back to the arena."
    she looked back at Maraud and tilted her head wondering about the dark and unfriendly thing or being that was coming their way
    "Something dark and unfriendly?"
    Before he could answer she heard rustling and suddenly a voice 'sup'. Victoria turned to face the direction of the voice, taking a step back. She lowered herself to a defensive stance. Was this the dark and unfriendly thing Maraud was speaking of? She noticed the cruel smile and his vicious teeth and Victoria hissed, her eyes started to turn black. She was preparing for the worse
  14. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    “Maurad, that’s what she called you? Interesting, I seem to run into these creatures as I try to find something from the divine. As for this other fellow, seems like he is not welcome here. Well then, allow me to show you why I don’t take kindly to those who are of demonic origin. Victoria, stand behind me.”

    As Ark said this, the seal on his hand was glowing brighter, and the characters surrounding him intensified.

    Arcanus, vertias, metrinos, giasona, vertrios” Ark said

    The air started to fill with tension, and a bright light was emitting from the sky. What looked like daggers of light formed in the air, and they started raining down with intensity

    “Come forth, daggers of light. Demons of the earth, face thine judgment!.” Ark stood next to Victoria, and put up a shield around them.

    “If your friends are of demonic origin, then this will basically kill them. At the very least it will do quite a bit of damage. Although from the look in your eyes, you must be a vampire. If not for the shield, you would be taking a lot of damage.” Ark said
  15. Shinimagami Trophy Hunter

    Apr 29, 2013
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    Decoda, while she was 'forced' to wait for the results of her 'blood test', waited outside. She leaned on a balcony rail, and stared out at the night sky. The moon was almost full, she wasn't sure why, but she always found a full moon to be the most beautiful. To her it somehow calmed her, letting her know that whatever trials she had to face in her future, she would somehow find the strength to do so.
    A gentle, yet firm grip on her shoulder. Decoda turned around, and saw a woman in a white lab coat, and black dress, standing there. Though she was shorter than herself, she managed to grip her shoulder, without standing on her tip-toes. "I have your results."
    "And?" Decoda raised her brow slightly.
    "It is as you suspected." The shorter woman replied.
    Decoda lowered her gaze. 'Somehow I wished that it wasn't true.' She thought to herself. "Is there anyway-"
    "I'm afraid not." The woman interrupted Decoda. "I already tried, and there were no matches."
    Decoda lifted her gaze. "Thank you for your help."
    "Will you be staying the night?" The woman asked.
    Decoda nodded her head. "If you don't mind." She spoke. "This place seems to hide my presence, and I could use the rest."
    The woman nodded her head, with a gentle smile on her face. "Stay as long as you need."
  16. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The daggers hammered into his flesh, tearing through him. They tore chunks from him. However, his reaction was more akin to him being caught in light drizzle than having daggers rip him to pieces.
    "So, Maudy." He continued, casually. "How have you been?"
  17. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    The wolves whined and backed off, the scent of the brutish newcomer as well as the rain of daggers prompting every warning their brains could give them. Maraud resisted the urge to pull his lips back over his teeth in a snarl as he delicately stepped backwards, just out of range of the daggers.
    Ignoring the stranger for now - who claimed to know him to the point of using a hilarious yet detestable nickname - he spoke to the man under the shield. "Any particular reason you've taken my apprentice hostage?" he called, his eyes flickering to Victoria, to Ark, to the stranger, and back to Victoria again. "I mean you no harm. I have simply come to find someone who it is my responsibility to take care of. And I would much prefer it if you gave her to me without any more delays."
    He noticed that the strange new creature, whatever it was, was capable of withstanding the barrage as though it was barely even there. And its attention was focused on him rather than on the other two. With this in mind he circled around the shield, putting as much distance between himself and it as possible while still avoiding the daggers, inching closer and closer to Victoria and Ark in the process.
  18. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    “Your apprentice? I guess that it is not surprising, but she must have a reason for being out here. I think it would be better for her to decide which path she wants to take, she does have her own will after all. However, I should warn you that the area we are in is not one to be underestimated, especially for creatures such as yourselves. You see, the power I have just used is a fraction of what I am capable of, and considering the fact that the Temple of Solomon is not very far, it would be wise to not try anything. Maurad, since you show no intention of doing any harm to us, if Victoria wants to go back with you, she is free to do so. However, if you or this other one tries anything, then you will feel the wrath of the divine”
  19. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Maraud had no intention of underestimating either individual before him, neither the monster nor the man who appeared to have some knowledge of divine magic.
    At least, not while Victoria was so close.
    "You see, though," he replied, now far enough away from the brutish creature that if he attacked Maraud would have time to react without drawing too much attention off Ark, "there are three things you should consider. The first being that out of all the potential threats to you, I am the least of your concerns. In case you haven't noticed," he said, gesturing to the monster that was still resolutely enduring the onslaught of daggers from the sky without any signs of weakening - and giving him a rather disconcerting look in the process - "he appears to be remarkably unaffected by your magic tricks. Also as you have noted, my apprentice is a vampire. A very hungry vampire who is not, as of yet, fully in control of her hunger. You are standing so very close to her that, should the impulse to turn you into a bloody steak cross her mind for more than a few seconds, you would not be able to move fast enough to avoid such a fate. The second thing is that threats rarely ever solve anything, and in fact just serve to irritate me. And while I am a perfect gentleman in most respects, I'd much rather not stand here and be threatened. And lastly, while as mentioned prior I am loathe to brutish mannerisms without prompt, I would very much like to take back my apprentice in the next sixty seconds. As a result of this, should you not lower your shield, cease your barrage, and kindly return my student to me within those aforementioned sixty seconds, well..." He shrugged. "I am not one to promote a stereotype but I can make my student's terrifying power look like a mewling kitten if need be."
  20. Shinimagami Trophy Hunter

    Apr 29, 2013
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    Decoda slowly rose from the bed that she had been sleeping in, and slowly opened her eyes. Her usually bright blue eyes were glazed over, making them appear almost like a light crystal blue, or white. She stepped onto the floor, and looked down to her feet for a moment before she stood up. She rustled her blackened wings slightly, before walking to the door and leaving the room; her steps so light it was like she was a ghost in angelic form. She turned each corner of the hallway as if she had been living in this 'building' for her entire life.
    Before she knew it, Decoda was outside, standing in the mountain snow. She could feel the wind brush by her, and through her hair. When she finally 'woke up', she was surrounded by both angels and demons. She looked around, both sides prepared to strike at any moment. Decoda called her weapon to her hand, a slight holy glow surrounding her entire form, just as both sides began to charge. Decoda went to take a step to defend herself, and everything seemed to freeze...except for her.
    "What happened?" Decoda asked herself.
    "Pay no mind to why, dear child." An aged woman's voice echoed through the mountains.
    "Who's there?" Decoda demanded.
    "I can see the demon's blood inside you." The woman's voice echoed, ignoring Decoda's demand. "I know you've been sensing it, and suppressing it." Suddenly the woman appeared behind Decoda, and stabbed her in her side with a dagger. "Have you ever given thought to releasing it?" She whispered in Decoda's ear.
    "In any case," the woman interrupted Decoda, before she could answer; "in a few hours, you'll have no choice." She pushed the dagger further into Decoda's side, making sure she struck as many vital vessels as possible, so that Decoda couldn't remove the dagger, without bleeding out.
    Suddenly, the woman vanished, and the angels and demons charging towards Decoda, resumed their charge. Decoda gripped her weapon, the blade pointed towards those out for her life. She grunted lowly in pain, as her blood slowly seeped from the wound on her side, and dripped on to the freshly fallen snow.

    OOC- a teaser for what's about to happen :p

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