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Log Horizon discussion

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Supernatural-Knight, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    My thoughts on the last ep: I thought this one was kinda bland, anyone else?
    Like, the first half was storytelling politics, and I hate storytelling politics, it's just so boring...
    The noobs are still being noobs, and the effing glass cannon still thinks he's meant to be a tank. Honestly, before the whole apocalypse thing happened, shouldn't he known or someone have told him that mages aren't supposed to take any damage full stop due to not being the ones who charge in??
    Those "bubbles" on the horizon for a split second were intriguing. I wonder if they're important to the plot or something? :)
    And of course, something of interest pops up just as the episode ends. I'm really looking forward to next week's with that promo!! :D
  2. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    My thoughts on the last ep: I thought this one was kinda bland, anyone else?
    Like, the first half was storytelling politics, and I hate storytelling politics, it’s just so boring…
    The noobs are still being noobs, and the effing glass cannon still thinks he’s meant to be a tank. Honestly, before the whole apocalypse thing happened, shouldn’t he known or someone have told him that mages aren’t supposed to take any damage full stop due to not being the ones who charge in??
    Those “bubbles” on the horizon for a split second were intriguing. I wonder if they’re important to the plot or something? [​IMG]
    And of course, something of interest pops up just as the episode ends. I’m really looking forward to next week’s with that promo!! [​IMG]
    This episode was pretty much all character development. It was just watching everyone have a little down time to relax and interact before the next big event starts up. So how much you enjoy this episode partly depends on how much you like the characters.
  3. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Eh I don't know.
    I finally finished catching up.
    But is anyone else feeling it's kind of like a shounen in a way.
    You know, we have the big buildup to a dangerous event that'll generate some asspulls.
  4. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    This episode was pretty much all character development. It was just watching everyone have a little down time to relax and interact before the next big event starts up. So how much you enjoy this episode partly depends on how much you like the characters.
    Ah okay, so the reason I didn't like it much was cause they gave next to no screentime to the good characters. *cough*Akatsuki&Nyanta*cough*Eh I don’t know.
    I finally finished catching up.
    But is anyone else feeling it’s kind of like a shounen in a way.
    You know, we have the big buildup to a dangerous event that’ll generate some asspulls.
    Yeah, I'm sorta getting that. And there's also that "ownage moment" thing that I was told was common in shounens.
  5. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Eh I don’t know.
    I finally finished catching up.
    But is anyone else feeling it’s kind of like a shounen in a way.
    You know, we have the big buildup to a dangerous event that’ll generate some asspulls.
    That is a basic story selling set up not just shonen. you have the build up, the crisis, and then the climax. It's just your baic three act structure really. It's more noticable in shonen because the build up is filled with lots of character and plot development scenes while the crisis in more action filled and the Climax is the over the top final battle. But plenty of anime besides shonen follow the three act structure.But in this case it's not "Kinda like a shonen" it is a Shonen http://myanimelist.net/anime/17265/But remember not all shonen series are like naruto, Bleach, One piece, Fairy Tail, etc.
  6. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Thoughts on Episode 14:
    There's still no help for noobs being given by the "teachers". Like, really, still wondering what the hell kinda party setup this is?
    I found the explanation of each of the magic classes quite interesting.
    Omh, all this stuff about the game world's history and the World Fraction, like, beyond interesting!! :D
    I found this stuff about "Spirit Theory" & reanimation quite interesting too. :)
    Oh! and and this stuff about memory forgetting is also beyond interesting! ^_^ (And perhaps, this would be a temporary solution to my issue with the "no death" thing...)
    At the end, I do hope whatsherface speaks up and the noobs get the idea now...
  7. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Thoughts on Episode 14:
    There’s still no help for noobs being given by the “teachers”. Like, really, still wondering what the hell kinda party setup this is?
    I found the explanation of each of the magic classes quite interesting.
    Omh, all this stuff about the game world’s history and the World Fraction, like, beyond interesting!! [​IMG]
    I found this stuff about “Spirit Theory” & reanimation quite interesting too. [​IMG]
    Oh! and and this stuff about memory forgetting is also beyond interesting! ^_^ (And perhaps, this would be a temporary solution to my issue with the “no death” thing…)
    At the end, I do hope whatsherface speaks up and the noobs get the idea now…
    Yeah I love how MP, HP, and resurrection spells were all given a physical explination. You see this stuff in games all the time but it's always just been a part of the interface so that you could keep track of damage and energy. But this psyche and anima stuff is really cool. I also like this memeory loss thing because like I said at the start while I don't want to see characters die things are a bit boring when the characters don't stand to lose anything really important when they die. But now it seems they lose memories bit by bit. Sure a single death may not take away much but if you die too many times it will start to build up into serious memory loss. So now there is a real reason to desperately avoid death as much as possible to prevent that.I kinda wish more had happened besides explinations but it was interesting to learn about the history of the world and finally get some insight into how everyone got trapped here.At this point I have two ideas for what is going on1.Someone in that world used World Fraction to connect to "The real world" and call upon heroes. But the Spell lacked the power to truely bring people to this world so instead it simply connected to our world in the form of a game. The second world fraction Spell finished the job by drawing our actual minds into the world and into the PC bodies created through the power of the second world fraction.2.The game was created in our world on it's own but somehow connected to their world and World fraction manifested this connection by bringing the PC bodies into their own world.Either way this last episode fixed several of the holes in the plot.
  8. Batosai Manslayer

    Apr 20, 2013
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    I loved this episode. Perfect. So many things were explained.

    Now there's finally a reason to avoid death. I knew there must be more to it. Would be super boring if nothing really happened. So like Shiroe said, you probably lose enough memories to not realise you've lost them. Eventually you will lose the knowledge about the real world and you'll kind of become an NPC. That's how i see it. People will have to convince you big time with an idea that seems crazy for someone who doesn't remember the real world. So there's a real danger to dying too many times.

    About the world fraction, the first world fraction was used to bring those demi-humans or something to Elder Tale, 20 years ago when Elder Tale was created in the real world, somehow connected to the game world, like Meta said, the 2nd world fraction was used to bring in players who played before their computer screens back then. And now when the apocalypse happened the 3rd world fraction was used to bring those players' minds into their characters. The 2nd world fraction was used to bring change, right? I can see people who have lives in the real world won't play as serious as if it's the real world. So this 3rd world fraction might be used to make them more serious. Or something.
  9. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Lols, while it's quite a consensus here that this episode was good, my brother hated it. The thoughts he had on it, told to me, paraphrased:
    That was shit. They didn't do anything. [sarcasm] Oh wow, so those few hundred years in the game were twenty years IRL? Golly. [/sarcasm]
  10. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Lols, while it’s quite a consensus here that this episode was good, my brother hated it. The thoughts he had on it, told to me, paraphrased:
    That was shit. They didn’t do anything. [sarcasm] Oh wow, so those few hundred years in the game were twenty years IRL? Golly. [/sarcasm]
    Where has he been most of this anime? This isn't an anime of non stop action and thrills. The past couple episodes have been all about character development and expanding on the setting. In that respect these past two episodes have been amazing because we have seen a lot about characters and the world. Like the blond guy with glasses and the princess. We learned a lot about what kinda people they are. So the last couple episodes are certainly not "Shit" and they did plenty, although I can certainly understand the pace feeling too slow to some people. They just didn't do anything action packed or world shattering.
  11. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Its been a while since I've last posted in this thread so if you don't mind I might just ignore the old notifications I got from you mafia, it is kind of irrelevant to the current content.

    Okay so these last two episodes this show has gone from good to great, the character development and the backstory given now is amazing and while nothing aesthetically pleasing is happening such as important fights it hasn't felt boring even once. Everything is just too interesting and it is official to me, this trapped in a game series is definitively better than SAO. It spreads its character focus out well, shows the importance of training the newer members [instead of everyone fends for themselves], the entire guild aspect, economic growth, NPC interaction. The only thing that was holding it back was the lack of knowledge why they are trapped and not looking for a way out. Since it has been established why they are there, and reasoned the important of finding a way out it is near perfect for this type of series.

    World magic, wholly crap Shiroe has found the ultimate goal and probably the only way to release them from the game I'm thinking. If it takes one to trap members it seems logical that that'd be the only way out. So 3 world fractions, and the game world has been around longer than the games creation, things just got very serious.

    I can't wait to see what happens next, but regarding the training camp I hope Minori finally gets her chance to express her concern. I'm still thinking that failing the dungeon due to your team is part of the training, how else would they learn what set ups to use?

    And while I can't guarantee it I would like to believe that this OP is going to continue on, I haven't seen any announcement yet that it will change and paying close attention to it you can see some of what is to come, usually they change after majority of these points have been met, so far maybe a bit more than half has been achieved definitely.
  12. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Nyafiacow wrote:
    Lols, while it’s quite a consensus here that this episode was good, my brother hated it. The thoughts he had on it, told to me, paraphrased:
    That was shit. They didn’t do anything. [sarcasm] Oh wow, so those few hundred years in the game were twenty years IRL? Golly. [/sarcasm]Where has he been most of this anime? This isn’t an anime of non stop action and thrills.
    Tell him that. :pIts been a while since I’ve last posted in this thread so if you don’t mind I might just ignore the old notifications I got from you mafia, it is kind of irrelevant to the current content.
    Yeah, fair enough. Oh, and *Nyafia.I can’t wait to see what happens next, but regarding the training camp I hope Minori finally gets her chance to express her concern. I’m still thinking that failing the dungeon due to your team is part of the training, how else would they learn what set ups to use?
    Has she not already had plenty of chances??And any wiki-type site would tell you. Or maybe if they paid attention to the experienced people??And that thing Bato said about losing enough memory to become and NPC, I really like that idea. :D
  13. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Nah Minori hasn't had any opportunity to speak her mind because she is the quiet type and Rudy is too loud for her to get a word in, that is until this episode. I found it kind of refreshing to be back focussing on the rookies and Minori finally spoke up and what do you know they cleared their trial for the first time. I kind of wish they had shown us the fight against what sounded like the boss of the area but I'm fine with what we did get.

    And Bato's thought of adventurers turning into NPC's is very interesting, I actually like the thought a lot and it would give the game a darker setting again. Although I am wondering on what the set amount of times dying would have to be before you lose that many memories.

    And Rudy not being able to be added to a friends list, I highly doubt it is a glitch but I have no other logical thoughts on what it could be. Originally I thought it might be possible he is an NPC of the race that was essentially killed off [the one from the first world fraction story]. Although I'm not sure how that'd work exactly. At least we now know there is a real reason behind why he never joined a guild before.

    And the army of water creatures on the beach, wholly shit [even though obvious from the opening], I thought their opponent was goblins not these things.

    Basically it was the perfect way to get back into the faster pace of this show after a few strategical conferences/meetings/gatherings and whatever the hell else you want to call what they did. I think my personal favourite is essentially hitting on a princess
  14. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The hell? I thought I posted regarding last ep...
    Oh well, here're my thoughts:
    The episode's name intrigued me.
    Whatsherface didn't speak up properly, but it still had enough of the desired effect.
    Yeah, no. That's not how taunts work. An agressive monster will attack the first player it sees, after that, it will switch targets if the tank doesn't hold aggro. Doing all that extra taunting is just a waste of time and mana (or whatever energy your class uses).
    Hehe, the start of the dungeon scene reminded me of my WoW days' "Watch for pats!" XD
    I have NEVER heard of these "roles" before. I mean, it's the tanks' and healers' jobs to be watching everyone's aggro and HP respectively, but I've never heard those names she said before.
    If you were just gonna wipe them out like that, what the HELL was the point of all that already unneeded taunting?!?!
    You beat that group of enemies. Well, f***ing, done! All that leaves is countless more groups just like them, and a few bosses. -_-
    And what the devil was this thing??? (I write these down as I watch. Now that I've finished, is this just a cluster, or a boss?)
    I'm really glad that Shiroe's actually trying and making some progress on the "Apocalypse" thing. ^_^
    "Pulling", "Off-Healer", sweet MMO nostalgia. :3
    Lols, dog. XD
    Yeah, no. Even if you're in a guild, nothing is actually stopping you from going places with non-guild members. :p
    Curious to the friends list thing, obviously.
    Oo! Yays! I'm curious as to that bit at the end. :D

    And, responses to Super:
    Tch, hardly an excuse. And no, from my understanding, they only fought that group of enemies, perhaps a few more groups of them most. The name they gave didn't sound like it was in reference to an area boss, rather those minor skeletons.

    Yeah, pretty snazzy idea. :D

    It could be that NPC hypothesis, I mean even though there's the whole thing that he's killing stuff with them, that could just be a side effect of the World Fraction.
  15. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    Well I think we found our tragic death of the series. Pretty sure Rudy or whatever his name was is one of the NPC's with power equal to that of some players. That would explain why he is so full on himself since he is pretty amazing for an NPC. So since it seems when they die it's for real and given that scene in the opening he's probably toast.
  16. OtakuSenseiHig Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    i finally got caught up to this and while going through their were a couple things that left me bored but now that i reached up to episode 15 i see that show will lead uo to something bad due to the fact the opening shows someone dead
  17. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    And again, forgot to post this last night.

    This week, I glanced at Meta's post in my email, saw "tragic death" and "Rudy", so I couldn't stop thinking he was dying this episode, and didn't have many other thoughts. Nyantheless:
    Hehe, "aggro" "PUG" :3
    I like this world event thing with the Goblin King. :D
    Coolies, so the death-memory thing DOES happen. ^_^
    Couldn't help but chuckle when the Goblin was holding the doll and the kid realised what that meant. XD
  18. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +260 / 0 / -1
    Another snore-fest of an episode.
    I like the fact that they're introducing the world and such, but please don't drag it out this long.
    On another note, please kill off Rudy, he reminds me of Guiche from Zero no Tsukaima with his unbearable and stuck-up personality.
    I hope he gets surrounded by Goblins and then eaten.
  19. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    One person's boring episode is another's great episode, I thoroughly enjoyed last weeks episode, especially the verification of the memory loss in the occurrence of death. I was shocked when Crusty revealed he had died at least twice, I knew it was a possibility, but he is the leader of a large combat guild so I would have expected him to at least survive the trial period. Although it now does bring in the real threat within the game world because before now it did seem kind of like a utopia in Akihabara at least, no viruses, no colds, no death they did have it pretty easy until this knowledge.

    It looks like the next episode is going to be a good one, my first thought when it shown the village was that they should destroy the bridge, I wonder if they will actually do this. It does seem like the easiest way to stop them, assuming the land goblins have absolutely no skill in water.

    I really like the idea of an in game event leading to disaster though, it is quite a good development, these writers know how to make the most of an MMO setting.
  20. Metazoxan Trophy Hunter

    Apr 23, 2013
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    One person’s boring episode is another’s great episode, I thoroughly enjoyed last weeks episode, especially the verification of the memory loss in the occurrence of death. I was shocked when Crusty revealed he had died at least twice, I knew it was a possibility, but he is the leader of a large combat guild so I would have expected him to at least survive the trial period. Although it now does bring in the real threat within the game world because before now it did seem kind of like a utopia in Akihabara at least, no viruses, no colds, no death they did have it pretty easy until this knowledge.

    It looks like the next episode is going to be a good one, my first thought when it shown the village was that they should destroy the bridge, I wonder if they will actually do this. It does seem like the easiest way to stop them, assuming the land goblins have absolutely no skill in water.

    I really like the idea of an in game event leading to disaster though, it is quite a good development, these writers know how to make the most of an MMO setting.

    I agree I also liked it. It was interesting seeing how a scripted event translates to real world perception. In a game failing a quest like that and letting monsters get stronger simply means high level players get a little more challange and noobs simply have to stay away until the next event and things are back to normal. But in this setting they can't just walk away especially if they want to protect the people of the land. But it really makes you wonder just where they are. Is this a real place or a game world? It seems like a real place with it's own people and hystory going to before the start of the game yet there are things like this which seem to bind the world to the rules of a game.

    One possiblity that I'm leaning towards is that the last world fracture didn't just bring the players to their world it somehow bound the entire world to the rules of the game.

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