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Lazarus: Land Of The Elements

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by BlackHeartedRose, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOT: What time is it in Laz? I thought it'd be roughly twilight, but what time do we all think it is?

    A knock on the door took lain's attention from the suspiciously silent hot springs. She couldn't see who might be down there in the steam but she knew someone was responsible for ruining her dream. She gazed at the spring waiting for someone or something to reply to her challenge. Rhiner went to the door and opened it, admitting the innkeeper into the room.

    "Good evening, ma'am," he said politely.
    "Are you both all right?" She asked him seriously surveying the damage with wide eyes.
    "We're both fine, my young bride here is simply worked up over having our peaceful night ruined."

    The innkeeper took in Lain standing by the broken window with the darkening sky behind her. The old woman's gaze quickly slid from the slim woman's back to the long saber she held. Her eyes widened to the point that they would be considered bulging.
    "A sword of bone!" She said in a higher pitched voice than normal.
    "Merely a decoration. You may not have guessed it from her appearance, but my young bride is to be taking a position at the royal prison. We simply want her to look formidable to the inmates," Rhiner said to her.
    "I... I see," she replied, clearly still unsettled by the weapon. "I'm glad neither of you are injured. I deeply apologize for this happening. I insist the two of you go to another room. I won't ask for any extra charges and don't think of the cost. I already know the cause."

    Lain was across the room in moments, the blade of her saber pressing into the innkeeper's throat.
    "Who. Did. It," she growled. Rhiner put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her away. Stepping between Lain and the woman he pressed a few coins in her hand and apologized.

    "Perhaps she should make use of the hot springs. They are really quite relaxing." The woman said before fleeing the room.

    Turning on Lain Rhiner said, "That was uncalled for. That woman has done nothing to deserve such treatment."
    Lain glared at him but didn't respond. "Put your sword away then. Why don't you go down to the springs, I know you were talking about wanting to earlier. I'll move your things to another room and-"
    "No, leave them here. This room is fine."
    "Okay... then I'll just go talk to one of my friends. I saw him come into the bar earlier. No doubt his blood will be up as well. Now go."

    Lain heard the tone of command in his voice and hated him for it. Sheathing her sword she stalked out of the room and down to the hot spring wearing only her white traveling cloak. As she left the room Rhiner put a hand to his head and sighed. Lain truly was a handful, she had always been. He hadn't remembered her being so quick to violence though. Maybe her family situation was getting worse due to her brother. She had been sleeping rather easy he had no doubt that her dreams were most likely filled with memories of the tempering. His still were and he had grown up with the process. No matter now though, he figured as he went to talk to another of his subordinates.

    Lain had to pass through the tavern to get to the hot spring access. Whoever designed this building is an idiot! She fumed to herself and grumbled angrily. Regretting not putting anything else on before leaving the room in a huff, she now had to walk through a room of drunken men essentially naked. The ice cold air she surrounded herself with caused any man who tried to reach for her pull his hand back in surprise.

    She made it to the hot spring area unmolested and shed her cloak before slipping in. Sliding in all at once, she was unprepared for how warm the spring actually was in comparison to the cold air she had just gotten accustomed to. Biting back a cry of shock and pain, she forced herself to remain silent until her body adjusted to the intense heat. It took only a few moments and she found herself starting to relax already, her body beckoning her to fall back asleep as her anger slowly faded.

    As she relaxed, she became aware of another person sharing the spring with her. She couldn't pretend she was in tune with the water element if she couldn't tell if others were near her, especially in water. Moving so as not to make too much noise, she approached the other person and found herself surprised to see Shizukesa sitting there in comfort. Wariness crept into her as she glanced around for Cinder, ready for an attack... when none came she relaxed by a fraction and approached the other woman.

    "Good evening priestess," she said while trying to disguise her voice as much as possible. "May I join you?"
  2. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    OoT: Bardra's reaction to being called uncle

    She followed him as they walked towards his home. “I will answer any question you have. Tea is not really my thing, but I will try to drink it. I don’t want to offend your housekeeper.”
    Aurora noticed that Bardra was staring at her. She started to blush a little bit. “Actually we aren’t related. I just look up to you as if you were my Uncle. I have deep respect for you, Uncle Bardra."

    "I thank you Aurora, but i must know does you being here have to do with recent events? i'll be vague seeing as we are still in public" He paused as there was much he wanted to ask but couldn't here. "How did you get to where you are now, Aurora? You are so young......ahhh this is ironic, i was told the same thing once and here I am repeating it" Bardra sigh for a moment "Here we are, oh and you don't have to drink the tea if you don't want to Angela will understand" He opened the door and both of them walked in.
    "Back so soon, Oh who is this?" Angela was not only surprised at his quick return but that Bardra now had a guest.
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Shizukesa started in surprise at having another woman in the spring with her. She had just gotten over her disappointment on not getting the results of her vision set in motion. But she settled down upon seeing that it was the woman she considered newlywed yet familiar. Something told her that this was one of the occupants of the rooms damaged by her misfiring of the spike.
    "Ah, I know. Sorry about the damage done to your room. Don't ask how, but I can tell that is why you are here, for a small accident that happened."
    How did she get by Cinder without him knowing?
    The reason why Cinder was not able to be notice the disguised Lain entering was because he had locked himself in the restroom, safely drying out in there and staying away from Shizukesa, intent on the vision not being carried out.
    To Hell with it! Not happening not happening not happening...
    "Perhaps talking to each other will allow for any hard feelings to be lost. Though I did not expect it to be like this, since this is a private section of the springs to my room."
    Shizukesa stood up, smiling, wading through the water to Lain's side before seating herself next to Lain.
    "But since you are here, we might as well talk to each other. I can sense you are a water woman.A newlywed, too. And so young. That must be exciting."
    Shizukesa took on a teasing face.
    "Perhaps you two do exciting things at night. But I wonder if he prefers something bigger. Like this."
    She motioned to her own chest with both hands, pointing out the size difference, which was roughly double what Lain had.
    I imagine that she should be fun to tease.
  4. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Lain had been preparing something to say to Shizukesa about damaging her room and ruining her only good dream about her family when she brought that up. Her face turned bright red and her eyes immediately went to the other woman's chest. "I-I... uh... he... well he likes me. We've known each other for years and... and..."

    It was abundantly clear that Lain had no idea how to respond to Shizukesa's teasing. She sat there in the warm water, suddenly uncomfortably close to the priestess and unsure what to even say to the older woman.

    "What's wrong with my breasts?" Lain finally asked in an unsteady voice.
    #144 The_Lullabye, Jan 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "Bigger is better, girl!"
    Shizukesa smiled more, thrusting out her chest and enjoying the trouble she was giving Lain.
    Something tells me she deserves it.
    "But don't worry, they'll probably grow a little more."
    Shizukesa gave Lain a pat on the chest.
    "But only a little."
  6. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Although he didn't show it, Gideon was pleasantly surprised at Gale's cordial reply.
    "Perhaps I misjudged her. She seems quite reasonable after all."
    It isn't flawless, but Gideon does have a talent for reading the intentions of others and while he had some difficulty before, when Gale spoke to him this time, he didn't sense any hidden motives or secret ambitions behind it. He still intends to keep a close eye on her, but he does seem to be a little more at ease with the idea of having her around.
    "What a complicated woman, to be sure. Still, she does seem rather pleasant to be around."

    Gideon carefully considered everything that the former king told him, whispering that name under his breath as he did so. He nodded and addressed Zayne.
    "I believe that your assumption is correct, this Verbena surely wants to gain control of the elements and it seems that they will go to any means to achieve that goal. However, I am curious about one thing. Why would they assassinate the rulers of Lazarus? How would that help them achieve their goal? My guess is...they have no idea how the elements work and just how disastrous that would be. If I understand correctly, then without a ruler there would be no future kings and queens, without kings and queens the elements will spiral out of control. Then no one will rule the elements, not even us. They want to destabilize our power structure but they would inevitably disrupt the very core of the elements themselves. This is troubling news, indeed. An ignorant enemy is just as dangerous if not more so than a knowledgeable one."
    He let out a heavy sigh and continued.
    "Hmm. Even more trouble is the idea that there are assassins roaming free in this kingdom as we speak, unopposed, killing of royalty at will. My deepest condolences for the losses you and your family have suffered. This must not be allowed to continue, not even a moment longer if I can help it. The Air Kingdom boasts the finest intelligence gathering network in all of Lazarus and I will make sure that they find these spies from Verbena as soon as possible. I cannot speak for the other kingdoms, but I will make sure that if any of these assassins are still within our borders, they will be found and brought to justice."
    With all of the messy business taken care of, he gave Zayne a calm smile.
    "Thank you for trusting me with this information. To know that I have your confidence is a great comfort to me. Well, then...what will you do now, Lord Zayne?"

    One of the servants, a middle-aged woman with a pleasant disposition, happened to be walking by when Lucille sat down, so she smiled and called out to her.
    "Ah, there you are! Lord Gideon was wondering where you went after your errand today."
    She couldn't help but notice that Lucille looked a little...worse for wear.
    "Oh my, you've had quite a day, haven't you? Not to worry, I'll go tell Lord Gideon--"
    She stopped and corrected herself.
    "Goodness, I almost forgot! It's King Gideon now, isn't it?" She said with a giggle. "It'll take a little while to get used to that!"
  7. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Lain turned away from Shizukesa and covered herself in embarrassment at the turn of events. She's a priestess isn't she? why is she like this? Lain asked herself as her mind fumbled with what to do next. She hadn't prepared for this at all.

    There were rumors of course, about those all female monasteries and the things that go on there some nights. But those were stories told by drunken mercenaries late in the night. Lain had paid them no mind of course, they were men after all, and boisterously drunk.

    "It's hard to swing a sword when I have to worry about big breasts flopping all around. And they always draw attention, even when you don't want it. And... and... you're stupid!" Lain finished her retort dumbly and curled up in the water.

    Maybe she should have just attacked her. It would have made everything so much easier! She let the water around her get just slightly colder before pulling it back in.

    "You must live a very comfortable life to get that body," she said forlorn staring up into the sky. The stars were just starting to twinkle and the moon beginning to rise. "It must be nice, not having to worry about backstabbing siblings who all hate you, because their father didn't let you die in some back alley somewhere. I tried but in the end they all pushed me away, even him."

    Lain sat there for a while not speaking. With how close they were, she could freeze the priestess's heart solid. Or decapitate her with a blade of ice. A good smack to the back of the head with a hard ball of ice and she could drown the unconscious body. Then she'd go after Cinder... get him to fight her by the springs. Earth or fire, it wouldn't matter. A water elementalist fighting under a full moon was more than a match.

    The violent thoughts came to her unbidden, flooding in to fill the sudden emptiness that the awkward social situation left for her. She fantasied death outwards towards others, afraid to let them circle back to her. Afraid to be alone inside her head without a distraction.

    Outwardly Lain was trembling despite the heat of the spring.

    "Even after everything I did to make him happy. It still wasn't enough."

    Suddenly realizing what she had been saying, Lain tried to shift the conversation back on Shizukesa. "So... Uh... are you here alone?"

    Gale let out an irritated sigh. How does he deal with these idiots every day?
    She was following a guard around, the poor young man had been easily swayed into showing her around the castle. Not that she needed a guide, she remember the layout fine, but she didn't know the people anymore. And he was such a nice young man to show a woman around. The faces were all different and none of them seemed to want to talk to her. But King Gideon's coronation speech was set up, it had only taken three hours to drill it into the castle staffs' thick skulls. By the time she made it to the guestrooms, she was ready to impale someone on her broom.

    "So, uh... this is the, uh, the guest room, Lady Oktavia," The guard said to her nervously. Gale put a smile on her face that she really did not feel and gave the young man an affectionate pat on the head.
    "I'm ever so grateful," she said in a low tone.
    "Just doing my duty, My Lady."
    "You put a lot of work into it, it must be awful tiring."
    "These last few days have been rough. My mother you see... she's been-"
    "Why don't we talk about it, a good soldier like yourself deserves some rest for his hard work."
    "If you say so, your highness."

    The guard followed beyond Gale, the wind whispering in his ear as it had been since she first asked him to show her around. It was annoying at first, but once he got used to it he realized that it was making everything okay, better than okay. What did it matter if he left his post, he'd earned a short break for all of his hard work, dammit!
  8. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    “Yes, my visit does have to do with the recent events.”

    Aurora looked at the ground when the second question was asked. She also giggled a little. She found Uncle Bardra to be entertaining. “Well my mother was supposed to be the ruler, but she was murdered. So I was chosen to take over. Ever since I was six I have been ruling Lazarus. Luckily I had my Uncle to help me as I was growing up.”

    Aurora stuck her hand out to Bardra’s housekeeper. “Hello, ma’am my name is Aurora. It’s nice to meet you. May I please have some water?”

    Aurora gave her a small smile. She was a little upset still, but she tried to hide it. She looked over at Uncle Bardra. “Uncle Bardra, I’m here because as you know the elements are thrown off. That was my doing. Queen Calista is safe. I know you must be very worried about her.”

    Aurora held out the Earth Amulet and crest to Uncle Bardra. “I would like you to rule in her place as the temporary King of Earth. Will you please accept my offer?


    “I will be waiting for my niece to return to the Air Kingdom. I have some things to discuss for her. If you need me to do anything for you just let me know. I am at your service, my King,” Zayne responded. He smiled at King Gideon.

    “You made a very good choice for the temporary King, Aurora. I wish you did choose me because I have already ruled, but it was your decision. I can’t question it any longer. King Gideon is a very nice person. Nicer than I could ever be.”
  9. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    “Hello, ma’am my name is Aurora. It’s nice to meet you. May I please have some water?”
    "Yes miss aurora I can, but wouldn't you rather have some-" Angela answered Aurora while shaking her hand but Bardra simplely shook his head no to angela and she stopped. "Right away then, I'll go fetch you a glass and some ice " Angela walked into another room while Bardra and Aurora made their way to a spacious dinning room.
    Before setting down Bardra used his earth power to gather his armor into a small earth ball that he then collapsed in his hands. Opening his hand a medium mass of different gemstones appeared: emerald, ruby, garnet, amethyst, small bits of diamond. He placed the mass on the table almost as a center piece.
    Aurora gave her a small smile. She was a little upset still, but she tried to hide it. She looked over at Uncle Bardra. “Uncle Bardra, I’m here because as you know the elements are thrown off. That was my doing. Queen Calista is safe. I know you must be very worried about her.”
    Aurora held out the Earth Amulet and crest to Uncle Bardra. “I would like you to rule in her place as the temporary King of Earth. Will you please accept my offer?”

    Bardra hide his surprise of not only Aurora being behind Calista's disappearance but the offer she had just made him. A frown started to appear on his face, he then spoke
    "While I am worried of the Queen, not only for her sake but the sake of the Kingdom, why why take this risk? Why not take me to her and the three of us have this meeting." He paused unsure of how to answer her offer, after a few moments he knew his answer. "I will.... However....How long will Calista be missing? I Do not wish to be king, dealing with politics, scheming, self importance above honor and duty...... It's why I stayed with the military, rose to general . At the very least soldiers listen if not for honor but because they must to survive, earn a living." Bardra then sipped his tea after talking so long. "Do know this Aurora, had i wanted to be King, I would have been decades before Calista's parents were even in diapers. To be king of the Earth kingdom, it is a great weight, but my oath long ago will not let me see this place fall to ruin. I will be King, if only for a short time" As Bardra finished speaking Angela had brought a tray with a jug of water and various sweets but upon hearing Bardra say he will be king she dropped the tray in shock. Before the items could hit the ground Bardra stretched out his hand turning the earthen floor to soft sand preventing the items from breaking but spilling alot of the jug of water.
  10. RenNya Trophy Hunter

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Lucille sat up and gasped. "King?!" She slammed her hands on the table. "So you're telling me... I get lost in the city, and Gideon, of all people, becomes king?! Wow... I mean I'm not surprised but... I also kind of am. Huh.." She sat back down and sighed. "Well... I guess lead me to him."
  11. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Cinder was out of the restroom now, dry and wearing an after-bath robe that covered most of his body, although the hem was a bit low, exposing a little more than his ankles. He waited by the door to the personal spring.
    I can't stay here forever. I need to get my clothes washed before I wear them again. But they are out there in spring. One identified naked lady, and one unidentified one. But the unidentified voice seems familiar.
    Cinder overheard Lain's distress.
    She's not the only one. I can't relate the same way, but I think am on par with her story.

    When Lain began crying and shaking in the water, Shizukesa pitied her. Responsible for the younger woman's distress, Shizukesa gave her a hug to calm her.

    "There, there. I'm sorry for your past, and for putting you through that. I only wanted to break the ice instead of another wall."
    Moving onto the question Lain asked her, Shizukesa responded, wanting to take her mind off the bad memories.
    "Well, I am. My Fated One, in fact. I was never able to be with man, and being with a woman was not what I felt like resorting to. They somehow shied away from me."
    Shizukesa gave a sigh and closed her eyes, remembering the vision that was her ulterior motive for coming to the Fire Nation.
    "But a vision revealed to me the man I would spend my life. He does not share the same feeling yet, but in time he will learn and accept what must come to pass."

    Well, This is my chance, while they are distracted
    Taking a deep breath, he stepped through the open doorway and into the spring area, stealthily creeping behind the two women, only keeping enough of an eye on them to know if they were alerted.
    As long as I can grab my clothes, undetected, I will be fine.
    Silently advancing to his goal, he passed the girls' backs and neared the clothes. But as he did so, Shizukesa turned her head.
    "Oh, hello dear. Do wish to join in?"
    How did she hear me!?
    Cinder froze upon hearing her voice. Suddenly becoming modest unlike her previous behavior, she covered herself and Lain, trying to hide their bodies.
    "But now this is a 'women's only' bath. Go away! And don't look!"
    She began splashing water at him with one of her arms she was able to use without giving away any more of her modesty, trying to get rid of the intruder. Snatching his clothes, Cinder spun around and ran through the room's door.
  12. Rouge_assassin Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As Haseo watched Mew, he realized that he forgot to tell her to keep her mouth closed.... woops. But what she had said really surprised him.
    "Sorry! I should have told you to keep your mouth closed...."

    "Hmm, the sands huh?" Haseo said under his breath. At that moment A guard came in to inform him that Captain Shunsui was waiting at the front gate.
    " Well that didn't take long.... Show him in please! I've been needing to talk to him!" Haseo said happily.

    The guard escorted the captain into a small room with a desk in it, with some glasses and a pitcher of water on it as the guard led them in. soon after Haseo came in with a small stack of papers.

    "Hi there captain! Sorry it took me longer than expected to get back.... I didn't expect Aurora to collapse on me, but gave me some time to gather up some rather necessary papers." haseo sat down on the other side of the desk and concentrated on Shunsui.
    "The reason I left was that the ruler of Lazarus herself needed to talk to me in private. From that conversation we had she needed someone who she could trust to bring balance to the fire element until the return of King Zeal. I hope you've felt the change....." Haseo said as he smiled charmingly.
  13. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Shunsui was led into the room with a small desk that he assumed was the office of the head of the house when Haseo had walked in. He remained silent as the Ranger was speaking to him and his own eyes showed his amazement when the name of the Ruler of Lazarus was mentioned. He shook his head trying to sort out the myriad thoughts going through it all at once. and finally he spoke to the Ranger.

    "That is most certainly quite a turn of events. I am surprised the Ruler of all of Lazarus would come to our realm but I guess it makes sense that she would if the balance was taken." He held up his own hand and allowed a flicker of flame to manifest in his palm. "I can feel once again that the Fire Element has returned to normal. The Council and the Regent will be pleased to hear this. But if His Majesty has not yet returned, then how is it that Fire has returned to normal? No one among the Council have the ability to balance the Element. Those of us on the Council know that King Zael always had the ability but we never knew why or how. Does this mean we have a Temporary King in place of Zael until his return? If that is the case, then the Council should be informed."

    He watched the Ranger for anything that could give him any clues as to what was going on. The smile is what gave him suspicions that some of what he had asked has answers that pointed to the man in front of him. And if that was the case... If the ruler of Lazarus has placed this man as Zael's replacement until his return, then he is the King of the Kingdom until His Majesty's return. And if that is the case then he is now my Superior and it is my job to make sure he is transitioned as the New Regent... But the council will need proof of this. And I don't know how to do that. His thoughts were going wild at the implications to the possible answers to his questions.
  14. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    “To be quite honest with you I know that a war is coming. I need to get them prepared for this war. Calista also doesn’t really get a say in what I decide. If you become the temporary King the Earth element will be back in order. I don’t know how long it’s going to be before they all are returned. All of them except for Yuri are very stubborn. It may take a while for them to agree with me…”

    Aurora wrapped her arms around Uncle Bardra and gave him a big hug. She smiled at him happily. “I understand you completely. I know it’s a big responsibility, Uncle Bardra, but I know you will be able to rise to the challenge. I have my absolute faith and trust in you.”

    Aurora looked at Uncle Bardra and Angela for a few minutes. She giggled a little bit. She should have suspected Angela’s reaction when she heard that her boss was going to be the temporary King of the Earth Kingdom. Aurora held out the Amulet of Earth to Bardra. Her smile was still very wide. “Thank you very much Uncle Bardra. I really am grateful to you. I really must get going now. I have to get to the Water Kingdom…”

    Before Aurora could finish her sentence her amulet turned pink and her powers released. Aurora’s eyes widened. “Why? Why couldn’t I keep my powers at bay?”

    Everything around her stopped. She started to feel a little bit dizzy. Aurora could feel her stomach starting to hurt. She started to cough and blood started to come up again. She knew that her powers were taking a toll on her body. Before she could do anything else she blacked out. After Aurora blacked out her powers deactivated.
  15. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Gideon nodded.
    "Thank you, Lord Zayne. I am sure your knowledge and experience will be invaluable to us in the days to come."
    He laid his head on his folded hands and his expression turned grim.
    "I will take you up on your offer; in fact, I already have an assignment for you. I believe that you would be best suited to this task, moreso than anyone else I can think of. If there are still assassins from Verbena roaming our lands, I want you to find them. Find them and bring them to me for questioning. Once we have learned everything we can from them...then they will face justice for the crimes they have committed against the royal family."
    He leaned back on his throne, his expression now somewhat relaxed.
    "I know that I can trust you with this assignment. I wish you good fortune and safe travels. May the Wind guide you along your path."

    The servant smiled at Lucille and began leading her towards the throne room.
    "Of course, dearie. Right this way. I'm sure he'll be quite pleased to see you again, especially on an important day like this!"

    When they made it to the doors leading into the throne room, a male guard in who looked to be in his early thirties stopped them.
    "I'm sorry ma'am, Lady Lucille, but his majesty is in a very important meeting right now with Lord Zayne. I'm sure their business is almost concluded if you don't mind waiting for a few minutes."

    The servant lady looked to Lucille and spoke up.
    "Oh my, he's already quite busy as the new king. I wonder what they're talking about in there."
  16. Rouge_assassin Trophy Hunter

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Haseo continued to smile. " I agree. Thats why I wanted to talk to you. They'd have a hard time disproving you when you introduce the temporary fire king. But before we can head to them, I need to give you a little lesson on how the Kings keep their respective element balanced." Haseo gave the captain a book on Lazarus's past rulers and various kings.
    "That book explains how the kings and queens of Lazarus play a role in keeping the elements in check. After looking at a number of them, you tend to see that they each are wearing a amulet of sorts, and you can even tell which kingdom from the stone even." He then took his amulet off and showed it to the captain, along with a series of official papers, and the picture of an old fire kingdom general who had a fire opal amulet. The papers stated that his ancestor, old General Harui, was appointed temporary fire king right before the great war and that he was offered to keep the role, but declined and decided on creating a highly skilled force that would ultimately serve the fire kingdom in times of war and peace. Signed and sealed by the ruler of Lazarus at the time.

    "Those papers show that the rulers of Lazarus have trusted the Hauri family for generations. They also document a duplicate fire amulet that they've been in charge of protecting since the founder of the Huari Rangers passed away. From that time on" He started to get serious as he talked on. He then took a bound set of papers out and handed them to the captain. They where bound and held in a folded leather envelope with the ruler's seal stamped on the front.

    "Now, I really wish Aurora would have left me an official document just like was done with my great ancestor. But she did have to head to three other kingdoms so she had a lot on her plate. I took the liberty of gathering every document that would help in proving that she trusts me to stand in for Zeal. The one I'm holding should be the one that can prove it. When Zeal became the fire king, He received a new fire amulet." At that moment he realized that he hadn't fully explained how the amulets worked.
    "There I go getting ahead of myself again. Anyways each king and queen has their own amulet. Each reflects their respective element. but a king or queen is appointed by ether bloodline or appointed by the current ruler of Laz. Ether way that kings amulet breaks as soon as they die. Their heir will have their own amulet of course, for our kingdom it's represented as a fire opal. it's not active in keeping the element in check until the ruler comes to our realm and puts a special seal on it."

    Haseo showed him the fire amulet that had the new seal on it. it was glowing bright amber inside the fire opal.
    "Odd thing is, it went missing without a trace up until this afternoon when I found it in a dusty shop off the beaten path...." He put the fire amulet on and got up from the desk.
    "But anyways, when Zeal became king, she came and altered the duplicate to reflect King Zeal's own fire amulet.... without the seal of course. You see, he doesn't or hasn't decided on an heir yet so that is a problem." Haseo walked over to the captain, who looked like was somewhere between being confused and shocked, and handed him the envelope. He started to smile charmingly again.

    "So, any questions captain? if that doesn't convince them then I can always put on a display of elemental power for them. Since the most powerful element user is the king after all!" He waited for Shunsui's answer.
  17. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    “Thank you very much Uncle Bardra. I really am grateful to you. I really must get going now. I have to get to the Water Kingdom…” Before Aurora could finish her sentence her amulet turned pink

    Bardra only noticed it for a moment Aurora's amulet change color, and suddenly she fell over. "Aurora?! Aurora!"Bardra got up and began nudging her body, he turned her over and saw blood on her mouth and dress. Angela stood in shock, while Bardra picked her up and laid her onto a couch. He then began running his finger along her neck trying to find a place to take her pulse. After a few moments he found it and felt a steady beat, bardra then felt aurora's forehead "Angela boil some water and gather several clean rags, her temperature is dropping" Bardra said in a commanding voice. "Yes sir" Angela quickly did as he asked, while Bardra grabbed a quil and paper. Still keeping his hand on aurora's pulse bardra scribbled several things on the piece of paper. Angela then returned sitting a small metal cauldron and several rags next to bardra. "Wait Bardra that's boiling you'll-" Before she could finish warning him, bardra had already taken one of the rags and ran it through the water several times. He rang the rag with his free hand and gently placed it onto Aurora's head. "Angela, Go out and get me the listed items, Now." He handed list to Angela without a second thought. "What wait! Some of these things are bizarre, and several more than what i even make! How am I to- AHHHH" Before she could finish bardra threw her two large pouches "Take my purse and my gemstones, if that doesn't suffice tell them Lord Volund will reimburse them ten fold, I just need these ingredients angela" In a bit of surprise she nodded and started running to gather the ingredients. "Stay with me child, stay with me...."

    With strange hand motions, books from Bardra's bookshelf began to fly across the room, more accurately were being launched by the earth user himself. He launched books off their shelfs and hit them again with earthen pillars rising from the floor until he caught them, laying them on a stone table next him and aurora. The Book of Elemancy XV edition, Art of Rune Crafting X edition, Lazarus's Rulers a Royal Compendium, Healing Arts a Path of Priesthood, these books and more all laid open in front of Bardra. he flipped their pages rapidly looking for answers "What was that, that pink flash? Nothing in the royal texts, I can't know what to treat if i don't know what caused this!" Slamming his fist against the table, he began looking at the amulet of earth which he placed in the center of the books. "And this trinket matches the royal crest, but none of the markings match any known runes....." Sighing he had reached at least one answer. "So long as it's done right, these healing spells, rituals and potions shouldn't interfere with each other, meaning I should be able to heal every part of her but..... will it actually work?" as he was questioning himself, he began making seven crystal prisms, each with a different rune carved in each. As he finished Angela walking in carrying several large bags and was out of breath.

    With a smile of relief Bardra greeted Angela. "Set them over there for a moment I'll be using them in a second. Now, I'll start" Bardra place one of the seven crystals in Aurora's hand, then setting the other six at different places around the couch some closer others a distant away. He then picked up the earth amulet and place it around his neck, he felt a great surge of energy flow into him. Ahhhhhhhh, this is the full power of the elements. It' has been a while since I've been this strong Holding out his hand Bardra, began gathering a green energy that he channeled into the six crystals. After a moment the six crystals then began pouring energy into the crystal aurora held. Both her and the crystal glowed green, then faded, and glowed once more. "Oh my what is that?" Angela asked. "Natural Geomantic healing, drawing from the earth element around us each crystal refines then sends the power to the single crystal, which then diffuses the energy into the holder." Bardra explained the ritual he had done to Angela "But I'm not done yet, i've much work let to do"

    He then reached into the bag Angela had and retrieved several incense. Lighting each with a match he placed them into holders to let them burn, each incense smelling different. Soon the light smoke and scent blended together into a unique aroma. Bardra than walked over to the stove taking out countless herbs, pre-made elixirs and potions. He began casting earth magic on the herbs and some of the potions, while throwing in others in on their own or without enchantment. "What are you doing now lord Bardra?" Angela asked looking over his shoulder. "Distilling a elixir of life, at least that is what we used to call it. It is a potion using natural herbs, potions and earth healing magic. However I've never quite made on this strong, usually we made them with the last of our weakest potions as a means to have better healing. But with this brew" He paused " I've been using the strongest potions, magic and herbs.... in other words overkill as far as quality" Angela just stared at bardra for a moment before speaking "To know so much about healing and medical practices, I am truthfully surprised Bardra..... And for you care of women" "As a general you must sometimes order those beneath you to fight at the gates of hell, the least a general could do is insure when they come back from the gates the do not fall to the abyss" Bardra had kept working on the potion while ignoring the lat part of Angela's statement. "Change her rag, while I have her drink this" Bardra ordered as he held a small saucer of the potion.

    OoT: Whew I'm done for a bit
  18. Rayden413 Trophy Hunter

    Oct 29, 2016
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    He took the envelope after listening to everything the Ranger had to say and he was shocked. He had been close to Zael for a number of years since his graduation and appointment to the rank of Guard Captain but had never realized that the amulet that hung around the King's neck was what kept the awesomely destructive element of Fire in check. His mind spun at the implications. But he finally got his whits about him once again and shook his head. He looked at the Ranger and spoke, "It is not going to be easy to convince some of the Head Houses. The Younger Heads are around my age and don't remember the last time that the Fire Kingdom didn't have an Heir. Some of the Older Houses will not believe. Although the Captains will believe you. It is likely that the Royal Guard Captain and the Shadow Guard Captain already know that the balance is in place once again. It is also likely that the Shadow Guard Captain already knows that you are the next Successor in this event. He was always privy to information that none of us were able to have."

    He opened the envelope and took a look at the documents. "It is likely that this will be enough to convince some of the old codgers but the Younger Houses won't believe you. Regardless, it is too late in the day to call for another emergency meeting. And there won't be anything I can do until we can seat everyone together. Elder Shin, the current Regent, will likely support you. He never wanted the position of Regent in the first place. He is also old enough to remember the last time a King was not in place."

    He closed the envelope and tucked it into his Haori then stepped back away from the Ranger, his eyes suddenly getting very serious. This might be premature but I've seen the evidence for myself. It is my duty to do this now. As the custom of the Old he went to his knees and drew his katana holding it in both hands, palms up, as if presenting the blade. "As custom requires when a King or Regent is to take the throne, I, Shunsui Kurohomura, offer my Blade, my Service, my Life to the Kingdom of Fire and it's acting King. Until the Return of the King may I serve you, who are the Acting King in his stead, with the same dedication that I would His Majesty. As Captain of the Guard I will protect the People within and without the boundaries of these Walls, whether commoner or noble, I will see to their safety. As Captain of the Guard, I will defend this city from Invasion, should it happen, and repel all invaders or my life is forfeit. Should I not fulfill my duties as befit of my station you, As Acting King, may remove me from my station and punish me as fit of my dishonor. Should I dishonor you, The Acting King, in any way, may my punishment be equal to the dishonor I have done. With this I pledge my service. May the past Kings, Queens, and Rulers of Lazarus Judge me if I do not fulfill my Duties."

    Throughout the pledge a fiery circle had started to form. Flames that neither burned or let off heat. Within that circle lines were drawn in fire and symbols appeared in the same flame that was consistent throughout the circle. It was a binding contract. The same binding contract that binds all personal servants to the King. It was an ancient contract that even Haseo would recognize if he had done as much homework as he had claimed. As he spoke the words he did, the flames rose to a crescendo and if anyone were to see the circle from above they would see the same symbol as depicted on the back of his Haori, the crest of the City Guard Captain. When he finished speaking the flames would have rose almost like a tornado of flame and then died down to low flickers waiting for one thing...

    "Now, Haseo Hauri Acting King of the Fire Kingdom, Do you accept my sword, my service, and dedication?" His head rose to look the Ranger in the eyes, his eyes serious. If the contract was accepted then the crest of fire would flare brilliantly with the color of white flame than it would spin and go out with a shockwave (that was for show more than anything since it wouldn't actually effect anything) and would be gone with the contract accepted. If it was not then the flames would simply die out weakly.
  19. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Lain found herself pulled into Shizukesa's embrace, the second event that utterly surprised her in the last several minutes. She didn't return the hug she let the emotion of it sink in. The priestess's body felt warmer than the water of the hot spring and the steam that surrounded them. When Shizukesa caught Cinder peeping, Lain felt the older woman's embrace shift from the feeling that it held before. She puzzled out the feeling that this new embrace was giving her as it was very different from when Rhiner held her. His embrace was possessive, desiring, in desperate need of what she had. This was... she could only think of it as protective.

    It was something foreign to her. Remembered only from her childhood when she was first taken in by her adoptive father, before her brother was born. And now this woman, who she was considering as her enemy, was holding her in this way? It didn't fully add up, but it felt nice.

    Though she felt that Shizukesa wasn't being serious about being offended at Cinder's presence, she was at least putting up the act. Lain felt obliged to help out, at least a little bit. Focusing her mind she grabbed at the moisture thick in the air and began to make the fog denser than it already was, obscuring most everything from view. The act used up the energy that remained in her from the busy and strenuous day. The exhaustion that clung to her eyes like grit begged her to close them. She settled her head against Shizukesa's body. Just a few moments.... more really is better...

    Lain fell asleep, her body still in Shizukesa's embrace.
  20. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Aurora drank down the potion that Uncle Bardra put to her lips. Aurora’s eyes opened after a few minutes. She frowned. She hated getting sick. She hated that her powers did that to her. It made her feel like a bigger weakling. “…I’m sorry, Uncle Bardra….I’m sorry to be a burden.”

    After the potion started to take affect Aurora felt a little bit better. She started to drift to sleep again after a few minutes. While she slept she had another dream about her death.

    Aurora was running in the forest near the Air Kingdom. She was searching for someone. She couldn’t remember who she was looking for. After a few minutes she was surrounded by a two male assassins. One of them had a knife in his hand.

    He gave her a creepy grin. “Well…well…look who we have here. It’s just the girl that we’re looking for.”

    He walked a little bit closer to her. She backed up into a tree. The second guy smirked as well. He started towards her. Aurora could feel her body shaking. She activated her wind powers. She blew the guy that was walking towards her back a few feet. His eyes widened. He didn’t expect it.

    “Grab her hands you fool,” the guy with the creepy grin yelled. The other guy then ran towards her, pinned her against the tree, and the guy with the knife started stabbing her. She screamed. They stabbed her until she bled out.”

    Aurora opened her eyes again, tears running down them, and she reached out for Uncle Bardra.


    “At your service my King,” Zayne responded. At that he walked out of the Kingdom and tried to search for some of the Verbena assassins within the Air Kingdom. He didn’t know if he was going to find any. Everyone in this Kingdom was peaceful because of his son.

    He was going to continue his search for his king.

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