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Lazarus: Land Of The Elements

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by BlackHeartedRose, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Sylvia was hesitant at first, she didn't know this person but she somehow knew her name and claimed to be the ruler of Lazarus. She decided to giver her the time she was asking and got up from her seat. She nodded at the woman
    "I suppose I can follow you to someplace quieter, this place is rather noisy after all"
    She looked at the woman and gestured for her to lead the way
  2. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Alex kept his eyes downcast as King Gideon and Lord Nero spoke to him. He was scared for his life. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. “If I don’t talk I get killed. If I talk I won’t get killed, but if I rot in prison for the rest of my life…what will happen to my family? My mom needs me. My brother and sister need me as well. I shouldn’t have joined up with Verbena...I should have been smarter…”

    Before Alex made his decision Zayne spoke up. “King Gideon, if I may say a few words. I don’t think you should kill the boy. For reason being that you will tarnish the image that Yuri built up for this Kingdom. It has been peaceful for the last four years…thanks to my son’s hard work. As you know my son is very generous and kind. He undid all the damage that was caused by past Kings including me. While I was in power I was cruel. I should have been like my son. That is why I’m striving to be more like him every day. I know this isn’t my place to speak...but I don’t want the Kingdom’s image ruined...”

    Alex was surprised to hear his Uncle speak like that. He smiled a little to himself. He looked over at King Gideon. “I will tell you all that I know about Verbena.”


    “I see you are hesitant to follow me. If you want proof that I’m the Ruler of Lazarus…I will give you the proof, but just not here,” Aurora responded. She walked out of the bar and had Sylvia follow her outside. She knew there was an abandoned cottage down the road from there.

    Once they reached the cottage Aurora felt a little bit safer. Aurora pulled out her amulet. It flashed pink. Aurora frowned. “As you know every person in this Kingdom can control one element. I know for a fact that you can control two elements. The elements you can control are air and water. Every King and Queen each have an amulet like the one I’m holding in my hand. Unlike like everyone in this Kingdom I can control all four elements.”

    Aurora’s amulet turned blue. Aurora formed a ball of water and made the water dance. After that her amulet turned white. Aurora formed a ball of air and she shot it into the roof. A whole in the roof formed. Aurora’s amulet turned red. She formed a fire ball and made the fire dance as well. Last but not least the amulet turned green. Aurora formed a dirt wall in front of her and then it disappeared into the ground. Her amulet went back to pink. She was just glad that her other power didn’t activate. “If that’s not proof…then I don’t know what is.”

    Aurora smiled again and took out the amulet she created and the crest. “I know this is sudden, Sylvia, but I would like you to become the temporary Queen of Water.”


    Amelia was finally able to sleep after the arguing stopped. Yuri glared at everyone around the room. “If either of you wake up Amelia again…I will kill you.”

    Everyone just widened their eyes.

    “Not literally,” Yuri responded smiling.

    Everyone stayed quiet until Amelia woke up again.
  3. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "Indeed you will," Nero said as he approached the cell with a menacing look in his eyes, showing no remorse whatsoever to the boy. "Given a few hours, I am sure I could extract every last bit of knowledge you possess."
    "Master Nero..."
    "I can be quite a..."persuasive" interrogator when the situation calls for it. I can introduce you to a world of fear and pain that you could have never imagined in your darkest nightmares. You know...for an assassin, you appear to be quite weak. Vulnerable. Cowardly."
    Nero leaned in and spoke in a low tone, like a whisper.
    "Easily broken."

    Nero pulled back immediately and turned towards Gideon with a look of surprise upon hearing his true name called out. He realized immediately that he had overstepped his bounds and gave an apologetic bow.
    "My apologies, your majesty. I have spoken out of turn."
    He glanced towards the prisoner, giving him another piercing glare.
    "After all, his worthless life is in your hands alone."
    He stepped away and kept to himself for the time being.

    Gideon let out a heavy sigh, weighing Zayne's words carefully in silence for some time. He stepped away from the cell, staring blankly at the ceiling and muttering to himself.
    "This was never truly my kingdom to begin with. I had no ambitions for the throne yet here I am, acting as king while our true king has been spirited away to lands unknown. Do I dare attempt to carve my own path, or am I meant to uphold the legacy of the man who came before me? Even now his shadow hangs over me and I question myself at every turn."
    He then turns back towards the cell, speaking up so everyone could hear him.
    "I have every confidence that King Yuri will return soon."
    He turned his attention specifically to the prisoner.
    "When he does, he will decide your fate. Until then, you will be kept here in this cell where you can do no more harm. I trust that a full interrogation will not be necessary, so you may rest easy for now."

    Nero, showing shades of his former self, gave a nod and had the slightest smile on his face.
    "Very good, your majesty. That is surely for the best, anyhow. Torture is such a nasty, shady business and I, for one, would rather avoid it whenever possible."

    Gideon gave the prisoner a stern look that held no malicious intent, but showed that he was intent on getting answers.
    "Now, speak. Tell us everything you know about Verbena, down to the last detail."
  4. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Lain finished her food in silence, thinking about her payment. Her encounter with Shizukesa left her confused, wondering why she had to be allied with the enemy.
    I got a decent sum, and my bow is good. I can probably find a better, safer occupation, like hunting. I'll have enough money to live comfortably until I find a new way to support myself.
    She stood up as Riko finished is food.
    "It was nice having you around. But for now, it's time to go. There are some opportunities up north I want to take advantage of."
    "Opportunities? Well, good luck then. I hear there is plenty of work to be done there. Perhaps we'll meet again."
    Lain left and put her plate away, before leaving the inn. She began to make her way north, where she would become a huntress and find plenty of game to kill, ultimately finding a good purpose for her skill in killing.

    Lain's Ending

    After they had traveled for some time, Shizukesa gave a content sigh, seeing into the future.

    "Someone is going to have a good life ahead of them."
    "... What are you talking about?"
    "Oh, nothing we should be concerned about."
    At that moment, a group of eight men stepped out from the cover of the trees, surrounding them. Cinder and Shizukesa stopped as Cinder warily glanced at the men. They wore red coats, black pants and heart-plate armor, just like Cinder. Each wore a mask of black metal, just like the one Cinder used to have. But instead of wearing a split cross emblem like Cinder did, they wore what appeared to be burning cross emblem.
    "They are the burning cross."
    "What does that mean?"
    "I don't know. I left them to work for the king. I cannot think of any reason for them to be here, out of the fire nation."
    One of the men stepped forward, wielding a dual-bladed sword, speaking in a rumbling voice.
    "Greetings, former brother. Though you are no longer one of us, we request that you come with us, to restore your mask. Anyone who has been one of us should always have a functional mask."
    "I am not interested. I am through with the mask. How did you people learn about my mask in a nation that you should not be in?"
    The man tilted his head downward slightly, a threatening aura beginning to emanate from him.
    "We have our ways. I implore you to come with us, so that you may be outfitted with a stronger, more powerful mask. We shall use lethal force, if necessary."
    "It is necessary! Brace yourself, woman!"
    Cinder whipped out his rapier, while still holding the Pyledriver. Shizukesa unsheathed her small blade. All of the men pulled out their blades, and moved in on Shizukesa and Cinder. The blades glowed with the fire magic, reading to sear the executioner and priestess.
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Sylvia was quite impressed with all the elements she was able to control. Seeing this helped her come to the conclusion that aurora was who she said she was but why did she come and seek out Sylvia? At that point she revealed the reason and Slyvia was in shock when she was asked to become queen of water.
    "Q-queen, you mean as in rule the water kingdom..."
    She was suddenly nervous
    "I- I don't even know the first thing about ruling a kingdom. How do you know I am fit to do so? "
    she started pacing
    "I mean, I've never ran a kingdom before and wouldn't know what to do"
    she stopped pacing and looked up at Aurora
    "Are you certain you want me to run the kingdom? I mean do you think I am even capable of ruling a kingdom when I haven't a clue what I am doing?"
  6. BlackHeartedRose The Bookworm

    Feb 15, 2015
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    OOT: Short, but a reply is a reply.

    Alex breathed out a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to get tortured or die. He had a family to support.

    “Thank you, Uncle Zayne,” Alex responded quietly.

    “You’re welcome, child, but it would be wise for you to tell King Gideon what he needs to know,” Zayne replied.

    Alex nodded and looked at King Gideon directly in the eye. “I know that Verbena is stopping at nothing to get their hands on the ruler of Lazarus. They want to kidnap her to extract her powers. After they extract her powers they will kill her. They also want to conquer Lazarus and become the most powerful country in the world. Right now they can’t do that because they are not able to control the elements. The leader of Verbena thinks that if they take the powers of our ruler they will be able to control the elements. I’m not sure that’s the case though…”

    Alex stayed quiet for a few minutes. “The leader of Verbena is kind of cruel when it comes to his people. I’m surprised he has any followers at all. He kills everyone that disobeys his orders or fails him. If they can’t find Aurora within the time scheduled they pay with their lives…”

    Alex thought about what he just said for a moment. He only had a few more weeks before his appointed time. If his Uncle hadn’t found him…he would be dead in a few weeks time. He looked over at Zayne. “Uncle Zayne, you need to let Aurora know…I’m really sorry…”

    Zayne patted Alex’s head. “It’s okay, dear boy, you’re safe now…I’m sure that King Gideon will help you for the information you have given us…”

    Zayne glanced over at King Gideon.


    “Yes, my dear, but it will only be for a temporary time. Queen Calista should be back in a couple of weeks…but it depends…”Aurora responded. She sighed knowing how difficult Elena, Calista, and Zael were…they were all more stubborn than even she was. Yuri was going to be easy to handle.

    Aurora put her hand on Sylvia’s shoulder. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I can give you a couple of hours to think about it. I know running a kingdom is a big responsibility, but I will be there to help you through it all.”

    Aurora smiled at her. “I have faith in you, Sylvia. I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think you were qualified. There is something else you wanted to know…wasn’t there, Sylvia? Something that had to do with your parents?”

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