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Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah waited anxiously as the elevator took her to the floor she needed to be. When the door opened and she saw the two standing there she froze unsure of what to say or do. Which one of them were her brother? She neither of them looked familiar to her but then she barely had an memory of what he brother looked like. She finally spoke up
  2. Nocturnal Death Trophy Hunter

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Zed's head jerked up to the word 'brother', he looked around and saw Leah standing in an elevator shaft. He staggered across the room to Leah and stood in front of the elevator doors.
    "Hey sis, do you remember me?"
  3. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah looked at the man that walked towards her stopping in front of the elevators. 'do you remember me?' he asked. She eyed him up and down but no matter how hard she tried she couldnt remember. She simply shook her head
    "I-I'm sorry I don't, I can't remember anything after waking up on that metal table, other then seeing a lot of white lights"
    She looked up at his face and studied it
    "I only recently remembered my mom and dad and..and"
    she couldn't finish the rest of the sentence
    "It was horrible"
    She closed her eyes trying to forget about that one memory she had. After a few seconds she looked up at him again
    "So...your my brother?"
  4. Nocturnal Death Trophy Hunter

    Jul 23, 2014
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    "Yeah, Im your brother, even if it may not look like it."
    One of his eye turns back to normal, the other stayed red.
    "Do you have any doubts?"
    Zed closed his eyes, breathing in softly and opened his eyes slightly.
    "Anything, you want to be clear?"
  5. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    OOT: Sorry been hard to find motivation to post, but inspiration as struck me so Post! Annnnnnnd lost it, welp i'll just get the story going then

    "That's good Crystal, you even changed it's shape into a rose." Frost answers Crystal; her father then asks if we had come to a decision.
    I nod to his question, and Frost beings to speak
    "Yes, we have. Our group, Resistance let's each member do as they please so long as it does not compromise the group. They are fine with use taking care of Crystal but made it clear that it's on us to make sure she is safe. That being said, We will take her with us if you still feel you can't hide her"
    "We will make sure she is protected, trust me. Between Frost and my own powers we are more than a match for most, add in a group of experiments with even more powers she will be safe when she is with us"
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT sorry took me a while to post been a little crazy for me. Check the Christmas delay post in announcements to get an idea whats up ;)

    Crystals father nodded
    "Me and my wife had already discussed it and we agreed it would be best if Crystal go. You will be more able to protect her then me and my wife can. This way we know she will be safe. It is only a matter of time before she is discovered here and my wife and I don't have the man power needed to fight back if they do"
    He looked over at Crystal and smiled
    "Crystal understands the circumstances and is aware that she will being going with you for her protection. She understands that me and my wife can no longer protect her and that with being with your group she will have a better chance and be able to live more freely then being a 'bird trapped in a cage' here"
    Crystal looked up at Frost with her big ice blue eyes and smiled
    "Will you teach me how to use my ability? I want to learn more about it and be able to do the things you can"
    Her father smiled and looked at Frost and Blaze
    "Please take good care of her"
    He knelt down and gave Crystal a hug
    "Do as they say and please be very careful out there. Remember me and your mother will always love you"
    With that he stood up and gave Frost and Blaze a nod wanting to keep the visit short and simple. The longer they stayed there the more risky it was for them to be discovered
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT @Nocturnal Death I just realized I didnt post to you I am soo sorry about that below is my post.

    Leah remained still. She answered his question by shaking her head.
    "I'm just..trying...to...remember"
    She kept staring at him trying to remember something, anything. His voice sounded very familiar. Then suddenly she remembered something, she remembered them walking to school together. The voice was the same when he spoke to her and had asked her how school was going for her. She blinked and tears welled up in her eyes as she looked back up at him
    She ran to him throwing her arms around him embracing him in a hug
    "I knew it, I knew you would find me"
  8. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    OOT: The plot I'm in is currently stuck in a rut, I'll have to see what Dungeon-Master and Doomguy are planning on
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  9. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    OOT: Dungeon Master might not be on the computer too often, his upcoming weeks are very busy as he is dealing with extreme unfortunate circumstances and has been for about a month. I am not representing him, I am just letting you know he might take some time to reply.
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  10. Nocturnal Death Trophy Hunter

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Zed hugged Leah in return, and stood there for a few moments. John stood at the back just looking up at the ceiling, admiring how clean it looked. 'She's safe, good, Im happy that she is safe.' John started to talk to himself while he was admiring the clean ceiling.
    "I wonder, if he is going to introduce me."
    "Well this ceiling is quite impressive, so I think its best for him to not introduce me."
    *Twitch* *Twitch*
    "Awww, but it would be epic if he did introduced me."
    Zed let go of Leah and shot a glare at John.
    "Oi, I get it."
    He lead Leah to the man who was admiring the wonderful ceiling.
    "This annoying man, is Mr. Red."
    "Hello, nice to meet you Leah."
    He said with his hand out.
  11. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @verisater23 and @Dungeon-Master here is a synypsis of our story just to refresh our memories-
    Doctor Zenma, Leo, and the hotel guards are waiting for the hotel intruders (that would be you guys) at the barricaded junction. Just meet them like we said in our PM a while back so I can tell your group about the underground lab. At that point we can all split off if you want.

    In the mean time I have another group consisting of Flair and Steven. I'm going to ease my way back into this RP with them so I'm not really waiting on anyone. Not today though, too tired.

    Edit- ah just saw Dungeon Master might be held up. Verisater I'm pretty sure he won't mind if you take his character with you while you meet my guards. At least get to that point so I don't hold you up anymore and vice versa
    #651 Doomguy, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
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  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Im sure he wouldn't mind if you puppet him. He is dealing with some personal matters and we are unsure when he will be able to return. We can fill him in when he gets back. Ill be sure to message him and give him a heads up in case you decide to do that
  13. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    OOT: Finally getting the ball rolling. I have a bit of a side plot going on, but Zach and his group are moving forward

    He looked through a lot of the files that were on record. Noticing that most were just of ordinary transactions, nothing major, it seemed that the corporation was just doing its usual thing of trying to make a profit and rip most of the clients off. But then they made a slip up that not most of the other ceo’s would have noticed. Of course, the dreamwalker can tend to find out things much faster and easier than they would have guessed. More files, and then he hit the jackpot.

    The experiments were originally just a chance happening from the side effect of a vaccine, one that would supposedly help treat aggressive forms of cancer. What the scientists did was add in some prototype nanomachines to allow the vaccine to directly target the tumor cells, and it worked, almost too well. The nanomachines bonded to the cells, and they even spread to other cells in the body. This is what led to the abilities that have come to be.

    “Interesting, it seems that our group has managed to find some of those precious to them. I wonder what will happen next?”

    “So are you betting on who makes the major trigger happen first?”

    “I have a feeling that all of these experiments will lead to the major result, it may just take more time than we had originally thought. Speaking of which, what has our mail boy found out about the biomech suits?”

    “Well, it seems that our hunches were correct. They are being mass produced, and at this rate, it won’t be long until the city will get a full cleansing. But we still are not fully sure just what is going to happen otherwise.”

    “That is fine, just keep me updated.”

    Zach and Claus managed to get the turrets down, although Zach was exhausted from the effort. He could still feel adrenaline coursing through him, but at this point, he needed to get to the main terminal.

    “That should take care of them for now. Let’s keep moving.”

    Zach remembered where the main areas were, and they had just gotten into the common room. From what he could see, most of it was just like an employee lounge. The vending machines had been damaged, and whatever had gotten out of control had grown into all the electronics. Luckily his spike impalement had gotten rid of most of the plants, so that was one less thing to deal with. But something still didn’t seem right. Normally, even with the turrets, there would still be more security locks on the corridors. It looked like they had been removed, and rather forcefully. Zach examined one closely. It had claw marks, and where a locking device would be was all torn up. Something else was loose down here, and that would make things more complicated. As Zach was about to go further on, he saw a glint on the farther side of the area, and stopped.

    “I can see you people, come out. Who are you?”
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  14. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Oh I think that's my cue!

    Several of the guards immediately turned their attention to the voice from the hall. They looked ready to open fire.
    Zenma put a halt to that
    "Put your guns down, it's just the intruders. Make some room in the barricade"
    Zenma came out closer to where he could see the intruders.
    "We're friendlies, well don't just stand there, the halls are infested by the experiment. Come over here I want to talk to you"

    The intruders walked up to the barricade tentatively. Obviously they didn't know what to expect.
    "Don't worry, we won't harm you. Actually I was waiting for your for quite some time. I was worried maybe our signals wouldn't get noticed. Someone with your abilities could prove quite useful in this place. Oh where are my manners, I am Doctor Montgomery Zenma and this is my motley crew of loyal scientists, guards, and experimentals."

    Zenma made sure to stress the last word. It was important to cut straight to the point.
    "Now tell me before I reveal more, are you... hunters?"

    There was a deadly silence in the air. The guards feigned disinterest but were constantly checking over their weapons.
  15. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Stalk gently pushed past Zach and Claus, while being careful not to physically touch them, and his eyes settled on Zenma.
    Now here is someone who could prove... USEFUL.
    "Allow me to speak for my... associates," he said smoothly, fully aware that due to his horrible features he had maybe seconds to convince them he wasn't some sort of monster. "We are all hunters in a spiritual sense, Mr Zenma. But the real question is, are we hunting the same thing? We are hunting for some knowledge, and from the sounds of it you are doing the same. So as a proposal, why don't we sit down, have some nice Earl Grey, and discuss business?" He held his palms out, showing he wasn't armed in any way as well as projecting the illusion of harmlessness. "Please? Your barricade is rather imposing."
  16. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    If Zenma showed any surprise at the hideous person before him he kept it well to himself. Just another experiment from the lab, nothing he wasn't already used to.
    "That is what I want to hear, someone who also wishes to search for knowledge. Come with me, I'll show you what we know"

    Zenma led the group past the guarded barricades to a group of tables that were stacked with old computers and floppy disks. A man sitting behind a laptop looked up to see the newcomers. He practically jumped out of his chair when he saw how one of them looked like some kind of monster.
    "This is Leonard, he's also is an experimental like you. He's been hard at work putting together all the data we have into this laptop. He'll tell about this place, Leonard show them."

    "Yes doctor. Now listen to me carefully because this is important."

    "We are inside an abandoned lab from many years ago. This lab was on the cutting edge of technology, most of it lost when one of it's experiments went out of control. This experiment, "Project Amazon", is a plant that was artificially grown to be a source of gathering and growing energy. It grow rapidly and somehow seemed to have an intelligence. The reports are vague but it seems capable of moving it's vines to pinpoint answers on spreadsheets and computer screens.

    One day the project started to grow out of control and it spread outside it's holding area. It took control of the lab's automated defenses and wiped out the inhabitants. Since then the lab was sealed shut for fear of it spreading outside. The island labs built a hotel above it to assure no one can stumble upon it by accident. Zenma and I had orders to investigate whether we can reopen this place back when we worked for the island. However we are now independent and are no longer affiliated with them.

    As of now we are looking to see if any old data exists that we can use to help those of our... conditions. Zenma says that it's possible that the energy manipulating powers of Project Amazon can be used to amplify and control our powers. Unfortunately all that data is located in the room where the project is located."

    Leonard pressed some buttons and an incomplete map showed on the laptop screen.
    "We're here, this area branches off to many sections of the lab. Far too many rooms for all of us to cover, it's why we went to great pains to contact people like us for help. Naturally we couldn't just broadcast our presence, the hunters from the labs would have caught wind of it."

    Leonard looked at the three, it wasn't as much help as he would have wanted but sometimes you just got to roll with it.
    "This lab is huge, infested by monster plants, and easy to get lost in. We been marking off the hallways with these flares to point back to this area."

    Leonard got up and nodded to Zenma.
    "Well there you have it. I don't know what your looking for but you won't find it in this laptop. If your looking for more information then you'll have to find a computer station somewhere on this lab."

    Zenma stepped forward and looked at the trio with a stern face.

    "You boys are free to do whatever you want in this place. I have nothing to offer to you except this place to rest. If you want to explore this place or leave it's up to you. My men will not stop you from leaving if you so wish. Whatever information that can be gained from these old computers can be priceless or junk. I have no idea. Your free to take whatever you want from this place, I'm only here for that experiment."
  17. verisater23 It's my Birthday!

    Apr 18, 2014
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    "You boys are free to do whatever you want in this place. I have nothing to offer to you except this place to rest. If you want to explore this place or leave it's up to you. My men will not stop you from leaving if you so wish. Whatever information that can be gained from these old computers can be priceless or junk. I have no idea. Your free to take whatever you want from this place, I'm only here for that experiment."

    “Dr. Zenma, there is actually something that you may be able to help me out with. Before we came down, I managed to hack into a terminal up in the hotel, and found a map of the lab. Since the main computer terminal is not far from here, I would like to go there, and see if I can pull anything from it. My abilities would allow for us to get to the room, even if we do run into the project. Ever since an incident a while ago, something has been bugging me about these experiments. And project amazon sounds like it may hold answers as well.” Zach said

    Zach could still remember when he had gone berserk and attacked Leah, and he could never forgive himself for it. He hoped that maybe there would be answers he was looking for, and that it would help him understand what was really going on.
  18. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Zenma was looking at Leonard, it was about the security features of the labs.

    "Well, there might be a small problem about accessing information on the main terminal. You see this lab is in a state of lockdown. If someone tries to access the terminal it could delete it's harddrive. It's standard procedure for top project research. I would know, I've been doing this for a long time. There is a loophole that I discovered however. There is nothing to stop that data from being copied."

    "Let's make a deal, we can prevent data from being lost if you connect the terminal to our network."

    Leonard pulled out a small sheet of paper and wrote some numbers on it.
    "Here, this is the wireless key to the private network I set up here on this laptop. If you can connect that terminal to this network I'll be able to upload everything regarding Project Amazon in a matter of minutes. If there's anything else you want to save just mark it off on your end so I can copy it here as well. If we do things this way we won't have to worry about the computer security system.

    Leonard gave the paper to the hacker
    "I would go with you but I'm not a fighter. Also someone has to be on my end to accept the transfer of data. Looks like the doctor is up to something."

    Zenma was gathering a group of guards
    "One of our guys just went missing. We were distracted by our newcomers no one noticed until now. It's unusual for someone to leave the safety of the barracde. I'm going to send out a search party to find him. I can't help you any further. If you need any weapons or ammo, just take it from that chest."
    Zenma pointed to a large metal box full of small arms.

    "Good luck getting to that terminal."
  19. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah jumped when her brother snapped at the man in the room but followed her brother over when he introduced them. She reached out her hand to shake Mr. Reds
    "Its nice to meet you too"
    she looked at her brother then back at Mr. Red
    "Are you two friends?"
    she looked back at her brother slightly confused as she tried to remember more about what happened. Her eyes averted to the floor
    "Brother...they...they changed me, the people in the lab coats. They did something to me"
  20. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Stalk listened to the story of Project Amazon with keen interest.
    That kind of power... I do believe it is my duty to acquire such a fascinating resource.
    "I believe I may be able to help here," he interjected. "On the way down, the plant life attempted to attack me but I was so repulsive it refused to consume me. I also have some... theories that indicate I may be able to communicate to a limited degree with the plant. Of course, I would have to do so directly with the brain. Getting to it shouldn't be a problem for ME..." He let it hang in the air. "However, all of you may prove more appetizing to it than I. So if you wish, I could attempt to approach the experiment alone and see if I can reach an agreement with it."

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