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Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Nocturnal Death Trophy Hunter

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Zed opens his eyes a takes deep breaths.
    "She literally shot me, in mid sentence."
    "Freaken hell."

    Zed sees Mr. Red sleeping on the boat.
    "He must've been really tired."
    Zed gets up and looks around, 'Sand, trees and a road. How nice.' Zed puts his foot down on the sand and walks to the other side of the boat. He starts to tap on Mr. Reds face.
    "Hey wake up."
    *Yawn* "Its too. . . . . early."
    Zed straightens up, 'This is hopeless, he is talking in his sleep.'
    *Sigh* "I guess, its my turn to carry you."

    Zed puts Mr. Red on his back, Zed tries to straighten his back. 'This is like carry a bunch of bricks on your back. Is this why we are so bad at fighting? No. Its just his power is completely useless. If only he could use his power, to exercise.' Zed start to scream, as he screamed he straightened his back with Mr. Red on it.
    Zed looked at the road. 'Only path to follow right now.' He walks to the road and start following it.
  2. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOC: Hey folks, I'm looking to get back into experimentals here. If any of you want to get someone else into your stories feel free to include me. I have three characters, Syn who is basically an android at this point. Think The Major from GITS.
    Then there is Ghost, who is an immortal from an earlier scientific age. She is cannibalistic thing and works kindal iek frankenstein's monster.
    The last one is Tarot, who is a mage and part of the magical organization that counters science.
    Just let me know in an OOC if you're pulling any of them in. I'll check back later tonight and tomorrow. If two days go by and no one has pulled me in I might attach myself to someones story or vanish into the tall grass again.
  3. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @The_Lullabye I'll run down what's going on from my point of view (much to Miss Elegant Serenity's dismay for taking her favorite hobby away from her. Ha! Try to like this post!) :Cough: Oh sorry, right the rundown.

    verisater23(Zach), Dungeon-Master (Claus), and MateusseDarkslight(Stalk) are about to get involved in my plotline of exploring an underground lab. Ver and Dungeon apparently (from my point of view) seem to be working together for the same reason of just digging up information that they think could be found underground. Mateuss is running two situations right now, he's in contact with Leah (Miss Elegant Serenity) with some of his characters(remember Wolfman? He's back!). He is also tagging along with the group exploring the underground with Stalk.

    Locks got recaptured by the labs is now working for them. Some brainwashing was done.

    ThatRandomGinger distanced himself from the main group in order to flesh out his characters.

    Nocturnal Death enjoys giving me nightmares about how one of his characters can only wake up from dreams if he get's killed in them. Usually by some women who seems to live in that world. He's on his own for the moment.

    How far away are you from the action? If your outside the labs and the city there is an unrevealed character from me that could... set you on the right course so to speak :)
  4. Locks Trophy Hunter

    Jul 22, 2014
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    @The_Lullabye Well my story has an opening for another character you msg me for details on that.
  5. Locks Trophy Hunter

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Locks walked through the city grace wrapped around his arm. In her mind she was his girlfriend now. It had seemed the easiest way to keep her loyal without delving too deep into her mind and having her lose free will. The brainwashing only worked if something massively traumatic set them into a state of pure shock. Like when He had found out everything he knew was fake.
    "Wanna go grab something to eat over there?"
    "Yeah sure."
    He needed to think of a way to introduce her to her powers and have her join the labs. Her genetic code was specific to the experiment and it was the closest thing to the black holes they could produce at this point. Her ability has a strength items she sucks in stay in one piece. However her strenght is also a weakness. If too much matter stores up it could blow a gasket in her head. They sat down and locks flashed his badge without Grace seeing. They gave them excellent service out of fear of being executed.
    "Grace I need to call someone on my phone I'll be right back."
    "Ok don't take too long though I want to order."
    Locks walked behind the corner of the store and put the phone to his ear.
    "Xavier send in one of our..... earlier tests."
    "Ah the old scare the experiment into using their powers trick. We used that on you didn't we?"
    "I learned from the best."
    "Ok its landing in 5...4....3....."
    Locks hung up and ran to his seat. Just as he sat down a man fell from the sky. He was covered in bandages. Locks jumped from his seat and flew into action the walls and furniture turned to chain and flew back at the man before he could react. He was killed on the spot but the bandages flew onto his skin wrapping him together holding him in place while his scattered body parts dragged themselves back to him and were reattached. He stood back up and ran towards them cackling maniacally and waving two knives around. Locks purposely missed the man and let her run straight for grace. Grace was still in awe of Locks power when she realized the man was charging she freaked out and braced for impact. Then in front of her a hole appeared he ran through it like it was nothing but a mirage but his knives and clothes entered the hole which lead to her mind. She looked up realizing what she had done. Locks quickly took this moment to convolute a story.
    "Oh so your one of us then?"
    "One of what?"
    "A successful."
    "A what?"
    "Basically when we entered the labs we were hit by a blast of radiation and gained powers. People like him went crazy with powers and lost their sanity. And others resent the powers they were given and fight against the labs for unjust causes."
    "So now I'm"
    "Working for the labs yes."
    "What am I going to have to do?"
    "I don't know I could probably pull some strings and get you as a lab assistant."
    Grace thought to herself then jumped up and hugged Locks.
    "Now we can be together more."
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @Doomguy thank you for covering for me in my absence, was at work all day and just got home for maybe and hour then its back out for me again until 7:00 fun fun. I really do appreciate it and am quite impressed with your recap. Spot on!! I do have another character BUT TRG hasnt posted nor has he been on for a while so not sure if just internet or work. ANYWHOO I'll give it a week and if nothing I'll move her along as well Thank you :)
  7. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Yeah... um, I haven't been involved here since like page 10. And all of my characters were off in their own little world. Syn is still basically in the military lab/base that "created" her. Ghost was wandering somewhere eating people. Cuz I had a weird phase for a bit. Then Tarot is in a bookstore and had just unofficially made contact with Syn. So really, I'd kinda need to be written in somewhere, or messaged with a way to drop characters in. I can uplift them from their current areas and fling them wherever. though I think sending Syn underground would be fun. You could even have all three of them meet your mystery benefactor. Or you could just take Ghost and Syn. Since I planned on them fighting one another at some point. Your character could interrupt that if you wanted.

    Now then Mr. Locky.
    These are the two chars we had discussed. Bring them in at your own convenience.

    Name: Rektor
    Sex: Androgynous ;P
    Ability: A magical surgeon.
    Backstory: Works in a laboratory affiliated with the one that created Locks. He opted to undergo a voluntary experiment to increase experiment production. This has led to an amazing variety of experiments that can do any number of things with new abilities being found every day. However the mass production means that each experiment is a weak version as his duty is simply R&D.
    Photo: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e280/Lullabye49/Rektor_zps869fffe5.jpg

    Group Name: Legion
    Sex: Female
    Age: Appear to be 11-14
    Abilities: Various
    Backstory: Legion are the creations of Rektor. There are literally thousands of them and they can be teleported wherever they are needed. Each one has a different ability or a similar but unique take on an ability. That is the good about legion. Now here's the bad; they are Storm Troopers, or any other generic non plot necessary minion-soldier. Their aim sucks, they are bad with bladed weapons, bad with unarmed combat, and just overall poor in general. But if the dice roll right they can be good. (I may use online dice rollers to decide what sort of effects their attacks do) or just randomly do stuff. Don't worry, they won't PK anyone. Their most deadly attribute is their experimental ability. Their powers are normally locked away by inhibitors, however once these are released their powers are unleashed. They have a time limit of 15 minutes (A post or two depending) before they explode into a bloody mess of acidic entrails.
    Outside of combat they are pretty much blank slates and run on a biocomputer type network that links them to Rektor's control room. They have a hollow tone to their voice and don't always have the proper responses to questions.
    They come in a few varieties:

    The regular Legion units wield bladed weapons or fight unarmed. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e280/Lullabye49/Legion1_zps113acdda.jpg

    The Spec Ops Legion units are a bit better trained with firearms and can be deadly if the plot shield wanes for necessary story reasons. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e280/Lullabye49/LegionSpecOps_zpse76a217a.jpg

    The Legion also incorporates other body types of units. Sometimes monsters or animals are used. This is the Legion Cavalry unit. The mounts are powerful but hard to control and are rarely fielded. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e280/Lullabye49/LegionCavalry_zps9c2171ef.jpg
    (I may come up with more unit types if the story or my whim sees a need for them. But the regular units or spec ops will be the most used.)

    Intro Time

    The air before Locks and Grace began to shimmer then filled with bars of pixelated static. Slowly these bars expanded into a doorway of static. Through this doorway emerged a young girl, a little younger than Grace, with blue-gray hair and wearing a white cloak. Her eyes were dull and empty and her expression was neutral.
    "Greetings, Master Locks." She said in a monotone voice. "I have been sent by Savart Laboratories as your assistant. I am under the control of Professor Rektor. We are pleased to make your acquaintance."

    #527 The_Lullabye, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
  8. Locks Trophy Hunter

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Grace backed away quickly and got ready for another fight. Locks puled her back over to them quickly.
    "So your the legion members Xaviiers been so extatic about."
    Grace looked extreemly puzzled.
    "The what now?"
    "Don't worry about that right now grace."
    Locks looked back over to the legion.
    "I presume youll be taking us to see Rektor?"
  9. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    "I am here as your assistant. I have no control over my lord's coming and goings." She reached under her cloak and removed a small cube. Setting it on the ground she tapped the control on its top and stood back. A circle on the top of the device lit up and then a screen of light shot up to head height. Pictured on the hologram was a figure with medium length white hair wearing a gas mask over their face with a sterile white getup on.
    "Greetings, Mr. Locks. You wish to talk to me directly?" Rektor asked politely.

    Okay Doomguy. Let's do this.

    Syn stared at the creature before her. The young girl was wearing a a grimy cloak with a pair of black eyes on the hood. Here hair and skin were pale to the point of being completely white. Truth be told, she looked like a ghost. She stood over the bloody remains of some local catholic high schoolers. Their blood was all over her mouth and chin. Syn had come across the girl as she devoured the group of students.
    "You're made of metal." The ghost girl said, her voice full of disappointment. "Not tasty." She pantomimed retching.
    Syn didn't respond, this monster was responsible for all the murders lately. She was under orders to kill it. Taking a magazine from her pocket she slotted it into the receiver on her arm, it clicked into place and Syn gave the internal commands that transformed her right arm into a weapon.
    "Metal girl wants to fight with Ghost?" The ghost girl asked gleefully. A sinister grin split her features and she launched herself forward inhumanely quick. Syn only got a single shot off before the creature was trying to tear her apart with nails and teeth.
    Throwing the thing off she fired half of the twenty round magazine into its body with no effect as the girl jumped up and began attacking again. Initiating hand to hand protocols, Syn held her own against the surprising strength of the monster she was fighting.
    "Good good very good metal mommy!" The girl cried out after Syn landed what was supposed to be an incapacitating blow. "I can't wait to pull your soul out so I can eat you over and over!"
    The fight seemed to be a stalemate, it all depended on which one of them had the closer breaking point.
  10. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    True to his word, Claus began to make his move exactly one minute after Zach turned around to leave. He walked casually towards their meeting place, occasionally checking to see if any eyes were on him. Then, just as he was about to step into the hallway, he checked behind himself one last time to be absolutely sure that he wasn't being followed. When he saw that it was all clear, he pulled out his gun and walked towards the elevators, seeing Zach and Stalk along the way. He stepped inside their elevator gave them a slight nod.
    "So far, so good" as they say. But this is where things really start to get interesting. Stay on guard at all times."
    He pushed the button to send the elevator to floor B1 and chambered the first round in his pistol's magazine as he waited for the elevator to move.
  11. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Stalk adjusted his gloves.
    "Anything resembling an actual strategy or just heavily advanced winging it?" he asked no-one in particular.

    Throne looked appalled by the idea.
    "Leah, your group would declare us the enemy. Upon seeing how we tolerate the same "fugitive" they banished from their group for one behavioral lapse... they'll tear this place to the ground and ruin all the hard work we've done. Of course, you can opt to return to your group. But then we won't be able to get in contact with you once we've retrieved your brother..." Throne wrung her hands, looking tormented. "We only want to help you, Leah, but ultimately it's your decision..."
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah looked over a the man
    "But he wasn't banished he ran away after he attacked me"
    she held up her arm to show the bite marks she had.
    "He had also attacked some of the other members of the group, He is dangerous. How else are we supposed to react to someone like that?"
    she sighed
    "I want to see my brother but I believe the group will probably come looking for me. I don't know what to do"
    She stood quietly for a few minutes pondering what to do. She then spoke in a low tone
    "I guess I'll stay then"
  13. Locks Trophy Hunter

    Jul 22, 2014
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    "Rektor. We arn't scheduled to meet until tomorrow afternoon with Xavier. Why contact me early?"
    "You know him?"
    Locks looked over to grace.
    "Yeah hes one of the elite doctors but hes stationed out at a different laboratory than I am."
    "Let's get this over with if you can't see I'm kind of on a date."
  14. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Claus rubbed his chin in thought.
    "The "plan" as it were, is to move as quickly as we can. Speed and efficiency will serve us better here than a complex strategy. It won't take them long to realize that we're down here and once they do, things become much more complicated. Zach and I will move towards the front entrance--hopefully without any surprises along the way, but only time will tell. Once we gain access to the facility, I want you to destroy the control panel to this elevator and meet us at the entrance; at the very least, that should slow them down for a while if or rather when they realize what's happening. If they call for the elevator beforehand, destroy it immediately, catch up to us and let us know. That will give us a good idea of how quickly we need to move."
    He stared intently as the elevator indicated that they were about to reach their destination.
    "Any questions? Make it quick, the show is about to start."
  15. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Rektor's hologram chuckled. The gas mask muffled the sound and made it sound like coughing. "I am well aware of our official meeting tomorrow. However," His virtual gaze switched to the Legion unit standing calmly behind the cube. "I figured that it was best to introduce you to the Legion as soon as possible. After all, time builds a relationship. Legion 001 will follow most of the orders you give her. Anyway, good luck with your date. 001 might even come in use for you tonight." Another coughing laugh. The hologram blinked out and L001 bent down to retrieve it.
    "You may call me, Loot. If you prefer." L001 said neutrally. "I am ready to work for you, Master Locks, Mistress Grace."
  16. Nocturnal Death Trophy Hunter

    Jul 23, 2014
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    +2 / 0 / -0
    Zed walks on the road, still carrying John. As Zed walks he starts to pant heavily, 'Need, to find, shelter, quick.' John wakes ups, and sees that his being carried.
    "Zed, Im awake now."
    "About time."
    Zed squats and lets John get off his back. The two started walking down the road.
    "Did my wife say anything to you?"
    "Not much, just made me go down memory lane."
    "Hmph, I see."
    Zed started to look around.
    "Do you know, where were going?"
    "No idea, but I guess we should just follow the road until we hit something."
    *Sigh* "I guess so."
  17. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Stalk shook his head. "Take out the elevator to avoid pursuit. Got it."
    His neck suddenly cracked and he stared off into space. "The receptionist is calling the security team now. 6 of them. Large, armed. She's scared, her heart is fluttering. She's wondering how I know about her cheating on her husband. So many questions. I can actually feel her sweating." He decided not to mention the fact she had found out Zed had left his prior location, keeping that to himself for now.
    "Good luck. I'll catch up to you when the elevator thing is done."

    Throne smiled. "Excellent. Can I get you anything, is there anything else you would like to know?"
  18. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT- Since I'm still waiting for the group to enter the underground lab (and get off the elevator) I decided I should share to you all the elevator waiting music that has gone on non-stop.
    And no I'm not rushing you, just thought this was funny :)
  19. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah took a moment to think before answering Throne
    "How long do you think it will be for me to see my brother. I mean how long will I have to stay here?"
    she looked around the room
    "Will I have to stay in this room and wait or is there some place else I'll be waiting?"
    she looked back at Throne
    "I will wait as long as needed to find my brother, then I will head back to the others"
    • Like Like x 1
  20. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOT- Hey doomguy. I gave you the ability to bring your mysterious character of mysteriousness in. :I

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