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Experimentals (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "We will stick with you. Looks like you guys could use someone with a radar."
    Violet thrust a thumb over her shoulder at Arc as he began to straighten up from the kidney punch, referring to him as the radar. At the same time, her purple skin begin to change color, making a camouflage with her surroundings as she held up her big gun. She tossed the manual to Arc, who caught it.
    "And I can ambush people or blast them all away."
    She slipped down through the opening in the roof of the elevator, followed by Arc. They both left the elevator, Violet's active camouflage skin still allowing her to blend in with the area. Arc stopped before turning around and holding out a hand to Leah.
    "Do you know how to use a gun? If you really don't feel comfortable with a gun to protect yourself, you can always hand it back. But that one is very simple. Plenty of shots, fires cyan lasers, can fire charged shots and has no recoil or loud noises when fired. Don't worry about me, I have a manual I need to read."
  2. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah wondered what trick he was talking about
    "I will try to remain calm"
    she was curious as to why he cut himself off but didn't bother to ask, she did as she was told and kept herself as calm as she could.

    When she was asked if she knew how to use a gun she shook her head
    "I've never used a gun before, I wouldn't know what to do with it to be honest"
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "This gun's a lot easier to use. Just point and pull the trigger. If you have time, line up the sights. The little switch on the side is the safety, in case you don't want to put a hole in someone."
    I need to get someone to man a gun for me if I am to read this manual. I need to check the table of contents...
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato slowly raises his hand.
    "Any chance I could have the laser gun? I kinda lost my main gun back in the hall and all I have now are pistols. Non-laser pistols. And that gun sounds cool."
    He looked at it closely, somewhat admiring it.
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Arc looked over to Masato.
    "Screw you, no. Ladies first, girls second."
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah shook her head
    "I don't want the gun. He is probably better suited to handle it than I"
    She looked over at Masato
    "Besides, like I said, I've never held a gun before, let alone know how to aim it or shoot it"
  7. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Arc slumped slightly at the rejection.
    "Alright then. Let him have it."
    He pulled out the manual, and began reading the contents.
    Let's see... weapon systems or mobility systems? I'll check weapons first.
  8. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    With the widest, most smug grin you've ever seen, Masato was all to happy to take the gun from Arc.
    "Why, thank you ever so much."
    He flashed a smile at Bran.
    "Check it. New laser gun."
    It was at this point that he wished he had somewhere to put the gun. Then he remembered that not only did he not have much in the way of storage space, he was still wearing the standard gown that was given to all the "guests" of this place. He realized that no matter which gun he was carrying, he would never look cool in that gown. He let out a small sigh and spoke up again.
    "So...are you ready to get rolling, Bran? I wanna get out of here as soon as we can."
  9. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "Borrowed laser gun" Bran said with a hint of jealousy

    "Couldn't agree more, lets get moving" Bran said as he leaned out of the elevator checking to make sire there were no guards. He then walked out of the elevator with Leah leaning on his shoulder.
    "Let me know if you still need help walking okay" He said to Leah.
    The group followed Masato's direction's and made it outside, for the first time since they had been taken they saw the outside, it was just before dawn.
    A single guard was on patrol in front of them. Bran pointed him out to the group.
    "Remember, we'd rather not bring not much more attention our way"
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah nodded
    "Thank you for helping me and not leaving me behind"
    She could feel her legs getting a little stronger but not enough to walk on her own just yet.
    "Just a little bit longer and I should be ok"
    when they reached the outside, she couldn't remember the last time she saw the sky. She really didn't know how long it had been with the doctors keeping her asleep.
    "I wish I knew how long I was here for"
  11. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato gestured for the others to stay back and whispered.
    "I'll take this one. Stay here."
    While the guard had his back turned, Masato ducked down and made his way to some bushes nearby. Looking carefully to make sure the guard wasn't paying attention, he crawled around in the foliage until he made his way to a large metal shipping container. He waited for his chance and got up, quickly and quietly moving behind it to stay out of sight. He peeked his head out then back in and took a moment to plan out his next move.
    "He's still kinda far away...I don't think I can run up to him without him noticing. Hey, I know! This might be crazy, but I'm totally going for it."
    He still felt a little nervous, but he decided that this was...probably the right thing to do. With his fist, he gave the crate a two solid knocks to get the guard's attention.

    "Huh? What was that noise?"
    The guard turned and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
    "...It's just a box."
    He walked towards it just to make sure. Everything was going fine until he looked around the corner of the shipping crate...

    Masato, who was waiting for his moment to strike, gave the guard a quick kick to the midsection and used the butt of his laser gun to bash the guard's head. The guard staggered backwards clutching his head in pain and Masato capitalized, quickly putting him in a sleeper hold. The guard tried to fight him off and yell for help but it was already too late. A few seconds later, his unconscious body slumped down to the floor and Masato gave the all clear, feeling quite content that he finally didn't have to kill someone just to get out of this place.
  12. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    "It's hard to say, my last thing I remember it was night time at a bar. But hard telling how long i was out" Bran said honestly "Harder telling how long this place has been running, could have been taking months ago... Well never mind that, we are on our way out of here" Bran

    The group moved forward sticking close to buildings to avoid the watch tower, making it to the shoreline they headed south till they found a dockyard. It had several groups of guards each standard armed, they patrolled around the protecting the black dingys bobbing in the water. This must of been one of the main docks as crates littered the area along with moving equipment. It would be hard to go unnoticed but it would be the groups means of escape undetected if pulled off.
  13. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Flipping through the manual, Arc began reading the weapon section, keeping an eye on the radar. The weapon section was mostly filled with directions on how to connect compatible weapons to the system. But one section of interest were the arcing systems and how to use them. Reading into it, Arc was not disappointed. Putting away the manual, Arc accessed his menus and activated the arcing system on very low power. As he held out his palms, an ionic glow began to form.
    "Hey, look at this."
    "Knock it off."
    Violet looked at him, and seeing him goof, she jabbed him in the diaphragm, knocking the wind out of himself. His hand bumped her arm, shocking her and making her jump. She almost gave a shout of surprise, but caught herself from doing so in time. In vengeance, she slugged him in the diaphragm again.

    Hexen smashed through the building, finally within eyesight of the dock area. A guard that attempted setting off the alarm was cleaved in half by Hexen's plasma blade, seared to bloodless vertical halves. Smashing the wall, Hexen looked down at the docks. Most of the boats were small, too small for him. But one was about his size. A yacht, one that must have belonged to a wealthy corporate businessman, was anchored just outside of the dock.

    That vehicle was too large to fit in this area. This shall be my way out of here.
  14. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Irene had continued to stalk the people, watching them group up. She kept herself low, Fluff following her example.
  15. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    There sat a man in a church, sharply dressed. Head to toe, He wore a suit, Black for the professional look he was aiming for. It fit as though it were tailored. He held on the side of him a briefcase, what was inside it was a mystery to all. As he finish his prayer, He stands up and walks to the confession booth. Opening the booth he step in and sit down. He wait for the father to open the slider.

    "Forgive me father for I have sinned, and will Sin again. My job, no. My choice, became clear."

    "And what is your choice, child."

    "I am a hunter, but not the kind of hunter you might think. You see, Father. This world is a fucked up place, I wouldn't have believed that someone or some company would try to morph DNA or genetics. Unlock our minds, create infinite possibilities and change our bodies. I hunt mutants, abnormalities, abominations, experiments, for lack of better terms. I hunt humans. Not out of divine punishment but of balance."

    "My child, you don't need to continue your sins, it's never to late to turn yourself in."

    "It's far too late. Father. Though I doubt forgiveness is in your mind. I must leave now. Say a prayer for my targets and I."

    The man took no time in getting up and walking out of the confession booth he walked back towards the altar he had come from and grabbed his briefcase. Then suddenly he disappeared immediately. Only to reappear atop the church. Getting a view of the city and its entirety. Opening his briefcase he took out a sniper rifle, screwing on each part as he took it out. he added his the scope. Loading the gun, He locked onto his target.

    Masato was in his crosshair, following him with every step he waited in silence for the perfect shot.
  16. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Bran turned to Leah and gently set her down.
    "Stay here a minute, Masato will look after you. If it comes down to it Argon and Grey will help, we are almost there just gotta borrow one of those boats" Bran tried his best to explain why he was setting her down. He turned to Masato and spoke
    "Keep them safe and quiet, if it hits the fan run to a boat, I'll lead them.... let's hope it doesn't come to that"
    Bran the made his way to one of the guards keeping as low as possible, he managed to catch the him off guard and pulled him to his level. Slowly choking the guard out Bran began laying eyes on his surroundings, making sure he was clear. He patted the unconsciousness down, grabbing what ammo he had and a set of keys. Bran hoped they were to the boat, he flashed the keys over to his group and then tried to signal to head to the nearest boat.
    Now how to get out off here, still way to many for me to takedown.... Grey could use stealth but if she got caught or anyone heard her.....Then a strange idea came to mind, the crates around them had to be worth something, so he started making small burns on the boxes. He used a stream of fire just long enough to cause the box to start smoldering before moving as quick as he could to the next. Before long he had done this to three different boxes but the first finally when up in flames. The guards all reacted to the burning box and attempted to put it out, smoke began to fill the back shed of the docks and a fire alarm went out. Bran bolted for the boat, as the alarm would give him enough sound to start the engine and leave.
  17. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Just before Bran started burning the boxes, Masato turned to Leah, who was now leaning on him, and spoke in a low tone.
    "Hey...random question, but do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched? Seriously, I just felt a shiver run up my spine and I don't like it."
    When the crates caught fire, Masato took that as a signal for two things.

    A. Stealth is no longer an option.
    B. They need to run. NOW.

    "Come on, I think that's our cue!"
    He helped Leah run as fast as she could handle towards the boat that Bran was going to. Then he heard a voice call out...it was his worst fear come true.

    "They're over he--"
    Thankfully, the voice was cut off before anyone could hear his call for help. Masato looked over and saw a large hole burned into the guard's chest right before he slumped down to the floor. Masato's eyes went wide and he just barely managed to choke out a few words.
    "How...why? Is someone helping us?"
    He shook his head, realizing that this was no time for questions. He continued on with Leah in tow, reluctantly putting away his laser gun in favor of a pistol that he could use with his free hand. When he rounded the next corner, two more guards were waiting for him and he called out to Leah.
    "Watch out!"
    He pulled Leah down behind the corner and fired back with his pistol, mostly firing blindly to cover the two of them. Just as he was wondering what to do next, he saw a streak of red energy shot past in the blink of an eye and burned through the guard's torso, killing him instantly. A second flash of light soon followed, killing the second guard. He slowly peeked around the corner and when he knew for sure that it was clear, he picked Leah up and continued.
    "I'm not gonna question it, let's just keep moving!"
    With Masato leading, they ran as fast as they could to catch up with Bran.


    The masked figure watched as Masato and Leah ran for the boat. The way was relatively clear for them, so he stood up from his crouched position, looking at the sniper rifle in his hands.
    "A sniper rifle that fires lasers. I've gotta say, it's quite the achievement in weapons technology, though I can't help but notice a slight design flaw. The laser beam is a bit more noticeable than a bullet. But still...I think I like it."
    He shrugged and slung it over his back.
    "Who knows, it might just come in handy again."
    After that, he pulled out a high-tech grappling hook from his pack. It was one of the items he "commandeered" when he raided one of the storage rooms inside the facility. That was also how he ended up with the new set of armor he has now, which was different from when Masato first spotted him. He now wore a suit of sleek, jet-black armor that was light enough to offer full mobility, but was also strong enough to absorb very strong impacts on account of being made from experimental metals developed by the facility. It also offered some very interesting features suited to stealth and infiltration, but that can wait for another time. He aimed his grappling hook at a storage crate some distance away and fired. It latched on and he hooked the other side of the cable to the tower he was currently on, making a zipline to the ground below.
    "Let's hope this prototype didn't have any bugs to work out."
    He whispered into the morning air before grabbing the zipline and riding it down. He made it over without any problems and once he reached the end, he dropped down just a few feet to the ground. He was close to the group now, but he made sure to land in an area where they wouldn't notice him, especially with everything else that was happening around them. He hid behind a wall and waited to see what they would do before trying to follow them to the boat.

    OOT: @Guts All set, go ahead and do your thing.
    #97 Dungeon Master, Feb 9, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2017
  18. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    The man began to control his breathing as he saw that Leah was dropped off on the boat. With Masato in his crosshair he had the perfect opportunity, Watching Masato pause for a moment he fired the trigger.


    Damien could hear the bullet being fired, He knew who it was heading for. Damien had made it over to the docks as fast as possible.

    "No. No. No."

    Finally he saw Masato in his sight. With barely any time to react a massive force Pushed Masato from the main world and into a new one. only open entering a different dimension did it become apparent he was tackled by Damien and brought through a different dimension. Just barely falling into the water. He stood up and helped Masato get up.

    "We need to move, Now! You probably have a lot of questions Masato. But we have no time to wait. Follow my lead and stay silent."

    Damien began to walk but noticed that Masato was visibly shook though he walked slowly, there wasn't much time. Damien sighed and broke open a crate. Throwing Masato into it he closed it and made it look untouched.

    "Stay silent, I'm going to find a place nearby to hide. I'll explain everything right after he leaves."

    The man who fired the bullet was not surprised to see there was something that was off. He could see the dimensional rift that no one else could. It created an imbalance in the world, Though unoticable to anyone it was affecting both him and Damien. The man on the church seemed to have telported from his position to the docks and into the rift.

    "Damien, I know you're here. I didn't provide you much time. And I know I can outlast you especially in terms of patience."

    Damien waited a few minutes and heard each creak on the dock he knew he didn't have much time so he could only play a trick on him if it worked this one time he knew it wouldn't ever again. Damien opened a new rift into a different area entirely once he saw the man go through it. He closed it immediately. Giving no conext to his location it would give them the time they desperately needed.

    Finally Damien came from hiding and back to Masato. Opening the crate he began to walk from the docks.

    "Get on your feet. And follow me, we can talk when we get to safety. I'm sure you have more questions than I have answers."
  19. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Violet and Arc followed after Bran, being sure to be as small of a target as possible to reduce chances of detection. Violet still lugged the BFG, while Arc clutched his manual. He hoped to read more on it, he saw something about being able to use ranged arc attacks with his hands.
    But then, he began to notice something. Something that he had forgotten about. Something that had him concerned.

    That little red dot popped up on my radar again. Who or what is that?
    Little did he know, it was Irene following them.
    But for now, due to the circumstances, he had to run.
    #99 Core, Feb 10, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  20. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah couldn't remember where she was before all this. All she remembered was she had a brother. She shook her head, right now wasn't the time. So much happened so fast and next thing she knew they were running towards a boat. Masato sat her down on the boat all she could do is sit and wait for the others. She kinda felt helpless but she ducked down to remain hidden in case a guard passed by

    OOT not much to post at the moment

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