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Experimentals (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Before Bran could answer Leah he heard a voice shout at them.
    Turning to see just what was going to be blasted at them Bran say two very strange people. One a man in what looked like a riding suit for a bike, the other a purple woman nearly naked hold a very large gun. You have to be kidding me...... I stubble into TWO MORE of these experiments like me and what's their first response, shoot. Done they not realize they other could also be escaping like them. Finishing his thought he saw Masato slightly turn to him.

    It work on the guards, hell might as well try it, just i hope you can take them down in one go masato... Bran nodded and then raised his hands.
    "Like my friend said, we don't want any trouble.... You let us go and this will all be over.....in a snap!!!" Bran grinned at his own pun while snapping both his fingers creating two bright flashes hoping to blind the man and woman.
  2. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato ducked and turned away to avoid the incoming flash, reaching into his pockets as he did. Along with the guns, he'd picked up a couple of grenades from the guards he'd take care of earlier. Right now, he was very glad that these guards came prepared. He pulled the pins on both grenades, turned around quickly and lobbed them right towards the two strangers with the big gun. For the split second he looked at them, he saw the woman reeling from the flash but the man in the suit looked completely unfazed. Still, he'd have to get the woman out of the blast radius of his grenades before they went off, so that was good enough for now.

    Masato turned to Bran and Leah, focusing his energy in a desperate attempt to summon that blue aura from before. It wasn't a matter of "if" he could, he had to right now if they were going to get out of this encounter alive. Sure enough, as if his body responded to his desperation, the blue aura surrounded him again. With his newfound strength he easily picked up Bran and Leah, throwing them over his shoulders, and with incredible speed he dashed away from the enemy and easily cleared the black hole that was quickly growing in size. If they were really lucky, that black hole might buy them a little more time.

    But once they got away, then...then came the difficult part.
    He couldn't help yelling under the strain of trying to keep up mentally while the world around him moved like a blur. His senses and reflexes had improved to compensate for his newfound speed, but it was the idea of moving so fast that got to him the most. It was something he wasn't used to, something he could hardly even comprehend. Even so, he moved quite adeptly for someone who had just discovered this breakneck speed of his. After it was over, he would chalk it up to the level of concentration that came with his martial arts training.

    He moved like a blur to the human eye, passing through entire hallways in under a second until he made it to the staircase they were looking for. He had a hard enough time running down straight halls and turning around wide corners, so you could imagine how nervous he was coming up to the stairs...not that he had enough time to fully comprehend his nervousness. At this point, he began moving more on instinct than anything else, which was good because he probably wouldn't try what he was about to try on purpose.

    Still surrounded by the mysterious aura, he leaped down the stairs, kicked off the wall at the halfway point of the stairwell with one leg and landed down on the next floor, where he quickly rounded the corner and repeated this process to go down to the next floor. Now there was a new problem. Somehow, Masato had to stop, which he wasn't really sure if he could even do. Once again, he did as his instincts compelled him to do...he turned in midair as they were coming up to a wall on the next floor, his bent knees facing right towards it. When they were just about to ram into the wall, he kicked it as hard as he could with both legs, stopping their momentum with a loud crash and making a rather large hole in the wall. After he stuck the landing, setting Bran and Leah down as gently as he could, the aura quickly faded away and he knelt down on the floor, practically gasping for air.

    "Hah...haaa...well, that was...that was intense."
    He got back to his feet soon enough, although he did look a little unsteady doing so. He pointed left and spoke up after taking a moment to catch his breath some more.
    "It's this way...can you get Leah? I'm still a little...out of sorts."
    #62 Dungeon Master, Jan 21, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Arc was caught off-guard by Violet's sudden command to the three people.
    "Whoa whoa whoa! Hang on just a moment!"
    He grabbed the top of her BFG 3000 and pushed it down. But already it was too late. One of the men snapped his fingers, and a sudden flash blinded Violet, forcing her to cover her eyes while Arc's cracked visor blocked the light, thanks to tech similar to that found in an auto-darkening welding helmet. Thanks to this, Arc saw the other guy throw a grenade before lighting up blue and scooping up the other two people before dashing away in a blur.
    Arc smacked the grenade over his shoulder, launching it out of the wall and allowing to explode once it bounced around the corner. But even then, Arc pushed Violet down and shielded her from behind just in case. Once the explosion passed, he stood her up.
    "Are you aright!?"
    "I- I am. I am beginning to see again." Violet replied shakily.
    "That's a relief." After saying that with a sigh, he gently smacked the back of her head. "Idiot! You can't just act like that! We aren't the only ones escaping this place! We need all the help we can get, and I wanted to confront them cautiously. That gun was just overkill! I know your angry about what they did to you, but personally, I think purple looks nice on you."
    "You are just saying that to make me feel better!"
    "No, not really. I mean it! It was a shock, seeing what they did to you, but I can handle it. Just think about everyone else here, they got twisted into something, like us. I still don't know what I can do."
    Violet hung her head, upset with herself. Arc got an idea, and began navigating his HUD menu. After a minute of searching he found what he was looking for.
    "Enabling thermal-imaging overlay!"
    Violet perked up by his exclamation. "What?"
    "I can see heat sources now. Not only that, I can see residual heat, like the heat trail the Blue-blaze Boy left! This suit does everything!"
    Arc began running, signalling for Violet to follow.
    "Hey! Aren't we supposed to get out of here!?"
    "They are going the same way we are, whether they know it or not. Besides, I want to use our code names!"
    Arc and Violet followed after the group, chasing down the three who got away before introductions could be made.
  4. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    It all happened in a matter of seconds, Bran used flash, masato throw a grenade and the next thing Bran know he was looking at the two strangers while being carried over masato's shoulder. The moved so fast he didn't even have time to ready his rifle in case they chased. he was then set down
    "Masato, I have no idea what that was but you saved us" He heavily patted the out of breath savior. "Yeah I'll carry Leah, if she would let me" He turned to Leah extended his hand. "I guess it's about time we introduced ourselves, I'm Bran. A new guest her, same as you and him" he pointed to Masato. "And this will be our exit, or at least a way to one right?"
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah was in shock after what just happened. It took a moment for her to realize Bran was standing in front of her with his arm extended out, tho she did hear his introduction. She then looked at him, took his hand and smiled
    "I am Leah, but I guess you already knew that. I was wondering, how did you know my name?"
    She turned her attention to Masato
    "Thank you for getting us out of there. At least out its not as loud"
    She then looked back up at Bran
    "I honestly don't know how I got here or why I am here. All I remember was a doctor telling me that I was in an accident, but I don't remember being in an accident. "
    She shook her head
    "I'm sorry now isn't really the time I guess"
    she looked back up at Bran
    "So where do we go from here?"
  6. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Bran began scratching his head with his free hand and chuckled a little "Ahh, well it's what your bedside papers said, glad they were right. Found them and you while i stumbled for a place to hide" Think I'll leave the part about the nurse and her somehow freeing herself out for now....

    Pulling Leah up off the floor Bran quickly put his shoulders under her arms, having her lean on him for support. Bran walked them both over to the elevators door before answering her questions.
    "Well, I can't really say I have any idea on the how or why you're here..... But, from my personal experience, I doubt there was an accident. Woke up chained and in the middle of some sort of procedure and now all of a sudden i can do things like that flash" He then patted the small satchel at his waist "I'm hoping there is something in these papers that would explain the situation a bit"
    Bran smiled as he thought of her second question "Nonsense, besides this builds trust right? I'm sure Masato will join once he finishes catching his breath" Last thing i want is trust issues with a black hole, hopefully some small talk will keep her at ease.
    "And as far as where we are going, well this will get use closer to the ground floor. From there find an exit of some sort." Bran answered Leah, then he turned over to Masato.
    "Hey you good? I'm getting the door open now, if you need to catch your breath still we can do it on the ride down. Also what else did that map show, if anything?"

    OoT: There ya go Brother DM, also room for Ella to post again
  7. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato responded with a thumbs-up gesture. That was all he could manage at the moment.

    By the time Bran asked, Masato had just taken in a deep breath and let it out. Now he was making his way over and he responded with a nod.
    "Yeah, I'm good. In fact, I feel...surprisingly fine. I think it took more out of me mentally than physically, know what I mean?"
    He'd caught up to Bran and Leah now but just as he got there, a noise from around the corner piqued his attention.
    "Hmm? Did you hear that?"
    He started walking in the direction the noise came from, further down the hall and around the corner.
    "I'll check it out, wait here."
    After walking a short distance, he got up against the wall and very slowly, very carefully peeked his head around the corner.
    He saw a slew of dead guards-- at least four, from what he could see-- and a lone figure walking across the hall, assault rifle slung over his shoulder. A black balaclava obscured his features, he seemed to be wearing armor somewhat similar in style to but not exactly the same as what the guards had and just as Masato was wondering how he killed them without drawing attention, he noticed that the man's gun had a suppressor on it.
    "Man, I wish we could've found one of those. Might've made life easier."
    His eyes went wide as the stranger's gaze turned towards him and he quickly ducked back around the corner to get out of sight. His heartbeat sped up, he felt himself sweating more and he desperately hoped that he wasn't noticed. After a few moments, he peeked around the corner again and saw...absolutely nothing, much to his relief. Just then, he heard the elevator bell go off and he quickly made his way back to the others. He explained quickly, motioning down the hall.
    "I...don't think we wanna go that way. Good thing for us our ride's here, right?"

    The elevator doors opened and he made his way inside, talking to Bran as he did.
    "To answer your question, there were a few guard posts scattered around but it looked like none of them had a direct line of sight to the docks, so we should have a straight shot there without much trouble."
    He then turned to Leah with a smile.
    "It might take a little while...we don't even know what we're gonna do once we get out of here. But whatever happens, we'll find a way to help you get your brother back, especially if he's locked up in there somewhere. We'll figure it out, we just need some time, okay?"
    When they were all safely inside the elevator, he pushed the button labeled "Ground Floor" and doors closed as the elevator slowly started to descend.
  8. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    During the break Masato, Bran and Leah took, Arc and Violet still pursued their trail, running at the above-average speed that their bodies were altered into handling with ease. Running through the halls, Arc and Leah came around the corner just in time to see the elevator door close before it began to descend.
    "After them!"
    Violet reached out and grabbed Arc from behind, stopping upon grabbing him. Since there was nothing else to grab, she gripped him by the helmet using her hands and tentacles, causing him to stop moving forward yet running in place in a bent backward moment before his feet stopped moving.
    "What are you going to say to them?"
    "I dunno. 'Hi'?"
    "You mean you are confronting someone who can flash out of here with no plan!? And it's three on two, also! We don't even know what they can do!"
    "Actually, it won't be three on two."
    "Divide and conquer?"
    "Sort of. It will be three on one."
    "Don't worry. Shoot all you want if you hear gunfire."
    Releasing Arc, the two of them ran to the elevator doors, with Violet forcing them open.
    "I'll fire three shots straight up if it all goes well."
    "Just get it done already."
    With a final salute, Arc jumped down the shaft, gripping the elevator cable to control his descent. He landed on top of the descending elevator with a thud, knocking on the roof.
    "Uh, hey there. I think we got off on the wrong foot back there. My friend is a bit jumpy, with everything that is going on. So perhaps you can give us another chance? I'm alone right now, but if something happens, she'll blow out this whole shaft."
    Blowing out the whole shaft might have been an overstatement, but anyone hit by a BFG while in an elevator shaft would definitely be hurt, at the very least.
  9. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "SON OF A--"
    Masato stumbled backwards as he pulled out both of his pistols, falling down on his back as he aimed both pistols up at the intruder. It wasn't the most dignified position to be in and it certainly wasn't what he had in mind, but at least he had his target in his sights. Then a thought occurred to him.
    "...Would pistols even work on that thing?"
    Before he could think about it any more, the man continued."

    "So...you wanna be friends or else you'll kill us all, is basically what you're saying. You must be a riot at parties."
    He put his guns down, clearly looking nervous.
    "Hey man, it's like I said, we don't want any trouble. We're just trying to get out of here in one piece, which I'd like to point out you're making very difficult right now by, you know, threatening our lives every time we turn around."
    He placed his guns on the floor, slowly letting out a sigh of frustration as he did.
    "Alright, let's do some introductions real quick. I'm Masato, he's Bran and she's Leah. Fun fact, Leah is very, very powerful and she doesn't have control of her powers the same way we do...so if you keep pointing guns in our faces, there's a very real chance that she could kill all four of us-- and maybe even your friend up there-- right here and now. So...yeah, what's your name?"
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Leah jumped when she heard the thump. A voice shortly followed stating if something happened his partner would blow the whole shaft. Leah had a look of worry upon her face and fear started to kick in. Sparks started to appear around her body as she tensed up.

    Leah quickly turned her attention to Masato who seemed to be trying to bargain with the person on top of the elevator. Hopefully things would work in their favor. As he introduced each of them and he mentioned her being powerful, Leah was surprised to say the least. She looked over at Bran and in a low voice that only he could hear
    "What does he mean, I can't kill anyone"
    she hadn't noticed the sparks around her body with everything going on
  11. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "I'm not trying to force anything. Don't get me wrong, I just want to make sure we are escapees that won't be killing each other."
    Arc looked at Leah, and noticed the sparks. His eyes widened behind his cracked visor.
    "Hey hey hey! Don't get too excited, Sparky! It's alright, we won't do anything to you guys if you don't do anything to us. That means you are safe!"
  12. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Everything began to happen before Bran could properly react, the man from earlier appeared before them threating them. Masato made himself clear and returned the man's threat with one of his own by mentioning Leah's power. Bran then hear Leah's voice, he leading and spoke softly
    "Remember when I said about my experience here and now being able to do something new? Well your trick is alot scarier than mine or masato's, it's why i asked you to stay calm. But if things get bad...." Bran paused as he had to think about what he was saying. I'm telling her to freak if its bad am i insane?! Even under best case the black hole will suck in the elevator cable and then..... He snapped out of it as a spark hit the arm that was supporting Leah. Bran pulled one of his pistols out and pointed it at the man despite masato setting his down.
    "Alright listen here you trigger happy racer, You want to make friends, then start by actually answering my friend's question, who are you and that gun-ho friend of yours?! Secondly you how about you CALL THEM OFF! This is twice you have burst in and pointed your guns or threatened with guns and you expect us to be calm and understanding? Literally everyone with a gun has been shooting at us" He paused his yelling to look over at Leah "And you heard her name, It's Leah not sparky, allies tend to at least try to address each other properly" Still pointing his pistol at the man he waited for answer
  13. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    I am just trying to get on good terms.
    Looking at the cables of the elevator, Arc got an idea.
    Shoot out the cables, that would be a quick and easy way of dealing with this.
    Annoyed and growing angry, Arc took a deep breath and suddenly punched a hole in the elevator's roof as he held his gun in that hand. Flipping the safety to the "on" position, he dropped it.
    Evil action avoided.
    As luck would have it, it landed on Leah.
    "FINE! If you don't trust me, just hold onto that blasted gun! I'm unarmed now! There! But some beast out their that is escaping too, trust me, that thing nearly killed me! Last thing I need is to deal with scared people toting peashooters!"

    Violet could barely understand Arc's voice as he yelled.
    That idiot! Giving up his weapon like that!
  14. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato was stunned at how quickly things had gotten out of hand. Before anything else could go wrong, he spoke up.
    "Alright, hold on! Let's all just take a deep breath and talk this out like adults."
    He took the initiative on this, breathing in and out as he tried to clear his head.
    "Okay, let me think...we've gotta be getting to the ground floor pretty soon. As long as we can keep them talking, they probably won't kill us. Hopefully. Right now, they've got our backs to the wall for sure but if things start going south, I'd much rather be on the ground than stuck up here. So...I guess it's on me to keep the conversation going."
    Quickly thinking this to himself, he turned to Bran first.
    "Bran...I know how you feel and I'm sure Leah does too, but let's be fair here. If they just wanted us dead, they could've cut the cables and called it a day. He's even given up his gun and that seems like a sign of good faith to me, so just lower your gun, calm down and let's talk this out."
    He then turned to Arc.
    "And you, mister...actually, I still don't think you gave us your name, so I'm just gonna call you Iron Man for now. I'm sure you've had a rough time here but you've got to calm down and remember, we're having the worst day of our life here too and we've already been shot at more times than we can count. So I hope you can understand if we've still got some trust issues, especially when your friend is walking around with that oversized gatling gun. Now..."
    He raised an eyebrow.
    "...What was that you said about some kind of beast running around?"
  15. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Getting impatient and wondering exactly what was happening down in the elevator shaft, Violet looked down the shaft before looking back to the hallway. At that moment, a dozen guards poured into the hallway, toting shotguns. With guards to the front, and an elevator shaft to the back, Violet was trapped. While the guards were still too far away to effectively use the shotguns, Violet quickly pulled up the BFG and pulled off a charged shot she had been saving. Seeing the green, glowing glob of jiggling, unstable plasma flying towards them, the guards' eye's widened in terror. They stopped and tried to retreat, but it was already too late. The first guard was "lucky" and got a direct hit, quickly and painlessly dissolving everything that did (and did not) matter to his body. The other "unlucky" guards were caught in the ensuing explosion were ripped to dissolving shreds, their bodies leaving behind a final legacy of splattering against the walls.
    All of the guards were exterminated and no longer her problem. However, such an unprepared shot with such a massive gun did not come without consequences. The recoil knocked her back, and into the elevator shaft.

    Once Arc has been annoyed, his annoyed state does not go away easily. Rhythmically tapping his fingers with annoyance, he began his report on the creature.
    "First off, that thing is big and ugly. Has a plasma sword in place of it's hand. Second, that th-"
    A "squeek" from something sliding down the elevator shaft heralded the incoming of an interruption. Slamming down, Arc was flattened by the falling Violet, both breaking her fall and heavily denting the elevators roof.

    "Oops, sorry about that."
    Violet still held her BFG, which significantly added to her impact weight. She climbed climbed off of the face-down Arc's back, poking him carefully.
    "Uh, are you dead yet?"
    Slowly, Arc pulled himself back up into the crouching position he was in earlier.
    "Ouch... Idiot... No, I am not, thanks for nothing. Second, that thing killed me already, and it was able to take a direct hit from lead-butt's big freakin' gun without damage. Wait... what are you doing here!? I didn't give you the signal!"
    "You didn't, but a bunch of guards did. I cleared 'em all out, must have been at least ten of them."
    "No helping it then, I guess."
    #75 Core, Feb 1, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  16. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Bran saw the Iron man drop his gun, he became a bit more at ease but still wary of his friend above them all. He nodded at Masato's reasoning, so he thought of that possibility also it seems...
    He lowered his gun but still keep it out just in case, suddenly the elevator shook from a large impact. He looked up through the roof to see a purple woman carrying the large gun land on the Iron man. Still uneasy because of the gun, he found small comfort in the fact that they now all were face to face. He overheard a bit of their conversation and decided to speak up.
    "Well Iron man, and uhh Lead Butt was it? We are all here so why don't we talk a bit?" Bran looked to try and find an indicator of what floor they are on but but couldn't, he decided to stall hoping the door opened soon

    The Albatross sailed for the meeting point just as dawn broke, it was a shallow reef located in between two of the islands. Atlas picked up the two sealed crates and lowered them into the water. "There we go, as specified the weapons sunk at the reef" Atlas spoke to Frost and Echo.
    "Why go through these means? Why wouldn't a face to face deal, certainly easier for both parties" Echo voiced his concern
    "Dunno, maybe for their own safety? Then again if they knew who was delivering they would try something, and that would be a deadly mistake" Frost coldly as she did not agree with their current job.
    "I know you are upset lass but it pays well and secures resources we couldn't normally get" Atlas said to his crew.
  17. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato's eyes widened.
    "It took a hit from that thing? Seriously? That can't be a good sign...well, as long as we don't run into it between here and the boats, we should be alright."
    Then another realization came to him.
    "Wait...did you say that think killed you? What?"
    He wondered to himself how their explanation ended up giving them more questions than answers.

    Masato covered his mouth, stifling a laugh.
    "Heh. Lead Butt."
    He tried his best not to look so amused at her nickname since he figured it would be best not to annoy the girl with the oversized gun, but he wasn't very good at hiding it.
    "Sorry, it's just...so yeah, what's your real name? Unless you like Lead Butt."
    He turned away, still trying not to laugh.
  18. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "Stop laughing!"
    "Don't be so sensitive just because you are the 'butt' of the joke."
    Arc started laughing, but quickly ended when Violet punched him in the kidney, causing him to keel over. As he silently cried, Violet continued the conversation.
    "Okay, let's get the names settled. He and I are going by our code names from when we were in the Special Forces. He, is Argon. I, am Grey Death. A far cry from 'Lead Butt.' The only reason why Argon is alive is probably shown somewhere in this manual."
    Violet pulled the manual from Arc's suit, and showed the cover to the occupants within the elevator. The cover was titled "Cyborg Bodies for Dummies."
    "He has a defibrillator built into his chest. I don't know if that was the only thing that jolted him back to life, but it was one of the things that did. As for the beast, we could not figure out a way of taking it out, not quickly, at least. It was called 'Hexen', so that is what we refer to it as. Now, I don't know if it is human or not. I don't think so, since there was an inter-dimensional gate near where we found him, so he is probably a demon. Speaking of what things are, Argon is now a cyborg, or a human with mechanical parts at least, and I got outfitted with an endosymbiont. Or exosymbiont. Something like that. It's like a parasite, only helpful."
  19. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As Grey Death had stated who she and her friend were and what powers they had Bran nodded along. That manual must be nice.... As he thought this he remember the satchel of files he stole. Just I've got the same just haven't had time to read over it yet.
    "Must be nice knowing just what powers you have, as for us, well specifically me.... I don't have any idea" Bran spoke honestly
    A ding resounded in the elevator and the door began to slowly open. Bran turned to it and then spoke "Well Argon, Grey death i believe this is our stop. Feel free to join us if you are serious about making allies. But a few ground rules" He paused thinking them over his plan "Firstly no gunshots unless necessary, we currently a hidden and with that hexxen causing havoc it would work as a distraction, as well our ammo is currently limited. Secondly we make it out of here, I don't care if you have a vendetta against this place, could hardly blame you really, but we just want out of here"
    "Well that okay?" He asked Argon and Grey/
    "Masato which way out?" Bran the asked which way so their group can try to escape.
  20. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Masato took a moment to recall the map he'd studied earlier. He pointed west, towards a set of storage buildings.
    "We need to make our way past those, then we'll hit the shoreline. After that," he said while moving his finger southwest, "we need to make our way south along the shore until we make it to the docks. We just gotta make sure we stick close to the buildings, there's a guard tower off in the distance but we should be out of its line of sight if we're careful."
    He then looked to Argon and Grey.
    "So, what's the deal? You guys coming with us?"

    A masked figure stood alone on the top floor of the guard tower, leaning on a counter in front of an open window. With a set of binoculars in hand, he looked out towards the exit of the service elevator, searching for any signs of movement. It was a fair distance from where he was looking and his view was obstructed by a few tall trees, but he could faintly make out signs of movement.
    "There they are, just like I thought. So they are making their way to the docks after all. I'm sure the guards will try to ambush them along the way...what to do, what to do."
    He turned around towards the blood-spattered mess of dead guards that littered the room, slowly making his way towards the one guard he'd left alive. He stood over the man who was gasping for air and bleeding profusely, just barely clinging to life by a thread after suffering multiple bullet wounds. He drew his pistol and pointed it at the guard's face.
    "Listen closely. I want you to report that a group of escapees have been sighted at the front entrance."

    With glazed-over eyes, the guard reached for his radio and spoke in a monotone voice.
    "Escaped test subjects have been spotted at the front entrance. Intercept them immediately and eliminate them if necessary."

    When the guard finished, the masked figure fired his gun before going back to the window. Along the way, he picked up a sniper rifle that had been sitting in the room and quickly scanned the area through its scope.
    "That should at least thin out their numbers, though there may still be some patrols along the way to the docks. Then again, for all I know, there may be something even worse waiting for them. Anything is possible in a place like this, after all."

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