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Earths Pawns (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Axel seen stars! Alistair headbutted him in the nose, blood poured as the man dived away. Axel was on his knee's as Alistair ran through the alley and all he could do was try not to pass out.

    Months of hard training made no difference. Training could not make up for inexperience and he realized that now... If he was ever to fight him, Axel would die. Then Axel remembered something that made him forget all about the pain. His eye's! They were grey and not black! The man he faced month's ago had black eye's and a duel bladed battle axe... Or maybe the pain was from a mild concussion. This Alistair hit like a blacksmith hammer and ran like lightening! Axel knew one thing for sure, next time they would meet, he wanted to talk about that day he met a man that dressed like him. And to see the man's eye's one more time.

    Ella's voice pulled him out of his pain induced thought's. He looked to her as she shot toward Alistair and then just started to srceamed
    Axel tried to get up but his vision went dark and he faded into the darkness of his mind.
  2. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Helen burst into the church and came up short as she saw Terios standing there with his weapons at the ready. Yet even this young man, prepared to kill her on the spot, evoked no emotion in her. Coming to a stop she stared at the young man for a while before the change in scenery made itself a priority. Her confusion returned as the old church seemed to be just about to collapse if the wind blew too hard. It would have been a shocking sight if she were capable of emotion.

    "Everything is different now," she said in a calm voice. "I wonder what could have happened to make everything decay so much overnight."

    She mused over the possibilities but found that only one made much sense. That one however, was preposterous.

    "You can relax," she told the young man who still had his weapons at the ready. "As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not much of a threat to you."
  3. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ella froze when the voices stopped and she heard the word "pathetic" being spat out. She opened her eyes to see someone was standing in front of her, but made no sudden movements in case this person was liable to kill her. The person moved to whisper in her ear, she started trembling in fear. She suddenly felt a hand under her chin forcing her to look up at him. Her eye grew wide when his body started contorting, she was suddenly surrounded by snakes, Ella flinched away as their forked tongues flicked out at her hoping none of them would bite her.
    "W-who are....
    She was cut off by the laughter and the thunder crash. The loudness made her blink and when she opened her eyes...the being was gone. Ella frantically looked around, but all she could see was the scorch mark in front of her, rain pouring all around her and a body laying not far from her.....

    A loud crash was heard and Zoe sat right up from her bed screaming. The loud thunder had woken her from her sleep. Zoe clutched her dolly, pulled her knees to her chest and started crying.

    "mommy?....Daddy?.....I'm scared"
    her eyes darted around the room frantically, she was to afraid to leave the bed. It took a moment for her to realize where she was.
    she cried out, knowing he wouldn't be far. It was to dark to see in the room and the only light there was, was the flashing of the lightning.

    It took a moment for Ella to come to her senses. She was still on her knees in the mud just staring off, trying to figure out who or what that was. After what seemed like forever, Ella shook her head of the thought. This was something she had to put aside for the time being. She looked over at the guy laying on the ground
    "Hey, are you ok?"
    she yelled but when she didn't get a response, she slowly started to get up and cautiously walked over to him. She knelt down and shook him
    "Hey, can you hear me?"
    she noticed the blood on his face and quickly reached in her satchel and pulled out some cloth and started wiping the blood off his face. As she removed the blood she tilted her head, his face looked somewhat familiar. She shook the thought out of her head thinking it was nothing. She looked around for Brad, was he still at his post or did he chase after the guy with the axe. She couldn't leave just yet, she had to make sure everyone was ok, but she couldn't leave this guy out in the rain like this.There was a house just a few feet away. Maybe she could drag him into it enough to get him out of the rain. She stood up and walked to where she was standing at his head, she wrapped her arms under his and around his chest and started dragging him. He was a bit heavy to move due to the rain weighing down all the clothing, including her cloak, but she was able to drag him into the house, or what was left of it. She looked around and found some tattered blankets and balled one up to place under his head like a pillow. Another she placed over him to try to keep him warm. She wouldn't be long and she would need Brads help. She would return to check on him shortly, but for now....
    Ella ran out of the house and back out on the street
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  4. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    Zillis remained unaffected by the loud crash of thunder that seemed to come from nowhere. Instead he watched as Zoe panicked for a moment. Though the room was pitch black he could see fairly well his eyes has adjusted for quite some time. The hardwood shining ever so faintly though no light entered save for the slight moonrays from the window.

    A lamp near dead from the flame almost extinguished far from Zoes bed. A messy floor of paper and books also was part of the decor. He got up from his corner and moved silently. When he reached close enough to her bed he spoke in a calming manner.

    "It is okay Zoe. I am here, Ella and Brad will be home soon enough." He sat down on the bed and gently grabbed a hold of Zoe. Placing her against his chest and laying down on his back with her, he figured the best way to keep her calm was to just let her know she wasn't alone. Thing settled outside quickly at least the noise and the light.

    "Everything will be okay Zoe. Zilly is here for you. I'll be here to protect you in your times of need, You'll never need to feel alone when you need it most." with his feet he moved zoes pillow to his free hand and grabbed a hold of it laying it on the side of him in case she decided she wanted to lay on the side of him.
  5. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "Yeah, you better run."
    Brad chuckled with a wry grin as the man with the axe made his escape. He didn't even try to fire at him, it was only fair since he left peacefully. Soon after, he looked back to Ella and his expression turned to one of deep concern when he saw that she seemed to be in agony, kneeling down and screaming. He looked around for any possible attackers but nothing caught his gaze.
    "Ella...? What's going on?"
    He whispered under his breath, thinking out loud more than anything as there was no way anyone could have heard him. Unsure of what else to do and becoming more frantic by the second, he put away his gun, folded up the tripod and made his way back downstairs. But when he did, the section of stairs that he was running down started to shift ever so slightly. Brad's head snapped downward as he saw the stairs beginning to move.
    "No. No no no--AH!"
    The stairs began to give out beneath his feet and soon collapsed entirely, sending him tumbling down to the floor. He groaned loudly as he landed face-down on the floor below, trying to regain his senses as slowly lifted his head. He stumbled the first time he tried to get back up on his feet as his blurry vision slowly started to come back into focus. His second attempt got him back up onto his feet and while he was still a little wobbly, he made his way out of the building just in time to hear Ella call out.

    "Yeah, I'm...I'm here!"
    Brad followed the voice to a nearby building and made his way inside, hanging on the door's framework for support. However, he didn't want to look weak in front of Ella so he turned around into a casual-looking lean as he replied again in a less ragged voice.
    "What's up? Whatever it is, I've gotcha covered."


    Terios took some time to inspect the woman, even after she claimed to be harmless. After all, he rarely took people at their word, as he knew that doing so would likely lead to a quick death. After taking a closer look, he was finally satisfied-- at least for the moment-- that she seemed to be unarmed and held no ill intentions, so he nodded and put away his bow and arrow. He then sat back down in the pew, still keeping a close eye on her.
    "And people tell me that I'm strange for always being so calm. She barely even flinched while I was aiming right at her."
    Shaking the thought out of his mind for now, he asked the obvious question.
    "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seemed to be in quite a hurry just now. I think I heard a church bell earlier. Does it have something to do with that?"
  6. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    "There is some emergency," Helen told him. "I'm unsure what. However my reason for running has to do with a rather nefarious man who likes to keep his face hidden. I don't know his name. But he has taken an interest in me. One that seems rather unholy."

    It all started with that hidden tomb. She should have left the infernal thing to rot in its hiding place.

    "Yet even though I should fear for my life. I feel nothing at all. It is quite strange, feeling this emptiness inside yet being unable to know why."

    She shrugged and took a seat in the nearest pew. There were too many gaps in her memory to make everything sit correctly. The man and his monster attacking her in the library, then those two knights attacking her and her library a collapsing ruin. Then vomiting up what she could only think of as the two men that had been before her. Now even the church was in ruins.

    She stared into the dark corners of the church, though there was no way to prove it, she could have sworn that the shadows writhed under her scrutiny.
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ella pointed to the man on the ground
    "Do you think you can help me get him up on my horse?"
    She looked down at the unconscious man
    "He is hurt and we can't just leave him here."
    She turned her attention back to Brad
    "Zillis isn't going to be happy about this, but I think we should take him back with us. Fix him up and find out who he is, maybe he saw what happened"
    She didn't let what happen to her get in the way of helping others. Maybe when they got back to their home, she could discuss it with Brad and Zillis and find out who or what that was that appeared before her. Maybe it was one of the kings pawns, she had heard rumors of him being capable of using magic. Maybe that is what it was, but why did it come to her. She hoped that whatever it was, wouldn't put Zoe and the others in danger. Maybe Zillis was right and it was time for them to leave. She shook her head of the thoughts
    "Are you ok to help me?"
    she noticed that he seemed a little roughed up
    "Did you get hurt?"

    "I was so scared"
    Zoe looked up at Zilis
    "I miss my mommy and daddy, why did they have to die?"
    She nuzzled against his chest, and started to drifting back to sleep
    "I'm glad you, Ella, and Brad are here"
    she let out a sigh
    "please don't leave, I don't like to be alone"
  8. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    "Crap...she's onto me."
    Even though he knew she probably wouldn't buy it, Brad stood upright and laughed it off.
    "Yeah, you know, I just took a little tumble down the stairs. No big deal."
    He walked over to the unconscious man. He was noticeably slower and more careful as he did so, but he still managed to pick him up and carry him on his shoulder without much trouble, holding onto him with his right arm as he gave Ella a thumbs-up with his left.
    "Like I said, no big whoop. Let's bounce!"

    With that, the two of them made their way to Ella's horse then back to the house with the injured stranger. They went inside and Brad laid the man down on a couch, after which he turned to Ella with a concerned look.
    "So...should we, like, tie him up or something? What if he's not too crazy about being here?"
    He then scratched his chin as another thought occurred to him.
    "And what's Zilly gonna think about this? You know how he gets sometimes."
    He averted his eyes and stifled a laugh.
    "It'd be pretty funny if he flipped out, though. It always is."


    Terios looked deep in thought as the woman told her peculiar story. When she finished, he replied rather plainly.
    "You might have been cursed. That's the only thing I can think of."
    Social graces were not his forte, so he often came off as rather blunt and cold, as he likely did just now. Even so, there was a flash of curiosity in his eyes that could be seen even under his dark grey hood.
    "I wonder what sort of curse could have that kind of effect. Can you think of any reason why you might have been cursed?"
    Although he was concerned, he wasn't asking solely out of concern for her well-being. Always the strategist, Terios started to wonder if the source of this (assumed) curse could be harnessed and used as a weapon. If he could cure her along the way, all the better.
  9. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    "What is this place?" Axel asked. It was warm and bright as a summer day. Axel turned his head to the left and right, fields of lush green grass stretched as far as the eye's could see. A warm breeze blew acrossed his face, he drew in a long breath and slowly let it out...

    "It can't be..." He shakily got to his feet. "Please no, not this place!" Axel began to weep from his soul.

    There was a small house straight ahead of him and a beautiful girl standing in the door. Her smile was sweet and her face as that of a goddess. He whispered one word
    "Alexis..." Her eye's lit up as he spoke her name.

    "You have been gone a long time Axel. You are probably so tired and hungry so I'll fix you some lunch!" She smile and said in her angelic voice.

    Her voice... Once it melted away all his troubles and sorrow's, lifted him up out of his most depressed mood's. Now it made him sick and hurt in the most sicken ways, made his heart and soul weep bitterly. Once she was his and he was her's. He never ever loved anyone more than he loved her. She was his first and only love, his childhood friend and... his wife.

    This was the day he began to wield his scythe and his white flame turned black a sin. This was the day that Axel will forever remember.

    "Come on Ax! You look as if you saw a ghost." She laughed as she turned back in. She never heard him say.

    "I did." No matter how many time's he dreamed this, it always hit him like the day it happen. "I can't keep seeing this. Please, hear me! If there are gods out there, please save me from the hell i'm in!" He watched as the smoke began to raise from the chimney, he knew no matter what, he would relive it agian.

    Alexis screamed as a demon appeared outside the kitchen window and a again when another demon appeared in the den. The demon's were that of the Incubus kind but they were far more evil then the true demon's. Alexis began to scream his name... He felt his heart began to shatter as he knew what they were doing to her. They were the demons of sex after all... The screams never let until the demon's left. Axel, almost mindlessly and against his will, began to enter the house. He didn't want to, god's, He didn't want to. There she laid, cloth's torn to shred's, bloody and bruised. He held his hand's over his ear's but he knew what she said...

    "Why didn't you save me? Why was you not here!? Why did you let them do this? YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ME AXEL!!!"

    Axel grabbed the knife that fell in the floor and he did the only thing he wanted to do. He plunged the knife in his heart, praying that finally it would kill him...
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    As they entered the house, Ella ran into the other room and grabbed some supplies. When she returned she placed everything on the table next to the couch and started cleaning the man up. She felt the bridge of his nose which didn't seem to be broken.
    "I don't think tying him up is necessary"
    she paused holding the cloth in mid air and looked up at Brad
    "I'll stay up and wait til he awakens, I doubt he will get far, one he is hurt, and two even if he tried, he wouldn't get far with my aim"
    she gave a sly smile and turned back to he man to wipe the rest of the blood off of him.
    "Besides after tonight, I don't think I could sleep. At least I won't have to make any rounds tomorrow so I'll get my rest then. If the town needs anything, they will ring the church bells."
    She paused to make sure she got everything.
    "There all done. Now can you help me get these wet clothes off of him. Don't want him getting sick"
    Ella and Brad stripped the wet clothes off the man, but leaving enough to keep him covered in certain areas. Ella took the clothes and hung them in another room
    "You know I'm sure Zillis wont be to happy about this, but then like you said, it would be some good entertainment. I can only imagine the lecture we will get for bringing a stranger into the house. But like I said, we couldn't just leave him out in the rain unconscious like that"
    She placed a pillow under his head and wrapped a few blankets around him to keep him warm through the night. Once Ella was done with the blankets she stood up and looked at Brad.
    "You should get some rest, keep Zoe upstairs for me until I know this guy won't do anything. Tell Zillis what is going on and that I will handle everything that I need him to keep Zoe safe for me. "
    She looked back at the guy
    "At least we have his weapons, and until I know he doesn't mean any harm. He wont get them back"
    Ella walked into the bathroom and grabbed herself a towel and started drying her hair. She looked down at her clothes and noticed the mud, she started giggling
    "Well so much for being clean tonight. Took a shower earlier and now look."
    her giggle turned into a laughing
    "Ah well I'll just get washed up in the morning"
    She took a clean cloth and wet it enough to wiped what dirt she could off her face. She hung her now muddied cloak on a hook by the front door. At least her night clothes were somewhat clean. After drying her hair, she wrapped herself in a blanket and settled in the chair across from the couch in the corner of the room. Her gun within arms reach, another she kept on her just in case. She looked up at Brad and smiled
    "Sleep well and give Zoe a hug and a kiss for me"
    She turned her gaze back towards the man. It was obvious she was troubled by something, but it was best to not bring it up til morning. Now she waited until he woke.....
  11. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    'Death oh Death. Why hasth thou forsaken me?' The song sung in his head as the remenats of the dream faded. A flickering passed his eye lids was that of a candle and though it was cold before he passed out now he was warm... "How the?" He felt a pillow under his head and a blanket wrapped around him. No cloth's execpt his undergraments, how or what had happen after the alleyway?

    He could breath out his nose, so the blood was gone but why? Who?

    His eye's heavy but he forced them open... Boy he wished he hadn't because as soon as he did a gun was pointing right at him.

    "Well damn, I would say you caught me with my pants down but... I ain't got none on." He smiled a sad smile as the girl cocked the hammer back.
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ella hadn't moved from the chair, but when she heard him move, her instinct kicked in and she grabbed her gun and aimed it at him. She didn't find his comment amusing and cocked her gun as a warning. She stood up and walked close enough for him to see her
    her first question was one of importance but she had to know in order to protect Zoe and the others...
    "Do you work for the king? I would advise you answer this truthfully if you want to live"
    #52 Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 3, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  13. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Her question burned his ear's as hot coal's. Axel had killed more than his far share of the king's men. Bastard's raided villages, kill children and done what the demon's did to...

    "I do NOT work for the king nor am I a fan either! If you looked at me without my cloth's then you should have seen the scar's! The thug's that the king use's gave me the most of them." He eye's turned to flames as he spoke but even the flames could not hide the tear's the threaten to fall. "Should i ever meet our GREAT king, I will burn him to ash!"

    Axel didn't feel the tears fall. All he heard was the ghost's voice asking for help. "I must get stronger! Even if i sell my soul, I'll get stronger!"

    He didn't care that she saw his tear's for his heart harden at the thought of what the king has done.
  14. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Ella dropped her arms and uncocked the gun.
    "You hate him that much as well"
    she spoke quietly noting the tears and the hatred in his eyes.
    "I believe you"
    She took a few steps back and sat back in the chair, she didn't bother to ask why he hated the king so much, nor did she care. He was just a stranger to her and there was no point in getting to know each other when he could possibly decide to leave right away
    "Before I say anything else I will warn you, this is my home and if you do anything to hurt anyone in it, I will not hesitate to shoot you and I will not miss"
    She rested the gun on the side table next to her
    "I took the liberty of cleaning you up and getting you out of those wet clothes. You will find your clothes hanging in the next room. As for weapons..."
    she paused for a moment
    "You will have to gain my trust to get them back or if you want them back now, you will have to leave immediately. "
    she looked at him with a raised brow
    "But considering the state you are in, I doubt you will be going anywhere, anytime soon."
    She pulled the blanket around herself, she took care of everyone else but her clothing was still cold and wet
    "I checked your nose, luckily it isn't broken, but your vision might be a little groggy for a while. If you like I can set you up with a room to sleep in for the night, but the room will be locked from the outside and will be unlocked when everyone is awake. Again, you are free to leave if you like, you are not obligated to stay here, but until I gain trust, everything is a precaution I have to take"
    She tilted her head
    "Lets start of with your name and how you came across our village?"
  15. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    She was right about the haze in his vision, the world looked like it did that time he drunk WAY too much. What did he come here for? There was no money to be made, though he didn't need it. He had no family or friends here... Was it that he was hoping to see if the little girl made it? Did he care? Truthfully he didn't know...

    "My name is Axel Bishop. I'm a merc and a bodyguard but most of the time I just help to have a home. I'm no saint, I never will be but I swear to you, that no harm will befall you or your friends. You helped me when you could have more easily left me there but you chose to help. I'll repay you in any way I can. As for how I found this village, ha, My wif... I owned a place about a hundred and forty miles east of here, I passed through when I traded my crops." Axel almost said his wife... "The last time I was here...ummm about ten years ago. They were just cleaning up."

    He sighed as his vision cleared. He looked around the room and saw the damage and yet you could feel the aura, it said Home.

    "I would like to stay a little while longer, if I'm no burden. I will help in anyway you want. I can guard or partrol or cook... You learn some trade's when you travel." Axel heard the desperation in his own voice. Gods what a mess he had become. Axel lowered his head as he waited for the girl to speak.
  16. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    "My wif"
    Ella raised a brown at the sudden cut off of his sentence, but chose not to question it. After hearing where he was from and how he came upon their village, then him asking to stay Ella was silent for a moment as she thought over everything.
    "Very well then, Axel....." 'why does that name sound familiar?' she shook her head of the thought. It was getting late and she was getting rather tired
    "I will allow you to stay, but you will have to earn your keep, depending on how much you pull your weight, will depend on how long we decide for you to stay, If you choose to stay"
    she paused a moment
    ". Help gather supplies and food for everyone, and I'm sure Brad and Zillis will have more work for you in the morning."
    She stood up and placed the blanket on the chair. She was still in her nightgown from after her shower, but since the bell tolls went off, she had no time to change and just threw her cloak on, with the material still being wet, it stuck to her in some areas. She still had mud on her clothes and her legs from being on her knees in the rain, her feet were bare and had mud splattered, and her hair was still damn. She gave meaning to hot mess
    ( OOT just had to)
    "My name is Ella, there is also Zellis, z.....and brad
    She decided not to mention Zoe until she felt he could be trusted.
    "I will show you to your room"
    she grabbed her gun and started heading out of the room, signaling for him to follow but continued to speak
    "I will lock the door once you are in the room, you will not be able to leave until the door is unlocked. Try to leave through the window, you will most likely fall to your death. Try to bust down the door, will also lead to your demise. The door will be unlocked when either I, or brad or Zillis unlocks it."
    she looked at Axel to make sure he was getting all of this.
    "The room at the end of the stairs is mine and is off limits."
    it was also where Zoe slept.
    "Breakfast is usually at sunrise, but since we had some things to deal with, it will be when one of us wakes up"
    She paused a moment
    "I think that's about it, the rest can be covered in the morning"

    OOT you can say she talked as they walked to the room and then just say that Ella locks the door behind him. Will post in the morning, gotta get to sleep lol
  17. richardthedark1 Trophy Collector

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Did he hear her right!? Was she really letting him stay!? "I don't know if I can talk or trust my voice to not cra-..."

    Axel stopped mid-thought as he saw her in her nightgown...."Damn... I wonder what color her panties are???" For the turth was, Axel was a upskirt and panty clad pervert. (OOT): Can anyone tell me the character that made that line funny? It is an anime! yoohahooo!

    Axel shook the thought out of his head as she countued...

    He nodded as he filed away the name's.

    "Yes Miss. Ella." As she opened the door

    "Thank you m'lady. Goodnight." Axel said as Ella shut the door. He heard the loud click as she locked the door.

    Axel looked around, a bed, chair, night stand, and a window over looking the... eastern fields... The gods must really hate him. He slumped down in the chair and watched as the rain quit after a few hour's and the sun began to raise at dawn. He has never slept much since then and has gotten use to going day's without it. Since Ella took his pack, he could not mix the brew of herb's to place him in a comatose like state. His body rested but he was aware of his surrounding's as he 'slept'. But the potion had a strange affect on him, it would change his eye color to black where the white is and red where the green was. It lasted longer and longer each time, Ten minute's, thirty minute's, an hour, and now it was up to a week.

    Damn... His thought's returned to Ella. Pretty, young, sharp mind, but it wasn't attraction that he felt... More like a feeling of owing her a debt. Maybe he could pay her... "
    Yea, good going, idiot! Make stupid joke's and she will cut your ball's off!"

    Oh yeah, him... That was Axel's inter-retard. He tell's him when he is doing stupid shit, like when he to Axel not to place that mirror on his boot and follow women around. Yeah, it worked cause he saw a young boy do it and this mountain of a man came out of nowhere and THREW the boy across the road. He got the hell out of there.

    He waited for someone unlock his door. Axel wondered if it was Ella or Zellis or Brad?
    #57 richardthedark1, Nov 4, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  18. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    "Mommy and daddy faught hard, Zoe. They're still with you in your heart never let their memory go. They'll always be with you." Zillis began to gently run his fingers through zoes hair in hopes it would help ease her troubles.

    "Don't worry zoe, I won't leave you. You'll come with me and we will all protect you, Brad, Ella, and I. One day you'll grow up to be big and strong just like Ella. And you won't need me anymore but you'll still want me around." He smiled though she couldn't see him. Do such he waited and waited until he finally heard the soft snores of a child. He closed his eyes to rest a little but he couldn't. He heard a gentle creak on the floorboards, it gave away that it was Ella, he realized she heard him comforting Zoe, Though she hadnt called out his name he got up and placed down Zoe gently,

    Her head gently resting on the pillow he covered her with her blankets to keep her warm and silently turned around. He made his way to the door while she silently spoke out. "Zill, can we talk?"

    Once he reached the door he opened it only enough to slip his figure out of the door. And looked at Ella.

    "What is it?" he whispered. And began to walk away from Zoes door. So he could keep her asleep.
  19. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    After locking Axel in the room Ella walked over to where Zoe sleeps, which was also where Ella slept. She knew with Zoe going through all that she did, it was best they slept in the same room so that Ella could look after her. Upon reaching the doorway she noticed Zil comforting Zoe. Ella couldn't help but smile at the sight. She leaned against the door way until Zillis noticed her. He settled Zoe down and Ella had asked to speak to him. Once they were both in the hallway and distant enough to not wake Zoe, Ella began to speak.
    "I just wanted to let you know that we have a guest staying with us for the time being."
    she looked up noting the disapproval
    "I took all the precautions to prevent anything from happening. His weapons are all locked away until we feel he can be trusted. I have him locked in the bedroom just down the hall, until one of us lets him out."
    She held up the key to show him.
    "I will place this on my dresser, who ever wakes up first can let him out. If its still on my dresser when I awaken, I will take full responsibility to let him out."
    She looked down and sighed
    "I know you don't agree with me bringing him here, but he was hurt and I just couldn't let him out in the storm like that. You know I'm not the kind of person,"
    she looked up at Zillis
    "to leave someone helpless like that. If I was, I wouldn't have Zoe."
    Ella might have a hard exterior, but deep down she was a caring person. She found Zoe after an attack, Ella could have just left the child there in the rubble, but instead she brought her home, tended to her wounds and has been taken care of her since.
    "He offered to help and maybe he can be of some use. I'm sure between the three of us we can keep him rather occupied."
    She yawned
    "I just wanted to let you know of our guest, we can discuss more at breakfast if you don't mind. I also have something.....else I would like to discuss with you and Brad, but for now I need to get cleaned up and get some sleep"
    she gave Zillis a smile
    "Thank you again for watching over her. You two have gotten really close haven't ya"
    she said teasingly. Before Zillis could respond Ella had already walked away and went into her room. From there she placed the key to the room on the dresser, took a quick shower to wash off all the mud. Put on a clean nightgown. Ella had a small bed placed into the room so that Zoe could sleep peacefully without Ella disturbing her if she had to leave. Ella crawled into bed, which was closest to the door in case anyone came in, they would have to go through Ella to get to Zoe., Zoes bed was on the far side of the room. Ella was so tired that as soon as she rested her head on her pillow she drifted off to a deep sleep...
    #59 Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 4, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  20. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Alistair continued along the rooftops. It was safer up here. Less chance of getting cornered and caught off guard. No one was chasing him but that didn't stop him from wanting to be careful. One close call was one too many for his liking.
    That's when he saw it.
    Alistair stopped abruptly and looked into the street. There was a figure moving briskly through the town. In the dark and the rain, most people wouldn't have seen anything. Some would have been able to make out the outline of a person. But to Alistair, they may as well have been radiating light, a shining beacon against the darkness.
    He could smell the beast. Taste it. Feel it. He hadn't expected to come across another so soon, and he doubted this one would be anymore prepared than the last.
    He broke into a sprint, running and jumping from building to building to get parallel with his new quarry, occasionally, and subconsciously, planting his free hand on the roof to give him a greater burst of speed. Once he was close enough, he leaped from the roofs towards the creature below, his wicked blade ready to tear them to pieces.

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