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Community Anime-Related Dream Journal

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Mafiacow, May 15, 2013.

  1. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Mafiacow wrote:
    I’m not quite sure… tabby or something. One is fluffy, one is so fat that its head looks too small, and one is very large on top of being fat. Lol nice.

    Aww, okay. :) They sound adorable. =^_^=

    Isn’t it? What kind of dreams do you normally dream about?

    The most common dream theme I've had would be zombies. They're normally just annoying ones that have me realise it's a dream, try to get away from the zombies, which destabilises my sleep and makes me wake up, and then just cycle between half-sleep and half-awake for the night. Though I have had a couple of horror zombie dreams that made me wake up in a cold sweat.
  2. Silvermoss Trophy Hunter

    Oct 27, 2013
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    The most common dream theme I’ve had would be zombies. They’re normally just annoying ones that have me realise it’s a dream, try to get away from the zombies, which destabilises my sleep and makes me wake up, and then just cycle between half-sleep and half-awake for the night. Though I have had a couple of horror zombie dreams that made me wake up in a cold sweat.
    That.. does not sound too pleasant. When you realize that you're dream- are you able to change your dream? I've never actually had a dream where I can control it- everything is unexpected for me. Although I have not had a dream of zombies... but I do remember some dreams I wake up in cold sweat too. ._.
  3. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    It isn't. XD
    You seen Inception? Cause yeah, once I realise it's a dream, I can control it. I learned some tricks to make things happen the way you want them to; like if you want to go to a specific place, you just imagine a teleportation door has suddenly appeared behind you (because appearing in front would break your perception of reality and get incredibly unstable and wake you up.)
    The first time I was dreaming and realised it was a dream was back in 2005 or so before I even knew there was such a thing.
  4. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    One week enough time to allow double?
    Lately, I know my dreams have been really vivid, but I haven't been able to remember anything about them. This last one was the same sorta deal, but I woke up abruptly so I was able to remember parts of it, but they're probs out of order. Let's see... I was with my friends, and we were just being casual cause we were getting ready for our school's graduation ceremony, while at the same time, there was a large-scale alien invasion by the squirrel people of which Makoto from BlazBlue belongs to. There was all this warzone gunfire going on between the humans and the squirrel people, and the squirrel people had these giant self-healing mecha, but despite all this, we were able to casually walk through it with no worry that we'd get hurt. Umm, I think next we were hanging out at a McDonald's... and we noticed that some sort of space-time damage had occurred, causing a large lag of any sort of communication between me and one of my friends, despite being right next to him. Everyone else left, where as I got some sort of kid's meal thing, where the prize thing was two pairs of Pokémon Black & White themed underpants (both of which I decided to wear over my pants), and the top that Makoto wears, which I had to wear because I was told that I had been discovered as half-human and half-squirrel-person (that's one quarter squirrel?), which meant I was to be the saviour of the war. I left the building, and casually strolled through a few more warzones, when I got to a city-type area being attacked by a self-healing mech, and found my lag friend, and we ran into the basement of a building by smashing through the window thing, to prepare for our graduation ceremony. Apparently, the space-time lag had just then healed, but apparently, it was a secret that it did. Then I took out my 3DS, and was working on harvesting more berries on Pokémon X. This caused me to be getting late for the ceremony, then I woke up.
  5. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Real short one this time. I was in the other lounge (the normal lounge is the less-good tv room that my parents use) with my brother, and we were watching some anime DVD, and at the same time, he was voice chatting with @Supernatural-Knight on Skype with a headset. The DVD had some trailer for an anime I didn't recognise, but my brother blurted out "I hate Pandora Hearts!!". Then it started up an episode of Heaven's Lost Property, and I told him he wouldn't like it (cause sexualisation in anime confuses and enrages him). XD
  6. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    @mafiacow You have some weird dreams you know that? I take it that my name was displayed across the monitor, although I find it odd that someone that isn't' a member of our community I'd be chatting to let alone voice chatting with him since I only ever use the text based function.
    I'd also like to know how he got me to add him, my Skype is community members only and I don't even have you on it. Definitely a weird dream you had there, I wonder what brought it on.
  7. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    @Supernatural-Knight I know, right? Did you read all the dreams I've listed here? XD
    Nope, there was nothing to indicate that it was you. It was just one of those times in a dream where you "know" that something's happening without anyone telling you or anything. XD
    Yeah, I'm as confused as you. In it, I was thinking, "How the hell do you even know him, let alone be friends with him on Skype?!" XD

    And on this topic, while I can't remember the dream I had last night, I just remembered I had my first proper Haruhi dream (you know, other than the "Yuki's Weird Eyes" and the "Rampaging Adult Mikuru" cameo ones) the other week. I was at some school or something I think, and I think it was either night or getting dark, and I was with Haruhi, Mikuru, and Kyon, and we were filming parts of another one of Haruhi's movies, though, I don't think this movie had any relation to The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina. That's pretty much it. XD
  8. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    @Supernatural-Knight My dream last night: I was trapped in the school from Corpse Party. There wasn't any gore or anything, but there was horror from people being constantly chasing me, there was that people were going crazy, and there was that Sachiko was there~
  9. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    New dream I had last night. Don't remember much, but... the first part was I was with some people at some excavation site, and when I say people, I mean like adventurer-type people on a mission of some sort. Something happened (I think like some sort of necromancer was awakened), and a bunch of large bones all over the place started flying together to make up a skeleton, and then BAM! Titans started appearing all over the place. Though, they were intelligent and wearing clothes, so pretty much just giant homicidal maniacs. Of course a bunch came after me.
    Next stage of the dream, I was at a school, I think. It might have been somewhere else. Anyaway, I'm pretty sure this part was set in Higurashi (which I am still yet to watch), cause that blue-haired girl was there, and everyone was maniacally killing each other.
  10. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Just remembered I had one the other week that I partially wrote down; I think for the first part I was Araragi, and Senjougahara was there, wanting me to go somewhere with her. I was kinda thinking "No, f*** this, I'm done.", so I said I needed to go to the toilet and rushed off, to which she didn't look too happy. On my way in the "the toilet is this way" direction, I noticed Kuroneko from Oreimo, and beckoned her to follow me as I kept running. Then she and I were in some classroom with some other people, and I think we were all working on some school project or something. That's pretty much all I can remember.
  11. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Dream from the other night:

    I was in some small group of amateur dragon slayers, and it was in the Pokémon world (as some people had Pokémon), and also, Maka from Soul Eater was in the group. We were apparently doing some dragon slaying mission given to us by the parents of the amateur dragon slayers (who are famous dragon slayers), when this much more skilled group of amateur slayers came in and did the mission. They were friendly enough, but obviously our group was put out by how good they were in comparison. We split up temporarily as my dream I think took me on another course, can’t even remember a fraction of the random shit I know happened.
    After we got back together, we were on a mountain, and got another mission from the dragon slaying parents, who said we must have improved so much today. Just as they finish saying it and end the message feed thing, we look over to the other “amateur” group who are now here, and the Pokémon they had earlier were now giant from training.
    Apparently our mission now was to take out Reshiram. So something happened regarding Pokémon, and our group sent out our Xerneas to steal the light energy from the full moon. This act attracts an enraged Reshiram, everything goes really dark ‘cause we stole the light, and Reshiram and Xerneas start doing battle, with Xerneas looking corrupt, and frequently screaming “EXTERMINATE!!” (Yes, exactly like a Dalek)

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