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Chipotle: When Is It Enough?

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Vashnik, May 28, 2017.

  1. Vashnik Guest

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    So Chipotle got caught in this scandal: Manager Accused of Setting Up Hidden Camera in Women's Restroom
    This happened: Credit Card Stealing Malware
    Two years ago, Chipotle was making people sick and linked to E Coli in 14 states. Happened again in Manhattan in July last year.

    When do you think enough is enough and take your patronage elsewhere?
    At what point would you (personally) consider a business a public threat?
    Do you think they should be forced to close permanently or be allowed to remain open?

    Offer up your insights and why you gave those answers.
  2. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Well... I can't blame a whole chain of restaurants for what individuals do, but if the manager is not going to get severely punished by the company, I would get very concerned about how well other issues are being treated. I am a disloyal customer (unless it involves Apple, since I run from that crap), so I don't get attached to a place just for the name.
  3. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oops, that was me.

    But in all seriousness the only thing that would happen is those restaurants suffer and ultimately shut down. Chipotle is a large franchise so people don't really give a shit as long as it's not happening in their local Chipotle.
  4. Cpt_K3nny Trophy Hunter

    Sep 28, 2015
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    With this Tittle "
    Chipotle: When Is It Enough?"

    I thought you were talking about Chipotle sauce to witch my answer to this would of ben NEVER!!! but you ruined it with your seriousness shame on you sir!!! just kidding:)

    1 - Well at this point it would not be up to the Company but the authorities as it is a crime I believe. I guess the company could fire him witch brings me to my second point

    2- If the company fires him for this offense and then it is proven in a court of Law that he was not guilty or they cannot prosecute him due to lack of proof then that man can turn around and sue Chipotle for lost of wages and wrongful dismissal. So as a corporation its really not that black and white. The company should suspend him with pay unfortunately until he is proven guilty or not guilty of the crime, But even that they would not be able to save face completely with most people....

    This one you can't really blame Chipotle, all they did is hire him, Lets be realistic I mean how are they supposed to know he's a peeper?
    Its not like he would come out say it during his interview or this would happen

    Cindy From HR Says:
    "Alright Sir Dingdong last question of the interview. Are you a peeper? answer correctly and your in!"

    DingDong replies:
    "Of course not how repulsive"

    "Alright you made the cut your in! Welcome to the Chipotle Familly"

    I mean lets face it there is a lot of creeps out there and some of them are very good at hiding it... So for this one I say No to blaming Chipotle for it. Unless the owner of the corparation explicitly told him to do it that's another story.....

    This one is a bit trickier.

    DO I blame them for being hacked no it be like blaming someone for getting robbed because they had deadbolts installed but no security system in. Could they have done more to be protected of course in hindsight after being hacked you always could of done more..... but in the end its not their fault someone was malicious and hacked them. That's the shit hackers fault......

    But on the other hand reading the article they should of at least provided refunds for the charge their clients incurred due to their mess even tho its not legally required of them. that is just my 2 cents but legally they did not do anything wrong for not reimbursing them...

    This one I fully think they should be investigated and their business and morals codes be looked at no excuse looking quickly at their wiki page

    Food safety
    That's a lot of outbreaks for a company.....

    But reading they apparently hired someone new for food safety and guidelines witch appears to have slowed down the issues..... so good for them but to bad it took them so long to fix it.....

    Well Enough is enough the first time you get food poisining there I would say then if you go back after that's your own fault....

    When the whole neighborhood sewer system is plugged and over flowing due to everyone having ate there has severe Explosive Diarrhea....

    No, I do not think so as a lot of good workers would lose their jobs due to certain people's lack of competencies and I do not believe the workers should be punished for the mistakes of those people.....

    But with that said I believe the government should conduct inspection more frequently and thoroughly on the business for a few years to make sure they are up to standards....

    Anyways that's my 2 cents enjoy.
  5. Vashnik Guest

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    It's not really large, more like a medium-sized franchise compared to McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell.
    It's only 14th in the top 20 food chains (2015) for net worth, while in 2016, it was number 12.
    QSR Top 50 2015 Report | QSR Top 50 2016 Report
    For the amount of stores however, they are ranked 23rd in 2015 and 2016. So they're not really that large only having 1,755 compared to McDonalds (14,350 in 2015 report; 14,259 in 2016 report).
    They do make a lot of money for as small as they are, but they are constantly in the news. The amount of times they were in the news, it was more bad than good. lol

    In the article, the company reportedly knew of what happened because of a complaint from an employee, but did nothing. They didn't even notify the authorities to investigate a possible crime, regardless of suspension or not. An employee had to notify the police because the Manager was refusing to do so. One issue with the company that can really damage them and bring up red flags about the company and managers is incorrectly handling reports of possible criminal offenses. Would this have changed your opinion about whether the company was at fault or not?

    Malware can be prevented, if its an already known type. There are anti-virus software available to businesses like Chiplotle with volume licensing to protect networked registers. Had it been an actual card reader type theft, it's understandable as it would have been easy to overlook. ATM card readers are often susceptible to this and often go unnoticed until someone verifies their bank records when their balance is showing a major difference with unauthorized purchases. This is harder to prevent, other than full diligence and security cameras, but even then it can be a few days late before someone catches onto it.

    Health Inspections are usually done 1 - 2 times yearly and depending on the company, an in-house health inspection from corporate with stricter standards than the Public Health department (government) might to it the same amount of times or more.

    I laughed really hard at your second answer to the topic question as I read on the first linked article someone commented about having to use their bathroom after eating there.
    #5 Vashnik, May 29, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2017
  6. Cpt_K3nny Trophy Hunter

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Actually reading the article I still would not blame the Company itself but the blame/discipline would certainly extend to the general manager. It really appears like he is not fit to be one so either demote him or fire him but the GM should definitely be on the hook as well and disciplined accordingly......

    That one would actually be more cut and dry than the peeper itself as it was not criminal but incompetence for not reporting it to the authorities . So they probably would have an easier time/case firing him than the peeper himself to tell you the truth as his situation would not be subject to a court of law.....

    Yes I agree Technically it should be done but practically is another story. Let me get this out of the way network security and Windows security are not my forte but dealing with security roll out for our AIX environment I do have experience with and its a freaking pain...

    Ok ill disable ftp on the server as per Audit.... NO no no you cannot do that it will affect our app and we wont be able to work....
    Enable password expiring on server...... No can't do that because the app will not allow the users to reset their password once its expired......
    Can we disable RSH? Nope We have some scripts that uses that..... ok can we change the script Well it would cause us 50 million dollars to do soo so no its not in the budget sorry.....

    Anyways this is just a few example were we tried to make it safer and compliant with security and the business not IT turns around and puts a fork in it because some APP won't work if its turned on..... and there is no money in the budget for A to get a new APP or B to pay the vendor to change their APP.....

    Where am i going with this is Technically it be great to have all the servers and hardware at the highest security level but practically its impossible due to the Business requirements and budgets among other issues....

    That's what I meant by my original post.....

    Glad I was able to make you laugh that's what I am here for! :)
  7. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Honestly? When the food starts to suck. I say that in general to any quick food place though, I don't go to chipotle.
    I haven't eaten from a Burger King in a year now. I don't know what it is but the ones in my neighborhood have soda that have this nasty fake sugar taste. I don't know. Also their fries are so bland and they never put any salt on them.

    Wendy's in my neighborhood ain't too bad though. For some reason their fries taste better than the Mcdonalds. On the latter, I get the worst luck with my orders, I don't know who that manager keeps hiring but they got serious problems with taking orders. Especially when they try to talk over you when you try to order food, ugh.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm willing to take my chances since I don't think it's all that likely I'll be messed up from eating from those kinds of places. It's not like I go all the time for a quick meal.

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