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~bellatrix~ (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Though Karma was kicked, he did not feel any major debilitating pain as a man with guts would normally feel. The only effect made on Karma was one of surprise, as well as his relaxed body bending from the force of the attack. Straightening up, Karma looked at the man as he spewed an explanation and showed off his chest to everyone.

    OOT: "THIS... IS... SPARTA!"

    Karma leaped forward and kicked Oran's chest, fracturing ribs with the force of the kick was well as launching him out of the room. Without wearing his weighted clothes, Karma was able to make more use of his already restrained muscles. (go read bio for details)

    And I am only allowed to use 10% of my raw strength.
    Karma steadily walked towards Oran, slowly becoming insulted and annoyed by the fact everyone kept thinking him a young lad. Reaching Oran, he kicked him again as if the immortal man were a can, cracking bones.
    I have seen empires rise and fall, and you call me a lad.
    Again, he walked to Oran and kicked him again, snapping bones.
    It saddens me that you cannot die... right when I was getting into a good mood, you had to show up and kill yourself. I can do all I want to you.
    At this point, Karma had kicked Oran off of the boat entirely, sending him sprawling onto the stone dock. Karma raised his left hand into the air, and began snapping his crystal-clawed fingers, signaling for someone to bring him is violin.
  2. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena watched as Karma lifted the mans body to dispose of it
    "Well this be familiar"
    she grabbed another mug and chugged the rum. It was at this point Oran had kneed karma and dropped down from him. He revealed his chest which was now healed. Lorena spat out a mouth full of rum
    "So that's how he did it, well I'll be damned"
    she looked down at the rum she just spat out and pouted
    "I can't believe i just did that"
    She turned back to the bar maid and raised her mug
    she winked at the maid, who approached her with another glass, Lorena purred at the barmaid as she walked away, then turned her attention to watch as things escalate, The man was getting beat by karma
    "Well this be interesting"
    she finished the rest of the rum in her drink, and took the other glass and took a seat on a nearby barrel. She was starting to feel the affect of downing so much rum in a short time. She started cheering as the beating progressed.
    "if ye cant kill em, beat em"
    she yelled, her words were slightly slurred, but she didn't care, this was a good distraction and she was gonna take advantage of it. She whistled at one of the crew members and motioned for him to come to her, when he walked over to her she started flirting with him
    "Lets say we ditch this party eh?, me and you can go back to your room and have.... a bit of fun"
    she winked at the him and got up putting her arm around him to help steady herself, it was obvious she was staggering a bit as they headed below deck, but right before they went through the doors, Lorena grabbed a bottle of rum. She turned to the member
    "Can't have fun without me rum"
    she laughed as they disappeared behind the doors. It wasn't long before they were in the room, Lorena had pushed the guy on the bed and started to untie her top to slightly tease him
    "I bet its been a while fer ye, being on this mission and all"
    She suddenly bent down grabbing the mans collar and pulling him towards her
    "I bet ye have been a bit lonely.."
    the man wrapped his arms around her waist and she smirked
    "Lets change that fer ye shall we?"
    she pulled him into a kiss, a moment later Lorena pushed his limp body back onto the bed and started searching his clothes for gold. Luckily the man had a pouch of gold on him. She then stripped him down to his underwear and positioned his body propping one foot on the bed and the other on the floor, she poured some rum into a glass, drinking a bit of it herself, before placing the partially empty glass in his hand, which she placed hanging slightly off the bed, making it look like he had one to many drinks and passed out.
    "Ye will never know what hit ye."
    she chuckled as she dropped his clothes on the floor next to him. She lifted up the pouch of gold she found
    "Ye will feel like ye have a hang over in the morning, but ye wont remember a thing, fer all ye know ye got lucky"
    She tucked the pouch between her cleavage. and retied her top
    "Sorry to cut this short sweetie, but I have other appointments I must attend to, can't keep ye fellow crew members waiting. After all they think they are getting lucky this evening"
    She walked out the door, closing it behind her and headed above deck long enough to get another crew member to follow her and they headed into the room. In the matter of time the fight would be over, Lorena had managed to get several crew members all the same way. She had also polished off a few bottles of rum along the way. She appeared above deck and sat at the bar for a moment to take a slight break and asked the barmaid for another glass of rum.

    OOT: Ill post more once I see what happens lol
  3. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran groaned in pain as he lay sprawled out on dock.
    "Yeah, not going to lie, wasn't expecting that." he muttered to himself, slowly getting to his feet.
    "What's the matter, Scars? Did I wound your fragile little ego?"
    He chuckled, drawing his pistol from its holster. "If you want, I can wound you physically. You know, balance it all out."
    This guy seems more intent on breaking my bones than actually killing me, Oran thought, wincing at the pain from his broken rips. Ah well, in for a penny...
  4. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As Oran seemingly killed himself Donavan paid him little mind, but as he sprung back to life he sigh. Great, two immortal idiots wasting said gift
    Karma and Oran had their scuffle as Donavan decided to set the violen karma handed next to a barmaid who was awkwardly sitting on the floor for what ever reason.
    Donavan began riling up the crew for their fight, just as karma tried to hide himself doing the same earlier.
    "Come all you young sailor men listen to me! I'll sing you a song of the fish in the sea! And it's windy weather boys stormy weather boys when the wind blow we're all together boys!" The crew joined in cheering and singing watching the two
    ".... Then up jump the shark with his nine rows of teeth! Singing you eat the dough boys and I'll eat your meat!...."
    Donavan decided he had had enough and went back to the bar. He had spotted Lorena leave a bit ago but she had now returned. He sat next to her then began to speak.
    "I'll have a talk with Leon and arrange a room we can stay in. So we don't give away the Boar and ye can loot them dry all night"
  5. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena started laughing, it was obvious she was drunk
    "Admit it, ye just want to get me in a room with ye again, just the two of us, alone...**hic*....together"
    she took another drink and continued
    "Ye miss it don't ye? sharing a room with me....*hic*....Ye miss watching as I undress every night."
    she got up and staggered over to Donavan, leaning in close enough to kiss him and smirked
    she planted a kiss on his cheek, and took a moment to gaze into his eyes. She then tapped him on the nose and took his mug and staggered off towards another crew member, a soon to be victim of hers.
  6. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Upon seeing Oran pull a gun on him, Karma's eye's widened and he whipped out his weightless shiv of a sword, leaping back to increase the distance. Karma readied the Life Cycle blade, preparing for the shot.
    The trick to striking a bullet is not to be faster, but to anticipate its path. Or, stop it altogether...
    Karma quickly snatched popped out a crystal from his pocket and flipped it at Oran and made motion signaling to put it in his mouth. It was a healing crystal, one of the ones that Karma kept with himself at all times.
    If he takes it and that calms him down, I won't need to worry about a fight. Besides, I need to get my Vocale Violin back. If not, I may have to cut him down or run.
  7. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    After taking some time to calm down-- with the help of a few drinks, but I'd rather not get into that-- I head over to where all the commotion is happening and...what's this?! Another brawl right here in plain sight?! Why isn't Leif doing anything about it? I look over to him to see what's going on.



    I run over and hit the table he's sitting at with my fist!
    "What are ye doing, Leif?! Ye should be putting a stop to this, not makin' money off'a it!"

    Just as Leon thought, Leif was indeed running a betting pool, surrounded by a sizable part of the crew who cheered loudly for the fight between Karma and Oran. Leif stopped counting the money for a moment and looked up at Leon, not looking bothered in the slightest while Leon seemed like he was just about to panic.
    "Hey, captain. 3-to-1 odds says Karma throws that guy overboard before the fight's over, what do you say?"
    He gave him a wry smile and spoke in a hushed tone.
    "Of course, no matter which way it goes, the house always wins."

    "This...this...this be a disaster! Why in blazes aren't we stoppin' them two?! We ought'a be stoppin' them two!"
    Doesn't he get it?! We can't let our guests see things like this happening aboard a proper, orderly pirate vessel! It's humiliating!
    "Never ye mind, I'll put a stop to it meself--"

    "Leon. You're worrying too much. This is the kind of thing that pirates do, okay?"

    There's an awkward silence between the two of us.
    "...Are ye serious?"

    "Yeah. To be quite honest, this is probably one of the most pirate-like things we've done...well, ever."
    Another awkward pause.
    "...Well, then...ye can carry on, I suppose."

    "It still seems a little irresponsible to let this happen and it sets a bad example for the crew, if you ask me."
    Leif and I turn around to see Phil who just came back a few moments ago. He's got a few bandages on now, but he still looks pretty okay. Okay enough to offer his opinion at least, which we quickly dismiss in unison.
    "Shut up, Phil."
    "Shut up, Phil."

    "Vaguely, though I'm sure you have a better idea of what is happening than I do."
    Mordred took a second to think things over, looking to the ship.
    "Hmm. I find myself wondering what is happening in there as well. We should probably make sure that they're not causing too much trouble in there. It seems they cannot be left without a watchful eye for too long."
    He then looked back to Trinity, motioning towards the Dragon.
    "What do you think? Are you ready to go back?
  8. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Before Lorena even walked to steps Donavan's hand shot out and grabbed her by the collar. Her words combined with his drinking had made his temper shorter than normal. He spoke while dragging her to the nearest room.
    "Ye just crossed the damn line Blackwater, We gonna sit down and have a talk" He snarled his word as he walked past the crew of the Dragon, Leon and Leif.
    "Leon! Leif! We be taking this room for the night, tell the sorry lad who's room we took to leave us be got it!"
    Donavan kicked open the door and released lorena's collar letting her sit on the floor. He closed and locked the door behind him while bringing up a chair for them both.
    "Ye having fun Lorena? A riling time hmmm, because seems ye forgot who ye was talking to. I'm your captain, or what do you think i am to ye huh? Some pile of gold ye planning on taking? Another toy around ye finger? Or am I even ye captain?!" Donavan's rant was bouncing around as he too had drank just a bit too much. He wanted to straighten out the fact he kept her close to prevent her harm or her causing it, but it came out as that.
  9. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena felt her entire body yank backwards, she reached back and grabbed Donavans hand and tried to pry her collar from him grip
    "Damn it Donavan...let me go!!"
    She kicked and clawed at his hand as he continued to drag her past Leon, Leif and the rest of the crew. She snapped at some of the crew who were pointing and laughing as her captain dragged her across the ship.
    "Ye best not laugh if ye know whats good for ye"
    she glared at them. When she heard Donavan tell Leon and Leif they were using the room Lorena couldn't help but make a smart comment
    "Captain be wanting his booty"
    She smirked just as he dragged her into the room. She sat on the floor with her arms crossed and glared at him as he pulled up two chairs. She refused to sit on the empty one. When he asked if she was having fun, she raised her brow and then waved her hand dismissively
    "I couldn't steal from ye even if I wanted to."
    She noticed he to was staggering around with his words as much as her. She looked up at him and smirked
    "Ye be drunk Donavan"
    she then began to laugh
    "Ye know damn well I couldn't take ye gold even if I wanted to.Ye are immune to my ability. But if ye want proof"
    Lorena stood up and reached down her between her breast and pulled out two bags of gold and tossed them to him.
    "There be plenty more where that came from."
    She walked over and leaned down until she was face to face with him
    "Ye be my captain. Now then, is me captain jealous? cause why else would he drag me by the collar into an empty room?"
    She placed her hands on the arms of the chair
    "Ye know I wont go far, and ye know I can handle me own. One kiss is all it takes and these guys are out cold"
    she looked him up and down
    "So what be the real problem...Cap...tain"
    she said captain slowly
  10. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As she pointed out he was also drunk he quickly responded
    "And Ye ain't exactly sober ye self!" Lorena soon threw him two pouches of gold to which he simply set back down next to her. As she asked if he was jealous and that she could knock them out in one kiss her remembered something.
    "Really? The explain the bloke who Bard Boy just so happened throw out the room? If ye are here till that matter is resolved ye'll be fine." He then sighed and answered the first part of her question.
    "Ye know my rule, each man and woman their own life, their own choices. For business i don't mind at all, hell even for a laugh at a random man caught off guard, it's fine... But when you start playing with fire, start going after prizes that already have ye made and pegged...."
    Donavan looked Lorena in the eyes and spoke.
    "I only do these things for your own protection, aye ye can handle yer self well, better than most sailors even but that doesn't stop be from doing it."
    He got up and turned away looking around the room they acquired, making a loud gulp he made one more remark.
    "What... what exactly are we Lorena?"
  11. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    I think I already know the answer, but I'm gonna ask anyway.
    "Oy, Leif...should we be checkin' in on 'em two?"

    "Nah, they'll be fine for a while at least. I'll check in on them a while later to make sure they're not up to anything."
    "What did ye say?"
    "To...see if they need anything. Like water. Gotta stay hydrated, you know."
    I nod back to Leif.
    "Right, yeah, 'course."
    After talking to Leif, I turn around when I hear some loud whooping from the other side of the room.
    "Phil, what are ye doin' now?!"
    I always knew he couldn't hold his alcohol, but come on!
    "At least put yer pants back on, ye can't just be struttin' around in yer underwear!"

    With an empty bottle in hand, Phil proudly stood on top of a table with glazed-over eyes and a noticeable slur in his speech, clearly struggling to stay upright.
    "Look at me! I'm a free man, captain! Free like a bird! A majestic bird like a falcon or an eagle, or...a feagle! CAW! CAW!!"

    Please tell me he's not going to--he did. Before I can say another word, Phil gets a running start and does a swan dive onto another table nearby. It goes about as well as you'd expect...yeah, he's definitely gonna feel that in the morning. Luckily the table didn't break, but I can't help wondering if it broke him. A couple of crewmates drop what they're doing and go to help him right away, clearly stifling their laughter as they carry Phil's unconscious body over to the infirmary. I look to Leif, he looks to me and we shrug at each other. I wanna check on the poor guy, but we both know that we've got to stick to business...we have to keep this betting pool going! I turn back to the crowd and start calling out.
    "Alright, ye salty sea dogs! Who put their money on the zombie gettin' sliced in half?! Let's keep that cash flowin' while the fight's still goin', mateys!"
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena moved out of the way when he got up. She then sat down in the chair and sighed
    "When I was at the brothel, he was one of me clients."
    she stared off slightly
    "Ye know how my kiss can knock a person out, well if one were to kiss me longer than a few seconds, one can die"
    She then looked over at Donavan
    "That man out there was a bit persistent, when he kissed me..."
    she paused a moment
    "Yes ye heard that right, he grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. But I wasn't able to break away to keep it short."
    she sighed
    "His body dropped to the floor like a chest of gold, and when I felt his pulse, he had none. I thought I had killed him..."
    she paused and thought for a moment
    "Well technically he killed himself. I asked told the madame that he drank one two many and just dropped over dead. They took care of the body, but not before I took everything of his"
    she shrugged
    "Ye know me Donavan, I go for the gold and any other valuables I can find. Ye be the only one who I don't do that to, not after that first time"
    She looked over at him and smirked remembering the first time they met and how her attempt to rob him ended up in a fail.

    Lorena blinked, she was surprised to hear this from him. Their relationship had been touch and go from the time she had met him. But to hear this coming directly from him actually shocked her. Going by his actions, he meant every word. She couldn't help but smile, drunk or not he actually cared about her and deep down she liked that he cared so much about her. But then he suddenly turned away from her and asked a question she never thought she would hear. She was silent for quite some time, she didn't know how to respond to his question. The only things she could say was
    "What do you want us to be?"
    her voice was more sincere. They have tried off and on, but with the rules of the ship made things difficult for them, so they at one point agreed to just leave things as they were. But deep down some of the things she did was to make him jealous, the teasing him, the getting under his skin and what not because she actually started to have feelings for him.

    As much as Trinity wanted to stay there, he was right. They probably should check up on the crew and see what all was happening.
    "They do sound rather loud and rowdy, I can't really make out whats going on with all the noise coming from the ship"
    She looked up at him
    "I suppose we should go and check on things."
    She got up and brushed herself off. Her stomach let out a loud growl and she looked down placing her hand over her tummy
    "Plus I am a bit hungry"
    she laughed at the noise her stomach was making

  13. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Mordred nodded in reply.
    "I'm sure we can fix that quite easily. Shall we?"
    Together with Trinity, he made his way to the ship and they soon arrived at the doorway to the dining hall...which was strangely and quite obviously missing a door.
    "Stay on guard."
    He whispered to Trinity before cautiously entering the room with his right hand on Apocrypha. Once he made his way inside, he felt more...disappointed than anything else, all told. It seemed that there was some kind of fight going on inside between Karma and a strange figure dressed like a pirate. Although the word "fight" should only be used in the loosest of terms as it seemed ridiculously one-sided. What made the whole situation even more absurd was the sight of Leif and Leon running a betting pool close to where the fighting was. Mordred shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh, speaking in a dull, dry tone.
    "I thought my expectations were low enough for any given situation but as in all things, this crew never ceases to surprise me."
    He turned to Trinity and motioned for her to follow, away from the crowd.
    "We can safely leave them to their idiocy. There seems to be quite a feast laid out tonight and I see no reason why we should let some petty squabble keep us from a decent meal."
    He made his way to the table in the center of the room and started putting together a plate of food, more or less ignoring everything else that was going on around him.
  14. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran caught the crystal, wincing at the pain from his cracked bones. He looked up at Karma and then back at the crystal. He flicked it into the air, following it with his eyes. He caught it again, and flicked in back into the air. He continued this a couple more times before looking back at Karma, and flicking the crystal back into the air.
    As the crystal reached the apex of its flight, Oran raised his gun and fired at Karma. The pistol wasn't the most accurate, but at this range it would find its mark.
  15. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    After a long pause Lorena spoke
    He himself didn't even know the answer sober let alone drunk. He couldn't just ask that question without at least some sort of answer to Lorena's response.
    "More than what we are at least.... Well that is if ye want to try it again?" Donavan sat on the bed and had distressed look on his face.
    "I'd be lying if i said you weren't beautiful but I'm more drawn toward you as a person, how you act, your fieriness. I know we have flirted back and forth, hell almost actually made something out of it, but it never seemed to work." For what ever reason every time they had tried Lorena and Donavan cut their attempts at a relation short. One time it was due to advances during a ship battle, another involved a few too many 'Blackwater' incidents. A few were even just plain bad luck. He glaced up at Lorena and spoke softly.
    "Well, any thoughts?"
  16. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    How predictable.
    Anticipating the path of the bullet, Karma intercepted it with his blade, slicing the lead in half and deflecting both halves past his head. Looking at the man, Karma let his arms go limp, before giving an annoyed shrug.
    What the Hell?
    Seeing that the man had no other visible weapons, and having already fired the single-shot pistol, Karma turned around and left Oran. Walking back up the ramp and away from Oran, Karma shook his head, raising his arms and flipping off Oran.
    Already bored with this. He's no real threat at this point, so I'll clean up now.
    Karma entered the ship and grabbed his violin, which the barmaid from earlier now held. She was now standing, but looked embarrassed from the incident earlier. Stopping for a moment, Karma stood silent before using his saying something vocally.
    Now having his violin, Karma felt invincible, and began searching for water other than salt water to clean the zombie man's blood off of his body.
    He probably has STDs. Ugh!
    Karma shivered as that thought crossed his mind.
  17. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity kept her guard up as they headed into the room. She was surprised at what she saw, but kept close to Mordred. Trinity agreed when he said the crew never ceased to surprise him. She followed as he motioned for her to follow.
    "the food looks rather delicious"
    she looked up at him and smiled then started preparing a plate for herself.
    "Maybe we can find a quiet place to eat?"

    Lorena couldn't help but smile when he said he was drawn to her as a person
    "So...ye want to give it another try?"
    she sat back in the chair and crossed her legs
    "How will we be able to maintain a relationship with ye rule on the ship. Ye know it'll complicate things again"
    she looked over at him
    "I'd be willing to give it another go, if ye are willing to"
    She smirked
    "Since we be admitting things, the reason I pull all the stunts I do is to make ye jealous. I would be lying if I said I didn't have feeling fer ye"
    she then raised a brow
    "Correct me if I be wrong, but it worked didn't it? it makes ye jealous doesn't it"
    She suddenly got up and walked over and stood in front of Donavan, she grabbed his collar and out of the blue pulled him into a kiss. She figured if there were any spark between the two of them still, this would prove it. A test in a way
  18. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    A lot of us have been following Karma and the zombie pirate, even when they left the ship. It's been quite a matchup so far but sometimes, a captain has got to step up and take control of the situation. I think right now is that time. It won't be easy, but I've put it off long enough! I turn to Leif and point right at him!
    "Leif...it be time!"

    Leif gave a wry smile in return.
    "I thought you'd never ask."

    Now that Leif is on board, I turn to one of our mages and call out to him.
    "Ahoy there, yer captain an' first mate be needin' an amplification spell! Time to get castin', lad!"

    "Yes, captain!"
    After a short incantation, he casts his spell and I can feel it working right away. Now Leif and I have all the volume we need...


    We turn towards Karma and the guy with healing powers and I start off calling the action, sans pirate voice. After all, I'm an announcer right now, not just a pirate captain.

    "Well, it looks like Karma is offering an olive branch here; what do you make of that, Leif?"
    "He's definitely taking his chances here and honestly, I don't think it's gonna pay off for him. Some guys only listen to some good old brute force and I can tell just by looking at him that this is one of those guys."
    "He's got a mean look in his eyes for sure, Karma had better watch out or things could get ugly real quick."

    "Leif, can you believe he just deflected that bullet with his sword?!"
    "Yeah, that was weird. If you can see it coming, wouldn't it be easier to just dodge it?"
    "I mean...okay, it probably would, but he cut the bullet in half!"
    Leif just gives a disinterested shrug while I stand there with my jaw on the floor!
    "...Really? Nothing at all?"

    "I'm more interested in what the zombie pirate's gonna do next. Whether he's out of ammo or not, you should never underestimate a desperate opponent."
    "Wow, that's...pretty insightful, actually. But for now, it looks like we're taking things back inside the ship, so let's sign off for a while."
    "We'll be back right after a quick word from our sponsors!"
    "That's what we WOULD say if we had any sponsors. I'll have to bring that up at the next meeting..."

    Mordred sat and pondered the question for some time.
    "I am still not entirely familiar with the layout of this ship, so the only place that comes to mind is the room we borrowed before."
    He then turned to Trinity.
    "What do you think of that? If you can think of something better, we could always go there instead."

    OOT: Short post for Mordred, I know. I'm just not sure what to have him say or do right now lol.
  19. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As Lorena pulled Donavan in for a kiss he wrapped his arms around her gently hugging her while falling back onto the bed bringing her with him. Moving one of his arms up to her face he caressed her chin while kissing her again and again. After realizing he hadn't answered her he stopped and spoke softly.
    "Well, i think ye have yer answer" stroking her cheek, he then brought her even closer to him tightly hugging her.
    "As for the rule it will still remain, but I won't care if i get the whip. Whole rule breaks down if a person doesn't mind it, besides look what following it has gotten us so far"
    Looking into Lorena's eyes he spoke
    "Ye made me jealous more than ye could possibly know. The flirting, the shows, our little bets, it all made me jealous. I wanted you as my own treasure, but it would have been wrong to just treat you as such. Ye are yer own person and it's that part of ye that makes me want ye to be mine even more" As he finished speaking he ended off with a soft kiss before resting his head back on the bed
  20. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Trinity smiled, an idea popped into her head.
    "I would like that, then maybe after we are finished eating we can explore the ship together"
    she tilted her head, thinking it would be something fun for them to do
    "Everyone seems to be preoccupied here, so it would be a perfect time to explore and not get into trouble"

    Lorenas eyes widen when he wrapped his arm around her at first, but then shortly closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. For Lorena to be as tough and manly she always was, she was actually showing her feminine side. A side of her she rarely showed to anyone, only Donavan was ever lucky enough to see that side of her. When he told her she had her answer she responded
    "I think I do"
    she smiled but was rather disappointed by the rules of the ship not changing. It might complicate things again, but they might be able to pull it off this time. When he told her that she made him jealous, she couldn't help but to smirk. She made her captain jealous, and was quite proud of herself for it. She kissed him back when he leaned in and ave her a soft kiss and rested his head on the bed. She turned over to face him.
    "I can be ye treasure if ye want, but that would mean less gold fer the both of us"
    she smiled
    "Speaking of"
    she quickly sat up and started pulling gold out of her cleavage, she pulled about 3 pouches from there and then started pulling pouches from her boots, and random areas of her clothing. She laid them in a pile on the bed, there were about 15 pouches of gold. She then plopped back down on the bed and let out a sigh.
    "That gold be heavy to carry. I wasn't sure how much more i can carry"
    She laughed and then turned back to Donavan
    "Unless ye want me to continue, getting gold?"

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