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~bellatrix~ (reboot)

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Miss Elegent Serenity, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    "That should be enough shafts."
    Karma stopped making arrow shafts, and responded to Vixie.
    "A demon, you say?"
    He leaned forward, memories coming to his mind.
    "I had a childhood friend who was something like that, in my world. We were both orphans, friends to each other. She seemed normal, but as she got older, she began to change from a human form to... something else. A white and brown nine-tailed fox, a kitsune. It scared everyone else, but not me, we were too close to each other for that. We were young teenagers at that time, and after a while and some lengthy events, we learned that she was a deity of judgment, an immortal one unable to age, and who her family was. The resulting matter was happy for her, but we had to separate after a little while. I couldn't let her see me age and become decrepit. A human rarely lives to a hundred years, and I felt it would tear her apart leaving her one day after being together for so long."
    Karma paused and shut his eyes, holding back the tears.
    "So, that is why we separated, to save her the pain. I promised I would return to her, even though her father did not approve. I began looking for ways of bringing myself up to her level. A human can't become a deity, but a human can try to cheat death. That is what I tried, to play the game of the gods of Order and Chaos, take advantage of their pointless conflicts. In the end, I got cursed with being unable to age, but some curses are a blessing. But after that, I had gotten obsessed with avoiding death, and now, I can't even speak. It has been a very long time since we have seen each other. I don't even know where she is anymore, the flying island she lives on constantly moves."
    He rubbed his eyes and opened them, looking off into the dark forest.
    "Sorry, I just feel nostalgic around you for some reason. I tend to ramble too much."
  2. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    As Donavan was pushed from the table his only thoughts were of his rum falling out of his hands, as it began to spill on his shirt a single tear could be seen falling from his cheek. The crew of the dragon began laughing at Donavan for falling, before Phil walked up to him and spoke.
    "Seems she got you good there sir, wait are... are you crying because of split rum? Sir that's just AAAHHHWW!" Donavan grabbed poor Phil by the collar and threw him toward the bare knuckle brawls in the corner. As he went flying into the ring he was hit by both boxers as the tried to finish the other. Donavan got up and brushed himself off while speaking to the rest of the crew.
    "Well seems I was bested, any of ye lads care for a shot at the lass?" Donavan gave a grin to Lorena, he had just helped her set up a near endless flow of gold. The crew around the table roared and cheered as another man climbed the table. Walking back to the bar maid he grabbed himself two more mugs and began drinking them both before sitting back leaning on the bar.
    "Some secrets eh Lorena, I wonder what.... And how should i coax them out of ye?" Donavan spoke to himself aloud before a barmaid with a silver platter came up to him with a curious look as to what he said.
    "Well you look like a tasty piece.." Donavan reached his hand out toward the maid....and grab a piece of meat of the platter, taking a large bite out of it. The Bar maid looked glad it was the meat he was talking about but also somewhat sad.
  3. Shinimagami Trophy Hunter

    Apr 29, 2013
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    Vixie placed her hand on Karma's shoulder and smiled gently. "I'm sure you will see her again, someday." Her ears pointed forward slightly, as she spoke. "And I don't mind your rambling. It's better than complete silence." She removed her hand from Karma's shoulder and picked up her quiver. "Or running away."
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Leif shrugged at the idea but not in a dismissive way, more in a way that suggested he'd give it some thought.
    "A scholar, huh? Maybe one day...but not quite yet. I've still got my finest adventuring years ahead of me, after all."
    He watched Donavan as the latter walked away.
    "It's probably for the best that we'll be going our separate ways. Leon thinks he's a pirate but these two are the genuine article, so who knows what they're capable of. For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that this isn't the last we're gonna see of them, not by a long shot."
    He smiled wryly.
    "Ah well, that can wait for tomorrow."
    Then he threw his empty mug over his shoulder and called over one of the barmaids.
    "Another rum over here!"
    When she approached and handed him his drink, he smiled back at her.
    "Thank you kindly."
    After taking a swig, he set it on the table and let out a content sigh.

    At this point, it was fairly obvious that quite a few of the pirates were firmly wrapped around Lorena's finger. Some of them stared in awe, some of them whooped and hollered, some of them tried to work up the courage to approach her, only a small minority weren't completely spellbound by her. When she told them she'd "show them things they've never seen before," a deafening roar filled the room as the crew cheered loudly for their new second favorite pirate-- second only to Leon, naturally.

    I hate to suspect our new pirate allies, but...I'm starting to think she's doing this all on purpose. This is getting really out of hand! And those guys are definitely drinking more alcohol then they should...we'll have to talk about that at our next meeting. I walk over to Leif who's still drinking...and smiling? Why does he look so amused right now? That's definitely his amused face!
    "What do ye think, Leif? Is she tryin' ta get the crew all riled up on purpose?"


    ...Leif, please stop laughing.

    Leif finally gets over his random laughing fit-- must be the rum-- and speaks up.
    "As a matter of fact, yes. I'm pretty sure she's doing it on purpose, Leon."
    Huh...I didn't expect him to put it so plainly.
    "But why in the blazes would she want to--"
    Before I can finish, I hear someone cry out in pain. What was that?! I immediately whip around to see where it came from-- ooh. Oh, that can't be good. It looks like Phil got himself involved in that fistfight...why would he do that? I walk over and take a closer look and yeah, that's definitely blood coming from his mouth. I turn to the two men with glorious mustaches.
    "Well, what are ye standin' around for?! This be a shameful display fer our guests to be watchin'! Get the man to a healer already!"
    The two men immediately get to work and I turn back Donavan, but before I can see anything...is that Leif getting up on the table?

    While Leon had been getting help for Phil, Leif made his way to the table that Lorena was dancing on, grabbing a rose from a nearby vase along the way. He got up on the table and gave Lorena a polite bow.
    "Since we have your captain's blessing, would you mind if I take this dance?"
    The request seemed to come from out of nowhere, but it definitely wasn't the alcohol talking. When they started to dance, Leif's movements were graceful and fluid and he looked like he would fit right in at a royal ball. When he got in close, he gave Lorena the rose he held and whispered so only she could hear.
    "Hey. Can you keep a secret? I know you're up to something. I also know that I can't really do much about it since you've already got them under your spell. I'm pretty sure you're not gonna use that power responsibly. That's alright, you're a pirate, I get it. I'm just gonna give you a little helpful advice. Don't take it too far, okay? Because if you do, I'll know. That's a line you don't wanna cross. So go ahead and do what you're gonna do, just don't go overboard. That's all."
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma stood up, and gave what looked like a sigh.
    "I thank you for listening to me, it helped get me into a better mood. Good enough, in fact, I probably go and see how everyone is doing. If death does not come first to a man, a night of training will always come. But a night for people to make merry may never come, one should take an opportunity to be with people whenever the chance comes."
    Karma began to walk to the ship, but paused for a moment.
    "If you have a good singing voice, and want to try what I can do with the violin, then I wouldn't mind showing you how."
    With that final statement, Karma left for the ship.
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena glared over at Donavan at first thinking he had something up his sleeve. It took a moment for her to realize that he was just helping her set things in motion. When the crew roared and cheered, Lorena smiled. It was then that the man climbed on the table, she turned to him and started dancing. For each man she danced with, she gave them a time to meet her later on that evening.

    Lorena was in the middle of a dance when Leif climbed up on the table and asked to dance with her. She obliged with a bow
    "If ye can handle all this"
    she smirked and took his hand to dance. He danced different from the others and this actually impressed Lorena. She was actually able to keep up with him, for a pirate to know ballroom dancing was quite uncommon.

    Lorena gave an appalled gasp
    "What makes ye think I be up to something?"
    she smirked
    "We pirates know our limits"
    she winked and then leaned in to whisper in his ear
    "Besides, what threat do ye pose when ye don't know whether we be cursed or not."
    she nipped at his ear, then leaned back and laughed
    "Thanks for ye advice, but I think I can handle things without going overboard"
    she gave him a wink and continued to dance with him.
    "So ...Leif was it? have ye every been with a pirate, let alone a female pirate? If ye haven't, would ye like to give it a try?"
  7. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Leif shook his head, but didn't say anything and let her continue.

    "Cursed...? What's that supposed to mean?"
    Leif tried to recall everything he knew about pirates, but it wasn't much. He'd heard about different kinds of curses, even ones that make you stronger under certain conditions, but for all he knew she might be bluffing.
    "Still, it's something to keep an eye out for. If she really is cursed, does the same thing go for her captain? What about the rest of the crew?"
    All he could do was wonder as he kept his thoughts to himself. He knew it would be pointless to ask about it. If these pirates had an ace up their sleeve, they wouldn't give it away so easily.

    "Like I thought. Nothing but trouble."
    Leif gave her a wry grin.
    "Tempting offer, but I'll have to politely decline. Besides, if my hunch is right, you've already got a busy night ahead of you and I wouldn't want to take up all of your time."
    As they kept on dancing, which the crowd reacted to with equal parts awe and jealousy, Leif spun Lorena around and dipped her backwards.
    "Tell you what. When we get off of this island-- assuming we're all still on good terms by then-- I might just take you up on that offer."
    He spun her around again and waited for her response.

    I have to admit, I'm getting into this almost as much as the crew is. It really is...mesmerizing to watch them dance. I didn't even know Leif HAD moves like that! While still watching, I lean in towards Donavan.
    "Well, would ye look at that. Me first mate is full of surprises today!"
    I give a slight chuckle.
    "The two of 'em sure are gettin' into it, wouldn't ye say? I'm kinda likin' how they look together if ye catch me drift."
    What? I am a pirate captain, after all. It's only natural that I'd be into "shipping"!

    OOT: And then I didn't. Epic fail. Sorry! >.<

    Mordred thought about Trinity's question for a while.
    "Floating...? Mm, I wouldn't quite describe it that way. How should I say it?"
    He rubbed his chin in thought.
    "I feel...at ease. More than I have in quite a long time. Even though danger is so near, I feel isolated from the world. Even though there are plenty of reasons to worry, those concerns seem so petty and fleeting, like dust in the wind. Even though I know that we will have difficult days ahead, I have absolute confidence that we will make it through together. If I had to sum it up...hmm."
    A few seconds later, he had his answer.
    "I suppose I would call it 'inner peace' more than anything else."
    He turned towards her.
    "Does that make any sense?"
  8. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    After leaving Vixie the hinted offer for special lessons and returning to the ship, Karma stepped on board the ship, combing his waist-length hair with his fingers. There, he saw the crew were enjoying themselves by dancing, drinking and fighting. Looking around, a thought crossed his mind.
    There's no music.
    Unable to actually eat or drink in a way that would fit the festive mood, Karma looked around for a strong spot to set down his coat and gear. Although he seemed like he was not under a heavy load, his clothes contained weighted "Sin lead" that burdens only the wearer when worn without weighing down on the environment. But once removed, the "Sin lead"'s weight goes into effect. As he began sifting through the crowd, he saw a suitable place in the corner by the bar. Making his way there, he stepped over a forgotten bottle a crew member had placed in the middle of the floor and gently unloaded his gear, coat, gloves and boots in the corner.
    That looks like it can hold at least 300 pounds of weight.
    Keeping his blade and violin on his person, he stretched back, glad to be free of the weight.
    It's nice to get rid of one's load occasionally. I feel lively again!
    His mood getting even better now, he turned around... and accidentally tripped a bar maid. Unprepared for catching someone, Karma tried reaching out but ultimately missed he.
    Oh, boy.
    She tried to stop herself by grabbing the counter, but only succeeded in spinning herself around, she gave a shrill squeal upon landing on her backside instead of her face. Karma was relieved to see that she was not hurt any more, but when he went bent down to help her up, her expression was odd. She didn't look hurt, but incredibly surprised.
    What was that face f-... wait, where's that bottle?
    Karma realized the bottle was where she had landed. Her dress covered the immediate area, but he was now pretty certain her uncomfortable expression and somewhat odd landing position was due to her landing on the bottle.
    Did she... she just... oh, crap, I think she landed on that. Is she a virgin? Can a girl lose her virginity to a bottle? I'm getting out of here before she demands I take responsibility.
    And like that, Karma disappeared from the scene.

    After relocating to another area among the crew, Karma situated himself and prepared to play, still feeling shaky from earlier. Not knowing any of the songs in this world, Karma began playing a tune that would hopefully match. Thanks to the divine craftsmanship of the 24-stringed violin, Karma was able to cover a large spectrum of sounds.
  9. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    As Lorena and Lief danced on the table and general merriment was abound, the door to the tavern was kicked in and knocked off its hinges.
    Stood in the doorway was a man dressed in typical pirate attire, though his boots were worn and his overcoat was frayed and tattered. His long hair was unkempt and he looked all together bedraggled. The only things on him that look like any real care had gone into them were his weapons. Two sabres rested at his hip and a pistol was holstered across his chest. Even in the dull light of the tavern they practically shone.
    His eyes quickly shifted over to Lorena, his face wearing a look of anger.
    "You." was all he spoke.
  10. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Donavan's mood and face soured at Leon's remark. He slammed his mug down and spoke in a dry monotone. "Yeah I know what ye saying..." Donavan pulled out a soild pipe from his coat and bite down on the end in anger before filling it with tobacco and striking a match. Smoke came pouring out his nose almost as if venting his anger.
    "Thing is though, as a pirate ye don't really have time for relationships" Still angry and in mono tone Donavan continued "Fighting a new battle everyday, chance of being sunk, hung, or stabbed in the back by crew takes away the intimacy of can develop with someone.... The again ye already knew this begin a captain and all right?" Donavan tone slightly changed, hinting at he already knew Leon's 'piracy' was an act.
    What secret do you have indeed Lorena.... and what am I to...., ahh the time will come for that question. But i'll have to asnwer that myself first.
    Donavan picked up his mug and chugged it then putting out his pipe. Suddenly a man kicked open the door to the tavren on the dragon and spoke saying only 'You' to Lorena.
    "Well this will be interesting" Donavan placed his hand on the hilt of his large cutlass but still sat at the bar next to Leon
  11. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Seeing that is was possible something was going to come from this confrontational event, Karma changed his music to something more appropriate.

    Something like this:
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Lorena thought as she was being spun around when she stopped she smirked
    "By then, it might be to late. It ain't best to make a lady wait."
    She glanced over at Donavan and noticed his annoyance. She raised her brow at him at that point she heard the doors being kicked open, this caught her attention like it did everyone else on the ship. When Lorena saw who walked in the door her eyes grew wide
    "It can't be"
    She noticed that he spotted her and called out by saying "you" she mumbled that only Leif would be able to hear
    "This isn't gonna be good"
    she tried to come up with something to say to kill the awkwardness in the room. She suddenly blurted out
    "Oh look, there be another to join the party"
    she laughed nervously and started backing up as if she was getting ready to make a bolt for it, grabbing a mug off the table and quickly chugging it, followed by another. 'How the hell is he here... he...he was dead' she found another and downed it quickly, for what was about to come, it wasn't going to be pretty
    "Barmaid!! some rum fer our new friend her!!"
    hoping that would be enough of a distraction, or at least something to mellow the possible storm that was about to hit
    "Soo...hows life been treating ye"
    she chuckled nervously
    "Long time eh?"
  13. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    Why did he have to say that?

    Those words echo in my head over and over again. I feel my chest tighten, my eyes go wide and I stagger backwards.
    "Stabbed in the back..."
    I back up into a nearby table and sit down, holding my head in my hands.
    "Just like the voice said...why? Why did I have to hear it all over again? Why here, why now? Why can't I get away from that curse?!"
    I slam my fists into the table as my voice slowly raises from a whisper to a shout. I'm not even bothering with the accent anymore. I don't care that I'm making a lot of noise, though it seems the crew hasn't even noticed it with everything else that's going on.
    "I can't believe it. I won't believe it. I don't care what that prophecy says, they wouldn't do it, not a single one of them."
    I'm not talking to Donavan or anyone else. I'm just trying to convince myself. I'm...desperately trying to convince myself.

    Leif saw Lorena backing away from this stranger and raised an eyebrow.
    "Is she scared of him? Wow...I guess this guy means business. Wait, now that I think about it..."
    He calls out to the three pirates that followed the man inside, keeping their distance and giving him fearful looks.
    "Hey! Why didn't you three try to stop this guy from barging in here?!"

    "We're s-s-sorry, sir! It's just...he's really, really scary!"
    Leif groans before turning his attention back to the man, stepping directly in his path between him and Lorena.
    "It's true that she might pull something on us later, but for right now she's our guest and whatever this guy has in mind, he's not doing it here."
    He rests his hand on his rapier, keeping some distance from the man while taking a defensive stance to make it clear that he's not getting through. Then he turns his head slightly towards Leon and calls out while keeping his eyes locked on the intruder.

    "Hey, captain! Looks like we've got a party crasher here. What do you think of that?"
    Much to his surprise, he doesn't get a response.
    When there's still no answer, Leif lets out a sigh under his breath.
    "Guess it's on me, then."
    He then addresses the man directly.
    "Hey pal, in case you haven't noticed, you're kinda interrupting a little something we've got going on right now. You mind telling us what you're doing here on this ship? Because it looks to me like our guest is in no mood to talk, so you'll have to catch up with her later. But if you just came by for some rum and a friendly chat, I'm sure we can do that for you, what do you say?"
  14. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    He gave a short laugh at Lorena's comment.
    "Yeah. Two years since you dropped my corpse in that gutter. Not after stealing all my earthly possessions, of course."
    He locked his gaze with Lorena's. "Three guesses as to why I'm here. Unless you think your boy toys can stop me." He nodded his head in Leif's direction. "He seems game."
  15. ThatRandomGinger Trophy Hunter

    Nov 28, 2013
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    It seemed there was more to Leon than Donavan thought a he began to freak out and pouted something about a curse.
    "Listen lad, if ye be cured there is no escaping it. It will follow you straight to the grave... but that doesn't mean it can't be broken. However the stronger the cure the stronger magic need, and thing is that magic don't come without a cost"
    As the stranger spoke Donavan decided it was time to get up. He walked over drawing his word, he placed himself behind him.
    "Well My guess is ye want your gold. However seeing as ye were dead, it was fair game" Donavan paused before getting serious "I can return ye to the dead if ye want, should ye continue threatening me crew"
  16. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Time to use a little ventriloquism.
    As he played, Karma begin throwing in words with his confrontational music, causing them to be cast out to different areas of the room and give the illusion that crew members were the cause for it.

    If it gets out of hand, I can just bind up the nutcase.
  17. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Oran turned his head to the man that had walked up behind him.
    "So, going to kill me are you?" He questioned. Then a manic grin spread over his face. " Let me help you with that!"
    With that he turned to face Donavan, grabbed the man's sword hand and plunged the blade into his own chest. Blood rapidly began to soak Oran's shirt as he also started coughing up and choking on it.
    "H-hope you're ready to see something cool!" he said as he pulled himself off the sword and fell to the ground. He dropped to his side and looked up at Lorena.
    Hope you're paying attention, girlie, He thought as the last of his live drained out of him.
    #537 The7thSeal, Feb 25, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
  18. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    "Well ye can't blame me for it. Ye was dead so it be fair game"
    He locked his gaze with her and she grabbed another drink and downed it. She then noticed Donavan moving behind him. 'wonder what he is planning'
    "If ye want ye money, I don't have it"

    Lorena's jaw dropped seeing the man stabbing himself with the sword
    "well that just happened....." 'hate to be the person to clean up that mess'
    she raised her brow as she watched as the blood spilled out of him

    Trinity thought over how he explained everything and nodded in response.
    "Actually it does, its exactly how I feel"
    she smiled and nuzzled his arm. A moment later her ears perked up as she heard noises coming from the ship she looked over in the direction
    "Sounds like they are having fun over there. There is a lot of cheering and singing"
    she looked up at Mordred
    "Can you hear it? wonder what is going on over there"
  19. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Karma stopped playing music and ended his pseudo chanting.
    "Well, that was a downer! Any body gonna move the corpse or will I have to do it? Anyone? You? Maybe you? You... naw, not you. You already look sick. Alright, I'll handle it."
    Karma pushed off from the wall, walking through the crowd of shocked crewmen.
    "Seriously, bunch of little sissies. You can't be that scared of a dead man."
    He stripped off his shirt as he made his way to the corpse, revealing giant, crudely stitched scars located where his vitals used to be. Reaching the corpse, Karma handed his violin and shirt to Donavan before hoisting the dead man over his shoulder with ease. Karma gave Donavan a look that anyone could tell was a warning to not do anything to the possessions.
    I'm going to need a bath after this. Now where to dispose of this guy...

    OOT: I'm assuming Donavan took it, or tossed it to another crew member.
  20. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    As Karma picked him up as began to carry him away, Oran gave a sharp intake of breath as life returned to him.
    He swung his knee into Karma's gut and then his elbow between the shoulder blades, loosening the grip enough to drop free.
    As landed he hopped back, sucking air through his teeth holding his hand to his chest.
    "Looking to chuck my carcass back back in the gutter, eh? Sorry lad, but the sea won't let Oran Hades die."
    He lowered himself into a stance, his hand moving from his chest to reveal that his sword wound was completely gone.

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