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Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by Nejat, May 10, 2016.

  1. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Patience had been reading out in the park since the early morning. She found a book to read and just couldn't put it down. Right when the story was getting good, she heard gunshots. Panic set in and her first instinct was to hide. She grabbed her things and found a clearing in the bushes nearby. It was just large enough for her to fit inside and not be seen. She saw student running past her, were they being chased? were they running from something?
    she decided to stay put, at least where she was at, it would be hard to find her. She was used to hiding in small places. 'keep quiet, don't scream, remain calm' was what she kept thinking over and over. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. The teachers should be able to handle whatever it is. She heard screaming which made her jump, but even then she stayed put. What was going on? She moved a branch slightly to the side to peek out around the park, hoping to get a visual as to what exactly was going on.
  2. Crazy Potato Designer

    Apr 13, 2013
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    +207 / 0 / -0
    As Akui made his way to the nurses office he heard a few students calling for others. Eventually arriving at the nurses office he noticed it was oddly empty, he took off his jacket from his arm and at that moment he knew he made a rookie mistake.
    Huge amount of pain surged through his body, Akui let out a groan. '3rd degree burns.. great I doubt this place has the right equipment' Akui knew he had no choice but to lose his arm before that he decided to look around first and found some ibuprofen, bandages and morphine. 'I see so if anyone suffered major injuries they are likely taken elsewhere while getting some treatment here before they're transferred'.
    Akui took a dosage of morphine and went to work on his arm. The process was easy after braking his arm he use a scalpel to do the rest of the job. He tossed his arm onto the floor and made a quick torch and burned his wound to stop the bleeding, poured some alcohol onto it and wrapped it up. He glanced around and noticed a backpack and stuffed as much medication and tools into it. After injecting a proportion of ibuprofen he continued to walk. Getting dizzy he needs to find someone or else things could end badly for him.
    He heard knocking on a door echoing trough out the hallways after hearing faint names being called. Looking for the source he was nearing ever so closely but passed out onto the floor due to the medication.
    #82 Crazy Potato, Jun 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
  3. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    @Did you not hear? God , I altered this post, to keep from moving too quickly, if you had something in mind. So this is just a notifier if you wanted something done.
  4. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    "She's not what one would call a "people person," is she?"
    Kurt quickly dismissed that random, silly thought and nodded back to Beatrice.
    "You might be right. Then again...even if we find out what's causing this, we might not be able to stop it on our own. For right now, I'm sticking with finding Felix. But hey, best of luck to you, just don't do anything reckless, alright?"
    As Beatrice walked off, he was about to continue his search when he heard a voice calling out.

    He let out a gasp and his eyes widened slightly.
    "He's looking for us...? If there's even a chance that this guy has any idea where Felix is, I've gotta find him."
    He turned towards the hallway he heard the voice coming from and started running in that direction.

    Stefan started to panic when the other student walked away from him. As strange as he was, he was still the only person nearby and Stefan was somewhat hoping that they would stay together for safety's sake. After that brief moment of panic, he slapped his face to help calm himself down.
    "Come on, you can't start losing it now! You're a star, you're the hero, and the hero never dies!"
    Just after saying this to himself, a realization set in which made him deeply uncomfortable.
    "Wait...come to think of it...there's plenty of movies where the hero dies. Gladiator, Braveheart, The Sixth Sense--well, he was dead all along, but--"
    He then slapped his face on the other cheek.
    "That's SO not the point! The point is, I'm not gonna be like that! I'm gonna get out of this alive if it's the last thing I do!"
    With the irony of that last sentence completely lost on him, he ran down the hall that the other students left through and soon caught up to them.

    Stefan, too surprised to even speak properly, nodded and replied in a voice completely devoid of his usual arrogance and pride.
    "Uh...right, yeah. Defend the back. I can do that."
    He followed along with the others, feeling a little more confident now that he had found a group to travel with.
  5. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +26 / 0 / -0
    Knock! Knock! Knock!

    Kara turned her head at the sound coming from the dorm door.
    "Kara, if you're in there come on. Its not safe on main campus. Pack your stuff we need to head down to the Library."

    "Sarah, why don't you go open the door," Kara told her roommate as she spun back around looking for any camera feed that showed the hallway outside the door.
    "B-But," She stammered fearfully from under her bed.

    "Do it," she commanded the older girl. "It sounds like that boy you like."

    "Yep, I have him on the camera, let's get going." She shut off the monitor before Sarah had crawled out from under the bed. The girl's towel had come undone and she stood naked. "Get dressed first. This isn't the time for a romantic date."
    Kara waited while her flustered roommate got dressed in the first thing she found. Sighing with slight irritation Kara rose with a flash drive in her hand. Crossing the small room she retrieved the one thing that actually mattered.
    "Up you go, Ratcliffe," Kara said tenderly as she lifted the rat from his cage and placed him in one of the pockets of her lab coat. She dropped some sunflower seed and rat feed into the pocket. "Now you behave yourself in there. No chewing my clothes!" The rat poked its head from the pocket and stared up at her.

    Satisfied Kara stepped over to the door that Sarah had still neglected to open. "We're coming out," she called to King and opened the door.

    Felix watched as one of the security staff was devoured into nothingness before his eyes. All that remained was blood, blood everywhere. He felt something inside of himself freeze at the sight. What on Earth is happening? What's causing this? Why now, why here, why us? He asked the uncaring universe rapid fire in his head. He desperately wanted to find Kurt, but honestly finding anyone else would be pretty good right about now.
    "Anyone," He shouted to the empty park between the school buildings, "Is anyone out here? Anybody? Please!"
  6. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    "Kara, Sarah." he said their names as they both opened the door. "Come on let's go, We are gonna look for more people before we head to the Library. Their might be more survivors if there is anyway to help then we will. Hearing a loud thud. He saw someone with a missing arm who had just fallen to the ground and behind him he saw Kurt running towards him. Without a moment's hesitation he ran towards Kurt and the Now knocked out Akui.

    "Kurt!" he ran towards him. However he kneeled and checked the body laying there for a pulse. He found one. "Son of a bitch." king Lifted akui with by each arm and placed one over his shoulder. "Kurt! Gonna need your help carrying this guy. Shout out for Beatrice and any other person you can think of tell them to head for the Library we need to focus on walking our asses their ourselves." king stumbled for a moment trying to hold up Akui's body.

    "Kara , Sarah. Stay close while kurt and I try to carry this guy. He is still alive. He isn't going to clock out anytime soon either."
    Once just got around to helping they started walking ever so slowly to the Library.

    As the group walked closer to the Library a small group of squirrels approached near them. They carried their acorns but something was off about their appearance. As 2 of them positioned themselves in view of everyone between the group and the doors. What they saw on front of them wasn't what would be considered a squirrel. It had spikes on its back similar to a hedgehog and its pupils were consuming the iris a jet black color was what was seen for the eyes. Its teeth were normal but slightly sharper not noticeable but they would tear through skin. And the spikes seemed to have a small coating of something on it. A third one was on top of the Library and it looked to be in a leaping position.

    Lou didn't know what the hell he was looking at and judging by everyone elses faces neither did they. Hearing the screams from felix Lou shouted back. "Over here. Come close to the Library." though it seemed to be a mistake. The squirrels all seemed to change their attention towards the group of people. The one on the roof immediately leaped towards them and the ones standing between them started to charge towards them.

    Lou grabbed a hold of his sister. Though forceful it was out of fear. He immediately picked up his pace and ran back towards the school. He didn't know what those squirrels could do and he wasn't about to stick around and find out. "To hell with the Library those things look scarier than the miraculous deaths we've seen."

    Lou uncertain if anyone would follow his lead continued back towards the school. With each step he took he only heard the squirrels running getting closer and closer.
  7. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    Jonathan paused upon seeing the squirrels. Something hadn't felt right... how had they gotten into the school?
    He took a step back, attempting to hand Melanie's still limp body to Jake.
    Name: Jake [TT (short for Tree Trunk)]
    Reason for nickname: Named as such due to his height and muscle mass ratio.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Generally humble, refuses to hurt another person, selfless, helpful.
    Appearance: 5ft5, 210lbs. Wears a black vest and black nylon shorts coming down to his knees. To finish off the look, he wears plain black trainers. His body can be best described as incredibly toned rather than 'ripped' or 'built'. His upper arms can be compared to thick tree trunks with extreme muscle mass.
    Age: 16 (17 due to time-skip)
    Ethnicity: German
    Short Background: Wrongly accused of a murder. Sent to Second Chance.

    Upon seeing the squirrels charge, he slipped past Jonathan, almost pushing him backwards in time for one of the squirrels to jump up towards Jake. He had braced himself for the pain but felt none. Instead his whole organic matter had been replaced with concrete. It started off slowly - the place wherein he were going to be bitten had solidified, slowly creeping around and covering him entirely. He was still able to move with ease and behave as he previously did... except now he was made of concrete.

    The squirrel on the other hand was not doing so well. It had broken majority of its teeth and fallen to the ground with a heavy thud.

    Taken the opportunity, Jake kicked at the squirrel, hoping to send it colliding into its still charging friends. As his foot travelled through the air, it swelled and thickened as well as sped to an incredible speed. Upon connecting, a sickening crunch echoed throughout the school, the poor creature rocketing towards the others.

    As it came into contact with the others, they were sent sprawling. But that didn't stop them. They soon recovered from their pain and shock and got up, angrier than ever.

    He turned to the others, running towards them as his body returned to normal, "RUN!"

    Jonathan started sprinting forward, leading the way once again but this time towards the cafeteria, "Our best option now would be the cafeteria. Wide space, sealable doors and a back exit.

    Melanie continued to be knocked out.

    Jennifer held onto her brother, running along side him, "Where are we going?!"

  8. Heizengard AKA Cernel Joson

    Apr 11, 2013
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    +133 / 0 / -0
    Name: Ada Staiger
    Reason for nickname: No nickname
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Quiet and calculating. Doesn't talk unless she is spoken to.
    Appearance: 5 foot 10 inches, Short, dark brown hair and green eyes. Has a few scars on her face. Wears a white shirt and black sweat pants.
    Age: 17 (after the time skip)
    Ethnicity: Caucasian (German)
    Short Background: Raised in an abusive family and was bullied in her old school for her "weird voice". She was brought to this school after she poisoned her class and teacher.

    Ada was in her room, laying on her bed reading one of the books she checked out from the library. She wasn't a big reader, but since she didn't like having to leave her room, it was the only other thing she could do to keep herself from getting bored. She checked out a small stack of books a few days before, and had managed to finish one of them. It was a generic fantasy book that wasn't very good, but she was almost done with it, so there was no point in dropping it. She was about done with one of the chapters, when she heard gun shots ring out from the building. She tossed the book to the side and jumped to her feet, looking at the door to her room. She heard what sounded like people running past her door in a panic as more gun shots rang out. Frantic, she grabbed a chair from inside her room and propped it under the door knob, hoping that no one would try to get inside and hid in her rooms closet just in case.
    #88 Heizengard, Jun 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  9. Dungeon Master Trophy Hunter

    May 17, 2013
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    +63 / 0 / -0
    Kurt nodded, turned back to the hallway he came from and shouted down it.
    "Hey! If anyone can still hear me, go to the library! That's where we're hiding out!"
    Unsure if his voice even reached anyone, he ran to where the unconscious student was lying and helped King pick him up. Together, they managed his weight without much difficulty and started walking down the hall towards the library. As they did, Kurt whispered to King.
    "Hey man, have you seen Felix anywhere? I've been looking for him all over the place. I just hope to God that whatever's happening here didn't get him involved, too..."

    Stefan frantically looked back and forth to the other students then to where the shout came from.
    "Hey, hold on! What about that other guy?! Shouldn't we at least TRY to help him?!"
    But they were already running, so he ran to keep up, turning back to where the voice came from and shouting as loudly as he could manage.
    "The cafeteria! We're going to the cafeteria!!"
  10. Dangoon Trophy Collector

    May 4, 2016
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    +2 / 0 / -0
    Vito sighed as he stood up he heard strange noises he took the pop-tart out from his mouth he walked slowly towards the library door and looked out the window on it his sunglasses covered eyes seeing everything that occurred he heard that they also were going to the cafeteria, he needed to investigate this for himself. Vito slowly opened the door and closed it silently he needed to see what was going on. Vito decided to take the short way around that would allow him to catch up with the others faster. Knowing the layout of the school very well he was able to catch up to them quickly. Vito had saw Jake and Jennifer and some kids name that he had forgotten at the moment. "Jake, Jennifer what the Hell is going on here?" the Librarians assistant asked as he easily kept up with them. "Oh it seems Melanie has fainted as well this day is just getting better and better" Vito said aloud. As he seemed to continue the pace there was no time to slow down.
  11. Crazy Potato Designer

    Apr 13, 2013
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    +207 / 0 / -0
    "Stop whispering to loud..." Akui woke up noticing two people carrying him. "Hey sorry about that I'm a little bit groggy but I'm fine now." Akui starts to stand on his own "My name is Akui Shi and next time remove my backpack, I only weigh 110lbs... (50kg) well recently I cut my weigh down to 3lbs." Akui waves his lump of an arm. 'Till I recover I could use these guys.'
    "Thanks for carry me since I owe you guys one! I'm sort of medic, I know a thing or two. If there is anyone that's injured let me know I'll take a look." little did they know Shi knows a whole lot more then he's letting on.
    "So who should I call captain?"
    #91 Crazy Potato, Jun 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  12. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0
    What is happening? It is all happening too quickly. Beatrice thought to herself.
    "Clearly, this must be planned by someone."
    She could hear the voices of the squirrels from the area she just left. She stopped to check her surroundings.
    "I don't like this one bit." She muttered to herself.
  13. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    +8 / 0 / -0
    Martin was very good at recognizing scents. Well, he wasn't supposed to, Theodore was. But Theodore couldn't come back. That was what the pills were for. To stop him getting hungry.
    But when screams entered his ears and blood entered his nostrils, the fear inside his heart that blossomed into life was matched only by the hunger that swelled in his belly. With trembling hands he grabbed the bottle, forced it open, downed three in one go. But the sensation didn't lessen.
    As if in a daze, he stumbled from his room, drawn by curiosity and instinct to the source of the blood. Gunshots shattered the trance, and realizing he needed food, NOW, he ran straight towards the cafeteria, thinking primitively.
  14. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    +488 / 0 / -0
    Name: Cody Blue
    Nickname: Code (A short and quick way of saying Cody)
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Constantly occupied, thinking things over, usually does not talk, can get fussy when he gets pushed around, docile, will go berserk if pushed too far, creative, generally nice
    Appearance: Large round glasses, 5' 3", 100 lbs., not muscular,orange-blonde hair, blue eyes, Loose clothing consisting of jeans ,jacket, and t-shirt
    Cody Blue.png

    Age: Currently 13
    Ethnicity: Caucasian, partly Asian
    Short background: Lost parents in a car accident, was taken to multiple foster homes. Is an extraordinary hacker, ended up getting caught when he hacked the wrong computer. A simple error of slipping the wrong flash drive into the wrong government computer. After that, it was over. Not extraordinarily intelligent outside of hacking, math and grammar. Already an orphan, He was taken to Second Chance as a way to reform him in hopes of eventually putting his skills to good use for the government.

    Cody had been at Second Chance for a year. He had kept to himself, only overhearing what other students were saying to figure out things. He was allowed to help technicians around the school due to good behavior, and he wanted to know more about hardware. Today, there was a problem with the main gates. The inner one was open for maintenance, something about a sensor needing to be reset. The technician was showing Cody how to fix it as two guards stood nearby.
    "Now you move that wire right there."

    "Quiet, as usual. I guess that's good."
    The technician trusted Cody, and wanted to teach Cody on how to do things well by giving him hands-on experience.
    "Good. Solder that wire right there and it should be set."

    No sooner had Cody soldered the wire into place, the gate began to shut.
    "Look out!"
    The technician tried to grab Cody, but the sliding gate pushed him out of the way. The technician jumped out of the before he could be smashed. Cody was now trapped between the outer and inner gate now, with the 1 foot gap.
    "Are you alright?"
    Cody knocked on the gate.
    "Good. Let me check what happened. I could have sworn that part was not connected..."
    The confused technician went to the panel to find a large bug that had triggered the panel when it landed. There was a swarm, actually. They flew to the technician as he desperately try to get kill them. He broke into a run, but the bugs only tore away at him. He died screaming, become a blood-soaked skeleton. The two guards were eaten also once the swarm was done with the technician. They lasted no longer than the technician.
    Cody was becoming frightened, wondering what was happening on the other side of the gate. He tried to stay quiet and hide, until he saw a freaky, bloody squirrel peer over the edge of the gateway. After that it was over for Cody being quiet.

    Cody pounded on the solid metal gate, futilely banging on the unbreaking metal.
    Little did Cody realize, nobody would be coming to the gate in the midst of all this danger.
  15. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    New character:
    Name: Edwin
    Age: 16 (after time skip.)
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Appearance: Usually wears gym shorts and a white t shirt. Dresses lightly due to him usually needing to run.
    Short background: when Edwin was young his mother got sick. It ran up the hospital bills to the point they were poor slowly hoping that they would cure her with the amount of money being poured into her survival. It however didn't help as her condition constantly got worse. His father and him lost everything and were eventually homeless. The father miserable and gave up on life. Commited to robbing a gas station. His son watched from across the street. He saw his fathers chest get blown out from the cashier. He ran over from the other side of the street years welling up in his eyes and fell down right to his fathers corpse and cried. The boy was scared and alone. The cashier felt guilt all of a sudden and realised they had nothing by the clothes the boy was wearing. When the cops showed up the boy had already ran away. He was running for 2 years before they finally caught up to him. Over the 2 years he was charged with 13 counts of tresspassing, 24 of petty theft, and 16 of breaking and entering. He would shower and change clothes in random peoples house and take some food from their cabinets. Also stole from grocery stores.

    Oot: will post for everyone soon.
  16. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    +488 / 0 / -0
    Rose was running with Jonathan's group, when she suddenly began hearing thoughts and was overcome with a powerful head ache.
    The thoughts were not hers. She could hear the thoughts of the dying, the ones about to die, the cries of the frightened, the terror, every thought from countless people.
    "Help me!"
    "No, NO"
    "Better you than me!"
    "We can get out of this together!"
    "He, he got..."

    What is happening to me? This is too much. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up shut up! SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!
    Some of the invading thoughts quieted down a bit in confusion, for some reason she did not know.
    The group came to a break in the hallway, one way continuing on to the goal destination, and the other breaking off to the right and was longer. Logically, the best way was the short way. The group passed the hallway that branched from the hallway, but Rose heard thoughts in that direction.
    "What are these?!"
    "They killed him !"
    "We can't get out of this!"
    "It's over!"

    "Don't go that way."
    She whispered faintly, clutching her head and stopping at where the hallway broke off from the main hallway.
    There was no way they heard me. I feel too much pain to even speak to them. But they are just going to die if they go that way.
    Little did Rose know, her thoughts were not being kept to herself. Her thoughts had no privacy, invading the minds of other people.
    #96 Core, Jun 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  17. Nejat Defender of the Morgue

    Jun 18, 2014
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    +7 / 0 / -0
    As soon as Jonathan heard what he thought was Rose's voice in his head, he skid to a stop and looked at her, "What was that?" He gently passed Melanie over to Jake, getting in close and whispering, "Go. Don't stop no matter what. Get everyone there safely." He wasn't sure what had happened before with Jake's changing to rock... or whatever it was. But he would figure the out later.

    He turned back to Rose, "Come with me. Let's see if there's others that need help." He secretly wanted to spend some time alone with her - granted it wasn't the best time right now yet after having heard her, he knew he needed to know more.
    I can't do this without you... Please don't turn me away. He held out his hand to her, "M-May I?"

    Jake nodded to Jonathan, starting a jog towards the cafeteria, "Let's go people!"
  18. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0
    Beatrice started to see the bodies lying on the floor with the ground soaked in blood. She remained hidden behind the wall in case anyone one was still around. This didn't phase her one bit. She was use to be living around corpses.
    "This smells exactly the same as those rotting streets again." She mumbled.
    "I don't understand... What is happening?" She mumbled again.
    This school is designed so that no one can escape... Now doubt who ever comes in is quarantined for unwanted diseases and possibly criminal activity... This is far too intense for a normal student alone... Beatrice thought to herself.

    She took a deep breath in... I must turn back... She thought to herself. With that L, she headed back in the opposite direction again silently.
  19. Guts Black Swordsman

    May 11, 2013
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    +33 / 0 / -0
    Once king could see that Akui could stand on his own. He let go of him and had him walk with them. "Kurt. He is fine." he caught up to Kara and Sarah. As they walked by the bathroom they heard someone hiding in there. He was scared and it seemed like he was crying. The sobs and the voice were unfaimilar to him. So he motioned for everyone to stay where they were and walked into the bathroom by himself. What he saw Was Edwin hiding under the sink. There seemed to be corpses of other students in the stall. Edwin was terrified.

    "Hey kid." King let him know he was there. " come on out from where you are. Everything will be fine. You're safe now. We have people. We Will make it. Remember survival is our number 1 right now. I'm scared too But I have to keep moving. So come on buddy join with me." King reached his hand out for Edwin to grab.

    Edwin wiped the tears from his face and grabbed onto Kings hand. He felt calmer after he saw him trying to do the right thing regardless of being terrified. "I-I'm Edwin." he muttered. King heard him and he stood up.

    "C'mon Edwin. Let's go." Once King walked out the bathroom he saw the group waited as he requested he came out first and Edwin behind him. "We're gonna stop at the cafeteria to bring some food to the Library. We're gonna be in there for a while so we need to at least have some nutrients." As they were walking. There were eerie creaks and other noises happening inside the school. You wouldn't notice it normally due to how loud this place always was but it got silent fast. All that was being heard was footsteps and breathing. Everyone had calmed down since the gunfire had ceased. They were all scared due to the bodies but were managing none the less. Finally they got to the cafeteria. But something was odd. He walked in and though it was entirely clear there was something strange that happened.

    "Mr.Elroy is gone?" Where is corpse remained seemed to have just vanished. Like there was no evidence that he even existed. But it was impossible he saw him get torn apart just moments ago how could his body have just up and left. And without anyone seeing him. As Kara, Sarah, Edwin, Kurt, and Akui came into the cafetirea king let out one order.

    "Close the doors. We have an intruder." King himself ran to the doors and slammed one of them shut. Edwin did the same thing to the one next to him. King went down the line as the others were slowly doing the same thing.

    Lou was too busy running and looking for a safe spot for them he ran back into the school and saw the cafeteria doors being closed he ran closer to them and shouted. "HEY WAIT FOR US!" King threw open a door and let both Jennifer and Lou inside. Immediately slamming it. He was out of breath and so he say down at one of the tables.

    "Lou, what the hell did you see out there? Was it the head teacher? He just vanished into thin air he isn't in here anymore. I'm afraid that someone may have gotten into the school. But that begs the question of how."

    "I didn't see Mr. Elroy or an intruder. I don't know what I saw. It had spikes on it and it's pupils were dilated. Swallowing it's Iris' it looked like a squirrel but a squirrel from hell. I don't know what the hell is going on anymore. Today started so normal. What in the world is going on. Why today? Why this sudden change."

    "W-what the hell? A squirrel from hell. That sounds ridiculous. But... It could be possible. I don't know what I saw today but I do know it's not normal. Looks like the Library is off the table. We're holding down the cafeteria. Don't let anyone in unless you know them guys. We need to be sure one of our own is safe before the others."

    Edwin sat in confusion as to what is going on. It sounded like gibberish to him but he couldn't explain what happened today either. "As long as we're together we will be safe. Right King"

    King doubted his own words. "That's right. Edwin. As long as we're together we Will make it." King stood at the door and looked through the small glass panel to see if anyone was coming.
  20. Core Trophy Hunter

    Jan 28, 2015
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    +488 / 0 / -0
    Rose was realized that the group changed course. Somehow, they must have sensed it too, that there was danger. Or maybe they heard her nearly nonexistent whisper. Either way, they avoided the trap that lie ahead of them.
    Good. They will not die here, not now.
    The leader of the group, Jonathan, had sent them on ahead using the safe route to the destination.
    It seems that he wants to look for others. Not a bad idea, since I can sense where people are, somehow. We'll just have to avoid the ones that are currently being killed.
    Rose was disturbed by the way her thoughts were, but she knew they were true.
    Also, he wants to spend time with me. I guess that means I was right in guessing how he felt. Good, he knows that this is not quite the time for romance. If he knows that, he will be able to keep some sense in him. He's not a bad person, just stuck with his consequences. You can reform and give up on something, but consequences are in a different dimension.
    Rose saw him hold out his hand.
    He wants to hold hands while searching for the others, but I don't think I'll give him that satisfaction. Not in quite the way he expects.
    Instead of grabbing his hand, she gripped his wrist instead.
    There. Close, but not quite what he was expecting.

    "Let's go," she whispered.
    Rose began walking down the hallway with Jonathan, whispering where students could be safely saved. And even though she could hardly hear her own whispers, they still seemed to be heard by Jonathan.
    Still she did not know all of her thoughts were leaking out. to other people.


    Cody was still trapped between the gates.
    He was terrified.
    He was horrified.
    He would have wet himself, but he was already empty when he used the restroom ten minutes before getting stuck here.
    The squirrel did not instantly attack. Neither did it appear to be accompanied with anything else. Except the fact it was fugly and freaky.
    Cody's screams died down, now that the initial terror was gone. It wasn't acting hostile, in spite of it's appearance. Maybe it knew there was no way out if it jumped into this space. The walls were too smooth for it to climb up. When Cody realized this, he got the idea that there was a way out, if he were to press against both gates and slowly work his way up.

    Let's do this.
    Cody began to work his way up by pushing against the gates, inching upward slowly.
    I think I'll actually make it!
    It was at that moment, the squirrel jumped in.
    The sudden movement of the squirrel surprised Cody, and he dropped a few feet. Thanks to the drop, Cody was not the landing pad of the squirrel. Cody scooted over to the other side of the space to get away from the squirrel. It had slammed it's face when it missed Cody.
    Isn't that... a bit clumsy for a squirrel?
    The squirrel shook its head, then turned around. It appeared to be rubbing its face, kinda like a person would, though if it could speak, it probably would have said that it was just cleaning its face.
    Not good.
    Cody braced himself. Now that the sudden terror was gone, he could think more clearly. That squirrel was going to attack, unless it really wanted to be friends and give him a hug. Cody got ready to fend off the squirrel, pulling off his jacket to use as a weapon, or as a binding tool.

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