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Comments on Profile Post by Supernatural-Knight

  1. BK-201
    Meh! is I all can say really. It was your typical crappy lifeless Netflix CGI that felt more like a colourised moving manga. Every scene was just the manga panels. You didn't miss anything if you just read the manga.
    Apr 20, 2021
  2. Supernatural-Knight
    I had heard it was a good manga too. So I guess Netflix took that literally. Thought it might be worth asking since it got a S2 announcement and you gave it a 6. Guess this is one I won't waste my time on.
    Apr 20, 2021
  3. BK-201
    The manga is great and really funny, I 100% recommend the manga.
    Apr 20, 2021
  4. Supernatural-Knight
    eh. But you know what I'm like with manga. I barely read them. That sounds like a lot of hassle to me. Although yakuza husband...
    Apr 20, 2021