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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Sep 18, 2022
Aug 22, 2015
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Trophy Hunter, Male

Ascendancy was last seen:
Sep 18, 2022
    1. Safko
      Nah, I tilt people super hard in games when I want to. If I t-bag at the end, they'll come running for a second round because they're mad, and then I do the incessant taunts.
    2. Safko
      Ayo its ya birthday
      Happy Birthday!
      I thought you got modded for a second because of the golden name and I was shook lmao
    3. Safko
      Lmao, twitter is wild. I love the gifs though, they kill me

      It didn't look good to me, the whole "see it and you die thing" just sounded proper silly.
    4. Safko
      Ayeee, young ascend hooking me up with the travel advice this time <3
    5. Safko
      I only bm at the start if I know I can win 100%, like when I did the taunts in Tekken against you. It gets real weird if you bm and lose at the end haha
    6. Safko
      It was pretty busy with xmas and all that stuff. Lots of parties and planning/cooking.
      How's copenhagen? Have you gone to Nyhavn? I thought that was really pretty.
    7. Safko
      No they are. I love BM'ing people especially after I cheese a win
    8. Safko
      Also wtf is this theme, it's got my whole browser lagging and my fan is starting up lmao
    9. Safko
      the beat's kind of hard actually, I fw it
    10. Safko
      lmfao, "the guy that got smoked" and "scumbag tactics"
      I totally see that in your gaming mannerisms from the little I've played with you
      ima keep that in mind if im ever on your team though lol
    11. Safko
      Hahah doubt it, most people that don't like country like reallllly don't like it
    12. Safko
      I'm just saying Rollo is a snake. He was no match for Ragnar and he defected basically.
    13. Safko
      lmao, do you even like mo bamba?
    14. Safko
      Haha, and that's why you wouldn't go down in history ;p
    15. Safko
      It's too late, I'm already too deep into edm (maybe). Aj is trying to release some country tracks? lol, I cannot see that whatsoever, lmk when he does and I'll check them out.
    16. Safko
      Ragnar > Rollo
      But I thought you were pullin' up as Rollo? Lagertha trashed Rollo lmao
      Lol, Aquaman is weeeak, you better not tryna finesse as someone of that caliber. Jen would make sushi out of you lmao
    17. Safko
      You're too much haha
      I'll let my sister know though, she'll go Lagertha on you. ; )
      I hated Rollo though, he just seemed so scummy
    18. Safko
      After my friend started getting me into raves, I got off the country grind and just became an edm freak lol
    19. Safko
      Haha, that was when I was peak trolling I'm pretty sure.
      I don't remember where I got the avatar, but probably; I wouldn't doubt it.

      I forget what I was thinking of doing exactly back then, but even so there are so many things to do, even if you didn't post much.
    20. Safko
      I stopped half way through. The beginning was bad, but I thought it would get better like some series do, but it didn't.
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    bad vibes forever