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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Sep 18, 2022
Aug 22, 2015
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Ascendancy was last seen:
Sep 18, 2022
    1. Safko
      I'm like, are you actually trying to get robbed?
    2. Safko
    3. Safko
      These other guys were hating on it, they’re just like, “what’s so great about it, it’s just got crystals which I could buy at the store”
      I’m like, umm it’s Versace
    4. Safko
      The shirt looks sick, but he barely wears it. He flexed on snap one time but that was the only time I saw him wear it.
      It’s a nice shirt though, it’s got a gold crown and everything
    5. Safko
    6. Safko
      My friend bought this shirt from Versace though for over $1,000, and he's only worn it once.
      I was like, why though.
      He even wanted to cop a hangar from the store because he was afraid a normal one would ruin it.
    7. Safko
      Like we saw the Colosseo at like 8:50am because there's hella lines for it the entire day, and I was kind of disappointed after going in - it was smaller than I expected.
      It was still amazing obviously.
    8. Safko
      The tower is cool, but that's really it. Not much else to do there but take a few pictures of it. I would definitely stop by if you have the time.
      Hard to really say since I don't know what you would be missing if you saw the tower vs if you didn't (what you would see instead).
      There's no lines for it is the good thing though.
    9. Safko
      I was in Tuscany for about a month, and then in Rome for about 4 or so months.
      Not a pro at all, just know a few things =p
    10. Safko
      Pizzarium is easily the best, imo.
      If you're going to be in Trast, then go to la renella forno antico trastevere.
      Panificio Beti has really good pizza you can get for 2 euros if I remember correctly as well.
      Pizzarium > Renella > Panificio imo
      Although they're all top notch.
    11. Safko
      My friends came and toured Naples and they didn't like it, said it was super dirty. It's not the "slums" per se, but it definitely doesn't have the same economic background as Rome.
      Well a lot of Romans consider it the slums lol, but it had a cute atmosphere for me.
    12. Safko
      We didn't see anymore like that one store in Naples either, at least with the same standard (they still had amazing clothes).
      And some people love Naples, it's a hit or miss I told you =p
    13. Safko
      I mean it's not like these stores are everywhere, we just happened to go into a store, and we were checking out clothes and my friend was like, "wow this is lit."
      It's going to be hard to find stores like these in Rome, since it's such a big tourist attraction, and the big name brands are everywhere.
    14. Safko
      Lmao, classic Ascend.
    15. Safko
      Well I told you sites with both. Any area I listed is A1 gram worthy.
      The areas that I have in mind that don't have significant historical value are going to be out of your way, so I kind of didn't mention those.
      In terms of commuting from city to city, we just took the train; I think this is the easiest (and cheapest probably).
      If you're short on time then just fly, but that costs a lot more.
    16. Safko
      There isn't much there besides the city itself though, it seemed super rural to me. Unless you're trying to see Pompeii?
    17. Safko
      My friends and I were trying to cop some designer looking clothes for like 10-15 euros, but we were still on a tour so our professors let us out at like 1-2.
      We couldn't even find the store again because everything was closed. We still talk about it to this day. I was about to cop a shirt that looked like it came straight out of Versace. I'm sad just thinking about it :/
    18. Safko
      Idk about Naples. This one local described it as the "Devil's butthole." There's a lot of waste /dirt and stuff there, kind of underdeveloped compared to other popular cities. It's a hit or miss though, you might love or hate it. The mafia aspect to it was really cool.
      You have to be aware that the shops close and weird hours though. Like they take lunch breaks at noon or something, and then MAYBE open up again.
    19. Safko
      Hahah, well most discotecas don't have a dress code, unless you're going to a really fancy high end one.
      I would definitely bring the suit for Milan though. Milan is mental if you're a guy apparently. I was talking to this guy from there, and he said you either have to pretend to be a big shot, or know famous people to get into all the good places.
    20. Safko
      Hahah, I wouldn't care what the weather was, I'd still flex with the jacket and bridge. They're actually amazing.
      Speaking of brands, if you want the place with all the high end brands (Prada, Gucci, Ferragamo, Ermenegildo Zegna, etc...) go to the Spanish steps in Rome.
      All the big name brands are there, and even others that are just as good.
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