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Comments on Profile Post by Batosai

  1. Supernatural-Knight
    Thanks Bato, seems like Elizabeth has set up quite the party for me. We need more Elizabeth in current eps.
    Oct 24, 2017
    Batosai likes this.
  2. Batosai
    How did you like the ramen story?
    Oct 26, 2017
  3. Supernatural-Knight
    I loved it, although I didn't order feels with my comedy arc series.
    Can you believe that she hasn't been in the series for 10 years? I don't even remember Odd jobs meeting her let alone being on friendly terms with her.
    Can we just take a moment of time to reflect on Katsura's favourite genre being NTR?
    Oct 29, 2017
  4. Batosai
    I didn't really remember her either. I guess the 10 years explains that. Must have been in the first 100 episodes or something. What is NTR?
    Also, this is offtopic from Gintama but i felt i had to tell you, i finished the Naruto manga(and anime's last 2 episodes right after) today.
    Oct 29, 2017
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    I remembered her, but not by name. Merely ramen shop girl. But 10 years, for us was only what 2-3?
    NTR is stealing someones partner, I don't know why but I find it hilarious Zura said it. Like he said she's a widow, so he can't NTR.
    Oct 31, 2017
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