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Comments on Profile Post by Doomguy

  1. Negi-Springfield
    Why not promote him even further to Drama-Queen?
    Mar 15, 2017
  2. Doomguy
    That would be a class change.
    Mar 15, 2017
  3. Supernatural-Knight
    Why thank you Doomguy, as long as I am no longer a squire of supernormal proportions I am fine with that.
    Negi is really pushing for this Drama Queen thing though, what happens if we actually get a Drama Queen in the future?
    Mar 16, 2017
  4. Negi-Springfield
    I've honestly asked a few people to change you name to that during April's Fool day.
    Mar 16, 2017
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    You know, I actually saw that. Crazy shared a screen shot of your question the other day. I laughed. You're definitely trying your best aren't you.
    Mar 20, 2017
  6. Negi-Springfield
    Was that in the staff forum? I didn't see that thread. So much for discretion @Crazy Potato

    But yeah, I figured if I wanted the nickname to stick, the best method would be to make everyone see you wear it if only for a day.
    Mar 20, 2017