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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Oct 22, 1993 (Age: 30)


Asylum Game Master, Male, 30, from Aus


WOOOO lets go. 3rd highest member for posts here. Last thing to celebrate. Only Spor and Maddy are above me. Yeah Sep 8, 2023

Supernatural-Knight was last seen:
Oct 1, 2024
    1. Kaede
      Hewoo, I just, watched Aooni movie. I feel so bad but couldn't help but laugh all the way through . Apparently, there could be a live action. I know it would probably lack in effects, but I'm so tempted to watch it for shinadigens. Thank you for the recommendation.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Yeah I don't think anyone knows why DEEN chose to animate it in that style, but they did and we got a decent enough watch from it. My low expectations helped me enjoy it more.

        If I watch it, I have a lot I eventually plan on watching. Too much and I never feel like watching any of them.

        Hmm even you enjoyed that one, do you think I'd like it?
        Mar 11, 2017
      3. Kaede
        Something different from others i guess.... *shrugs*

        I know how that feels....

        I don't know really.... It seemed more aimed at the feminen audience to mii.... I guess I liked it because it wasn't completely love and romance.... The girl played hard to get while the boy lingered around.....
        Mar 11, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Hmm I have been told a lot of good things about that romance anime, and even you managed to enjoy it.... I'm still torn. Maybe I should just go ahead and watch it to see what the fuss is.
        If I don't enjoy it I'll come back and blame you. You know, when I eventually watch it.....

        Some feminine anime can be a fun watch. I can't think of any off the top of my head though.
        Mar 12, 2017
    2. Batosai
      Hey, i just watched the latest Gintama episode. Pakoyasa is awesome... Do you know on which day the next ep will come out?
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        I thought the exact same thing, Pakuyasa I hope we get to see you again somewhere....
        The new ep goes online sometime Monday morning for me, so probably Sunday afternoon/night for you. Figures since I'm pretty sure it airs late Sunday in Japan.
        Feb 14, 2017
    3. Supernatural-Knight
      Reading really old posts sure is nostalgic, and awesome. I miss those days.
      1. Kaede likes this.
    4. Vladnyx
      Reason I dislike the cold is the snow it brings with it. If snow didn't come with the cold I'd be fine with the cold.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladnyx
        Lucky, I consider myself anything but lucky. Cinders & Salt on the roads each year destroying my car. Pot-holes galore. I may as well be driving on a dirt road. Shoveling such a pain. Ice slip & fall hazard. I'd gladly trade you if even only for a day.
        Feb 2, 2017
      3. Vladnyx
        Again I think it's all a matter of perspective. You've likely lived in the heat all your life so you hate it and I'm the opposite living in snow most my life & I hate it.
        Feb 2, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        See, because I've never experienced it the snow is just that magical nice looking stuff that appears in movies for usually heartwarming scenes. That or comedic ones.... Not sure if I'd trade honestly since I walk everywhere, I wouldn't be able to go places in too much snow either.
        I wouldn't turn down a snowball fight though.
        Feb 2, 2017
        Vladnyx likes this.
    5. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      I heard, Gintama 2017, episode 3, Kagura is sister your picture brother, But mother is died. It's sad well. Father is still alive keep.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Watched eps 2 and 3, no Kagura mother so I'm a little sad. Do want awesome mother to appear. But great show nonetheless.
        Jan 24, 2017
        Samet Chan likes this.
      3. Samet Chan
        Samet Chan
        Same, kagura mother can't return to back earth world.
        Jan 24, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Doesn't have to. With the power of flashbacks we can enjoy all of her awesomeness while still having the sad realisation that she won't meet her grown up daughter.
        Jan 24, 2017
        Samet Chan likes this.
    6. Doomguy
      From today onward, I strip away all your titles and ranks and shall call you Supernormal-Squire.
      Welcome back to level 1 in the new year.
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Wait wait wait, supernormal? That is just insulting. Supernatural Squire wouldn't have been bad but normal?
        I'll drag you back from that fantasy like paradise you're living in as revenge for that.
        Jan 16, 2017
    7. Kaede
      ThanK you so much for tagging mii in akin! Would have missed it otherwise. Onto episode 5. Anime feastas!!!
      1. Kaede
        Ajin, sorry.
        Jan 4, 2017
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Is okay, I knew what you meant. Anytime, I know how much you wanted to watch the 2nd season, so since it was there.....
        I hope you're enjoying it as much as I did. Satou is one crazy bastard.
        Jan 4, 2017
      3. Kaede
        Yeah, defienafely need Japanese cast for Satou though... Now I agree with you about that. Unfortunately though, I think the first season of Ajin.
        Jan 8, 2017
    8. Negi-Springfield
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Haha awesome, told you mate. Suwa MVP, Hagita is a bro and Kakeru is just a dick.
        Jan 3, 2017
    9. Vladnyx
      I'm so sorry I forgot to tag you. Glad you found your way over to vote though. I went and made things rather interesting don't ya think?
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Haha, no need to apologise, I see everything posted on this site [does that sound like a bad thing?]. I always check in to see what round is up. But yep, definitely made things interesting. Think we can do even more rounds in a single post in the future?
        Dec 27, 2016
      2. Vladnyx
        That does sound slightly disturbing, but you are the FM. Thus far I don't think the quadruple round was a bad thing. Day one and just look at the turn out. I'm very impressed. I imagine we can do even more rounds in a single post in the future. You've all demonstrated you can handle double rounds.
        Dec 27, 2016
      3. Vladnyx
        The other thing is eventually I'd like to go beyond the norm 32 nominations. Sadly were not quite to the level of participates needed just yet. One day I think we'll reach the point to where we can do more rounds with more participates.
        Dec 27, 2016
    10. Batosai
      As reply on what you said about wanting to have a Madao to scare everyone away, i recently saw an episode of him scaring kids in the park (his bedroom). Eventually he became a ghost story attraction. Great episode.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Batosai
        It really does. What other show could take a homeless man who lost his job, family, pride, everything and make him into such a great character. Speaking of it, nice avatar you've got.
        Dec 26, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        That lost his job only after interacting with the MC, only to become a reoccurring gag character that we still all love regardless. I can't wait for more Gintama come January, will you make it in time to watch it weekly?
        Why thank you. Kamui has always been an intriguing character to me. I think he needs more screen time.
        Dec 27, 2016
      4. Batosai
        I probably won't make the start of the series but eventually i'll catch up. Haven't been able to watch much lately. Just came out of a body swap arc where Gintoki and Hijikata switched bodies. Hilarious.....

        Can only agree with that. Kagura's bloodthirsty (with a smile) brother. It's only been one arc where he actually got screen time, wasn't it?
        Dec 27, 2016
    11. AngeloDaniele
      nice avatar. *double thumbs ups*.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Oh thank you. I've had a thing for rendered avatars recently and just so happened to have this sitting on my laptop.
        You are solely a dub watcher so you like this pic from appearance alone I presume, I like that.
        Nov 29, 2016
        AngeloDaniele likes this.
      2. AngeloDaniele
        I'm glad you didn't take it as Ignorant.
        Nov 29, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Ignorant? I take it as sincere because that means you have no way of knowing or already liking the character, you simply like the image for what it is.
        Nov 30, 2016
        AngeloDaniele likes this.
    12. Kaede
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kaede
        Oh really? Ok... I don't think that would entirety faze mii as long as it isn't Yuri/Yaoi orientated. I didn't know Date a Live was suppose my male Audience... Hehe oops... Oh well.

        Exactly! Trying to work out... I hate even spelling them, but stuff like Yolo, Lol, Lmao... Haha! I don't even know the last one.

        Yolo was written on alot of clothing and hats in Thailand. I gave up and finally asked someone.
        Dec 5, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Date a Live? Where did that come from, I was talking about Golden Boy. I haven't seen Date a Live despite one of my friends saying it was good.

        Eh? You can't work them out? Well I guess that is fine because I think actually using them is a horrible thing.
        You know, that being on clothing in Thailand sounds very fitting.... Although why is everyone going to Thailand?
        Dec 6, 2016
      4. Kaede
        Oh, sorry.. I was only meaning our aufmdience doesn't bother mii. Data a Live is supoosebly a male audience and I still watched it..

        Yeah... I went last year in April as part of the Thailand Burma Railway. I think they do t every year so maybe that is it?
        Dec 6, 2016
    13. Metazoxan
      Hey man how you been?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Metazoxan
        WN is Web Novel. It's more or less the same as LN but it generally WN aren't officially published at the time of writing and if they do get published the author tends to rewrite the story a bit when making the LN version. Sometimes it's only minor changes like some events happening a little different or some parts of the story getting reduced or expanded upon.
        Nov 27, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        You'd think I'd be able to figure out WN considering all the other abbreviations... Basically a story that hasn't been published anywhere, just released by people that like to write.
        Here I can't even get into officially published books that people tend to like, I think a WN is way too beyond me [apart from one that finished up a manga I read].
        Nov 29, 2016
      4. Metazoxan
        Yeah some WN get manga adaptations before official LN releases.
        Nov 30, 2016
    14. Batosai
      I started watching the 2015 Gintama anime. Yesterday there was a parody about Kuroko no Basket. So brilliant. Kurokono Tasuke.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Batosai
        Funny thing is, when i searched for a picture for Gintoki and Shinpachi match in the elimination game, i saw a picture of a Kuroko parody. The same evening i watched this episode and a few min in they started talking about Kurokono Tasuke and i was like what are the odds xD
        Nov 23, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        The memories of Kurokono, how else would the phantom 5th man assist Zura? Every character in that show is something else. All of the Kurokonos everywhere, I love a good parody that goes beyond.

        Good, the movie has some very memorable parts, especially the way it begins.
        Nov 25, 2016
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Is it funny or was it the real reason you watched another episode of it that day? But I like when those types of coincidences happen, great fun. But now I want more Gintama, I should start it from the beginning again.
        Nov 25, 2016
    15. Kaede
      I do love the casual, innocent look of your new avatar picture. I'm assuming that was for Halloween?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kaede
        Haha! Yeah! There we go... Problem solved.

        How'd you guess it would be horror? :P haha! I'm trying to work on a Manga. It's under supernatural Horror. So hopefully I can draw/write it properly. Because I agree, need more horror and supernatural work!

        As long as you have anime, anime fans will back you up.... No one messes with them.... Most if them are yanderes it become it.
        Nov 25, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        I wonder how I ever managed to guess? it's a Secret. Oh supernatural horror, not just death but supernatural death. I'm in. Make it happen.

        Eh yandere followers, I'd be okay with that but...... knowing that they are backing me up would be kind of terrifying at the same time wouldn't it?
        Nov 27, 2016
      4. Kaede
        Haha! Yes, top secret and know one can ever tell... XD

        Well as long as you are their lover or don's mess with them, you should be fine.... ...
        Nov 27, 2016
    16. Kaede
      Hewoo Supernatural Knight!
      I know you probably get asked this alot but I keep seeing your avatar character all over google and it's starting to bug mii not knowing... Could you tell mii what series your avatar picture is from...please?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Damn, I was hoping it'd be an anime I didn't know.
        Haha well said, even I don't know everything on there, anymore. I don't use MAL's forum, too big.

        Live action? Well I'll stick with the sub when I watch it. So did you find anything to watch for the last 2 days?
        Sep 4, 2016
      3. Kaede
        It could be... We just probably haven't found that anime that days it maybe....

        Yes... Subs... Those fake high squeals of dubbed females! Surprised no one has gone deaf yet. No sadly, I didn't.... Nothing new anyway. Just rewatch Fruits Basket.
        Sep 4, 2016
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Well I might have and forgotten about it.....

        I can't stand dubs nowadays, I'm a big Love Live fan but the trailer for that dubbed alone was terrible.
        It has been quite sometime since I last saw that, I have the DVD as well. Back before I hated the romance genre, before subs... it was simpler then.
        Sep 5, 2016
    17. Vladnyx
      I honestly can't gauge how much I'm enjoying Thunderbolt Fantasy. Fail so hard due to not having the vocabulary to express my love for it.
      So going to buy the soundtrack when it comes out. That soundtrack, ohh it's so good. Can't believe how much I am enjoying this show.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        You don't have the vocal to express it? That's new, most of your responses are wordy, I didn't think that'd be an issue for you.

        The soundtrack is good, but I want another interesting tune in there, we'll probably hear one in the coming episodes.
        Jul 19, 2016
      2. Vladnyx
        I still don't have the vocal for it. It's just splendid and I love everything about it thus far. I'll also admit your right, most of my responses are wordy/lengthy.

        I agree we need more episodes to hopefully expand upon the soundtrack. So far though I really dig it.
        Jul 19, 2016
      3. Vladnyx
        Jul 25, 2016
    18. Negi-Springfield
      So I saw this about your favourite anime and thought maybe you'd like to see this.


      I've grown to like the anime, but I take it as a comedy that doesn't take itself seriously.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Even if I view it as a satire I can't stand it, the way the characters are makes me dislike everyone immediately. Dick Gumshoe is the best and even he annoys me. But yes I'm still watching, unfortunately.

        I like making up an alibi on the spot and having the accused play along with it, that is a sure fire way to win. Also pressuring the judge....
        Jul 19, 2016
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Making up alibi and pressuring judges is the way to go.

        About Re:Zero, I really enjoy it, but ai don't see how it differs from other light novels.
        Jul 19, 2016
      4. Negi-Springfield
        I also don't see why you don't like light novels.

        It is on Kindle, so I will read it as soon as I am done with the LN I am currently reading.
        Jul 19, 2016
    19. Batosai
      I just watched Gintama Harumatsuri, i planned on watching just a bit where Otsu-chan performed but i ended up watching the entire show. That was awesome.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is definitely worth the run time, the Gintama live events seem amazing and I'd kill to go to one like that. I was the same originally though, I was just going to watch the anime reflection part [since it is on MAL] but I had to watch it all once I got started.
        How amazing was the DOES concert as well?
        Jun 19, 2016
      2. Batosai
        DOES was great. I just love their song Donten, loved it ever since i first heard it as Gintama OP. I have some of their songs downloaded. Also liked how they went off stage after 2 songs and Kagura and Gintoki started talking ''was that it?'' ''Ofcourse not!''
        Jun 19, 2016
      3. Batosai
        The live voice acting was awesome to see, I was very impressed by Shinpachi's VA, he came fully dressed as Shinpachi and he really got the party going. And Toshi coming out at Otsu-chan's concert. I'd accompany you to this event although that's extremely unlikely :p
        Jun 19, 2016
    20. jmriz
      Where do you live in Australia? I have family that lives in Melbourne. I know it's a huge city but just wanted to ask
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        NSW, think Sydney but not quite there as I'm a fair distance away by train.
        Jun 11, 2016
      2. jmriz
        What is the weather like right now
        Jun 11, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        It is winter so it is colder I guess, my house is at least. Outside seems to be sunny though so I know it is warmer out there. Ah the troubles of being an indoor type.
        More anime.
        Jun 11, 2016
        Kaede likes this.
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    Oct 22, 1993 (Age: 30)


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