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  1. Thank you for the years of fun feel free to join the discord here! Please enjoy the forum for the short time it may be up feel free to make an account here or see what forums you dont need to make an account here
    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug

Comments on Profile Post by Core

  1. Nekohime
    I do! I've been on DA for 4 years. I'm actually way impressed you could tell I was a DA user just by my icon dimensions! Are you a fellow DA user? If you are here's my page, let's hook up! http://nekohimekagepuma.deviantart.com/
    Jan 11, 2017
  2. Core
    Sounds good!
    I've been on it for about 6-9 months. After trying to find the right avatar icon, I got really familiar with icon requirements.
    Chances are, I'll be one of your newest watchers. Shouldn't take long to figure out who, since my username is similar.
    Jan 12, 2017
  3. Nekohime
    Awesome! I found you :) Cool work!
    Jan 13, 2017
  4. Core
    Thanks! =D
    Jan 13, 2017