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Comments on Profile Post by Batosai

  1. Supernatural-Knight
    I had noticed that you had reached the newest instalment. Congrats. Oh my god though, Kurokono Tasuke was..., the memories. I couldn't believe it when the episode started heading down that path. And it is 2 parts as well isn't it?
    I'm glad you're still enjoying that masterpiece.

    When will you watch the Be Forever Yorozuya movie? It was released before that series started but doesn't matter when it is watched.
    Nov 23, 2016
  2. Batosai
    Yeah it was 2 parts. All the memories they thought they had of Kurokono ended in something with pocari. Instead of giving a basketball assist to Katsura, he gave him a pocari assist. It was just so brilliant. Suddenly it became a horror kind of episode, Gintoki was afraid of going to the toilet on his own.

    Probably after this. I watched a few things in between 2 Gintama seasons, so might do that again.
    Nov 23, 2016
  3. Batosai
    Funny thing is, when i searched for a picture for Gintoki and Shinpachi match in the elimination game, i saw a picture of a Kuroko parody. The same evening i watched this episode and a few min in they started talking about Kurokono Tasuke and i was like what are the odds xD
    Nov 23, 2016
  4. Supernatural-Knight
    The memories of Kurokono, how else would the phantom 5th man assist Zura? Every character in that show is something else. All of the Kurokonos everywhere, I love a good parody that goes beyond.

    Good, the movie has some very memorable parts, especially the way it begins.
    Nov 25, 2016
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    Is it funny or was it the real reason you watched another episode of it that day? But I like when those types of coincidences happen, great fun. But now I want more Gintama, I should start it from the beginning again.
    Nov 25, 2016