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Comments on Profile Post by Supernatural-Knight

  1. Supernatural-Knight
    While by no means was it bad, it just didn't appeal to me too much. I much preferred Initial D over this.
    I liked how it began but they just couldn't keep it up for 26 eps.
    Nov 15, 2016
  2. Vladnyx
    A 5 to be honest thought you would rate it a 3-4. As long as it took you to watch I already assumed you had lost interest in it. It's true the characters who were introduced faded away relatively quick. Mostly used just to further Akio's progression to have a all out battle with the Black Bird.
    Nov 15, 2016
  3. Vladnyx
    As per the tuning I personally enjoyed the aspect due to having a understanding behind it & learning more. To somebody less knowledgeable pertaining to tuning your left dumbfounded. nonetheless I get what your trying to say and I don't fault you for it. Totally understandable you feel this way walking away from it.
    Nov 15, 2016
  4. Supernatural-Knight
    Nah it wasn't that bad, just hard for me to stay interested in. I just needed a break before finishing it, so I watched Genshiken instead then 30 eps later I went back to it.
    Too bad Akio as a character didn't exactly develop, instead he stopped working on his car. I expected to see him become aim more towards becoming a pro tuner as well.
    Nov 16, 2016
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    I wouldn't have minded talk about tuning if it weren't the key point of so many episodes. We all understand trial and error, but focussing on all of the testing as well as time skipping wasn't the best method I thought. I wish the races lasted longer as well, too quick and only the drivers themselves knew who the winner was.
    Nov 16, 2016