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Comments on Profile Post by Ryder

  1. Kaede
    By the sounds of your posts on your profiles, you're having a bit of a tough time. I hope everything is all ok. :)
    Nov 11, 2016
  2. Ryder
    Thanks. It's nice that you cared enough to comment. Not a lot of people does that. It's like, you show them some of your flaws, and they suddenly forget about your existence unless you offended them on their worldview about the latest election.

    I recently decided to devote my time towards more meaningful prospects instead of dwelling at the forum so much. I think I just need some time away from people for a while.
    Nov 11, 2016
  3. Kaede
    You're welcome. I like to think that showing some of your flaws allow you to know who your true friends are. The ones who stay are true and the ones not around can't even be bothered.

    Sometimes it's best to leave something and deal with it later when your head is clear and refreshed. I'm around if you ever need to talk though. :)
    Nov 11, 2016
    Blastarolla and Ryder like this.
  4. Blastarolla
    All the best to you. Hope things come together for you soon.
    Nov 14, 2016
    Ryder likes this.