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Comments on Profile Post by Metazoxan

  1. Laximus
    I've considered it but in the end I've always used Grimmjow. It's sort of like "my thing" on forums now.
    Aug 14, 2014
  2. Metazoxan
    I see. Same with how Haseo was "My thing" for the longest time and then Adell. Now I'm doing Laharl because I found an awesome gif of him and just had to use it as my avatar (Although I had to trim and reduce it's quality a lot to make these forums accept it).

    So the point is I like to try to use the same character as my avatar as well although every year or two I might decide to finally move on to a new character.
    Aug 14, 2014
  3. Laximus
    I'm a fan of Steins;Gate so I was thinking of maybe using Kurisu as an avatar at some point.

    Laharl is from Disgaea, right? I've never seen it, is it worth a watch?
    Aug 14, 2014
  4. Metazoxan
    I guess so. The problem is the anime is NOTHING like the game and the anime kinda substitutes plot with almost aimless wandering.

    Overall I'd say just play the games if you want the story but the anime does serve as a nice way to introduce you to the story. So yeah I guess it is worth a watch bust just know the game this anime is based on and it's sequals are much better.
    Aug 14, 2014