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Comments on Profile Post by Ryder

  1. Supernatural-Knight
    Was this regular movies or anime ones? Because if anime I know quite a few you could check out. Don't rely on me for movies with actual acting in them though.... I've not really watched anything but Marvel ones recently.... Don't judge me.
    Oct 16, 2016
  2. Ryder
    Non-anime ones, but that's okay. Feel free to drop a suggestion or two.

    And yeah, I won't judge. I've got taste for certain movies that people might find to be shitty as well, so I'm not one to talk. xD Marvel movies are fine, though I haven't seen most of the latest ones since I kinda got tired of superhero movies.
    Oct 16, 2016
  3. Supernatural-Knight
    Eh non anime, I'm screwed. So many movies, how is it that absolutely none are coming to mind?

    Movies just take too long to watch, sounds stupid I know. I think I'm only watching Marvel because of how many I've seen. A short movie I recommend you watch is
    Oct 17, 2016
    Ryder likes this.
  4. Ryder
    Added to my Plan To Watch list on MyAnimeList.
    Oct 17, 2016
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    Good to hear, it is only a 12 minute long dialogue less film that almost everyone I share it with loves. I just like bringing it to everyones attention.
    Let me know what you think when you get around to it.
    Oct 17, 2016
    Ryder likes this.