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Comments on Profile Post by Kaede

  1. Ryder
    Hehe, thanks. The avatar was actually a very spontaneous selection. I'm not a big Lucky Star fan or anything. The picture just happened to conveniently appear on my screen in my search for an avatar picture. lol

    That being said, glad you like the picture, and thanks for the welcome.
    Oct 10, 2016
  2. Kaede
    I thought I recognized the art design. :D unfortunately, I never got into Lucky Star... I think I watched the first episode or two... *hides* "Don't kill mii!"
    Nevertheless, still adorable!

    You're welcome! :D
    Oct 10, 2016
    Ryder likes this.
  3. Ryder
    No worries, I never got into Lucky Star either. The incredibly dry humor of the show just never stuck with me. It's a very slice-of-life oriented kind of show., so its humor was more subtle and restrained compared to mainstream comedy.
    Oct 10, 2016
  4. Ryder
    That being said, my avatar comes from one portion of the show. At the end of every episode, there would be this section called "Lucky Channel", where a grumpy girl wearing the facade of a cute moe girl would host a talkshow. lol That girl is the one in my avatar, Akira-chan. xD She can still be cute when in her "moe girl" pretense.
    Oct 10, 2016
  5. Kaede
    I see... So I take you you either prefer comedy anime or just anime in general...
    Oct 10, 2016
  6. Ryder
    I don't mind comedies, but I prefer more serious, psychological anime with emotional drama or suspenseful twists. Nothing 2deep4me though, since I'm not really a good thinker. :P
    Oct 10, 2016
  7. Kaede
    Uuuuuuuuuuuuu..... Not a bad pick. I'm more of a Supernatural Horror freak as some people are aware. Haha! I think you posted a suggestion in one of the Halloween threads... If so, Shiki is one of my favorites!
    Oct 10, 2016
    Ryder likes this.
  8. Kaede
    I also just looked at your post in the Welcome New Members Thread. Nice pick of anime by the way. :D
    Oct 10, 2016
  9. Ryder
    Yeah, Shiki was so great. I especially love the Shiki Specials OVA, which got me tearing up so badly. lol I think it's the one time when I cried the most, and I don't usually cry that much watching anything.

    I just love how they were able to portray so well the tragic side of the supposed villains, these 'monsters' people are supposed to hate. It's a smart writing that I enjoyed a lot.
    Oct 10, 2016
  10. Ryder
    It's hard to pick a favorite anime because I can be very biased towards shows that I had initially liked first. For example, if I watched Digimon at 7 years old and liked it a lot, I wouldn't replace my #1 favorite anime with anything else for a long time. I'm just that narrow-minded.
    Oct 10, 2016
  11. Ryder
    But I am trying to change that, which is why I gave a lot of other anime a chance over the past two years. It's still hard to call that many anime a "favorite" of mine though.
    Oct 10, 2016
  12. Kaede
    Yeah, Shiki does give people that vibe. :) through development and mood. But those Special episodes really topped it off.

    I see.
    Oct 10, 2016