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Comments on Profile Post by Mafiacow

  1. Yunumi
    >:3 You can never have too much Hanekawa! I actually need more hanekawa sigs :( both gifs and still shots.
    Jul 26, 2014
  2. Mafiacow
    But the problem is that I want them too!~!~ XD
    Jul 26, 2014
  3. Yunumi
    Jul 26, 2014
  4. Yunumi
    btw you can download them and stuff if you want. i'm just teasing and such ^.^
    Jul 26, 2014
  5. Mafiacow
    We're on this topic, and you didn't go for the "nyahahaha!~"? XD
    In regards to gif: Iori best girl btw.
    I... already have been... X3 But the issue remains that I can't use them because you already are. :P
    Jul 26, 2014
  6. Yunumi
    you did what to my signatures?!?! *slaps*
    yeah it's ok. they are meant to be used ^.^
    Jul 26, 2014
  7. Mafiacow
    I just casually stole the Hanekawa ones~
    I know they're meant to be used, but with you already using them I don't feel like I can 'cause then we'd both have them. :P
    Oh, and while I'm here...
    O.o ?
    Jul 30, 2014
  8. Yunumi
    i completely missed this comment. Hi :D
    Aug 2, 2014