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Comments on Profile Post by WILL92

  1. Supernatural-Knight
    That entirely depends on what you like. Which genres do you prefer?
    Jun 11, 2016
  2. WILL92
    well im all over the place like these school action comedy vampires witches
    Jun 11, 2016
  3. Supernatural-Knight
    hmm all over the place huh? Makes things difficult. Do you want dub or sub?
    Sounds like you enjoy ecchi shows since most are those genres. Maybe I'm not the right person to ask after all.
    Jun 11, 2016
  4. WILL92
    it fine im just got a weird sense of humor an i've been watching school of the dead high school dxd
    Jun 11, 2016
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    Considering ecchi, I'm not a fan so I don't know the best ones but....
    Queens Blade, Ikki Tousen, Sekirei and Maken Ki should do for possible series. I haven't seen any so proceed with caution.
    Jun 11, 2016
  6. WILL92
    u did great own ur call about ecchi but the only down fall is I've a good bit of them
    Jun 11, 2016
  7. Supernatural-Knight
    Oh is that so? In that case I take it you've seen Prison School, what about Green Green or Triage X? If you want something bad I could always mention Eiken.
    Jun 12, 2016
  8. WILL92
    seen prison school triage x lol I've watch DEAD MAN WOUNDERLAND HIGH SCHOOL DXD NEW, BORN if there weard an funny there good
    Jun 12, 2016