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Comments on Profile Post by Core

  1. Kiri
    Yonaka Kurai from the RPG Maker game Mogeko Castle. I was a very fun game, though it is for a mature audience.
    Apr 12, 2016
  2. Core
    Ah. I played Grey Garden, which is made by the same group that made Mogeko Castle. So that explains why there were those little yellow creatures in it...
    Apr 13, 2016
  3. Kiri
    I've played Gray Garden as well. That one was cute and fun. I like RPG Maker games for some odd reason.
    Apr 13, 2016
  4. Core
    Gray Garden did have some "What the...?" moments I thought was rather amusing. Pity there are no more games in that particular series. but then, it would be worn out, perhaps.
    Apr 21, 2016