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Comments on Profile Post by Batosai

  1. Supernatural-Knight
    Nope, I've been interested in it for a while btu I've never managed to actually start it. I've wanted to watch it since before I watched everything subbed..... a long time ago now.
    Samurai fighting, you think I'd have gone straight to it after Gintama.
    They reference this show in Gintama anyway since Hijikata's VA is obviously in it.
    Mar 21, 2016
  2. Batosai
    I did go straight to it because of Gintama. It's set in a different period though, i've been reading alot about old Japan and thought this would help me learn about it. It's sometimes kind of over the top, but so far it's great. Alot of fighting and it follows the historical events accurately enough.
    It's funny you mention him as Hijikata's VA, maybe because you mentioned Gintama, but i still think of Zoro at first.
    Mar 27, 2016
  3. Supernatural-Knight
    Old Japan is a fascinating time, but Gintama is a great gateway into other series as well with the sheer amount of parodies. Warlords and fighting, I really don't know why I haven't watched this yet.
    Of course, when speaking about Gintama, I'm not going to think back to One Piece first. He still is Zoro but Hijikata is awesome too. I could always refer to him by his name instead.
    Mar 28, 2016
  4. Batosai
    I think you'll be happy to know his character in Sengoku Basara, Date Masamune is awesome too. This guy only takes the cool roles. He's also pretty much the main character and based on a real person. He was (and is in the series) called The One Eyed Dragon. He lost his eye due to sickness on a young age.
    Mar 28, 2016
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    Of course Masamune is awesome, he is a historical figure but I don't exactly know what he did. so the One Eyed Dragon is one of the MCs huh? I've forgotten which warlords even appears in the show. Although I already knew about the eye loss.
    Ah and sorry but I don't think Zoro only takes cool roles, I've seen a few where he played either a horrible character or was in a horrible show.
    Mar 31, 2016
  6. Batosai
    I haven't went too deep into reading about the real Masamune, but i think he became a reletavely big figure in the Tokugawa shogunate era, after 1600. Sengoku Basara is around 1580 i'd say without looking it up. The first eps are for a big part about his rivalry with Sanada Yukimura. Yukimura serves Takeda Shingen, who looks amazing. Replica's of his clothing are for show in Japanese museums.
    Mar 31, 2016
  7. Batosai
    Then there's Uesugi Kenshin, who is portrayed as a women or a very feminine man, he looks pretty manly on google images, so thats a small disappointment. That's another rivalry, Takeda Shingen vs Uesugi Kenshin. 2 other warlords are Oda Nobunaga, who is the main villain in atleast the first part of the series, he is told to be a demon who is nearly unbeatable.
    Mar 31, 2016
  8. Batosai
    And the other warlord is Ieyasu Tokugawa who becomes the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. I'm slightly disappointed in the way he's portrayed as well, but whatever. There are more warlords, but i don't know their names. It's called the era of warring states where power switches from one to another in a rapid pace. Although at the start of the series Oda Nobunaga is the strongest by far.
    Mar 31, 2016
  9. Batosai
    It's suprising it eventually falls in Tokugawa's hands, it doesn't look that way right now.
    Note that i'm only 5 episodes in, so everything i say is based on purely the first 5 episodes. Still have to do my best to not spoil anything, alot happens even in the first episodes.
    Mar 31, 2016
  10. Batosai
    There is one series, it was awful, i can't find remember the name nor find it on his page . It was mostly the series being bad though. Judging from his roles i think Date Masamune is his 3rd biggest role behind Zoro and Hijikata.
    Mar 31, 2016
  11. Supernatural-Knight
    I know a little of the history but you know there is so much to learn that it is easy to forget. I know about Shingen and Kenshin's rivalry/hatred. The theories that Kenshin was a female all along as well, I find that one to be kind of interesting. It is a great time period to have an anime based in, so many conflicts they could possibly have.
    Apr 5, 2016
  12. Supernatural-Knight
    Oda is one of the most known warlords there are, trying to unite Japan, his followers and his eventual demise. Many anime use it, or parts of it.
    I wonder if I'd know some of what happens due to some knowledge about the time period? Maybe that'll help me like it more.
    Apr 5, 2016
  13. Supernatural-Knight
    Oh so you know that he has had a bad role before? I am definitely curious as to what that one was. I think the worst roles I've seen him in are Battle Programmer Shirase, Ixion Saga and Mardock Scramble.
    You may be right about his biggest roles, I can't recall any other large franchises that he is in at the moment.
    Apr 5, 2016
  14. Batosai
    That's definitely true. I try to watch the episodes and when a major event happens i look it up on wikipedia to see how it actually went(from what they know about it ofcourse). So there is a possibiity Kenshin was actually a female? They confirmed him to be a man in this series in the latest episode i watched, but they are definitely playing with that theory.
    Apr 7, 2016
  15. Batosai
    The Demon King is what Oda Nobunaga is called in this series. He's a very interesting guy but has very dirty ways. the real Oda seems to have been murdered by one of his followers, that's a possible ending for him in the series too, the man who murdered him is the 2nd villain of the show and only answers to Oda.
    Apr 7, 2016
  16. Batosai
    I have seen a show with a character named Oda Nobunaga, you probably know of it, but i can't recall the name of the series, i didn't like that one at all and it had a dumb character representing Oda. That was a disappointment.
    Ixion Saga, that's the one. I didn't even get passed the first few eps.
    Kuroko no Basket is one big series he's in. As the guy with the glasses, forgot his name. Not a lead role though.
    Apr 7, 2016
  17. Batosai
    Btw, i started reading the One Piece manga from where i put the anime on hold. I don't see myself ever getting to it with so many 20 minute episodes to watch, and the dragging out is gonna take too much time.
    Apr 7, 2016