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Comments on Profile Post by Mark Denn

  1. Kaede
    I was wondering what the hell your avatar was all about. Haha!
    Feb 26, 2016
  2. Mark Denn
    Mark Denn
    its ridculous
    Feb 27, 2016
  3. Kaede
    Haha oh well.
    Feb 27, 2016
  4. Supernatural-Knight
    I have to ask Mark, is this "ass cannon" pic from Keijo!!!!!, it was the first thing to come to mind. Because if it is, I may just have a reason to watch this stupid ecchi sports anime after all when it finally starts.
    Feb 28, 2016
  5. Mark Denn
    Mark Denn
    That isn't the cannon, butt its one of the the moves they use
    Feb 28, 2016
  6. Supernatural-Knight
    Damn it. I wasn't originally going to give it a try, but now you've somewhat made me curious as to how it'd be. I know it has quite a few chapters so....
    Maybe I'll wait to decide based upon a PV whenever that may be released.
    Feb 28, 2016