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  1. Thank you for the years of fun feel free to join the discord here! Please enjoy the forum for the short time it may be up feel free to make an account here or see what forums you dont need to make an account here
    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug

Trophies Awarded to shedninja

    Other Trophies

  1. 4 Year Veteran
    Awarded: Dec 13, 2023

    4 Year Veteran

    Points: 40

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least four years.

  2. End of the World
    Awarded: Sep 8, 2023

    End of the World

    Points: 9000

    Made it to the end of the world

  3. congrats
    Awarded: Aug 21, 2023


    Points: 10

    congrats on being a member!!!!

  4. RP Club
    Awarded: May 1, 2023

    RP Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Role Playing Club

  5. 3 Year Veteran
    Awarded: Dec 13, 2022

    3 Year Veteran

    Points: 30

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least three years.

  6. 2 Year Veteran
    Awarded: Dec 14, 2021

    2 Year Veteran

    Points: 20

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least two years.

  7. 1 Year Veteran
    Awarded: Dec 13, 2020

    1 Year Veteran

    Points: 10

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least one year.