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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Miss Elegent Serenity
Last Activity:
Sep 6, 2024
Apr 21, 2013
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September 12
Henderson Nevada
site co owner

Miss Elegent Serenity

Your loveable social admin & RP president, Female, from Henderson Nevada

Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

Members are still around, we are in discord- https://discord.gg/FpZv76Zj Mar 29, 2024

Miss Elegent Serenity was last seen:
Sep 6, 2024
    1. BlackHeartedRose
      Thank you for following me! :)
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    2. Tokyo_Kakuja_Ghoul
      good looking on the follow. much love.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    3. Bickleman1
      Thanks for the follow
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    4. --The-Rose--
      so many staff on at once right now lol. what's the special occasion?
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        lol guess just one of those night where all the staff is on. Probably doing their work. Im usually always on unless im away or sleeping
        Feb 28, 2015
      2. --The-Rose--
        i've never seen so many people on at one time here. makes the members online setion look colorful lol. now if only ppl would start replying to posts i've made, so i don't feel like a thread killer lol
        Feb 28, 2015
    5. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      Check out the RP club, located in SOS brigade. We have tons of RP's at the moment feel free to jump in and join us on our adventures
    6. Jeremy Balboa
      Jeremy Balboa
      Curious? But happy to be followed. Though at some point you may die of boredom. Happy times till then though.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Lol I think Ill be fine ;)
        I follow new members I see on when I am on, helps me keep track of how many members we have.
        I am the one that handles most of he FB post and some site media post but if you ever have any questions feel free to ask myself or any of the other staff members on the forum and most of all Welcome
        Feb 28, 2015
    7. --The-Rose--
      sent u a skype request in case u haven't seen it yet
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    8. Azraled
      My first follower! ^^
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    9. Doomguy
      Hey there, http://youtu.be/RxRgfyuitBo

      I finally edited my sig to point directly to the RP Club and "ahem" my thread. I want to thank you for the club, I realized I really do like to hear myself talk and having a blast. If only I had the time to create all the little universes that swirl in my head but the little outlet you set up shop here is just what I need.
    10. Guts
      Hey you, How are things going?
    11. Supernatural-Knight
      Just so you're aware, the first 16 rounds can be found in the prediction bracket thread. Just save the blank bracket I provided in the first post.
    12. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      We are officially back. Check out the RP club we have lots of old and new RP's in the club. Feel free to join in any of them :)
      1. Doomguy
        Jan 6, 2015
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        lol yeah i need to get back on more. i have been neglecting my duties to deal with RL. blah
        Jan 12, 2015
    13. Doomguy
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Stop making the sheep mad. What did they ever do to you?? lol :P
        Dec 19, 2014
    14. Supernatural-Knight
      I see that the daily Facebook announcement about the elimination has already missed being daily, haha I expected that too happen but maybe a little later. We should have started up a betting thread about when you'd miss a day first, it could have been fun to see who was the closest. Too late now I guess
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Also I noticed that you had ben holding out on me, I found two other Aussies on this site that are relatively newer that you had already begun following the previous day.
        The Aussie revolution is coming I tell ya.
        Dec 12, 2014
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Lol I actually just got home after being out all day. I had to go over the mountain for a doctors appointment and was over there all day and didnt really have time to access the internet to make a post. I will do one tomorrow before I head out again.
        As for the following half the time I dont see where they are from I see a new user then follow them
        Dec 12, 2014
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        It's cool, I didn't want an explanation merely thought I'd mention your want to keep it daily objective. I knew we should have opened a betting thread first, whenever anything is daily it is only a matter of time until it fails.

        I always check out their info they provide, what, stalker? Nah that is definitely Jay
        Dec 12, 2014
    15. killerCr0w
      i have a question about the caelum vs angels rp is it possible for me to be an angel or demon on the side of humans? and is the actual rp of that on a different site or something
      1. View previous comments...
      2. killerCr0w
        that was a good idea seemed like it worked out well and ty im glad to be back
        Nov 25, 2014
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Nov 25, 2014
      4. killerCr0w
        il be sure to do that thanks
        Nov 25, 2014
    16. Supernatural-Knight
      That joke posted on Facebook is so bad it is great. I didn't even watch that series for obvious reasons but since it allowed that horrible joke to exist I may have improved my thoughts about it slightly by the smallest amount possible.
      Your sense of humour is a nice addition, I hope you'd post more of those types in the future.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Aww thank you. I do my best to provide for the viewers. I have a few coming up some funnier then others so it all depends who like it. :) At least I'm doing my job right and getting people to check anime.
        Nov 16, 2014
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Nov 17, 2014
    17. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      We are moving back. That's right TBRP is coming home. We will now be doing all our RPing here in JD. Check the RP club in SOS brigade :)
    18. --The-Rose--
      HAHAHAHAAHAHHA tick......tock......tick......tock
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    19. Doomguy
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Just....lol that was awful. When will my like spam stop....NEVA!!!
        Oct 5, 2014
    20. Doomguy
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        haha that mad me laugh. Maybe just a tad too hard there ;)
        Sep 22, 2014
      3. Doomguy
        Sep 27, 2014
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  • About

    September 12
    Henderson Nevada
    site co owner
    Community Relations- dealing with all aspect of the community whether it be welcoming new members, maintaining chats, socializing with members, posting important information and activities, helping members around the forum and assisting in any needs that come up.
    I also run the RP club, and do role playing myself.

    Most of the members know me as the Wife of Sporadic (owner of site) so if you need help with anything or need to get a hold of him just send a message my way. I have a lot of roles on the forum, and help out in any way I can.




    ~ RP Club president and Community Liasion~
    Pm me if your interested in RolePlaying or have any general questions

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