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Last Activity:
Apr 28, 2021
May 30, 2013
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Dec 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
Pizza Delivery Driver


Trophy Hunter, Male, 30, from Washington

Unexpected car problems followed by still learning my new S10&Galaxy watch. The S7Edge I had felt like a paper clip compared to this thing Oct 2, 2019

darkkarasu was last seen:
Apr 28, 2021
    1. darkkarasu
      Unexpected car problems followed by still learning my new S10&Galaxy watch. The S7Edge I had felt like a paper clip compared to this thing
    2. darkkarasu
      Been enjoying the anime woo!!! Haha, ah... I need to find friends...
    3. darkkarasu
      2 days off! more time for social niss. ?huh?
    4. darkkarasu
      Bum dum ba dum... gonna throw a site together just cuss anime review thingy. (it's a lil surprise for meow)
    5. darkkarasu
      Well, shoot... my last hours of free time before work later this evening at about 4 pm ish. I do need to step up my commitment soon tho.
    6. darkkarasu
      Woo! 2 days off! Boat races next weekend, the first-time our company is having a booth! Gonna be crazy insanely busy...
    7. darkkarasu
      Off to work, didn't get home till like 2am work ran crazy late. I should be off by 10pm today. I will get back to updating posts tonight :)
      1. darkkarasu
        I did not get home till 1 am ish...
        Jul 24, 2017
    8. darkkarasu
      So... sleepy
    9. darkkarasu
      Hmm, now questioning if I have double posted anywhere else... (Searching) Also, I am now +1 Hmm, Roku development sucks... Ugh :(
    10. darkkarasu
      I have discovered the Midori Green under preferences and will never go back... Well, probably not for awhile.
    11. darkkarasu
    12. darkkarasu
      will be leaving for work at about 3:30 pm Pacific time, won't be back until about 10 - 11 pm possibly later depending on how busy work is...
    13. darkkarasu
      Ahh, can't sleep mesa has to be at work at 7am!
    14. darkkarasu
      Not sure what to do...
    15. darkkarasu
      Shh my pumpkin it will only hurt for a few min... >:D
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  • About

    Dec 22, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Pizza Delivery Driver
    Started work back in 2013 as an Ink/toner tech was very good at it started college quit both after a year and a half. In 2015 I started working for jack in the box was very successful, Mexicans took over and I fuckin quit that shit...
    2016 to present I have been very happy delivering pizza for papa johns.

    I've done robotics went to competitions in school, was the only programmer on the 40+ team. I loved skate boarding as a kid don't do it now I try to avoid breaking limbs these days. I enjoy anime and games, I build and fix my own computers and family/friends all the time.

    I've dabbled in game development with unity and unreal engine. Unity is really great if you know C sharp. Unreal engine is recommended if you don't like to program at all.

    I've been writing a book off/on the last 2 years slow going. I want it to be a series of 3 maybe 5 and book one is really quite something. At least all my friends are like dude email me the next chapter whenever you get around to it... Lol, it basically ends with me starting progress for a few weeks then not touching it for like 2 or 3 months.

    My goal is to start a server farm one day, finish book 1 before 4 years pass, be ass successful as I can be in life, and hopefully get married and have kids one day who will enjoy anime/games as much as I do...


    YESSSSsssss___________________________em dance, dance, bust a move! Uh:k_huh?:, woo! :arisu::kami::k_happy:
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