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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Crazy Potato
Last Activity:
Aug 31, 2020
Apr 13, 2013
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Trophies 26

Oct 20, 1994 (Age: 30)

Crazy Potato

Designer, Male, 30

....What to do, What to do? Oct 19, 2017

Crazy Potato was last seen:
Aug 31, 2020
    1. Crazy Potato
      Crazy Potato
      Welp... this is goodbye for now
    2. Negi-Springfield
      Just lwtting you know there's abug that only affects you on mobile. It's been this way since yesterday.


      Aslo, why is the bugs and glitches thread locked?
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        That makes two bugs, Thanks. I'm not sure it might have to do with updates and a few videos being broken, ask lax
        Jul 7, 2016
    3. Kaede
      Hewoo Crazy Potato!
      Just wondering, are you the cause of our posts going multi colours? Because I love it! XD
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        maybe... :)
        Jul 4, 2016
      2. Kaede
        Haha! Innocence definitely indicates yes. XD
        Is the theme for 4th of July?
        Jul 4, 2016
    4. jmriz
      Sorry I haven't msgd you in so long!! How are you doing?
    5. Core
      There are three tags/links on the forum labeled as "JAN", "JUSTDUBS" and "JUSTREVIEWS". I like what you did, but the last two, could do with a slight tweak. Unless you wanted the "JUST" to remain white, I think it would be better if it was tinted, just slightly, to fit with its color when it is selected.
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        I did that to add more of the white aspect of the color scheme. It also flows well with each theme. I'll ask around never the less.
        Jun 2, 2016
    6. Core
      Do you happen to know where I could get a free full version of Photoshop? I want to dabble with it, but I don't want to pay a ton of money for it either. Unless Photoshop is cheaper than I think, though searches show it is rather outrageous in pricing.
      1. Core
        Another question (since my first took up so much space), about avatars. I can't remember for certain, but I thought I saw you using an avatar in a looping/seamless .gif format that had red hair and eyes that did not match in color. What was that from?
        May 30, 2016
      2. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        I'll PM you [Ps] and her name is Zombina.... I miss her as an avatar. lol
        Daily Life with a Monster Girl or Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou is the name of the show.
        May 30, 2016
      3. Core
        Nice to see you have her again. I'll put that series in my watch-next list, if it's eng. dubbed.
        May 31, 2016
    7. Core
      Would you happen to know if we have a new mascot?
      I have noticed one I have not seen before; one that has blue hair and two unmatched eyes.
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Thank Jay for her concept. Her name is Urisa which is the opposite of Arisu. I edited Arisu to match his concept to the one you see in the header.
        Urisa is unofficial but I want to use her during construction or glitches going on in the forums since she is the opposite of Arisu I see her has the glitch that causes it all.
        Apr 14, 2016
      2. Core
        I thought she looked a bit like Arisu. Thank you for the answer.
        Apr 14, 2016
    8. jmriz
      Sorry i did not get you the character description on Thurs., i totally forgot! :(
    9. jmriz
      Hi , here's the description for my main character:

      Katsuhiro Obata Ht- 5'8
      Wt - 145 lbs
      Eye Color: choose, ditto hair col.
      Eye Style: Between Nanashi from "Sword of The Stranger" and Tomoya from "Clannad"
      Hair Style: Similar to Nanashi , shorter bangs
      Uniform: School: Maroon Nehru Jacket( gold emblem; unique), White Shirt w/ Black Tie, Slacks, Brown Belt .
      Facial Expression: Happy
      Email - [email protected]
    10. jmriz
      Thanks so much! You are awesome!
      I will give you my email and some character descriptions on Thurs.
    11. jmriz
      Please give me some feedback on my post, not just a like!
    12. jmriz
      Hi, I'm jmriz and Sporadic recommended you to me for my idea. I am creating a anime tv show called "Yorokobi" , which means joy in Japanese and I need help with drawing characters and storyboards as well as help with the script and plot. Can you help?!
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
    13. Kaede
      I certainly am intrigued with what you've done with the theme and stuff. Playing music on member's profile And stuff...certainly made my day. It's very fitting.
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
    14. Core
      Since you are a web developer, I was wondering if you knew if this was possible:To set up a perk that could display a member's post count as zero without actually making the member's true post count be zero. A zero just for looks, so it could leave other people wondering how much this member actually posts.
      It was just something I thought would have been amusing to have.
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Core
        Thank you for that. If a perk like that comes around, I will be sure to get it.
        Apr 1, 2016
      4. Core
        Provided you do start this perk up, do you have any particular numbers/icons in mind, aside from ∞ or forever seven? I heard of a Mobius Strip, and it sounded interesting. That, and it is not as common as ∞.
        Apr 7, 2016
      5. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Can be any number or something that resembles numerical value e.g Romain Numbers, Math, Other Languages etc.
        Apr 9, 2016
    15. BlackHeartedRose
      *huggles Crazy P* Hello!
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. BlackHeartedRose
        Hehe seem so nervous!
        Mar 31, 2016
      4. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        That tends to happen when you get a surprise hug :D
        Mar 31, 2016
      5. BlackHeartedRose
        Hugs are very good for people xD
        Mar 31, 2016
    16. Cpt_K3nny
      your following me creepy man just Creepy I LIKE IT! :) let me reciprocate this feeling by me following you then it will be less creepy. MAYBE? :)
    17. Kaede
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. Crazy Potato
        Mar 15, 2016
      3. Kaede
        The first thing I thought once I saw her. Haha! Now I have the Leven Polkka stuck I my head. XD
        Mar 16, 2016
    18. Kaede
      I was going to reply in the sit discussion but I see it has now been closed. As for the spoiler you put on, that is exactly what I miss every time there's been a site theme change.. Even though it's only been twice since I have been here. I still have them, its just goes blank.
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
    19. Kaede
      So sorry for the late question... But I was wondering, why you wanted to follow Mii? Don't get mii wrong though, I'm grateful. NIPAH! XD
    20. Crazy Potato
      Crazy Potato
      Need to work!
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  • About

    Oct 20, 1994 (Age: 30)


    The Journey's No Fun If You Know Where You're Going.
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