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    Other Trophies

  1. 10 Reviews

    10 Reviews

    Points: 5

    Awarded to members that have at least 10 published anime reviews.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Shogun13, Lince

  2. Film Club

    Film Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Film Club.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Marhuto, VeritasOdiumParit, BK-201, Kiri, [Insert name here], Miss Elegent Serenity, Jaysp656, sayWut, Eclipse, Lince

  3. Manga Club

    Manga Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Manga Club.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Sporadic, Marhuto, Yunumi, obdriver6, RodRule, Ddos_Dragon, Eclipse, Lince, Nonononoki, Delta

  4. New Release Club

    New Release Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the New Release Club.

    Users who have attained this trophy: VeritasOdiumParit, Heizengard, Eclipse, Mafiacow, Lince, Kiri, Sporadic, Wampa, Natsuru-san, Sir-Maddy

  5. Video Game Club

    Video Game Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Video Game Club.

    Users who have attained this trophy: obdriver6, west-fox, ShadowLinks, TheAuraKnight, Sinister, crazydawg444, RodRule, Eclipse, Roguecamo, Sporadic

  6. Designers' Club

    Designers' Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Designers' Club

    Users who have attained this trophy: RodRule, WynterWolf13, Vishal09x, Kiri, Ddos_Dragon, Lince, Crazy Potato

  7. Ecchi Lovers United

    Ecchi Lovers United

    Points: 5

    Awarded to those who join the Ecchi Lovers Club

    Users who have attained this trophy: Teknoman X, Khristophoros, RodRule, Rayden413, Sporadic, Heizengard, AngeloDaniele, Metazoxan, Lince, --The-Rose--

  8. Anime Cafe

    Anime Cafe

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Anime Cafe

    Users who have attained this trophy: Lince, RodRule, IssyBee, Ophelia, The-Judgeman, dedseed1, shifter101, [Insert name here], Ddos_Dragon, Sporadic

  9. RP Club

    RP Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the Role Playing Club

    Users who have attained this trophy: Dangoon, ThatRandomGinger, Ddos_Dragon, posiedonwaterway, richardthedark1, Thekingjd, RenNya, Eclipse, Rayden413, Miss Elegent Serenity

  10. Boobie Award

    Boobie Award

    Points: 5

    Awarded to the member who has won the last Asylum event.

    Users who have attained this trophy: obdriver6, SkeLo, Vladnyx

  11. Tabletop Guild

    Tabletop Guild

    Points: 5

    Awarded to users who are a member of the Tabletop Guild

    Users who have attained this trophy: Lince, BaconMan8910, Znelson

  12. Winter 2015

    Winter 2015

    Points: 5

    Chilled Out on the JDO Winter Theme: 12/25 - 12/27 2015

    Users who have attained this trophy: Brandon McCourt, Crazy Potato, Shinimagami, Angrygamer217, Gigaer, basenjilover, minisiets, Kiri, verisater23, Dave The Barbarian

  13. Study Club

    Study Club

    Points: 5

    Trophy is awarded for joining the Study Club

    Users who have attained this trophy: Wingnut 76, Kaede, Core, Paladine321, Malchediel, RenNya, Ddos_Dragon, shifter101, SkeLo, Noobs

  14. Valentine's Day 2016: Kami

    Valentine's Day 2016: Kami

    Points: 5

    Send Kami a lovely message on Valentine's Days 2016 for this lovely purple heart from her.

    Users who have attained this trophy: OtakuSenseiHig, Noobs, BaconMan8910, shifter101, Whitefang19, youngnozomi, Miss Elegent Serenity, Natsuru-san, Laximus, Crazy Potato

  15. Valentine's Day 2016: Arisu

    Valentine's Day 2016: Arisu

    Points: 5

    Send Arisu a lovely message on Valentine's Days 2016 for this lovely red heart from her.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Kami, Rouge_assassin

  16. Valentine's Day 2016: Midori

    Valentine's Day 2016: Midori

    Points: 5

    Send Midori a lovely message on Valentine's Days 2016 for this lovely green heart from her.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Natsu, Core, Lince, Negi-Springfield

  17. Cheated on Valentine's Day 2016

    Cheated on Valentine's Day 2016

    Points: 5

    Sent a message to another mascot on Valentine's Day.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Arisu

  18. Valentine's Day 2016

    Valentine's Day 2016

    Points: 5

    Attended JDO on Valentine's Day!

    Users who have attained this trophy: xrist1983, Muhamed Mihuhi, Seth Basden, TheAuraKnight, leadholder, Mukul, satan902009, Odin07179, T-time-MtR, lancelot993

  19. Beta Tester

    Beta Tester

    Points: 5

    Gave feedback during a new JDO Theme in it's beta stage.

    Users who have attained this trophy: BK-201, ShadowLinks, Negi-Springfield, Supernatural-Knight, Darkxflamexd, OtakuSenseiHig, blackstar, Yori Uchiha, Noobs, Doomguy

  20. St. Patrick's Day 2016

    St. Patrick's Day 2016

    Points: 5

    Attended Just Anime's First St. Patrick's Day with Midori!

    Users who have attained this trophy: TheAuraKnight, Teknoman X, basenjilover, Brave-Fan, TrickyMickie, darthcheeto, NikOnDemand, minisiets, blessed knight, Shinimagami

  21. Fool!


    Points: 5

    Joked around the forums on Fools' Day 2016

    Users who have attained this trophy: Kiri, Negi-Springfield, youngnozomi, Core, Sourishdas, Cpt_K3nny, BaconMan8910, Doomguy, TheAuraKnight, Crazy Potato

  22. 2016 Site Award: Participation

    2016 Site Award: Participation

    Points: 5

    Participated in selecting a candidate for the 2016 Just Anime Forums Site Awards.

  23. Music Club

    Music Club

    Points: 5

    Awarded for joining the music club.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Lince, Vladnyx, Kaede, VeritasOdiumParit, celtic, Core, Roy-Blue, Whitefang19, nagato, jmriz

  24. Gold Soul

    Gold Soul

    Points: 5

    You caught Crazy's soul fragment, congrats!

    Users who have attained this trophy: Laximus, Core, darkkarasu, Supernatural-Knight, Crazy Potato, Ryder, youngnozomi, Negi-Springfield, Whitefang19

  25. Blue Soul

    Blue Soul

    Points: 5

    You caught ???'s soul fragment, congrats!

    Users who have attained this trophy: Laximus, darkkarasu, Supernatural-Knight, Core, Negi-Springfield, youngnozomi, Whitefang19

  26. Red Soul

    Red Soul

    Points: 5

    You caught ???'s soul fragment, congrats!

    Users who have attained this trophy: Supernatural-Knight, Whitefang19, Core, Laximus, darkkarasu, Negi-Springfield, Ryder

  27. Green Soul

    Green Soul

    Points: 5

    You caught ???'s soul fragment, congrats!

    Users who have attained this trophy: Laximus, Negi-Springfield, Whitefang19, darkkarasu, Supernatural-Knight, Ryder, youngnozomi, Core

  28. Purple Soul

    Purple Soul

    Points: 5

    You caught ???'s soul fragment, congrats!

    Users who have attained this trophy: Whitefang19, Supernatural-Knight, Core, Negi-Springfield, Laximus, darkkarasu, youngnozomi

  29. Trick -or- Treat 2016

    Trick -or- Treat 2016

    Points: 5

    Found all candy during the Halloween Scavenger Hunt Event.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Core, Whitefang19

  30. Trick -or- Treat 2016 Participation

    Trick -or- Treat 2016 Participation

    Points: 5

    Found at least one but not all candy during the Halloween Scavenger Hunt Event.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Ryder, youngnozomi

  31. Winter '16

    Winter '16

    Points: 5

    Attended the forums during the holidays.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Odin07179, Blastarolla, youngnozomi, Supernatural-Knight, Satoko Houjou, Noobs, snewildbill, jmriz, Teknoman X, Gigaer

  32. White Day 17'

    White Day 17'

    Points: 5

    Happy White Day 17' White Day is a day that is marked in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, and China on March 14, one month after Valentine's Day.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Copperkat, Kakashi Sensei, dassh99, shifter101, richardthedark1, dr.poohman93, thor, TInus, Samir Saweras, Whitefang19

  33. St. Patrick's Day! 17'

    St. Patrick's Day! 17'

    Points: 5

    Had a beer or two with us on St. Patrick's Day 2017!

    Users who have attained this trophy: TheRailgunSpark, Khajaro, supremacy, mighack, Muhamed Mihuhi, simonoflight, Dyjin, One Piece Fan, DubAnimeLover, Noobs

  34. Bag of Candy 2017

    Bag of Candy 2017

    Points: 5

    Reward for finding all of the candy during our 2017 JAN trick or treat scavenger hunt.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Whitefang19, Supernatural-Knight, Noobs, Dylanar

  35. Halloween Candy 2017

    Halloween Candy 2017

    Points: 5

    Candy for participating in the 2017 JAN trick or treat.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Noobs, Dylanar, Supernatural-Knight, Whitefang19, TrickyMickie

  36. 1 Year Veteran

    1 Year Veteran

    Points: 10

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least one year.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Kyochan, Keiichi-Morisato, minisiets, LEDlump, Nimander, Ginger, IloveHolo, Phi., Hurricaneria, modymastley

  37. Contest Winner

    Contest Winner

    Points: 10

    Awarded to members that have won an official site hosted contest.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Mafiacow, Metazoxan, sayWut, VeritasOdiumParit, Crazy Potato, Noobs

  38. Prediction Bracket Winner

    Prediction Bracket Winner

    Points: 10

    Awarded to the winner of the previous months elimination game prediction bracket.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Negi-Springfield, Mafiacow, Lince, Sir-Maddy, minisiets, Supernatural-Knight, Sporadic, Yunumi

  39. 2014 Site Awards

    2014 Site Awards

    Points: 10

    Won a category in the 2014 JustDubs Online Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Crazy Potato

  40. Bronze Kunai

    Bronze Kunai

    Points: 10

    Awarded to uploaders who have uploaded at least 10 anime to JustDubs Online.

    Users who have attained this trophy: BaconMan8910, Batosai, NeekoWolfie, Keiichi-Morisato

  41. Bronze Shuriken

    Bronze Shuriken

    Points: 10

    Awarded to members that have served as a forum moderator for three months.

    Users who have attained this trophy: VeritasOdiumParit, Kiri

  42. 20 Reviews

    20 Reviews

    Points: 10

    Awarded to members with at least 20 published anime reviews.
    Replaces "10 Reviews" award.

  43. Donator


    Points: 10

    Awarded to members that have given to the JustDubs Online cause.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Vladnyx, Ovyda, BlackHeartedRose, Dylanar, Cpt_K3nny, Yunumi, Dirtie00, sayWut, Miss Elegent Serenity, Crazy Potato

  44. Group Creator

    Group Creator

    Points: 10

    Awarded to members who have created and administor a group.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Nimander, Roy-Blue, Natsuru-san, BaconMan8910, Metazoxan, Kiri, RodRule, Sporadic, BK-201, ShadowLinks

  45. Member of the Month

    Member of the Month

    Points: 10

    Awarded to the JustDubs Online member of the month.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Doomguy

  46. Staff Member of the Month

    Staff Member of the Month

    Points: 10

    Awarded to the JustDubs Online staff member of the month.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Laximus

  47. 2015 Site Awards: Bronze

    2015 Site Awards: Bronze

    Points: 10

    Won bronze in a category in the 2015 JustDubs Online Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Supernatural-Knight, Lince, Doomguy, KarmaDelta, Heizengard, Sporadic, Delta, Metazoxan, Unianonanymity, Laximus

  48. 2016 Site Award: Bronze

    2016 Site Award: Bronze

    Points: 10

    Won bronze in a category in the 2016 Just Anime Forums Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Negi-Springfield, Cpt_K3nny, Doomguy, Miss Elegent Serenity, Kiri, Lince, Core, Supernatural-Knight, Noobs, Kaede

  49. YouTube Supporter

    YouTube Supporter

    Points: 10

    I helped support the Site and the YouTube channel!!!!

  50. congrats


    Points: 10

    congrats on being a member!!!!

    Users who have attained this trophy: memes, Ronin1316, troy, Darkpagan88, Zayah757, leonelfrick848, Animebis, Unianonanymity, Skyware, Divya Patil

  51. 30 Reviews

    30 Reviews

    Points: 15

    Awarded to members with at least 30 published anime reviews.
    Replaces "20 Reviews" award.

  52. Silver Kunai

    Silver Kunai

    Points: 15

    Awarded to uploaders who have uploaded at least 50 anime to JustDubs Online.

    Users who have attained this trophy: NeekoWolfie

  53. Silver Shuriken

    Silver Shuriken

    Points: 15

    Awarded to members that have served as a forum moderator for six months.
    Replaces Bronze Shuriken.

  54. Gold Shuriken

    Gold Shuriken

    Points: 20

    Awarded to members that have served as a forum moderator for one year.
    Replaces Silver Shuriken.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Lince, VeritasOdiumParit, Supernatural-Knight

  55. Gold Kunai

    Gold Kunai

    Points: 20

    Awarded to uploaders who have uploaded at least 100 anime to JustDubs Online.

    Users who have attained this trophy: NeekoWolfie, steveyk, Dirtie00, Laximus, HollowCandy, Sporadic

  56. 2015 Site Awards: Silver

    2015 Site Awards: Silver

    Points: 20

    Won silver in a category in the 2015 JustDubs Online Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: MateusseDarkslight, Supernatural-Knight, Kyûgo sebasitian, Miss Elegent Serenity, VeritasOdiumParit, Noobs, Walshy, Mafiacow, Azraled, Laximus

  57. High Five

    High Five

    Points: 20

    Awarded to members that have been awarded 5 trophies, received 5 likes on one post, have 5 followers, have 5 friends and have created 5 reviews.

  58. 2 Year Veteran

    2 Year Veteran

    Points: 20

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least two years.

    Users who have attained this trophy: SmellyMonkey, JustAdmin, Delta, Irishotaku649, Yunumi, HenchmenX, Leostar397, Silvermist, Alucard, ScottBrennan

  59. 2016 Site Award: Silver

    2016 Site Award: Silver

    Points: 20

    Won silver in a category in the 2016 Just Anime Forums Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Miss Elegent Serenity, Doomguy, Kyûgo sebasitian, BaconMan8910, Kiri, Shogun13, Core, Vladnyx, Dungeon Master, Supernatural-Knight

  60. 2015 Site Awards: Gold

    2015 Site Awards: Gold

    Points: 30

    Won gold in a category in the 2015 JustDubs Online Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Metazoxan, Sporadic, Miss Elegent Serenity, Sir-Maddy, Doomguy, sayWut, Crazy Potato, Supernatural-Knight, Laximus, Kiri

  61. 3 Year Veteran

    3 Year Veteran

    Points: 30

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least three years.

    Users who have attained this trophy: James3194, DemonEyesJoe, Epone, MacMeaties, Silvermist, Wampa, johnnyboy, JustAdmin, Shogun13, sayWut

  62. 2016 Site Award: Gold

    2016 Site Award: Gold

    Points: 30

    Won gold in a category in the 2016 Just Anime Forums Site Awards.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Miss Elegent Serenity, sayWut, Laximus, Crazy Potato, Mafiacow, Kaede, Negi-Springfield, Noobs, Cpt_K3nny, Sporadic

  63. 4 Year Veteran

    4 Year Veteran

    Points: 40

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least four years.

    Users who have attained this trophy: IloveHolo, Popapop2, Alucard, BlurredExistence, Drewzer123, NinjaGhostTM, James3194, LEDlump, Nonononoki, MrFahrenheit

  64. 5 Year Veteran

    5 Year Veteran

    Points: 50

    This award is given to those that have been on the forum for at least five years.

    Users who have attained this trophy: Kinrah, Angel, Raux918, VeritasOdiumParit, Nonononoki, kripto, Arkatekt, Silvermist, Shogun13, ScottBrennan

  65. End of the World

    End of the World

    Points: 9000

    Made it to the end of the world

    Users who have attained this trophy: Supernatural-Knight, shedninja, Mafiacow, kaylentine