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Caelum & Infernus: The Darkness Of The World

Discussion in 'SOS Brigade (Clubs)' started by The7thSeal, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The beast writhed as the ice crawled up its frame, trying to shake itself free...

    ...until it saw the magic portal opening, and all its actions became fixed on consuming it. The Monster forced its body forwards, moving its head as close to the swirling vortex as it could from its current location, before opening its jaws wide.
    The portal then began to twist towards the creature's maw as it attempted to devour the magical energy. its body glowing slightly as the energy flowed into it.
  2. Spyton I Got A Trophy!

    Mar 19, 2018
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    "HEY, Bad demon beast! You are supposed to go through the portal not eat it....." Richus shouts this as he exaggeratedly takes his free hand and does a facepalm....

    he passively hardens the magic, making it as difficult to draw from it's intended form as possible.

    *his fingers shift and the helms eye sockets become visible through his hand, and his head turns to Melt and Theiyll* "Well what are you two waiting for, be tastier than my portal." He turns up to Tempo "Or you could come be the carrot."

    He tightens his hold on the energy, solidifying the gate making it as hard to eat as he can.
  3. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    "Right, right!" Melt focused on a spot inside the portal itself, before starting to chant. "Apelize shorm coa'upe, metis hallabin devos benone puris mulfei..."
    The energy that formed was different now. Whilst before it had merely been a large sphere radiating delicious magic, designed to entice, this large clump of spiritual energy forming was giving off different signals. For a start, any demon or angel in the vicinity would have suffered from an extremely annoying noise in their ears. Like a crying baby, the buzzing of that mosquito you just can't squish, Donald Trump in general, really bad dubstep and that sound that can only be heard in the rare occasion that you've consumed nineteen vindaloo curries and now you're hosting a four-hour high-end social function with no bathroom breaks, all mixed together.
    "Devils below, that hurts!" Theiyll slammed his hands over his ears. But when that didn't work, he tried shapeshifting his ears off. That also didn't work. He then attempted to turn into a snake, as snakes have no ears and therefore have much worse hearing than any other animal. That STILL didn't work,, as the noise ignored biology and cut straight to the source of his essence. "Enough with the NOISE ALREADY!"
    But it wasn't just noise. Starting to shimmer, again only visible in the spiritual realm, was a light. Brilliant white, like an earthbound star, and glowing so brightly any angel or demon would have been hard-pressed to look at it for too long. That said, that was where the terrible noise was coming from.

    "Sorry, sorry!"
    "Gonna - kill - you - you - piece - of -"
    "Shut up, I need to see if this works!"
  4. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The Beast continued to consume the portal, while mentally noting, as well as its simple mind could, the sources of magic that seemed to appear from thin air.
    It drank deep of the magicks of the portal, its body beginning to glow, lightly at first but that rapidly grew until it radiated light through its armoured form.
    All the while, cracks and fissures began appear over its body, parts of its carapace splittering and crumbling into the muck below.
  5. Spyton I Got A Trophy!

    Mar 19, 2018
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    "All right screw it" Richus says in a mildly annoyed tone. *He takes his left hand and reaches forth making the two swords he had offered To Riley and Sayli before shimmer into view, he hesitates for a second before grabbing the one on the right ┼Mana Sleeve┼.

    "You know I really hate it when I over estimate the intelligence of my enemy." *he lifts up the blade and points it directly at the Beast's open maw. "It is real simple Walk through the-" He releases the sword which begins to float in the air in front of him hanging perfectly still. "-portal, get cut in half, not gorge yourself to an explosion." He puts his left hand down. "Finne Dun Bolt"

    The spell forces the sword to fly forward; blade first; in the blink of an eye leaving a trail of fluttering gold mana shimmers that come off of the tip of the handle. It flies cutting through the portal making a temporary gash in it.

    As the sword cuts through the far end of the portal Richus releases his grasp on the Mana leash that he was supporting the portal with, causing it to stay open only as long as its mana persists.
  6. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The Beast didn't relent in its feasting, seemingly oblivious of its own deterioration as it did.
    Larger chunks began to break off, most from its shell, but its limbs and even its own head were not spared as it continued to disintegrate.
    Finally, its legs, that had been struggling to hold its enormous frame out of the sewage, buckled and splintered, causing what was remained, to began its slow descent into its inglorious grave.
  7. Spyton I Got A Trophy!

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Richus just kinda stands there.

    "I do not know exactly what killed it...." he says in a some what skeptical tone. "But we did it?!" is said shortly thereafter as he raises his hand up to high five Melt and or Theiyll.
  8. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Melt didn't respond to the high-five, peering at the disappearing monster as it sank into the Vat instead. "Oookay... Uh, Theiyll, quick question - what does that glowing mean?"
    "Well, I don't know," Theiyll said sourly, back in his usual form. "I mean, it's a magic-eater that's been starved for a few hundred years and you two have just pumped it full of magic. Two options really. One, you've managed to overfeed it and it's effectively blowing itself up."
    "Two, it's transforming into an infinitely more powerful form and we can't stop it."
    "... yeah, go ahead and hope for the first one."
    Melt looked down at the sinking dissolving beast. "I wouldn't start celebrating yet, guy-whose-name-I-don't-know. I get the horrible feeling this is not over..."
    "Or it could be. And you could look like a paranoid twit."
    "You're an idiot."
  9. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    As the creature's carcass crumbled into the Pit, the workers stared at the two men that had brought it down.

    They were wary. Magick itself was rare in humans, and just as rare was the good that came from those that could use it. What compounded this was the fact that these men had burst into the Pit with the monster in tow. Was it one of their experiments gone wrong? Had the deliberately used it to destroy the undercity? Fear and suspicion spread through the crowd that was amassing around them.

    The someone started clapping.

    It was enthusiastic and sincere, echoing around the facility.

    "Bravo! That was simply amazing!" said applauding man.

    The crowd turned to look at the newcomer. He was a rotund man, average height and appeared to be just past middle aged. His hair was messy and beard unkempt. But what was truly weird was the way he was dressed. He wore a large patchwork poncho, that had been added to and repaired so many times with no regard for uniformity or general taste that it looked like he was robed in an abstract rainbow.

    "Luring the beast into a lightly populated area, then feeding it to the point of degradation!" He beamed, a chipper tone to his voice. "Aha! Quick thinking to to realise that after such a long time being dormant feeding it such vast amounts of energy would completely destroy it. Like a man dying of thirst drowning themselves by drinking too much!"
  10. Spyton I Got A Trophy!

    Mar 19, 2018
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    *Richus summons forth a few stone arms from the mostly frozen filth to drag his sword out of the filth before it is lost. One hand grabbing onto the hilt of the sword, and the rest passing the actual hand holding onto the hilt between each other to transport it back to Richus*

    "Thank you" *Richus performs a short bow* towards the man.

    As the hands bring the sword to Richus a water like surface appears floating in front of him and he drops the sword hilt first into it before both the sword and the water dissapear.

    "I Would agree that we did quite well. Though I admit most of the plan was not my idea." His armors empty sockets now staring at the patchwork robed man.

    "Might I ask who you are?"

    OOC: We can all hear Theiyll right? Also when did the crowd arrive?
  11. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    OOC: You can hear Theiyll, yes. Not sure about the crowd though :p

    "Well, now who feels like a moron?"
    "Shut it."
    Theiyll rolled his eyes, hopping up onto his "master's" shoulder again as Melt looked down at the stranger who seemed to be au fait with the workings of demons. "I'd like to know that too! Considering we just had to shut that thing down, you could have helped! I guess..."
    "Real manly of you."
    "You're just loving this, aren't you?"
    "Oh, most certainly."
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    OOT: Time for me to get in on this, sorry it took so long, I FINALLY have some time to post replies but might be a little slow at times.

    Name: Isabelle
    Age: 19
    Weapons: chains which she has been shackled with
    Background: Born into the world as an average looking child Isabelle was a happy little girl, an only child as her mother passed away due to complications giving birth. Isabelle's father cared for and took care of her from the time she was born. As she got older, her appearance slowly started to change. Her hair which was black as coal, started to turn white, starting out as streaks eventually to a full head of white as snow hair. Her eyes which were as blue as the sky, started to show bits of red in them to eventually turning full crimson.

    There had been rumors of demons living among humans, but no one knew what a demon looked like. So when Isabelle's hair and eye color completely changed, everyone believed she was a demon or had been taken over by one. She was taken into custody at age 10, when the changes were complete. If she was a demon, they wanted to make sure she couldn't hurt, or worse, kill anyone. So she was taken and held as a prisoner in a cold dark room, shackled to the floor by her wrist and ankles, to "prevent the demon from escaping". A trial would be held to determine whether she was a demon and what to do with her. When they made their decision, Isabelle was brought into the center of the town for all to see. Several of the towns folk spoke harsh words to her, calling her a "demon child", even her father suddenly blamed her for her mothers death and told her he "wished she was never born". The council spoke, which cut off all the towns people.
    "Isabelle, we have decided...you are hereby banished! You will be taken beyond the walls and are to never return"
    The council man who spoke, gave a wave of his hand and she was taken beyond the walls and left to fend for herself. Her shackles and chains were never removed. They were left intact and Isabelle learned to use them to her advantage, she was eventually able to find the tools to break the chains, separating them enough to use as weapons for defense. She traveled for the most part, trying to find a safe haven, but was only turned away.
    One day, when Isabelle was about 15, she stumbled into a small town, one that was not protected by walls. The town had maybe 5 houses, it was very small, but they allowed her to take shelter for a few nights there. An old lady took pity on her and allowed Isabelle to stay with her, the old lady cleaned her up, gave her clean clothes to wear and fed her a nice hot meal. She asked why the child was not at home with her parents, Isabelle had explained what happened and that she was accused for being a demon and ostracized from her home. The old woman shook her head and chuckled "You are not a demon" she said as she reached out touching a lock of Isabelle's long white curl, "You just have the heart of a white dragon".
    To this day Isabelle still doesn't know what that old woman meant, when she tried asking, the woman just shrugged the question off abd said "Right now isn't the time for you to know, but in due time you will know what it means" That wouldn't be the first, nor the last time she would be told that by an elder. Isabelle found that a lot of the elders were a lot kinder to her than most people, they seemed to know something that her own home town did not. At age 19 now, Isabelle has grown into a beautiful young woman with a secret that only the elders seem to know about. Because of that secret, Isabelle was warned to keep herself hidden....

    Isabelle sat in a chair, just outside of a rather large tent. She was wearing a white ruffled dress and a cloak which she wore so that no one could see her face and hair. Next to her was a small table that held a tea pot, two tea cups and saucers and small plates which had small variety of desserts on them. She enjoyed sitting outside in the afternoon while having herself some tea and desserts. She had finally found a place to settle into after having traveled from place to place all those years. Finally able to relax and enjoy the simple things in life. It had been a couple months now that she had settled here, taken in and cared for, allowed to stay for more than "just a few nights". It was peaceful and a place to call home, for the time being.

    The chains on her wrist rattled as she reached out for the tea pot and began pouring tea into both tea cups. Placing the teapot down, she then picked her cup up and began sipping her tea.
    she settled back in her chair with her cup and continued to sip at her tea. Even while relaxing, she kept alert, keeping an eye out for any movement around her....
  13. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The man beamed at them.
    "All in good time, my friends! All in good time."
    He turned, beckoning them to follow.
    "Come, come! We have much to discuss!" He didn't give them a chance to answer or move to follow before he began walking off.
  14. Spyton I Got A Trophy!

    Mar 19, 2018
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    "Strange people in strange clothes beckoning me to follow them into unknown places?" Richus glances at Melt and Theiyll as he says this

    "What could go wrong?" he says as he shrugs and starts walking after the strange man.

    As he walks a the pillar of bones(from when he summoned the armor) seems to phase out of the ground, keeping pace with him before consuming him. Moments later the wizard steps out of the shell as if nothing had changed.

    "Oh by the way, My name is Richus, thanks for the help with the.... thing?"

    OOC: I wanted to point out that there was a massive amount of Mana released by the recently dead villagers that Richus had grabbed, which is why he was so affluent in the usage of his spells. I would like to think that without the excessive amount of mana that everything he did there would have been about 1/3 ~ 1/4 his standard Mana pool that he can store and carry if he enters a mana dead zone. But if that is just way too much mana(Or too little) for reason in this world please do tell me.
  15. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    "H-hey! I can't do that!" Melt immediately started looking around frantically for ways to get down to where they were, and Theiyll rolled his eyes.
    "I'm on it..."
    The demon promptly flew off and morphed into a parrot, landing on Richus' shoulder. "I'm here listening for the clueless idiot."

    "You douchebag!" Melt' shouted over as he hurriedly ran down the long winding stairwells that led to the lower levels, trying to avoid knocking over leering workers as he went.
    Theiyll looked the stranger up and down. "You seem to have more brain cells than the average schmuck in these parts. Keep talking."
  16. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The man kept walking, the same joyful grin on his face.
    "It's serendipitous that you people arrived when you did." he spoke, a spring in his step. "I was just about to move on. Although..."
    He turned around but continued moving with the same amount of purpose, albeit while basically skipping backwards.
    "...I could have sworn there was a woman with you. Loud, angry looking? Had a fancy axe? I tell you, that one's a keeper."
    Without missing a beat, he turned around again, leading them through a series of tight alleyways.
    "Ah, to be young again." he sighed.
  17. Spyton I Got A Trophy!

    Mar 19, 2018
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    *Continues to walk along behind the strange man.

    "I believe I saw the woman you were talking about. She did seem to be quite the character."

    Richus turns his entire body and lazily begins to float sideways, almost as though he was in water. His eyes tracing where Theiyll was frantically rushing to catch up.

    "So Patches, where are you leading us to?"

    As they continue to walk/ whatever they are doing to move forward Richus opens up the viewing crystal this time it shimmers with a blue tint while it is opened. The blue tint seems to reveal active magic/innate mana signatures in the area it is looking through. He surveys from Theiyll all the way back to Patches taking note of their current energy auras.
  18. The7thSeal Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Patches, as Richus had dubbed him, continued to beam as if nothing in the world could bring him down.
    "All in good time, lad! All in good time!"
    The rounded a corner into a section of the ruins that comprised the undercity, but had been neglected more than the rest.
    In it sat a tent, as patchwork and gaudy as its owner's apparel, that had somehow gone unnoticed by everyone.
    "Isabelle, my dear!" the man called to the young woman sat at the threshold, "We have guests! Could you whip up some more tea for these fine, young men? They have had a very tiring day, a tea with a fair maiden would do them wonders, I'd wager!"
  19. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Isabelle was wondering what was taking The old man so long, it was unlike him to be late for tea. She was almost done with hers when she heard him call out to her. She stood up and was about to walk towards him to greet him, but hesitated when she noticed he wasn't alone.
    "Guest? I wasn't aware there would be guest"
    She sounded slightly annoyed, she wasn't aware he was planning to bring guests. When she realized she probably sounded rude. She looked up at their new guest, her face hidden from the hood of her white cloak.
    "My apologize"
    she gave them a slight bow
    "I'll go make some more tea"
    As she turned to gather the tea pot, one could get a glimpse of the shackles on her wrists. She turned back to face their new guest, tea pot in hand
    "If they all have had a tiring day, I would assume they are hungry also"
    she looked to each of them, they all looked rough, as if they had been in some sort of battle. A hint of a smile could be seen
    "Would you all like something to eat as well?"
    #79 Miss Elegent Serenity, Jun 27, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
  20. The_Lullabye Trophy Hunter

    Jun 18, 2014
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    OOC: actually have some creative juices flowing. May be a long-ish post. The first part is more quick backstory than really necessary reading. Skip to the bit after the character intro for character interactions.

    The leviathan's rampage had destroyed much of the city as well as awakening other creatures that had slept below in the tunnels and caves of the old world. Many of these were minor demons as well as a few angels that had sacrificed themselves in eternal slumber to trap this large horde of demons. As they woke up, groggily among their foe both sides returned to the fight that had been put on hold centuries before.

    All this ruckus woke something that had been on the earth at or near to its birth. An egg it may be called, or something of similar function that housed some unknown cosmic entity within. A blast of searing hot fire from a large and grotesque demon, followed by a piercing ray of light cracked open the wall and the container that had been inside of it. The Thing woke and crawled out of the destroyed shell and looked at the battling creatures before it.

    The demons near the new creature noticed it's appearance and turned to the new threat. A few stared at the thing and couldn't fully understand what flowed through their minds as the impact of the beasts appearance fought with their emotions. However it took just one demon to shout a guttural cry and charge for the rest of the nearby horde to follow suit. The thing stretched a few tentacles before its shapeless mass swarmed the demons attacking it and consumed them leaving not a trace behind.

    As the new threat made itself apparent to them, the rest of the battling demons and their angel enemies turned to face something that should not be. With only a few remaining bodies on the field against the thing, an angel and a handful of demons, in a terribly uncharacteristic act of teamwork, cast a spell sealing the thing's form into that of a humanoid creature of apparent female sex. They had hoped this would stop it's tide of consumption long enough for them to kill it, but their hasty spell and treacherous ways towards one another left the thing just enough power to alter its form enough. With tentacles snaking forward the last bodies on the underground battlefield were consumed and the thing stopped its onslaught.

    Without any immediate threat the monster stopped and considered the thoughts and memories of those it had just consumed. The spell that had been cast on its form had been short sighted and imperfect, but there was no way to undo the effects. It felt a small sadness at this but knew that the future held much. It had been imprisoned by its fellows eons prior and now it was loose once again. This world would do well as a starting point in its revenge.

    Name: Kioze Akthizte "Kio"
    Race: Eldritch being
    Appearance: A human female of approximately 14 years of age with dark colored hair, a pale complexion, brown eyes the color of fossilized amber, and teeth like a shark. Dresses like a cowboy.
    Ability: Limited shapeshifting powers. Can grow tentacles out of various places, grow eyes or extra mouths, able to change color of eyes hair and skin.
    Weapons: tentacles (main) teeth and claws (secondary)
    OOC: If an eldritch being isn't okay let me know and I'll just be a demon of some sort.

    The thing, furthermore to be known as Kioze Akthizte per it's own irrational naming scheme, climbed up into the under city of Light Vale. Clearly something of monumental destruction had recently taken place as most everything was in shambles. Unless of course that's how things always were here. Kio made her way through the slums of Light Vale until she spied a group of beleaguered men making their way to a tent set up between large piles of rubble with a tall pillar nearby. One of the men called to a woman in the tent and something called "Tea" was being offered.

    Kio found her way to the rear of the short line and shuffled into the tent behind them.

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