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    shedninja the sites biggest bug

New Profile Posts

  1. BK-201
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I still haven't watched these. The site I use isn't the best at uploading everything. Reliable for new releases but OVAs and things you have to search for are forgotten. Since this was released back in Jan, does that mean quality fansubs have only just been released?
      I really need to get around to this one
      May 30, 2021
  2. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    Vivy just seems to get better with every episode. How are you finding it? I didn't any expectations when I started it but I is definitely one of my favourites from this season.
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I go from really liking it to being bored of Vivy's personality. Sometimes in the same episode. It is still a good show, and after the latest episode the next one seems like it should be fun.
      Although I do think the earlier episodes were better.
      May 30, 2021
  3. Dragon_Slayer_Dude
    The Dragon Slayer who fights alongside dragons.
  4. Mafiacow
    I'm not dead, Dave.
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      Who's Dave?
      Apr 28, 2021
    2. Mafiacow
      May 1, 2021
  5. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    So I started Vivy, I also caught up with it in one sitting. Its amazing.
    You were right, I should have never doubted it.
  6. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    So what are your thoughts on Higehiro? Honestly its exactly what I was hoping from it so far. If it keeps going this way it might be my favourite this season. Although there are quite a few contenders this time.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      Without having seen ep 3, I'm already back in love with this series. Ep 2 was fantastic. Saki focussed eps are my favourite ones. Maybe I'm just being biased since Miyano Mamoru is still just as entertaining as well.
      What are you're thoughts?
      Apr 24, 2021
    3. BK-201
      It has got off to a great start, s1 felt more a intro, pilot to see if Zombie and Idols would be popular. S2 feels like we know we have a successful idea so let's tell a proper story and the quality is significantly better. The songs are good and the animation is top notch
      Apr 24, 2021
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      Don't forget the humour as well. The writers know what they can get away with. Their cast certainly can deliver.
      Everything about this series is fantastic including how it was advertised. No one knew what would happen, the PVs were misleading and they had Miyano dressed as Tatsumi.
      Apr 25, 2021
  7. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    So I saw that you watched House Husband. How was it? I was excited at first but after watching the trailer I decided to not even bother.
    After reading all the comments about its animation its safe to assume it wasn't treated with love.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      I had heard it was a good manga too. So I guess Netflix took that literally. Thought it might be worth asking since it got a S2 announcement and you gave it a 6. Guess this is one I won't waste my time on.
      Apr 20, 2021
    3. BK-201
      The manga is great and really funny, I 100% recommend the manga.
      Apr 20, 2021
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      eh. But you know what I'm like with manga. I barely read them. That sounds like a lot of hassle to me. Although yakuza husband...
      Apr 20, 2021
  8. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I was originally planning on watching that too. Jun Fukuyama as a stuffed bear robot sounded interesting. That 8 score though... damn it. Why are you doing this to me?
      Apr 19, 2021
  9. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    You should watch Super Cub, I think it will be the best SoL of the season at the very least. Also really enjoying Megalo.
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I guess I do kind of need a good SoL but I'm already watching so much. I've got 2 romance series and one about bullying. Can't these be enough for me?
      Apr 17, 2021
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      There are a few I've had to give up on watching already. Why is there so much that grabs my attention again?
      Do you plan on watching To Your eternity? First episode was quite promising.
      Apr 17, 2021
    3. BK-201
      Not white airing but maybe when is complete and you recommend it
      Apr 17, 2021
  10. test.shed.test.shed.test
  11. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    So there is Megalo Box S2 this season as well. I think I found my sports show I'll be watching. Sorry Kabaddi, now it'll take a really good review to get me to watch it.
    1. BK-201
      I'm 10 Billion% watching that! Great 1st episode, love the gritty rundown vibe, reminiscent of the style used for Cowboy Bebop or Trigun.
      Apr 5, 2021
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      So Megalobox is over now. What did you think? I thought it was good but S1 was much better. Still I believe I rated them both a 7
      Jun 29, 2021
    3. BK-201
      I liked it but I agree s1 was much better.
      Jun 29, 2021
  12. BK-201
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      Wow its been a long time since I've though about him. After reading the bio, I didn't know he got a show. Youtube is a giant hole to me now. All I see are anime characters. They've taken over my entire feed.
      Apr 5, 2021
  13. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I was thinking of it, but then changed my mind.... I'm still torn. You'll have to let me know after the next few eps what you think.

      Much better, leaving comments here just feels right
      Apr 4, 2021
  14. shedninja
    shedninja Mhornie
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  15. shedninja
    shedninja Nathan
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  16. shedninja
    shedninja Juan Feregrino
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  17. shedninja
    shedninja Shivam
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  18. shedninja
    shedninja Brysan
    welcome to the forum buddy
  19. shedninja
    shedninja karla
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  20. shedninja
    shedninja Alfie Arnold
    welcome to the forum buddy