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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug

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  1. shedninja
    shedninja Rool
    Welcome to the forum buddy enjoy your stay here
  2. shedninja
    shedninja vessel.xi
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  3. shedninja
    shedninja jialani
    Welcome to the forum
  4. shedninja
    shedninja xXRiddlerXx
    welcome to the forum buddy
  5. shedninja
    shedninja Lover
    welcome to the forum buddy
  6. shedninja
    shedninja cyanstar
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  7. shedninja
    shedninja Toad
    Welcome to the just anime forum buddy
  8. shedninja
    shedninja Leny
    Welcome to just anime network buddy
  9. shedninja
    shedninja Peaches
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  10. shedninja
    shedninja Austin Clapper
    welcome to the forum buddy hope you enjoy your stay here
  11. shedninja
    shedninja Creepy old man
    welcome to the forum buddy
  12. shedninja
    shedninja Quill
    Welcome to the forum buddy enjoy your stay here
  13. shedninja
    shedninja Jakethesnake7356
    welcome to the forum buddy
  14. shedninja
    shedninja LuxAeterni
    welcome to the forum buddy enjoy your stay
  15. shedninja
    shedninja Jhonnyboy12u
    welcome to the forum buddy enjoy your stay
  16. shedninja
    shedninja eddie
    welcome to the forum enjoy your stay
  17. shedninja
    shedninja Shandie
    welcome to the forum enjoy your stay here
  18. shedninja
    shedninja theBaskervilleHound
    welcome to the fourm so your a holms fan i take it
    1. theBaskervilleHound
      only recently actually, i usually go by hell hound on most sites for a character i had in high school, then a friend showed me the description of the hound and it got me reading a lot of his work recently
      Feb 21, 2021
    2. shedninja
      it is a good read im more of a case closed fan that is how i learned about mr.holms from case closed
      Feb 21, 2021
  19. shedninja
    shedninja Tyreek
    Welcome to the forum buddy
  20. Sammy Madison
    Sammy Madison
    Flying on my nimbus... high in the sky....